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Mass Shooting at Elementary School Connecticut 12/14/12


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The guns that the shooter used were legally purchase by his mother. At least the two 9mm pistols. They were not bought on the "street". The mother was a gun enthusiast, who target shot with her two sons, as reported by her friend.

Federal gun laws have expanded under President Obama, it is now legal to carry a gun in National parks. Not sure why, fear of bears?

We have six legally purchased guns in our house, for hunting purposes. However, we both favor more restrictive gun laws specifcally on handguns and assult rifles. There have been several recent accidental shootings in our area, usually a child who gets ahold of a legally purchased gun, or a drunken mistake. I can't recall in recent memory of a gun being used in a shooting for protection.

Outside of a bomb, I can't think of any other weapon that can be used to purposefully kill so many people in so short of a time.

Really sad here, thinking of those children and their families.

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The guns that the shooter used were legally purchase by his mother. At least the two 9mm pistols. They were not bought on the "street". The mother was a gun enthusiast, who target shot with her two sons, as reported by her friend.

Federal gun laws have expanded under President Obama, it is now legal to carry a gun in National parks. Not sure why, fear of bears?

We have six legally purchased guns in our house, for hunting purposes. However, we both favor more restrictive gun laws specifcally on handguns and assult rifles. There have been several recent accidental shootings in our area, usually a child who gets ahold of a legally purchased gun, or a drunken mistake. I can't recall in recent memory of a gun being used in a shooting for protection.

Outside of a bomb, I can't think of any other weapon that can be used to purposefully kill so many people in so short of a time.

Really sad here, thinking of those children and their families.

A knife or a hatchet can kill people but true not as fast. Assualt rifles I can live with control on. Not handguns. Besides there are already enough guns out there that it would not matter if they put a law out now. If you are a maniac and are determined, you are going to find a way. Its too bad there wasnt one male teacher in that school that had a concealed gun. He could have saved lives. That punk would never have expected it. He can only shoot one gun at a time. Accurately. Bad guys are always going to exist. People that want to stop them must have equal power. A gun. I am going to go buy a 9 mm asap just in case those far left stop all guns happen to win. They will never find my guns. I only have a 38 special and a 12 gauge shotgun. My hunting days are over. If someone breaks in my house at night he is going to take a couple. There is a kid in his early twenties next door I have never met. Mainly becaue he has been in jail more than out. He used a knife on someone and is a thief. Some day when he is home I may walk outside with my 38 strapped to me visibly like my former boss used to do. He lived in the city in a bad neighborhood and used to do it all the time. IE, come into my house and I have a present for you.

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The guns that the shooter used were legally purchase by his mother. At least the two 9mm pistols. They were not bought on the "street". The mother was a gun enthusiast, who target shot with her two sons, as reported by her friend.

Federal gun laws have expanded under President Obama, it is now legal to carry a gun in National parks. Not sure why, fear of bears?

We have six legally purchased guns in our house, for hunting purposes. However, we both favor more restrictive gun laws specifcally on handguns and assult rifles. There have been several recent accidental shootings in our area, usually a child who gets ahold of a legally purchased gun, or a drunken mistake. I can't recall in recent memory of a gun being used in a shooting for protection.

Outside of a bomb, I can't think of any other weapon that can be used to purposefully kill so many people in so short of a time.

Really sad here, thinking of those children and their families.

Great post, thanks.

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On Saturday, police released a list of all the victims of Lanza.


Charlotte Bacon, age 6.

Daniel Barden, 7.

Olivia Engel, 6.

Josephine Gay, 7.

Ana M Marquez-Greene, 6.

Dylan Hockley, 6.

Madeleine F Hsu, 6.

Catherine V Hubbard, 6.

Chase Kowalski , 7.

Jesse Lewis, 6.

James Mattioli, 6.

Grace McDonnell, 7.

Emilie Parker, 6.

Jack Pinto, 6.

Noah Pozner, 6.

Caroline Previdi, 6.

Jessica Rekos, 6.

Avielle Richman, 6.

Benjamin Wheeler, 6.

Allison N Wyatt, 6.


Rachel Davino, 29.

Dawn Hochsprung, 47.

Anne Marie Murphy, 52.

