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2014 FIFA World Cup


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Are you a Brazil supporter Walter? It's 0-0 at the half in the Mexico-Croatia match. It's getting testy out there as Mexico reverts to some of its dirty tactics and the referees seem in danger of losing control of the match.

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You were so close to beating Portugal. That must've been gut wrenching to concede in the last minute! Still, it's made your game against Germany very mouthwatering indeed! :)

If you make it out of the group, I can see you making the last 8 again.

The last 8? That would be something. Torn between watching England vs. Costa Rica or Italy vs. Uruguay tomorrow.

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Are you a Brazil supporter Walter? It's 0-0 at the half in the Mexico-Croatia match. It's getting testy out there as Mexico reverts to some of its dirty tactics and the referees seem in danger of losing control of the match.

No, it was the match I was watching - on a Spanish speaking channel down here. They are more interesting to watch and show more crowd shots. I am a fan of the Brazilian crowd though! ;):)
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Yes, Netherlands was certainly the class of Group B. Robben is a beautiful player to watch and I reckon the Dutch are one of the top three or four forces in this World Cup.

I always refer to Robben and Van Persie as the dynamic duo of the Netherlands team! A match with those two playing right at the front, is always exciting to watch! I am also really getting to like those substitutes Leroy Fer and Memphis Depay! :D I just wish the coach will use both of them from the first half onward!

I also have a feeling that the USA will reach the Quarter-Finals stage! I just get that vibe from them!! :D

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The last 8? That would be something. Torn between watching England vs. Costa Rica or Italy vs. Uruguay tomorrow.

I'll be watching the Italy Vs. Uruguay encounter, today. The England Vs. Costa Rica encounter has me very disinterested, since England is out of the World Cup anyway.

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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Costa Rica are currently TOP of the group.

Sorry! I mistyped! I clearly meant to say that I am disinterested in that encounter since England is out. You see, England was one of the teams that I was supporting and I was not expecting them to depart so early! I've edited my post accordingly! Cheers :beer:

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Sorry! I mistyped! I clearly meant to say that I am disinterested in that encounter since England is out. You see, England was one of the teams that I was supporting and I was not expecting them to depart so early! I've edited my post accordingly! Cheers :beer:

No problem, I will be watching the Italy Vs Uruguay match too, as England unfortunately are shit.
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My interest in the England - Costa Rica match is to see if England plays with some spirit or merely goes through the motions, unfathomably exiting the World Cup without a single point.

Now, on the eve of England's last match, John of Gaunt's haunting soliloquy from Shakespeare's "Richard II" has been running through my noggin.

"This royal throne of kings, this scepter'd isle,

This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,

This other Eden, demi-paradise,

This fortress built by Nature for herself,

Against infection and the hand of war,

This happy breed of men, this little world,

This precious stone set in the silver sea,

Which serves it in the office of a wall,

Or as a moat defensive to a house,

Against the envy of less happier lands,

This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England..."

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My interest in the England - Costa Rica match is to see if England plays with some spirit or merely goes through the motions, unfathomably exiting the World Cup without a single point.

From what I am watching this England team is even more shit than the last one. Dull pointless rubbish.

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Yep sure do. Not just me. About 30 odd million other English. In fact at the press conference today, our intrepid Manager Woy Hodgson was asked " do you seriously believe you can win the World Cup" To which he replied " why yes, we wouldn't be sending a squad to Brazil if I didn't think otherwise" Cue to hoots of laughter and mutterings of "forever the optimist".

Unfortunately what may seem to be the best football league in the world, it is crammed full of overseas players creaming in millions of foreign English pounds. It's laughable that Premiership winners Manchester City, could only field 2 players in the England squad - and one of them is James Milner, who I do hope plays so the whole world can see for themselves how shite he really is !

We will not even get past the group stages and be back home in within a few days.

eeemmmmmm me thinks I was spot on. Now if I was only good at the lottery ?

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From what I am watching this England team is even more shit than the last one. Dull pointless rubbish.

They played good enough to beat Italy but their goalie was not as good as Italy's. That was the difference. Now who in Gods creation had Italy and England going home and Costa Rica and Uruguay coming out of this group? Not I. Its amazing. England did deserve a better outcome. Not as bad as you let on.

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They played good enough to beat Italy but their goalie was not as good as Italy's. That was the difference. Now who in Gods creation had Italy and England going home and Costa Rica and Uruguay coming out of this group? Not I. Its amazing. England did deserve a better outcome. Not as bad as you let on.

Rick, for the ENGLISH this is as bad as it gets. We didn't deserve a better outcome as we are SHIT. 3 games 1 point 2 goals. It just isn't good enough. Thankfully it's all over and i can spend quality time getting stoned

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Yet another European team bites the dust! Arrivederci Italia!

BTW, what the hell is up with Luis Suarez?! He actually bit a player again! Poor Chiellini! Suarez definitely deserved a red card! Mad bastard!!

Anyway drama aside, I am looking forward to the encounter between the USA and Germany, on Thursday.

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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Rick, for the ENGLISH this is as bad as it gets. We didn't deserve a better outcome as we are SHIT. 3 games 1 point 2 goals. It just isn't good enough. Thankfully it's all over and i can spend quality time getting stoned

It truly sucks. As for the US vs Germany, I think a tie gets us in? I think the US can advance even if they lose if Portugal ties? Beating Germany seems a bit far fetched to me. But Germany does not really need it right? So they may rest players? And maybe they will take mercy on their beloved US coach, the former German player? Maybe a tie would not bother them? Maybe

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I need these Colombian drug lords to beat the Japs to cash out. Come on and play. This is the World Cup. I do not want to hear about teams not needing a game. I cannot see the Japs beating them. Nor France losing tomorrow. If France wins I am sitting pretty also. I am putting futures on the Netherlands and France to win it all. I believe one of those two can win if Brazil can be beaten

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I really, really can't get behind the German squad, it just doesn't seem right to me. As far as Italy goes, it made me happy that they were punished after what they did early on in the tournament, I do like the cars which come out of the country though

Edited by Charles J. White
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This sport is a fucking joke. Well past the 45 minute mark, and no injuries they let the play continue until Japan got a lucky goal and all of a sudden its half time WTF? There is no real clock. Now these lazy fucking Colombians will they even try to win? Lazy bunch of fucks. Totally outclass Japan on the field.

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