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What Made You Happy today?


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Love the beach pics, Strider!

Walked two miles to get a king cake for daughter. On the outset, stepped in a hole in the street and fell to the ground. Not too bad, just a bruised knee and plenty of embarrassment. No way that is stopping me from my mission, and enjoyed a nice brisk walk with delightful sights along the way. Happy Mardi Gras, y'all! :)



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I finally got first sleep in days.

I'm so thankful it's not Monday anymore. :yesnod:

Hang in there, Andy. Keep soldiering on and you'll make it thru somehow. After all, tomorrow is another day...and in 10 days you'll have the new "Physical Graffiti" box to enjoy. :console:

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It's a 3-day weekend!!! And even though it will be way too cold to go outside, I won't be at work. And there is wine in my house!!!

Now, I just have to get through the rest of the work day...

Couldn't happen to a nicer girl!

Cheers, E! I will be enjoying adult beverages myself starting......NOW!

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Love the beach pics, Strider!

Walked two miles to get a king cake for daughter. On the outset, stepped in a hole in the street and fell to the ground. Not too bad, just a bruised knee and plenty of embarrassment. No way that is stopping me from my mission, and enjoyed a nice brisk walk with delightful sights along the way. Happy Mardi Gras, y'all! :)



Dd, I didn't know you were so clumsy. Lol. At least you completed your mission! Mardi Gras is great -- I wish I was in New Orleans.

Edited by Pagefan55
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Got 2nd place at todays archery competition, a silver medal and 6 X's to boot as well :)


I'm now celebrating by putting my feet up and having a well deserved cup of tea

Good on ya' SozoZoso! Your fingers seem to be the perfect size for archery. ;) Edited by Strider
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I gave my two weeks notice at my job and feel as though 1000 pounds has been lifted from my shoulders...and I am taking a few months off. I plan on taking some time to enjoy life. As I get older I am finding that the most valuable thing is TIME! I can't wait to wake up in a few weeks and do whatever the hell I want to do.The only person to change my life is me..so I did it and it feels amazing! :yesnod:

I know I have to go back and work for many more years, but I am going to soak in every day for at least a little time:-)

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I gave my two weeks notice at my job and feel as though 1000 pounds has been lifted from my shoulders...and I am taking a few months off. I plan on taking some time to enjoy life. As I get older I am finding that the most valuable thing is TIME! I can't wait to wake up in a few weeks and do whatever the hell I want to do.The only person to change my life is me..so I did it and it feels amazing! :yesnod:

I know I have to go back and work for many more years, but I am going to soak in every day for at least a little time:-)

Wow. I admire your courage, Deborah! Who among us has always wanted to do something like this but was too afraid? Me!!!!

I am so happy for you, I know you will make the most of each moment and great things will come your way!

My best as always to you.


Edited for spelling

Edited by planted
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I gave my two weeks notice at my job and feel as though 1000 pounds has been lifted from my shoulders...and I am taking a few months off. I plan on taking some time to enjoy life. As I get older I am finding that the most valuable thing is TIME! I can't wait to wake up in a few weeks and do whatever the hell I want to do.The only person to change my life is me..so I did it and it feels amazing! :yesnod:

I know I have to go back and work for many more years, but I am going to soak in every day for at least a little time:-)

Enjoy life to the fullest--hope the time off benefits you... :peace:

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^ Hi planted!

So kind of you my friend. I know..it is a little scary and I have been wanting to do this for over a year. I just reached a point of complete and total burn out. I need to find my passion again for what I used to love to do and I think that just stepping back for a little will give me the opportunity to do that and then go back refreshed.

And I will finally have the time to write the full reviews of the remastered albums. That is long overdue on my part.

Then to wake up and actually not have 50 or more emails to wake up to..oh the bliss. I am really looking forward to it:-) :peace:

Edit to add:

Hi paul^^ we must have posted about the same time. After working since I was about 15 I am taking time to really enjoy life. I have been saving for this for some time..and that time is now:-)

Edited by Deborah J
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I gave my two weeks notice at my job and feel as though 1000 pounds has been lifted from my shoulders...and I am taking a few months off. I plan on taking some time to enjoy life. As I get older I am finding that the most valuable thing is TIME! I can't wait to wake up in a few weeks and do whatever the hell I want to do.The only person to change my life is me..so I did it and it feels amazing! :yesnod:

I know I have to go back and work for many more years, but I am going to soak in every day for at least a little time:-)

Glad you have made this decision for yourself! Time is certainly more precious than we are willing to acknowledge, that's for sure. Take care and all the best on how you choose to enjoy your free time! :)

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^^ Thanks STZ and Walter! I missed you both:-).

Walter, I am counting down the days to March 6. I may take a couple of trips to see family and friends but for the most part I plan relaxing, listening to music, watching movies and sleeping a lot:-) Just being able to wake up when I want to and goodbye to this for a while :wakeup:

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My son and I went our for lunch, I picked him up at school and he actually put AC/DC For Those About To Rock in the car. I was shocked when he asked me, "Dad have you heard this song before?" It put a smile on my face. Little does he know that I traveled a few hours alone in the car to get to one of their gigs when he was a baby.

Edited by Charles J. White
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