Lauren Rousseau, 30.

Mary Sherlach, 56.

Victoria Soto, 27.


^^This is what this is about, these human beings. I am still in shock at this. I cannot imagine the pain in these families heart to deep in their soul. I spent all day yesterday watching this, crying for these people and for us as a world. So many innocent lives are taken. Having a son I cannot imagine ever going through this.

Even those children alive have lost their innocence. I really don't understand this world anymore.

To help prevent things like this from happening, laws need to be changed. I don't have the answer, I wished someone did. I do know from personal experience that mental illness needs to be addressed. My youngest sister was diagnosed with schizophrenia when she was 13. People in general do not pay attention with humans with this disorder or most brain disorders. It's like a heart, kidney or any other organ that has malfunctioned, but they are just labeled crazy! Then gun laws,...This is only my opinion. But there is no need for assault weapons of any kind that should be allowed in a private home.

Like I said, I don't know what the solution is, but it is a disgrace that when things like this happen, they/we talk for a few weeks, then nothing is done about it. Then we get this horrific thing happen AGAIN of innocent people dying..they were just barely past being toddlers!!! They will never get their high school prom, graduation, a family of their own, so many things in life. God, this is really sad.

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^^This is what this is about, these human beings. I am still in shock at this. I cannot imagine the pain in these families heart to deep in their soul. I spent all day yesterday watching this, crying for these people and for us as a world. So many innocent lives are taken. Having a son I cannot imagine ever going through this.

Even those children alive have lost their innocence. I really don't understand this world anymore.

To help prevent things like this from happening, laws need to be changed. I don't have the answer, I wished someone did. I do know from personal experience that mental illness needs to be addressed. My youngest sister was diagnosed with schizophrenia when she was 13. People in general do not pay attention with humans with this disorder or most brain disorders. It's like a heart, kidney or any other organ that has malfunctioned, but they are just labeled crazy! Then gun laws,...This is only my opinion. But there is no need for assault weapons of any kind that should be allowed in a private home.

Like I said, I don't know what the solution is, but it is a disgrace that when things like this happen, they/we talk for a few weeks, then nothing is done about it. Then we get this horrific thing happen AGAIN of innocent people dying..they were just barely past being toddlers!!! They will never get their high school prom, graduation, a family of their own, so many things in life. God, this is really sad.

Great post Deb! So well said!

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My brother told me yesterday that Anderson Cooper will not use this killer's name in any of his coverage.

This is a practice I would love to see more of the press follow.

The names of the victims should be the names we know and remember.

People like this figure that their life sucks and they might as well go out with a blaze of notoriety...

Screw that .... Let them go to their graves anonymous.

This might deter the next one..

I'm not saying the media coverage is at fault, but keep their names out of the press.

"Funny how one insect, can damage so much grain."

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^^This is what this is about, these human beings. I am still in shock at this. I cannot imagine the pain in these families heart to deep in their soul. I spent all day yesterday watching this, crying for these people and for us as a world. So many innocent lives are taken. Having a son I cannot imagine ever going through this.

Even those children alive have lost their innocence. I really don't understand this world anymore.

To help prevent things like this from happening, laws need to be changed. I don't have the answer, I wished someone did. I do know from personal experience that mental illness needs to be addressed. My youngest sister was diagnosed with schizophrenia when she was 13. People in general do not pay attention with humans with this disorder or most brain disorders. It's like a heart, kidney or any other organ that has malfunctioned, but they are just labeled crazy! Then gun laws,...This is only my opinion. But there is no need for assault weapons of any kind that should be allowed in a private home.

Like I said, I don't know what the solution is, but it is a disgrace that when things like this happen, they/we talk for a few weeks, then nothing is done about it. Then we get this horrific thing happen AGAIN of innocent people dying..they were just barely past being toddlers!!! They will never get their high school prom, graduation, a family of their own, so many things in life. God, this is really sad.

Exactly Deb. As a nation, we need to give a good, hard, long look at ourselves as a culture, nation and how we treat ourselves and others. I have said it before and I will say it again: we need to examine why on Earth individuals, who feel disenchanted, pain, and are loners, need to hurt the innocent before they take their own lives. That is the heart of this tragedy. I also don't believe individuals should own assault rifles as they have no purpose outside of the military and police departments. Do we know if the mother of the shooter had the rifles and guns used in the killings have them locked up and stored properly?

