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Zeppelin live in 2014?


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there a lot of speculations about a reunion concert in 2014....Jonsey said that he was too busy....Jimmy only smiles mysterious....Robert has got the time....otherwise Jimmy said that Robert is the one with all the projects......

Do anybody know more???

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There's a lot of speculation: yes, from misinformed and deluded fans and journalists desperate to make their concert reviews readable.

Robert has got the time? No he doesn't. He's got several albums to release, and touring plans.

2014 will most likely be the same as 2013, solo projects, guest appearances, occasional rumours and awkwardly-avoided interview questions from belligerent journalists.

Attached is the current rumour. How anyone can believe that this is genuine, I don't know.


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I have no idea how people think that ad's genuine.

You should see some of the emails I get. I list my main Twitter profile in the bio of LedZepNews, and my bio has my email address in. I get the most bizarre messages with 'tips' and 'rumours' of reunions. Laughable.

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I admire your guys' never ending hope that they will tour. If you told me in 2008 if Led Zeppelin would tour, I would have told you hell yes. I would still love for them to tour since that would be my first and only chance to see the band that turned me on to music, but there is a 5% chance of that happening in my opinion. Writing an opera doesn't take a month, it takes longer than that. What they could do is play occasional shows together in certain places. I'm sure that money would fund whatever else they are doing, even though I'm sure they aren't hurting for money at this point. Heh.

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John Paul Jones on the subject:

"Very little chance, very little chance. I never say never because I've been wrong before, but it's really unlikely. We're all different people, we're not a band anymore, we want different things, it's as simple as that."

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I'd love for a "Led Zeppelin" reunion tour, if the Rolling Stones can pull it off, so can Zeppelin. The only thing that bugs me a bit about the whole reunion thing is Jimmy's guitar playing, I'm gonna be honest with you, I thought his performance in alot of the songs played on Celebration Day were subpar, I mean, he could have done a lot better,

What if he gets his fingers stuck on the songs?

It ain't 1975 anymore...

I think with Bonzo diyng in 1980, and the rest of the guys waiting a long time to play a full set and then releasing it, it's the perfect end for a not so perfect story. Jimmy could still work on live stuff and release it, but as far as playing now, I am not so sure about that.... I'm quite happy with how Zeppelin's going right now, so I'm not one of those that thinks a reunion should happen.

Edited by magerogue
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RE: Jimmy's playing: His playing at the O2 reunion was fine -- they've all said that it felt like a tour opener...he was just getting started. It sounds like he hasn't actually practiced much recently, however, which would definitely put a hamper on his ability to perform on a tour.

The Rolling Stones have become -- maybe always were -- more of a spectacle than a true "tour." They still sound good, I'd argue, but...there's a lifelessness about it.

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You should see some of the emails I get. I list my main Twitter profile in the bio of LedZepNews, and my bio has my email address in. I get the most bizarre messages with 'tips' and 'rumours' of reunions. Laughable.

They need to know Led Zeppelin better than that.

Edited by ledzepfilm
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Concert length performances by Page, Plant & Jones onstage together) since 1980:




























2007 - 1







...obviously 2014 is the year for another...


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I'D put my money on a Cream reunion happening first , and we all know what a dead cert that is

or maybe Led Zep ,Cream , The Smiths , The Jam , Husker Du , Talking Heads & Dead Kennedys with Jello Biafra could reform and they could all do a festival tour

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John Paul Jones on the subject:

"Very little chance, very little chance. I never say never because I've been wrong before, but it's really unlikely. We're all different people, we're not a band anymore, we want different things, it's as simple as that."

So....here's the point: " never say never " uuuhhhhh, do you know what i mean. It's the same thing Jimmy said in an interview in 2012....Those zeppelin bastards...;-) :stereo::smack:

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John Paul Jones on the subject:

"Very little chance, very little chance. I never say never because I've been wrong before, but it's really unlikely. We're all different people, we're not a band anymore, we want different things, it's as simple as that."

Excellent quote from Jonesy. And I think it's very true, he wants to keep on doing music that is all over the map, RP wants to do his Daniel Lanois album, and Page wants to remaster Zep stuff.

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