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I got sick of working in manual labor and dead end jobs so I'm going back to school. I took my placement tests and the lady at the desk said they rarely see scores that high. They want to enroll me in the honors section.


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I got sick of working in manual labor and dead end jobs so I'm going back to school. I took my placement tests and the lady at the desk said they rarely see scores that high. They want to enroll me in the honors section.

Congrats to you. Hope going back to school works out for you. B)

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^ Thank you so much. The way I see it is sticking it out in a class room for the next 4-8 years will be better than breaking my back and/or not making any decent money for the rest of my life. Anyone can learn if they put there mind to it. It's just a mater of perseverance imo.

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Yay!! Nobody wants a 15 year old working for them -_-

When you turn 16 you'll be able to get a lot of entry level positions. They will REALLY suck but it's best to start getting experience as young as you can and you'll be able to get a job easier down the road and for more money.

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When you turn 16 you'll be able to get a lot of entry level positions. They will REALLY suck but it's best to start getting experience as young as you can and you'll be able to get a job easier down the road and for more money.

right now I want to get a job just to raise money, but when I am a little older I want to go in to the army to become an armament repairer (:

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I found a job! I'll be making more money than I've ever made to start with three raises in the first two years and an amazing benefits program. Plus it's only ten minutes away from my place so I'll save a ton on gas money. I've finally upgraded to middle class. :lol:

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I found a job! I'll be making more money than I've ever made to start with three raises in the first two years and an amazing benefits program. Plus it's only ten minutes away from my place so I'll save a ton on gas money. I've finally upgraded to middle class. :lol:

I worked for the same manufacturer, and got no raise over the last four years. One year with The State, and I got an instant promotion and all the OT I can deal with...

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This was yesterday but I was busy so I didn't post it. My wife and daughters went to Alton Towers so I had the house to myself (and the dog). So I listened to the remasters six album boxed set all the way through, It never ceases to amaze me just how good Led Zeppelin really were, a few hours well spent.

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I'm just wondering where he's been...somehow, I don't think it would've been a Buddhist retreat.

I was just wondering that myself. Funny how you don't realize someone's been gone until they pop up again.

It's the first Sunday of the month: record swap meet day. Time to hunt for some bootlegs.

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