Edited by Texas Melanie
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A knife or a hatchet can kill people but true not as fast. Assualt rifles I can live with control on. Not handguns. Besides there are already enough guns out there that it would not matter if they put a law out now. If you are a maniac and are determined, you are going to find a way. Its too bad there wasnt one male teacher in that school that had a concealed gun. He could have saved lives. That punk would never have expected it. He can only shoot one gun at a time. Accurately. Bad guys are always going to exist. People that want to stop them must have equal power. A gun. I am going to go buy a 9 mm asap just in case those far left stop all guns happen to win. They will never find my guns. I only have a 38 special and a 12 gauge shotgun. My hunting days are over. If someone breaks in my house at night he is going to take a couple. There is a kid in his early twenties next door I have never met. Mainly becaue he has been in jail more than out. He used a knife on someone and is a thief. Some day when he is home I may walk outside with my 38 strapped to me visibly like my former boss used to do. He lived in the city in a bad neighborhood and used to do it all the time. IE, come into my house and I have a present for you.

not sure why you believe it would have to be a male with a concealed weapon? why not a female? Not quite sure what your logic is?..... Especially after knowing some very heroic women did everything they could, including losing their own lives, in trying to save the lives of those children. Can you imagine the panic and the horror of the last minutes of their lives and still trying to help.........That is bravery. Has nothing to do with male or female if you ask me. Edited by fishhead
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There are of course, other ways to inflict massive damage on the human race. But my point was getting rid of the guns takes ONE method off the table that these criminals wouldn't be able to count on. That in and of itself logically would mean less death, accidental and otherwise. I don't think many would disagree that the USA is a gun loving nation. In my younger days I was a strong supporter of the 2nd Ammendment. Not anymore. I don't even like the idea of guns for the "sport" of hunting down animals, the 4 legged kind. Look at how many of these mass shootings have happened since the infamous Austin Texas Tower shooting in 1966. This country should have woken up and smelled the coffee then. We are not living in the utopian world you wish for (and me too) where we can count on all parents and people to be responsible. It seems this argument of people needing guns because the government may one day come in and take us prisoners is outdated and without rationality. At the very least, there should be mandatory background checks, a much longer waiting period, no assault weapons and severe limits on the number of guns one can own. You only have to look at the other industrialized nations to see gun control is effective at reducing violence. As far as mental illness, I agree with those on this Board who have said this country needs to overhaul the system. We don't even have a system really. Lock them up for 3 days and a quick evaluation and let them out again to fend for themselves and try to find a way to pay for their medicine that can easily cost over one thousand dollars per month. No one can predict when someone may go over the edge, but we sure could do a better job helping those that have obvious problems. Enough politics, this is just my opinion. May they rest in peace. Missy

I can agree with you that they shouldn't sell assault weapons, that is just ridiculous. But that probably won't stop many people from owning them. Having a limit on the number of guns owned would probably not solve the problem, though, taking in account that it only takes one gun to do any damage.

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All I can think about are those sweet children, and the heroic teachers and staff who died trying to protect them; and all of their loved ones who are dealing with unimaginable grief today. Obviously something in our system isn't working, but I'm not sure how posting my opinions about gun control on a Led Zeppelin board would contribute to a positive solution. In my opinion at least, this thread should be one of peace, unity and remembrance.

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All I can think about are those sweet children, and the heroic teachers and staff who died trying to protect them; and all of their loved ones who are dealing with unimaginable grief today. Obviously something in our system isn't working, but I'm not sure how posting my opinions about gun control on a Led Zeppelin board would contribute to a positive solution. In my opinion at least, this thread should be one of peace, unity and remembrance.

Nice. That's what I'm talkin' about!

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It was reported on our local news that the memorial service was disrupted by a bomb threat at the church.

What a fucked up place!

Also that the scumbag's father is VP of GE.

To all those who are prepared to "blow away the bad guys", it's one thing to protect your home and family against intruders but there have been rumblings on here about being able to take the punks out period.

I'd like to ask you a couple of things.

