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Zimmerman Charged with Murder in the 2nd Degree. Justice!


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The trial is over. The jury of six women assessed and deliberated all the facts that were presented to them from both sides: the prosecution and the defense.

They came back with their verdict of "Not Guilty".

I realize that this whole thing should never have happened in the first place, and that a young black American teenager is no longer alive (and that breaks my Heart), but the way the American Justice system works, George Zimmerman got his day (weeks actually) in court and was proclaimed "Innocent" by a jury of His peers.

For the millions of Americans that do not agree with the verdict, this is how Justice in the United States of America works. The state of Florida put this man on trial but the jury found him innocent. The system may not be perfect, but it is the system that the United States has used for over 225 years.

Edited to add: If this were a case of a black neighborhood watchman shooting an unarmed white teenager (in self-defense) in the gated community that he resides in, this would probably be local news and not the public outcry that we all know about (that happened over one year ago). I believe that there is and will always be a "reverse" racism that some media outlets like to get all wet over. This is one of the most blatant cases of that. The fact that president Obama weighed in with what he said, it still did not dissuade the jurors to come back with the verdict that they unanimously came back with.

Edited by kingzoso
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And that's why the law, as written, is the problem.

The law didn't write itself. It was conceived, outlined, debated, sponsored and authored by educated and experienced professionals. The law was voted on and passed by the citizenry.

It's not about race, guns, hate or hype. It's about choices.

The deceased is in line for a Darwin Award.

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just like the hoodie and skittles and gangstah emboldened the deceased to the point of recklessness?

Seems to me most 17-year-old males naturally feel they're invincible and will sometimes do things to convince themselves or others of it. I would expect a minor to use poor judgement, but an adult should know better. Unfortunately, George Zimmerman too has shit for brains.

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Was Zimmerman 'comfort eating' while awaiting trial?

I wonder if he'll make money now from media interviews because that is what happens nowadays in the UK.

Seems to me most 17-year-old males naturally feel they're invincible and will sometimes do things to convince themselves or others of it. I would expect a minor to use poor judgement, but an adult should know better. Unfortunately, George Zimmerman too has shit for brains.

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It has been reported that Zimmerman is suing NBC for defamation. Also, the DOJ is looking into bringing a violation of civil rights suit against Zimmerman. Demonstrations are going on all over the country, peaceful so far. There will probably be a book and then maybe a movie of the week or something on prime time TV. The verdict is being reported on the news, world wide. :munchies:

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"Simply saying that the verdict was appropriate given the system doesn’t make it any less a travesty of justice. It’s sort of like saying that the selling of slaves wasn’t unjust until it was illegal. A Justice System that allows this type of verdict is broken and that’s why people are so angry because that doesn’t seem to be changing. Fine, for argument sake, I’ll concede that this verdict was entirely in line with the law. It doesn’t make it less wrong. It was still wrong to sell slaves before the Justice System decided to make it illegal. It was still unjust to deny women equal rights before the Justice System decided it wasn’t anymore. It is still unjust that this kid was killed and saying that the verdict was in line with the law either ignores that purposefully, or is only recognizing 1/10th of the problem."

Brian Sims, State Representative, Pennsylvania House of Representatives

I agree with Mr. Sims. Many laws that have been passed in democracies have been unjust. Just because a legislature created a law does not mean that that law serves the interests of justice.

The trial is over. The jury of six women assessed and deliberated all the facts that were presented to them from both sides: the prosecution and the defense.

They came back with their verdict of "Not Guilty".

I realize that this whole thing should never have happened in the first place, and that a young black American teenager is no longer alive (and that breaks my Heart), but the way the American Justice system works, George Zimmerman got his day (weeks actually) in court and was proclaimed "Innocent" by a jury of His peers.

For the millions of Americans that do not agree with the verdict, this is how Justice in the United States of America works. The state of Florida put this man on trial but the jury found him innocent. The system may not be perfect, but it is the system that the United States has used for over 225 years.

