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New box sets including unreleased material


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Instant Grat Track #1 - “Houses of the Holy (Rough Mix With Overdubs)"

"Houses of the Holy (Rough Mix With Overdubs)” is now available as an instant download when you pre-order Physical Graffiti (Deluxe Edition) on iTunes:


Also now available for streaming on Spotify...is it just me, or is Robert's vocal abruptly cut off at approximately 2:12?

Edited by For My Life
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Also now available for streaming on Spotify...is it just me, or is Robert's vocal abruptly cut off at approximately 2:12?

It's not just you.



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The fact that Jimmy found a box of tapes from the Presence sessions that he never knew existed leads me to believe that Presence may be released as a stand alone issue. Depending what those mystery tapes hold it may be worth the single attention of the fans. We could be in for a real treat. I thought Presence was brilliant despite not selling as well as other Zeppelin albums. Achilles Last Stand is worth an entire album just by itself!

Simply on this basis will it make the eventual Presence set a must-purchase for me. Couldn't really care less about the other remasters/box sets but if the Presence set has previously unheard outtakes then I'm in. Very little has circulated from the Musicland sessions to this point.

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My $.02: No way all three of the final three albums are going to be released one-by-one.

It is possible Presence could be released on its own, but I really doubt it - the group of Zep and rock fans who hold that album in high enough esteem to justify it being released alone is just too small.

My gut says Presence, ITTOD and Coda will all be released, together, in early June, on the one-year anniversary of the release of Zep I, II, and III.

It would make a nice, neat bookend, and face it - if the iconic first three albums were all released together, how on earth could Page justify not releasing the final three together?

The only other scenario that I think is anywhere near likely, is Presence and ITTOD in June, and Coda separately in October, if Coda turns out to have some truly unreleased gems on it. But even then, I just can't see 2-3 surprise tracks on the companion disc as enough of a reason to separate it out. So I'm going to stick with all three together, first week of June.

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My $.02: No way all three of the final three albums are going to be released one-by-one.

It is possible Presence could be released on its own, but I really doubt it - the group of Zep and rock fans who hold that album in high enough esteem to justify it being released alone is just too small.

My gut says Presence, ITTOD and Coda will all be released, together, in early June, on the one-year anniversary of the release of Zep I, II, and III.

It would make a nice, neat bookend, and face it - if the iconic first three albums were all released together, how on earth could Page justify not releasing the final three together?

The only other scenario that I think is anywhere near likely, is Presence and ITTOD in June, and Coda separately in October, if Coda turns out to have some truly unreleased gems on it. But even then, I just can't see 2-3 surprise tracks on the companion disc as enough of a reason to separate it out. So I'm going to stick with all three together, first week of June.

Dude, it's like you're inside my head.

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My $.02: No way all three of the final three albums are going to be released one-by-one.

It is possible Presence could be released on its own, but I really doubt it - the group of Zep and rock fans who hold that album in high enough esteem to justify it being released alone is just too small.

My gut says Presence, ITTOD and Coda will all be released, together, in early June, on the one-year anniversary of the release of Zep I, II, and III.

It would make a nice, neat bookend, and face it - if the iconic first three albums were all released together, how on earth could Page justify not releasing the final three together?

The only other scenario that I think is anywhere near likely, is Presence and ITTOD in June, and Coda separately in October, if Coda turns out to have some truly unreleased gems on it. But even then, I just can't see 2-3 surprise tracks on the companion disc as enough of a reason to separate it out. So I'm going to stick with all three together, first week of June.

the most correct post to ever be posted in this thread, on this board, maybe even the internet. i totally agree.

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Good point but those songs always had their place on PG.

The 3 songs from ITTOD were supposed to be on a pre-release EP that never saw the light of day until CODA. Jimmy certainly would not be out of place to put these missing pieces of ITTOD in their proper context.

i see where you're head is with this, but if Jimmy were releasing these like this, "Hey Hey What Can I Do" would've been on "III." (For what its worth, HHWCID better be on Coda...")

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There is no possible way that the final 3 albums will be released together. No way. Jimmy needs to put each in perspective and releasing all 3 at once will distract from the importance that each release has individually. No way is he going to group them together and say "Wallah"!

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SDBS of PG now $129.99 on Amazon, if you care. Since I'm weird, I still have the Houses SDBS in a wishlist, which I put in there the day it was announced. The price for that one dropped 25% from the time of announcement to ship day.

If that holds for PG, price at ship would be $119.95. Time will tell.

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When it comes to the Presence release I think of "The Object".... singular, powerful, mysterious, abstract.

Using those descriptions as a 3-dimensional theme, Presence would be best left as a single release.

The Object just says - "I am One, and I am None". Just as our Friend at the Pub on the 6 covers of ITTOD.

He is amongst others in the bar and yet he is solitary, alone - Burning his past to symbolize his singular identity

and yet erasing it at the same time.

Presence will be a single release. ITTOD should be as well.

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When it comes to the Presence release I think of "The Object".... singular, powerful, mysterious, abstract.

Using those descriptions as a 3-dimensional theme, Presence would be best left as a single release.

The Object just says - "I am One, and I am None". Just as our Friend at the Pub on the 6 covers of ITTOD.

He is amongst others in the bar and yet he is solitary, alone - Burning his past to symbolize his singular identity

and yet erasing it at the same time.

Presence will be a single release. ITTOD should be as well.

What about the hermit with the sticks? "I am self sufficient, I am solitary, I am the master of my destiny, I'm on the cover of one of the best selling albums of all time, and I got reissued with Houses of the Holy." (Not that there's anything wrong with HOTH, mind you).

Edited by pujols05
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What about the hermit with the sticks? "I am self sufficient, I am solitary, I am the master of my destiny, I'm on the cover of one of the best selling albums of all time, and I got reissued with Houses of the Holy." (Not that there's anything wrong with HOTH, mind you).

EXCELLENT point Pujols...really, You put me in "check" with your counterpoint and I don't have a good response.

However you do add another case to the recurring theme of "self-reliance" that Zeppelin promoted so well in their music

and album cover images. Maybe The Hermit was the beacon for HOTH....Just as the Luminous Man holding the Child of Light

above the Abyss on the inside artwork for HOTH. Go figure...

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EXCELLENT point Pujols...really, You put me in "check" with your counterpoint and I don't have a good response.

However you do add another case to the recurring theme of "self-reliance" that Zeppelin promoted so well in their music

and album cover images. Maybe The Hermit was the beacon for HOTH....Just as the Luminous Man holding the Child of Light

above the Abyss on the inside artwork for HOTH. Go figure...

Clearly I'm not giving this as much thought as you are!

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