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What Happened to Music?


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What I don't understand is why you're constantly calling all the music from the 1980s "disco" when "disco" as a genre didn't exist in the 1980s. MTV never played disco music, because disco was gone before MTV was launched in 1981.

Criticize the decade's music all you want, but at least get the names of the genres right, otherwise you look like you're ranting just for ranting's sake.

Disco music was conceived when Disco Duck hit the scenes in '76......I'm not denying that.....BUT this INfamous "genre" dragged on till the mid 80s and over....all the so-called "dance music" (what a MORONIC word:):)) was still influenced by that sterile crappy tune born in the 70s...alright now?? Get yer ballistics down...it's only DEBATING here, not chronological jargon:):)

Edited by spidersandsnakes
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Seriously, although the 60's is my fav decade when it comes to music, there were shit coming out then too. Peter & Gordon, Herman's Hermits and We Five, not counting Vee, Vinton, Goldsboro, Darin and all those Bobby's who stuck like glue on the music top lists.

The 70's had several real bad genres too, not only Disco, but also MOR, FM rock and the whole rock opera concept which was quite bad. Also a bunch of really slick, boring no-edge-at-all singer songwriters.

To say music has gone downhill now-a-days is to embellish those days and suppress all the bad stuff that came out back then.

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Disco music was conceived when Disco Duck hit the scenes in '76......I'm not denying that.....BUT this INfamous "genre" dragged on till the mid 80s and over....all the so-called "dance music" (what a MORONIC word:):)) was still influenced by that sterile crappy tune born in the 70s...alright now?? Get yer ballistics down...it's only DEBATING here, not chronological jargon:):)

"Disco Duck" wasn't the birth of disco, it had been in full swing since at least the late 60s. By the time Rick Dees came along with "Disco Duck" disco was inescapable which was the reason for the song. It was a novelty tune meant to capitalize on the popularity of it.

Seriously, although the 60's is my fav decade when it comes to music, there were shit coming out then too. Peter & Gordon, Herman's Hermits and We Five, not counting Vee, Vinton, Goldsboro, Darin and all those Bobby's who stuck like glue on the music top lists.

The 70's had several real bad genres too, not only Disco, but also MOR, FM rock and the whole rock opera concept which was quite bad. Also a bunch of really slick, boring no-edge-at-all singer songwriters.

To say music has gone downhill now-a-days is to embellish those days and suppress all the bad stuff that came out back then.

I have to say I was a fan of FM rock, though I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that. When I think of the music I heard on FM rock n' roll stations in the 70s, it is the very foundation upon which my love of music is based. At the time I wasn't necessarily into the singer-songwriters but as the years have passed I have a much deeper appreciation for James Taylor, Joni Mitchell, Jackson Browne, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, CSN & Y, etc. I have an even greater respect for them after watching that new documentary about the Troubadour in Hollywood. In fact, many of my favorite performers are singer-songwriters whether they be Townes Van Zandt or Ryan Adams.

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"Disco Duck" wasn't the birth of disco, it had been in full swing since at least the late 60s. By the time Rick Dees came along with "Disco Duck" disco was inescapable which was the reason for the song. It was a novelty tune meant to capitalize on the popularity of it.

There was NOBODY so MORONIC enuff back in the 60s to have called danceable music "disco music"......DISCOTEQUES were born but the music the teens danced to back then was shake, beat, garage, psychedelic music, etc. In fact, the mere word "disco music" has NO sense whatsoever...it was invented by mindless people with a mindless attitude to music:):)!!!!

Edited by spidersandsnakes
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In fact, the mere word "disco music" has NO sense whatsoever...it was invented by mindless people with a mindless attitude to music:):)!!!!

I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Do some reading on the origins of the genre; where it started, how it started, and what its influences were. You will find yourself surprised by how it got its start, and what it encompassed, and what it turned into. You don't have to like it, but at least know what it is you don't like. Saying "disco music" is no different than saying "rap music", "country music", "pop music", "rock music", etc,. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's not music.

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Disco music was conceived when Disco Duck hit the scenes in '76......I'm not denying that.....BUT this INfamous "genre" dragged on till the mid 80s and over....all the so-called "dance music" (what a MORONIC word:):)) was still influenced by that sterile crappy tune born in the 70s...alright now?? Get yer ballistics down...it's only DEBATING here, not chronological jargon:):)

lol but how could anyone not like the Macarena?

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There are still some really good bands coming out. You just have to do alot more ''shifting through all the rubble'' now than before.

Heres a pretty decent band I just found recently called The Black Keys .. they arent popular so they havnt been corrupted by the main stream lol. Check em out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5FW8Xo8ENo

I'm a huge fan of the Black Keys, but I think you've missed all the awards their latest album has won and all the commercials on which the band feature these days. ;) But I'm glad you found them--now check out their earlier albums which are even better!

Edited by Aquamarine
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The 60's and 70's cannot be classified as "the golden age" of music. In fact, no decade deserves a title of that sort. As already mentioned, every decade had good music and bad music.

