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Jimmy Page solo album "No Progress"


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I understood CSH1127's comment the first time and was very surprised by it. It was extremely disrespectful to Jimmy. Jimmy is not an arrogant bastard. He can put things together on his own time -- not any of ours. As for Ross, he is seems a very trustworthy friend to Jimmy, of which I am glad he has. I didn't find any of this funny and also agree with mstork.

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If anything, I've just come to assume Jimmy's comments on his solo project are much like Robert's comments on future Zeppelin one-offs. There is optimism but there is nothing concrete to indicate anything will actually happen.

Of course, Jimmy could release this project in the next few years and it could be unbelievable. I'm hopeful for that or a solo tour where he plays nothing but acoustic to small theater audiences.

As for the negative comments, there is really no need for them. While I can see some relevance in the notion he has long been deceptive in some aspects of his interviews, without it, we wouldn't have the Led Zeppelin we all love. That arrogance (or whatever you want to call it) is part of the legacy. I don't see him doing that now. I personally believe he does have new material but it doesn't light a fire in him like Led Zeppelin still does and that's why he chooses to work on reissues or anything to do with the band's legacy over anything new. I'm hopeful he can reignite the creative spark with new material but as it's been discussed to death since he first mentioned it post-Black Crowes, it seems he hasn't been able to get anything together for an actual album.

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I tend to agree Jimmy has made an art form out of doing nothing. And it is arrogant to assume that people will keep salivating at any hint that comes out of his mouth of a solo project. It is true, he doesn't need to pay us any mind, but I don't need to pay him any either.

I couldn't care less what he does. A waste of talent is his prerogative. He's done. I tend not to be eager for music from 70 year olds anyway.

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This doesn't mean anything. You completely misunderstood CSH1127's post.

I didn't misunderstand the homophobic insult he lobbed Page's way. It was rude, cheap and juvenile. I'm not inclined to give posters' comments much attention when they resort to such tactics.

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I'm not trying to justify his post. He came off rude but he's just disappointed.

I'm still fairly sure Jimmy is recording an album.

You did try to justify this idiots comment. It is obvious that you are now trying to back-track why you tried to defend this Idiot in the first place. Just admit it and you could be justified and resolved.

(Sometimes I say things that I do not Really mean), but to agree with an Idiot that says "Fuck that Arrogant Bastard" and them not knowing what the FUCK they are talking about), and YOU, geezer, agreeing with that, makes you just as bad, stupid and ignorant as them.

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Well this thread is quite revolting. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I have to say CSH1127's comments come across more as a personal attack on Jimmy. I honestly don't get it sometimes. Robert gets bashed for being creative and following his musical path, Jimmy get's bashed for not being creative and JPJ does not get near the attention he should IMHO.

There are some people here who missed the boat because music is universal and is supposed to bring people together. Then what makes this all the more strange is this is a forum dedicated to our band. For the most part we can agree that Led Zeppelin to many of us was and is the greatest band.

I have made some wonderful friends here..again, music is supposed to bring people together. There always has to be that few who (pardon me) fuck it up ,create chaos, argue..How childish and pathetic is that.

Most of you here know that it is not my nature to be mean, but people who bash any member of this band in that manner need to realize that it is just beyond rude and vile IMHO to make those kind of comments on a forum dedicated to them.

There are two kind of people in life, those who get it and those who don't. Apologies for my rant :peace:

Edited by Deborah J
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Well this thread is quite revolting. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I have to say CSH1127's comments come across more as a personal attack on Jimmy. I honestly don't get it sometimes. Robert gets bashed for being creative and following his musical path, Jimmy get's bashed for not being creative and JPJ does not get near the attention he should IMHO.

There are some people here who missed the boat because music is universal and is supposed to bring people together. Then what makes this all the more strange is this is a forum dedicated to our band. For the most part we can agree that Led Zeppelin to many of us was and is the greatest band.