Do you always carry a gun with you in the hope you can become some kind of vigilante hero?

If you were confronted with someone armed and you weren't, what would or could you do apart from shitting yourself?

It doesn't take courage to use a gun, it takes courage not to.

To the girl who suffered a loss, I am sorry your friend is gone.

LIke I said before, I am glad that I don't live in a society where I feel the need to own a gun and I hope and pray it stays that way.

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It was reported on our local news that the memorial service was disrupted by a bomb threat at the church.

What a fucked up place!

Also that the scumbag's father is VP of GE.

To all those who are prepared to "blow away the bad guys", it's one thing to protect your home and family against intruders but there have been rumblings on here about being able to take the punks out period.

I'd like to ask you a couple of things.

Do you always carry a gun with you in the hope you can become some kind of vigilante hero?

If you were confronted with someone armed and you weren't, what would or could you do apart from shitting yourself?

It doesn't take courage to use a gun, it takes courage not to.

To the girl who suffered a loss, I am sorry your friend is gone.

LIke I said before, I am glad that I don't live in a society where I feel the need to own a gun and I hope and pray it stays that way.

Why does his father working for General Electric make him a scumbag? What evidence is there that his father did anything wrong in the first place? Are you actually being serious here?

I don't think it makes you couragous to own a gun. But if you know going into it that the other guy has a gun and is intent on doing evil, then it probably makes one stupid to not tat least consider it.

So why do cops carry guns? Because they are cowards?


I suggest people read this account and consider that the man was not only mentally ill, but that he may have had no ability to control his thoughts and actions based on the autopsy of his brain. Also to be noted is the fact that armed civilians were instrumental in assisting law enforcement with defeating this gunman.

If all guns could be banned, how would that still prevent mentally ill people from doing these acts? I'm ready for suggestions to that question?

We need real solutions and not short sighted reactions that offer little or no real security.

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Why does his father working for General Electric make him a scumbag? What evidence is there that his father did anything wrong in the first place? Are you actually being serious here?

I don't think it makes you couragous to own a gun. But if you know going into it that the other guy has a gun and is intent on doing evil, then it probably makes one stupid to not tat least consider it.

So why do cops carry guns? Because they are cowards?


I suggest people read this account and consider that the man was not only mentally ill, but that he may have had no ability to control his thoughts and actions based on the autopsy of his brain. Also to be noted is the fact that armed civilians were instrumental in assisting law enforcement with defeating this gunman.

If all guns could be banned, how would that still prevent mentally ill people from doing these acts? I'm ready for suggestions to that question?

We need real solutions and not short sighted reactions that offer little or no real security.

How did you arrive at the conclusion I was criticising the father? I was saying the killer was a scumbag, do you agree with that?

Also the mother was a tad unstable too, it would seem?

The point is mass murderers can come from any background, poor and affluent alike.

Mental illness does not discriminate.

Cops carry guns for protection and defence and no, they are not cowards. Are you serious?

Make the gun dealers more accountable by making all purchase requests through the proper authorities online and audit them regularly and at random and the waiting time longer so all appropriate background checks are adequately made instead of over the counter sales.

It would be easy to separate the decent sellers from the unscrupulous simply by undercover cops or whomever actually going to the shops and checking their gun purchasing processess and if the seller tries to sell ouside the law, bust and throw the book at them.

Entrapment you say? Perhaps but it's a small price to pay if it prevents at least one more of these insidious and heinous crimes.

Once word got out that there are stringent checks going on and someone was prosecuted, the dealers would be more careful and hopefully honest.

I'm certain that most dealers would be reputable.

How's that for a start?

It is unrealistic to think banning is going to stop these evil acts from occurring but restricting the type of weapons people have access to would help.

The black market doesn't help either as it is easy to obtain weapons and anyone buying or selling illegally should be locked up for 20 years hard labour.

Edited by Reggie29
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I don't have a problem with a Police presence at schools. In fact, after Friday ... I'm pretty much all for it.

Some of the larger schools in New Hampshire have a full time police presence.

Why not? It could prevent this type of tragedy.

But isn't that a sad state of affairs that you have to have the police in your schools. That must tell you something about the US and it's attitudes and behaviours. I would hate tho think that we had to do the same here in the UK.