Edited to add: If this were a case of a black neighborhood watchman shooting an unarmed white teenager (in self-defense) in the gated community that he resides in, this would probably be local news and not the public outcry that we all know about (that happened over one year ago). I believe that there is and will always be a "reverse" racism that some media outlets like to get all wet over. This is one of the most blatant cases of that. The fact that president Obama weighed in with what he said, it still did not dissuade the jurors to come back with the verdict that they unanimously came back with.

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The law didn't write itself. It was conceived, outlined, debated, sponsored and authored by educated and experienced professionals. The law was voted on and passed by the citizenry.

You're giving the Florida State Legislature entirely too much cerebral credit. It was heavily scrutinized by city police chiefs, heavily supported by the NRA and was passed by the legislature, not the citizenry - then signed into law by Jeb Bush.
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You're giving the Florida State Legislature entirely too much cerebral credit. It was heavily scrutinized by city police chiefs, heavily supported by the NRA and was passed by the legislature, not the citizenry - then signed into law by Jeb Bush.

no question about it. Citizenry votes by proxy via the legislature.

A wrongful death is obtainable in sentence. Don't know how Zimmerman would fund a settlement. Maybe his agent can get him a Skittles endorsment.

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The many, many, many who think he was guilty, and not just white folk which is what you seem to think I'm saying. I used to admire him but now I think he's a total asshole.

You're the one saying "we're even now" after the OJ verdict. How does Zimmerman being not guilty and OJ being not guilty make anyone "even"?

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The more I'm hearing about the Zimmerman case, the more sense the verdict makes.

The OJ verdict will never make sense.

OJ got even with OJ...

The stupid a**hole got away with Double Homicide and still managed to get thrown in the slammer.

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How does Zimmerman being not guilty and OJ being not guilty make anyone "even"?

Both verdicts seem to be an injustice on both sides of the racial lines. I'm sure Zimmerman will get way more death threats than OJ ever did.

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The more I'm hearing about the Zimmerman case, the more sense the verdict makes.

The OJ verdict will never make sense.

OJ got even with OJ...

The stupid a**hole got away with Double Homicide and still managed to get thrown in the slammer.

OJ is a fuckin' idiot. But he'll still get his $25,000 a month NFL pension after he's released.

OJ and Rodney King....Now there's a couple icons for ya'. <_<

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The more I'm hearing about the Zimmerman case, the more sense the verdict makes.

The OJ verdict will never make sense.

OJ got even with OJ...

The stupid a**hole got away with Double Homicide and still managed to get thrown in the slammer.

Hahaha, no shit!

Stupid ass.

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i was sure he would be gullty but i never realized how many lies the news told about him until the trial had to force out the real facts. now these stupid people are ignoring the jury decision. so many assholes like that sharpton jerk out there making this worse now

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Unfortunately in the United States, there are all kinds of deaths and murders that happen every single day in every state of the Union involving every kind of race known to Mankind.

There have probably been at least 100+ killings or murders of white and/or Hispanic men and women by black men and/or women. Where is the national media coverage and outrage about that? White on white crimes and black on black crimes happen daily in the United States and other countries all over the world. That is very unfortunate but it happens and there is not anyone who can stop this. Not the local, county, state or federal government(s). Nobody can deny this.

I said this earlier and I stand by my words. George Zimmerman may not have used good judgment but he was tried in an American court of Law and found "Not Guilty" by a jury of his peers. That is the way the American Justice system works and operates. Any and all opinions and emotions aside, this case and trial is over and should be put behind US.

The many millions of people (black, white or Hispanic) that wish some harm to come to George Zimmerman (or would love to get their own pleasure or vengeance) from doing him great bodily harm or want to kill this found "innocent" man, is way worse a person than George Zimmerman ever was, or could be.

Edited by kingzoso
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This just in - Jimmy Carter says the Zimmerman jury "made the right decision".
Across the country, Liberals' heads are exploding.


BTW, I still think he's an idiot.

Getting one thing right doesn't absolve him of all his idiocy.


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