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Zimmerman Charged with Murder in the 2nd Degree. Justice!


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Imo....The successful portrayal of Zimmerman being a wanna-be cop is still his biggest obstacle as far as the jury is concerned. Out of 12 people, I'm betting 8 or 9 have had a negative experience with a non-certified officer in their past. Throw that in with his documented inability to follow the police's instructions, and that seems like a major hurdle for the defense to overcome. I also think Zimmerman's crazy not to testify. If I were on the jury I'd be thinking, "How is it you can tell your story to a camera, but not to us....we're deciding your fate." If I wanted to talk, I sure wouldn't let a lawyer stop me.

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Pretty much. Many Trayvon Martin supporters are hoping to use a favorable outcome in this trial to dismantle "stand your ground" laws, and by extension to further undermine individual's inherent, fundamental right to self-defense.

Only 6 jurors??? How the fuck did that happen?

'Splain it to me Lucy.

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A jury of six people is allowed because it is not capital case.

Florida Statute 913.10 
Number of jurors.—Twelve persons shall constitute a jury to try all capital cases, and six persons shall constitute a jury to try all other criminal cases.
History.—s. 191, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(198); s. 87, ch. 70-339.

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Imo....The successful portrayal of Zimmerman being a wanna-be cop is still his biggest obstacle as far as the jury is concerned. Out of 12 people, I'm betting 8 or 9 have had a negative experience with a non-certified officer in their past. Throw that in with his documented inability to follow the police's instructions, and that seems like a major hurdle for the defense to overcome. I also think Zimmerman's crazy not to testify. If I were on the jury I'd be thinking, "How is it you can tell your story to a camera, but not to us....we're deciding your fate." If I wanted to talk, I sure wouldn't let a lawyer stop me.

One of of my friends is a successful criminal attorney. She said that it's usually a mistake for defendants to take the stand so she advises against it. The average defendant isn't any match for a well-prepared prosecutor so they wind up doing themselves more harm than good during the cross examination.

Edited by Disco Duck
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One of of my friends is a successful criminal attorney. She said that it's usually a mistake for defendants to take the stand so she advises against it. The average defendant isn't any match for a well-prepared prosecutor so they wind up doing themselves more harm than good during the cross examination.

yes, the defense made the right decision to not have him take the stand but it seemed like he kind of wanted to.

i do hope he is found guilty and spends time in prison. there is a family member who accuses him of sexually molesting her . loser wannabe cop . he must have sucked really bad to be rejected as a cop.

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I haven't been watching too much of the trial. Just the headlines mostly.

I feel terrible for Trayvon's parents.

I would not want to be a resident of Sanford, Florida when this verdict is read.

Some people will use any excuse to carry a sign and be mean to each other.

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I watched about an hour of the prosecuting D.A. in action. He kept referring to Martin as a "child" and did everything he could to demonize Zimmerman...

Nothing unusual about that. It's his job to paint Zimmerman in as negative light as possible. As long as he doesn't withhold evidence or suborn perjury.

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A jury of six people is allowed because it is not capital case.

Florida Statute 913.10 

Number of jurors.—Twelve persons shall constitute a jury to try all capital cases, and six persons shall constitute a jury to try all other criminal cases.

History.—s. 191, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(198); s. 87, ch. 70-339.

Thanks. It's a stupid law as far as I'm concerned as every jury I've been on (criminal and civil) has had 12 people with alternates.

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Getting 12 people to agree on anything is damn near impossible!

We have a running "Jury Deliberation" clock running at the top of our major network screens. As I type it says: 10:52:50....

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Much like when the race card is played so much that true cases of racism go ignored, so the irony of a case that truly had no grounds for prosecution should occur in a town with a history of ignoring prosecutable offenses.

There are no winners in a case like this, the rest of Zimmerman's life has little hope for any sense of normalcy, and the Martins feel cheated, as well.

Thank you, agenda-driven media, for setting up such a huge disappointment all around.

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A clearly shaken NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous said, "This is a heartbreaking moment. This will confirm for many that the only problem with the New South is it occupies the same time and space as the old South."

He referenced another killing of a black youth that many have compared to the Trayvon Martin slaying, the 1955 killing of 14-year-old Emmett Till, who was killed in Mississippi for allegedly flirting with a white woman. "Trayvon Martin's case has focused a generation the same way that the Emmett Till case focused a generation 60 years ago. I had hoped that this time we would get a verdict that fit the gravity of the case."

The Rev. Al Sharpton, who led thousands of protesters in Sanford seeking a prosecution of Trayvon's killer, called the verdict "a sad day in the country" and "a slap in the face to those that believe in justice in this country."

"I think this is an atrocity," Sharpton said. "It is probably one of the worst situations that I have seen."


@ NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous: seven children murdered in Chicago this weekend...any profound focus comments on that?

@ Al Sharpton: I think your grandstanding in the Tawana Brawley rape case is a thousand times worse than this. Remember that one, Al?


Edited by SteveAJones
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