I have made some wonderful friends here..again, music is supposed to bring people together. There always has to be that few who (pardon me) fuck it up ,create chaos, argue..How childish and pathetic is that.

Most of you here know that it is not my nature to be mean, but people who bash any member of this band in that manner need to realize that it is just beyond rude and vile IMHO to make those kind of comments on a forum dedicated to them.

There are two kind of people in life, those who get it and those who don't. Apologies for my rant :peace:

I second this. I am a fairly new member of this forum and am sometimes shocked at the things I see written about band members and other forum members. It makes me hesitate to post anything this forum because there is often so much negative and critical reaction. I love Led Zeppelin and have since I was five years old. I wish them only the greatest success and happiness - whatever they decide to do musically or otherwise.

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Well this thread is quite revolting. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I have to say CSH1127's comments come across more as a personal attack on Jimmy. I honestly don't get it sometimes. Robert gets bashed for being creative and following his musical path, Jimmy get's bashed for not being creative and JPJ does not get near the attention he should IMHO.

There are some people here who missed the boat because music is universal and is supposed to bring people together. Then what makes this all the more strange is this is a forum dedicated to our band. For the most part we can agree that Led Zeppelin to many of us was and is the greatest band.

I have made some wonderful friends here..again, music is supposed to bring people together. There always has to be that few who (pardon me) fuck it up ,create chaos, argue..How childish and pathetic is that.

Most of you here know that it is not my nature to be mean, but people who bash any member of this band in that manner need to realize that it is just beyond rude and vile IMHO to make those kind of comments on a forum dedicated to them.

There are two kind of people in life, those who get it and those who don't. Apologies for my rant :peace:

No apologies needed Debs.

Edited by pottedplant
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Well this thread is quite revolting. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I have to say CSH1127's comments come across more as a personal attack on Jimmy. I honestly don't get it sometimes. Robert gets bashed for being creative and following his musical path, Jimmy get's bashed for not being creative and JPJ does not get near the attention he should IMHO.

There are some people here who missed the boat because music is universal and is supposed to bring people together. Then what makes this all the more strange is this is a forum dedicated to our band. For the most part we can agree that Led Zeppelin to many of us was and is the greatest band.

I have made some wonderful friends here..again, music is supposed to bring people together. There always has to be that few who (pardon me) fuck it up ,create chaos, argue..How childish and pathetic is that.

Most of you here know that it is not my nature to be mean, but people who bash any member of this band in that manner need to realize that it is just beyond rude and vile IMHO to make those kind of comments on a forum dedicated to them.

There are two kind of people in life, those who get it and those who don't. Apologies for my rant :peace:

Well said Debs....nothing more I can say about....what you just said!!


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Well this thread is quite revolting. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I have to say CSH1127's comments come across more as a personal attack on Jimmy. I honestly don't get it sometimes. Robert gets bashed for being creative and following his musical path, Jimmy get's bashed for not being creative and JPJ does not get near the attention he should IMHO.

There are some people here who missed the boat because music is universal and is supposed to bring people together. Then what makes this all the more strange is this is a forum dedicated to our band. For the most part we can agree that Led Zeppelin to many of us was and is the greatest band.

I have made some wonderful friends here..again, music is supposed to bring people together. There always has to be that few who (pardon me) fuck it up ,create chaos, argue..How childish and pathetic is that.

Most of you here know that it is not my nature to be mean, but people who bash any member of this band in that manner need to realize that it is just beyond rude and vile IMHO to make those kind of comments on a forum dedicated to them.

There are two kind of people in life, those who get it and those who don't. Apologies for my rant :peace:

Thank you for saying this. :)

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Way to get my hopes up, OP...here I thought Jimmy's solo album "No Progress" was imminent.

Come to think of it, "No Progress" would make a good title for a record.

I have thought that too. It reminds me a bit of the 'No comment in SRTS. :D

I second this. I am a fairly new member of this forum and am sometimes shocked at the things I see written about band members and other forum members. It makes me hesitate to post anything this forum because there is often so much negative and critical reaction. I love Led Zeppelin and have since I was five years old. I wish them only the greatest success and happiness - whatever they decide to do musically or otherwise.