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But isn't that a sad state of affairs that you have to have the police in your schools. That must tell you something about the US and it's attitudes and behaviours. I would hate tho think that we had to do the same here in the UK.

Well they are there more to deal with the day to day school trouble, pot smoking, skipping class, bullying, fighting etc... which I think we can agree isn't just a U.S. problem. We all want the kids to be safe period.. here in the U.S. The UK and Australia.

You can't be too cautious. If having cops in the school keeps some skinny kid from getting his ass kicked everyday and coming back looking for blood.. most of these mass killers are outcasts who were getting bullied or ignored for years.

You kill someone's self esteem and they can snap.

I'd much rather have the local Police at my town's school than out there pulling someone over for having a tail light out.

after all ... What's more important!

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But isn't that a sad state of affairs that you have to have the police in your schools. That must tell you something about the US and it's attitudes and behaviours. I would hate tho think that we had to do the same here in the UK.

I've never lived in or visited any part of Europe besides Italy...Ah yes, Italy.....But that's a different subject. What I'm saying is, a lot of people here are from Europe, (England, Australia and Great Britain primarily) from what I've gathered. It sounds like the crime rate is low (compared to the U.S) in all of these places.

Yes, ledded1 - we do have problems with attitudes (out-look on life and towards others in general) and a serious behavior problem. Lucky for you, your society behaves a little differently and you don't have to experience things like this on the same level/magnitude or as often (if they have even had mass killings in school there before?) I'm not saying by any means that your country is scot free of crime, problems and it's all kittens and rainbows there, but from what I here, and correct me if I'm wrong-the police there carry "billy-sticks" in place of armed weapons...?

If your determined to go to a school and kill people and yourself, I don't think your mind will deter you from doing so, even if cops are present. But having the cops there before hand may stop/prevent as many or anyone (depending on what takes place, if the individual is confronted) from being killed and/or calling for back-up with the possibility of the situation coming to a halt much sooner. Know what I mean?

So far, by reading-it seems like the people that have a problem with police in public/private areas if necessary - schools, mall's, stores, etc.are those who either have a problem with cops in general to begin with (lack of respect and appreciation for them) or those in "fear" of some future government invasion due to more law enforcement in buildings.

Edited by Rock Historian
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Well they are there more to deal with the day to day school trouble, pot smoking, skipping class, bullying, fighting etc... which I think we can agree isn't just a U.S. problem. We all want the kids to be safe period.. here in the U.S. The UK and Australia.

You can't be too cautious. If having cops in the school keeps some skinny kid from getting his ass kicked everyday and coming back looking for blood.. most of these mass killers are outcasts who were getting bullied or ignored for years.

You kill someone's self esteem and they can snap.

I'd much rather have the local Police at my town's school than out there pulling someone over for having a tail light out.

after all ... What's more important!

:bravo: Here's too you... :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:

That's about the only thing I haven't said yet (your other examples of why they are in schools now) so thank you again, for that bit of info.

Maybe that will make people think (or maybe not), when they read the other reasons they are in schools, mall's, etc. instead of this notion of government control, and fear of "becoming a Police State" train of thought. Frankly, I think that sounds crazy.

I agree with 100% of what you said here and it's a short, sweet and down-to-earth statement. It's good to have some logic drop in.

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Well they are there more to deal with the day to day school trouble, pot smoking, skipping class, bullying, fighting etc... which I think we can agree isn't just a U.S. problem. We all want the kids to be safe period.. here in the U.S. The UK and Australia.

You can't be too cautious. If having cops in the school keeps some skinny kid from getting his ass kicked everyday and coming back looking for blood.. most of these mass killers are outcasts who were getting bullied or ignored for years.

You kill someone's self esteem and they can snap.

I'd much rather have the local Police at my town's school than out there pulling someone over for having a tail light out.

after all ... What's more important!

