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I met Jimmy twice last week in London

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Surprised no one has called BS on this. A tourist from Austin, Tesas....who lived oh so close to Plant; that all her friends have seen him at gas stations and office max......except her! ok. uh-huh. But now she can go back and say "I met Jimmy Page....oh he's so friendly, he's so cute, he flirted with me." So this young woman, 30 maybe.... goes to london and just happens to see Jimmy twice, the second time coming up behind him and placing a hand on him.....wouldn't that freak you out if you didn't see it coming? This story is wonton attention seeking. No camera, no cell phone, and no autograph....Sounds if he was half as friendly as described he would have signed a quick autograph for a young attractive woman. Oh, let's see, she didn't have a pen! I don't know, where's the proof? .....sounds like a big ole attention grab and everyone here is eating it up....

I know I'll be unpopular for bringing this up, but I don't care. Show me the proof and I'll apologize. Until then its just a cute little story from the girl from Austin. Gotta go, I'm at a Starbucks in Seattle and I see John Paul Jones!! I'll share my story soon. Lotta laughs

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Surprised no one has called BS on this. A tourist from Austin, Tesas....who lived oh so close to Plant; that all her friends have seen him at gas stations and office max......except her! ok. uh-huh. But now she can go back and say "I met Jimmy Page....oh he's so friendly, he's so cute, he flirted with me." So this young woman, 30 maybe.... goes to london and just happens to see Jimmy twice, the second time coming up behind him and placing a hand on him.....wouldn't that freak you out if you didn't see it coming? This story is wonton attention seeking. No camera, no cell phone, and no autograph....Sounds if he was half as friendly as described he would have signed a quick autograph for a young attractive woman. Oh, let's see, she didn't have a pen! I don't know, where's the proof? .....sounds like a big ole attention grab and everyone here is eating it up....

I know I'll be unpopular for bringing this up, but I don't care. Show me the proof and I'll apologize. Until then its just a cute little story from the girl from Austin. Gotta go, I'm at a Starbucks in Seattle and I see John Paul Jones!! I'll share my story soon. Lotta laughs


I don't feel that anything I say would ever convince you so I will just say thanks for saying I look 30. I am actually a 45-year old wife and mother who could easily think of more interesting or important things about which to fib.

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I'm a newbie but constantly amazed at the either the bitter or smug nature of so many posts here. And this one from Mudslider is a perfect example - why so much hostility for what is a very sweet story from a 45-year old woman on vacation with her family?

I don't know what "wonton attention seeking" means but it's not that unusual in big cities to run into celebrities more than once. It's actually quite common. And many people -regardless of age- can enjoy the moment without being focused on documenting for "proof."

She didn't strike me as the type of person who goes onto websites to get attention from people she'll never meet - especially a very angry person. She simply shared her story - which is fun and similar to many other stories you can find on the internet about how friendly he is when meeting fans.

Too bad you can't appreciate someone else's joy but maybe you like the negative attention you'll receive with a contrarian post.

Who knows? Who cares?

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Surprised no one has called BS on this. A tourist from Austin, Tesas....who lived oh so close to Plant; that all her friends have seen him at gas stations and office max......except her! ok. uh-huh. But now she can go back and say "I met Jimmy Page....oh he's so friendly, he's so cute, he flirted with me." So this young woman, 30 maybe.... goes to london and just happens to see Jimmy twice, the second time coming up behind him and placing a hand on him.....wouldn't that freak you out if you didn't see it coming? This story is wonton attention seeking. No camera, no cell phone, and no autograph....Sounds if he was half as friendly as described he would have signed a quick autograph for a young attractive woman. Oh, let's see, she didn't have a pen! I don't know, where's the proof? .....sounds like a big ole attention grab and everyone here is eating it up....

I know I'll be unpopular for bringing this up, but I don't care. Show me the proof and I'll apologize. Until then its just a cute little story from the girl from Austin. Gotta go, I'm at a Starbucks in Seattle and I see John Paul Jones!! I'll share my story soon. Lotta laughs


Oh and it's T-E-X-A-S.

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Like I said, I expected this type of reaction, but the story is simply not true and anyone with half a brain can see thru this. She has no proof, no one to substantiate her claims and yes, its simply for attention. Where is the proof? You folks are so desperate for Jimmy Page news that you'll believe anything. It's rather funny.

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Like I said, I expected this type of reaction, but the story is simply not true and anyone with half a brain can see thru this. She has no proof, no one to substantiate her claims and yes, its simply for attention. Where is the proof? You folks are so desperate for Jimmy Page news that you'll believe anything. It's rather funny.

This is news? That's news to me.

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What is so hard to believe? There is actually another person on this board who met Jimmy twice in three days while they were in London...and I've seen the proof. I made a promise to this person that I would not share the details and photo with anyone, but as it happened around the same time as Kimbersays experience, I have no problem believing Kimbersays.

She has no reason to lie, whatsoever...there is nothing to gain. Only a liar would think that way, anyway. Get off her back.

Edited by Strider
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On what basis are you saying this is 'simply not true'?

And even if it isn't, there have been far bigger lies told here than this. But it's easier to pick on newbies than established posters, isn't it?

If you read my post carefully you see where I pointed out my doubts. I am not envious or whatever. Its cool when we see celeb's in person, but people are people. I am not picking on a newbie- I would call BS on anyone if I suspect it. Yes, I agree there have been much bigger whoppers told on this sight especially the rumor mill about reunions or DVD's coming out, etc. Even the most knowlegable Zeppelin folks here have been wrong about things, though usually not by lying. I just think its peculiar why people feel they need to say such things; how and why they come up with such nonsense. All I'm saying is prove me wrong and please quit judging me for have the balls to put it out there when I know I would be blasted for it. So, where is the proof? Anybody - prove it.......It's like trying to sell an autograph with no pic to go with it or other proof.....and we all know EBAY is full of fake Zeppelin autographs all with stories behind them. This woman had no camera, no phone, no pen, yet in a foreign country....just happened to be by herself twice......uh-huh. I certainly would have asked someone, anyone to snap a quick pic and send it to me. No doubt in London there are a million tourists.....not to mention 80% of people have cell phones, except the people who go to foreign countries and take walks by themselves.


Edited by Mudslider
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Anybody - prove it.......

Apparently no photos or recordings were made during the encounters, but they could be corroborated by other evidence proving she and/or Jimmy was in Kensington at the time. For what it's worth, sidewalk encounters with Jimmy can and do happen a lot more often than many may believe.

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Just joined the forum so hello everyone . I just want to reply regarding the lady who met Jimmy Page twice and the chap who commented that it may not be true . All I would like to add is that I have a good friend who met Jimmy Page , he shared a table with him and Robert Plant at Ronnie Scott's club when Jeff Beck was playing a gig there . Apart from being amazed at sharing a table with them he also said that both Robert & Jimmy were extremely friendly that Jimmy was approachable to everyone who was there that night . I also have another friend who met Jimmy Page at the Sonning Scarecrow Trial where he has another house and again was told that he was quite happy meeting people having a chat etc . So my own opinion is that this lady did meet Jimmy Page and thank her for sharing the experience .

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