It always surprises me me too. I only wish the best for all 3 of them. Edited by aen27
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I have thought that too. It reminds me a bit of the 'No comment in SRTS. :D

It always surprises me me too. I only wish the best for all 3 of them.

Me too! There are just a small percent that make it unpleasant at times for us positive posters. Usually they get weeded out. The sooner the better!

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LOL I fell flat off my chair.

Exactly what do you disagree with in CSH1127's comment?

This doesn't mean anything. You completely misunderstood CSH1127's post.

I'm not trying to justify his post. He came off rude but he's just disappointed.

I'm still fairly sure Jimmy is recording an album.

That "idiot" stated his position and if you disagree with him you can politely explain it or you can shut the fuck up. I also disagree with him but I'm not going apeshit over it.

Geezer, Exactly what do mean by "not going apeshit"?

You're all over the road.. let it go..

How CSH1127 isn't banned yet is beyond me. Frustrated or not... his comments were bullshit.

Led Zeppelin always takes top priority for Jimmy. If he'd rather re-mix and re-master Led Zeppelin recordings instead of recording a solo album, that's what he's going to do.. I'd rather get a new solo album from him too.. But I'm not going to insult him about it.

Led Zeppelin was Jimmy's baby more than anyone's.. and he takes great pride in overseeing it.

Deborah J as usual is a voice of reason around here.

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Me too! There are just a small percent that make it unpleasant at times for us positive posters. Usually they get weeded out. The sooner the better!

You, superdave, were actually the first one to reply to csh1127 incredibly offensive and inappropriate post 10 minutes after they posted it.

You replied, "Nice post!" (Post #23). You obviously agreed with something that that idiot said, otherwise, why would you reply, "Nice post!". Do you care/dare to clarify your agreement with csh1127? If not, why not?

I was the first person to call out csh1127 and say that their diatribe against Jimmy Page was completely insulting and out of line and I stand by what I said.

If I can say that I stand by what I said, can you? If you are anywhere near a Jimmy Page fan that I am, and will always be, why would you give any support or credence to someone who says just about the dumbest, most disrespectful and worst thing that they can say about Mr. Page. (Just to remind you, that idiot said, "Fuck that arrogant bastard" You, superdave, seemed to agree with this person. Why else would you say "Nice Post!")?

And I do not even want to go into the stupid and very ignorant homosexual reference that was made toward and about Jimmy Page.

Just saying... Please answer. I am very curious to read your response. Thanks!!!

Edited by kingzoso
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^Look at the emoticons he used, He was being sarcastic.

Obvious sarcasm seems to go over his head, this is just another example, LLH.

^^ To those who get it :gimmefive:

Back atcha sista! ;)


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Jimmy Page on his new album: 'I've written it myself, but the access point was from other cultures.'

BBC News reporter Kirsty Lang says that she heard Jimmy Page's new album was a collection of 'found music and field recordings.'


Well perhaps this will actually happen. First need a confirmation such as a primary source like Jimmy himself or his manager Peter Mensch.

As far as I know, the comment from Kirsty Lang about what she heard is from pre-production before the interview. So yes, it did come from Jimmy, or at least via his management.

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As far as I know, the comment from Kirsty Lang about what she heard is from pre-production before the interview. So yes, it did come from Jimmy, or at least via his management.

I've discussed this before, not that anyone paid attention ,but Jimmy and Martin M. Have been

Recording stuff in the field and exxperimenting with guitar syncopation over odd vocal and cultural

Music for some time. Probably since the aborted Montreal Project and the Un-Ledded No Quarter

Live stuff in Morocco and wales and a lot of Asian field music. Its just a matter of Jimmy finally releasing

A finished product. Think of Moby's "PLAY" recording on steroids and you may get a picture

Of what to expect. MP2013

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