Why do you need the police there? Some of what you list are social issues not serious criminal ones. The schools can report the pot smoking or violence/bullying to the police as they would here. I don't want our UK society to require a police presence in our schools everyday. You won't stop these killers by having a police presence cos they are out there already and will continue to be out there. Where do you draw the line on a police presence?. Will you all require security guards to go everywhere with you or will you demand that you all have the right to carry a gun at all times. Violence begets violence. Will you not be complaining about high taxes to pay for all the extra law enforcement? You have to accept that you live in a violent country and you have the means to kill people on the scale that has happened this week. Those who want to kill will target somewhere else, you have already had such incidents in cinemas, shopping malls, universities drive by's and so on. These people have access to weapons an a major scale cos your country lets them, simple. Don't give me the constitution argument cos i am pleased that we don't have such a thing here. We have murderers and have had some major incidents in the past where someone has killed on a big scale, Dunblane school, Hungerford and this year 2 police officers called to a reported burglary were shot in cold blood by some psychopath but most gun related murders do not have multiple casualties on this scale ( our drug gangs probably have the most gun incidents).

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I've never lived in or visited any part of Europe besides Italy...Ah yes, Italy.....But that's a different subject. What I'm saying is, a lot of people here are from Europe, (England, Australia and Great Britain primarily) from what I've gathered. It sounds like the crime rate is low (compared to the U.S) in all of these places.

Yes, ledded1 - we do have problems with attitudes (out-look on life and towards others in general) and a serious behavior problem. Lucky for you, your society behaves a little differently and you don't have to experience things like this on the same level/magnitude or as often (if they have even had mass killings in school there before?) I'm not saying by any means that your country is scot free of crime, problems and it's all kittens and rainbows there, but from what I here, and correct me if I'm wrong-the police there carry "billy-sticks" in place of armed weapons...?

If your determined to go to a school and kill people and yourself, I don't think your mind will deter you from doing so, even if cops are present. But having the cops there before hand may stop/prevent as many or anyone (depending on what takes place, if the individual is confronted) from being killed and/or calling for back-up with the possibility of the situation coming to a halt much sooner. Know what I mean?

So far, by reading-it seems like the people that have a problem with police in public/private areas if necessary - schools, mall's, stores, etc.are those who either have a problem with cops in general to begin with (lack of respect and appreciation for them) or those in "fear" of some future government invasion due to more law enforcement in buildings.

See my response to the chase's post above.

Edited by ledded1
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Why do you need the police there? Some of what you list are social issues not serious criminal ones. The schools can report the pot smoking or violence/bullying to the police as they would here. I don't want our UK society to require a police presence in our schools everyday. You won't stop these killers by having a police presence cos they are out there already and will continue to be out there. Where do you draw the line on a police presence?. Will you all require security guards to go everywhere with you or will you demand that you all have the right to carry a gun at all times. Violence begets violence. Will you not be complaining about high taxes to pay for all the extra law enforcement? You have to accept that you live in a violent country and you have the means to kill people on the scale that has happened this week. Those who want to kill will target somewhere else, you have already had such incidents in cinemas, shopping malls, universities drive by's and so on. These people have access to weapons an a major scale cos your country lets them, simple. Don't give me the constitution argument cos i am pleased that we don't have such a thing here. We have murderers and have had some major incidents in the past where someone has killed on a big scale, Dunblane school, Hungerford and this year 2 police officers called to a reported burglary were shot in cold blood by some psychopath but most gun related murders do not have multiple casualties on this scale ( our drug gangs probably have the most gun incidents).

I'll be quick and say that, NO-you shouldn't and don't need guards to walk every person through the streets. That's a little ridiculous, don't you think? And I don't think either myself or The Chase suggested that, or that it will lead to that just because police are in schools. That's another crazy thought.

But ask yourself this....

In Schools, a place where the last thing kids should be in danger of, is being SHOT and KILLED, don't you think it's better to be safe than sorry and at least have that protection present, at your disposal-even if it means someone killing 2 people instead of 30.

Also, police being in schools now for the various reasons Chase stated is a school issue once you are on school grounds. So if they request an officer on campus instead of having to call one every time there is trouble..than what's the problem???

Maybe you can't fathom this because your habitat doesn't have this to contend with, but here it happens.

If your society was on equal grounds statistically (for the size and population of the country) with the crime rates, and murders such as this, I bet your police would be carrying guns instead of clubs, and you may even see them in schools at that point. But again, you don't have those issues, from what I gather.


Edited by Rock Historian
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