I seriously do not buy " the disco genre sucks" argument. People who say that, pretty much remind me of what I used to be like, a couple of months ago. I used to feel the need to put down the entire rap and hip-hop genre, firmly believing that all rap and hip-hop music ever produced was utter shit. I have absolutely no problems in admitting that I was dead wrong. My attitude changed thanks to a movie called "Beat Street" which really opened my eyes. Saying that you don't like disco is a matter of taste and is absolutely fine. But putting an entire genre down because of your personal tastes, is rather uncalled for. I learnt that fact thanks to my experience with rap and hip-hop. The same thing pretty much applies to the "progressive rock" genre. It might sound like shit to your ears, but to other people, it might sound absolutely divine.

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Do some reading on the origins of the genre; where it started, how it started, and what its influences were. You will find yourself surprised by how it got its start, and what it encompassed, and what it turned into. You don't have to like it, but at least know what it is you don't like. Saying "disco music" is no different than saying "rap music", "country music", "pop music", "rock music", etc,. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's not music.

It's important to consider when attempting to communicate with this person that they think "Disco music was conceived when Disco Duck hit the scenes in '76". The more he attempts to speak on the subject, the more painfully obvious it becomes that he has absolutely no knowledge of the subject he's speaking about.

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Careful, if you keep this up, people are going to think we're married again. :lol:

BTW, we're out of milk and wheat bread.

"open my front door...hear my back door slam...you must have one of them new-fangled back-door man" ;)

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Who ever went to discos to listen to the music anyway?

We blokes went purely and simply for the chicks because if you danced vertical with them, there was a very big chance of doing the horizontal boogie later on with PG providing mood music!

It constantly amazed me when people would say "how can you get up and dance to that shit?", when they would be sitting and drinking with their mates at the end of the night then leaving by themselves while we'd be kicking on elsewhere and partying.

The "Golden Age" of rock music was IMO, from the mid '60's to mid '70's and started in London with all the production techniques still used, listened to and mimicked today.

Music, especially recorded, has evolved from the old 78rpm's to the current digital formats and there is a lot of good and bad amongst it all.

Funny how the CD was supposed to be the unrivalled format to replace vinyl when they (vinyl), are regaining more popularity nowadays and to a certain degree restored to their former glory.

Vinyl LP's and other records were the best by product the oil industry ever produced.

Where will it go from here is anyone's guess but I doubt it will get any better.

Edited by Reggie29
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They played Physical Grafitti in discos?

"there was a very big chance of doing the horizontal boogie later on with PG providing mood music!"

Rub those two brain cells together and form a thought, I know you can do it.

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They played Physical Grafitti in discos?

Yes, they did play Rock 'n' Roll and Boogie With Stu occasionally, although not many danced to them.

Go figure!

Jahfin. After the disco :blink: , what part of "later on" didn't you get? :rolleyes:

BTW, Discotheques have been around since the 1940's when they were underground live music and dance clubs.

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I always thought that the "big lie" with the anti disco crowd was that it had somehow replaced the likes of Zep and Floyd, in reality what it replaced was similarly light party music. The real shft that occured was the new wave replacing classic rock as the mainstay of more artistically inclined music, disco was just a more obvious target and could also tap into racism and homophobia.

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Yes, they did play Rock 'n' Roll and Boogie With Stu occasionally, although not many danced to them.

Go figure!

BTW, Discotheques have been around since the 1940's when they were underground live music and dance clubs.

In 1941 at the Rue de la Huchette in Paris, France, the term "discotheque" was coined.

Spring 1939 - The swing Kids were a small midle class youth movement that were dediccated to jazz and its outrageous fashion. It was a reaction to the Nazi movement, growing in Germany. A movie was made telling of their story. Unfortunately, the SS eventually closed them down.

1942-3 - La Discoteque, a basement nightclub with only 1 turntable opens in Paris

1947-8 - Paul Pacine opens the Whiskey A-Go-Go in Paris and sets this club as a forerunner for European nightlife, especially for the Jet Set.


Edited by Silver Rider
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I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Do some reading on the origins of the genre; where it started, how it started, and what its influences were. You will find yourself surprised by how it got its start, and what it encompassed, and what it turned into. You don't have to like it, but at least know what it is you don't like. Saying "disco music" is no different than saying "rap music", "country music", "pop music", "rock music", etc,. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's not music.

It appears to me that the one who is wrong is YOU:):):).....NO offence, we're ONLY DEBATING remember??!:). Next thing you'll be saying is that "disco music" stemmed from shake or beat or INfamously from psychedelic music!!!!! NO way man.....legend has it that "disco music" derived from the sounds of James Brown who, by the way, was very intelligent enuff to have kept away from it and always put the SOUL and FUNKY sound in his songs without falling into the trap of the easy-going YMCA - oriented CRAP!!! Nope, not at all........saying rap, country and pop is NOT like saying "disco music"...NOT at all.....at least the other "genres" mentioned here had SPINE and STAMINA and MUSICAL VALIDITY behind them....."disco music" had NONE of all of this!!!:):)

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