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Jimmy Page says "It's time to play live again"


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I like how you always present your opinions fairly and objectively. I suppose that I would say this in defense of Jimmy: Robert has always been consistent in his actions regarding a reformation of Zeppelin, and there is no argument about that, but he does mince his words at times, and in conversations that we have not been privy too, it has been suggested that he has never closed the door fully with Jimmy, and left matters open to speculation and interpretation. As I have said before, Jimmy is the proud father of all things Zeppelin, and he is fully invested in the band and its legacy. People like that hang on any thread of hope that they may perceive, and I feel bad for Jimmy if he has i) misunderstood, or ii) been misled about Robert's future intentions. It must kill Jimmy to know that the clock reads half past eleven, and his greatest ambition remains unfulfilled.

Thanks DL

I agree there must be a lot we're not privy to.. But, for Jimmy to go with what he heard Robert said in an interview seems odd.

That tells me there is little contact between them.

I'm surprised when Jimmy heard about this, he didn't jump right on the phone or plane to ask / confront him.

I accepted Robert's stance years ago. He's not going to budge... for all the reasons cosmic_juice pointed out.

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I really can't see a Zeppelin album without that distinctive drum sound. It would just sound weird to me. I can see them playing some shows here and there and play maybe some the songs that they didn't get to play when they initially where around, but anyways I don't blame him for being fed up. He wasn't he objector. I'm interested on what musicians decide to join his band when it comes to that point.

You should check out the drumming on the California Breed song that is on the thread over in the 'other bands' area. Jason's drumming has come a looong way!

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^ Jason has clearly been reinvigorated by the 02 Reunion and his playing shows that he has fully accepted his legacy. I applaud him for honoring his father while also having a style different than his father.

As for Jimmy having unfulfilled ambition, wouldn't the 95-98 Page/Plant collaboration constitute (at least in Robert's view) that left over ambition? Robert has been consistently inconsistent about anything Zeppelin related since 1981. I feel Jimmy has always hoped for a collaboration with Robert and more recently Jonesy too that could bring forth new music that could stand up to the music they created 40 years ago. For most, that may seem unrealistic (especially given the misfire of Walking into Clarksdale). However, having read Jimmy finally calling out Robert for his continuous jabs at future Zeppelin projects, I feel this may be the final straw breaking in Jimmy holding out for Robert. This should have happened a decade ago, but it will only matter once Jimmy is on stage playing in front of his fans again.

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He said that being out playing is the only thing missing, but he had to do the sets first. I really hope he means it this time and I hope he is out playing in the time period he plans. He always gives me hope, but we'll see what actually happens. I agree with him about being fed up with Robert's games and being dissagreeable.

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If it's been fulfilled, then it's no longer an ambition. His greatest ambition remains as I stated.

I must have missed something. If not the formation of Led Zeppelin ('68), what are you suggesting is Jimmy Page's greatest ambition?

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He said that being out playing is the only thing missing, but he had to do the sets first. I really hope he means it this time and I hope he is out playing in the time period he plans. He always gives me hope, but we'll see what actually happens. I agree with him about being fed up with Robert's games and being dissagreeable.

I wouldn't hold my breath as his excuse for inactivity the last time around was he had a website to launch. Actions speak louder than words and the fact that he attended TWO Jeff Beck concerts in Japan last month and did not jam says it all as far as I'm concerned.

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If it's been fulfilled, then it's no longer an ambition. His greatest ambition remains as I stated.

He was in the greatest band that ever walked the face of the planet for 10 years, if he's got a greater ambition than that, I'd love to hear it.

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I wouldn't hold my breath as his excuse for inactivity the last time around was he had a website to launch. Actions speak louder than words and the fact that he attended TWO Jeff Beck concerts in Japan last month and did not jam says it all as far as I'm concerned.

Jimmy Page said plain as day that he has to get back in playing shape. .To go on stage with Jeff Beck, one of the very best in world at their concert and not be in playing shape would be pretty stupid. I'm usually in the believe it when I see it camp, but he sounds like he means it.

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Jimmy Page said plain as day that he has to get back in playing shape. .To go on stage with Jeff Beck, one of the very best in world at their concert and not be in playing shape would be pretty stupid. I'm usually in the believe it when I see it camp, but he sounds like he means it.

You may recall he joined Jeff for a jam at the RNRHOF induction ceremony in April 2009. Was he in playing shape then? Regardless, Jeff's a friend and has publicly stated many times he's receptive to doing something with him. IMHO Jimmy

couldn't have asked for a more golden opportunity than the one he had last month here in Japan to put up or shut up.

Yet nothing...zilch...nil.

The master has awoken, Jimmy is motivated to play again, which means he is on.

2001...2002...2003...2004...2005...2006...2007...2008...2009...2010...2011...2012...2013...2014 = 1 full length concert. Sure!

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It makes sense that after working tirelessly for the fans to preserve and enhance the legacy of Led Zeppelin, the greatest band of all time, and whose legacy is worth preserving and enhancing...that Jimmy is ready and is motivated to play live again. He is a perfectionist, and while it is often easy to be impatient (especially in today's world of instant gratification), we appreciate when results are carefully thought through and are top quality, which is what we get with Jimmy. Jimmy would have already been playing live had all parties been willing after O2. Know folks are likely to have a doubting position from what's happened in the past, but I'm trusting that Jimmy is sincere in his words and desires (and always has been). My hope is that he finds the right band members to carry out his vision, as I don't see him playing with a mediocre band just to fulfill his desire to play live.

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You may recall he joined Jeff for a jam at the RNRHOF induction ceremony in April 2009. Was he in playing shape then? Regardless, Jeff's a friend and has publicly stated many times he's receptive to doing something with him. IMHO Jimmy

couldn't have asked for a more golden opportunity than the one he had last month here in Japan to put up or shut up.

Yet nothing...zilch...nil.

2001...2002...2003...2004...2005...2006...2007...2008...2009...2010...2011...2012...2013...2014 = 1 full length concert. Sure!

Apparently he was. He had performed with Zeppelin fairly recently after 6 weeks of rehearsal.

He rehearsed a new project with JPJ and JB in 08 and made It Might Get Loud. He was fairly active on guitar at that point.

He wasn't behind a mixing console for 3 years working on remasters.

It would have been great if he did sit in with Beck in Japan, and I'm sure he had an open invite from his close friend.

I think you're reading too much into it.

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Apparently he was. He had performed with Zeppelin fairly recently after 6 weeks of rehearsal.

He rehearsed a new project with JPJ and JB in 08 and made It Might Get Loud. He was fairly active on guitar at that point.

He wasn't behind a mixing console for 3 years working on remasters.

It would have been great if he did sit in with Beck in Japan, and I'm sure he had an open invite from his close friend.

I think you're reading too much into it.

Whether one thinks Jimmy's comment about being "fed up" with Robert is naive, it tells me that he really has been holding out hope that Robert would come around. It clearly has sunk in that this just isn't happening.

I truly believe Jimmy now knows he'll have to start his own thing if he wants to play again. Will he do it? I think so.

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Keep in mind he also had the opportunity last week to play at Berklee and chose not too. It is understandable, as I don't think he is practiced right now. If he decides to form a band and release a record and tour I think he can get back into playing shape when the time comes.

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I don't see him playing with a mediocre band just to fulfill his desire to play live.

Jimmy freely admits he still does not have any band which should tell you everything you need to know about his true level of ambition.

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Jimmy freely admits he still does not have any band which should tell you everything you need to know about his true level of ambition.

If you put your mind to it, a band isn't hard to put together (if you are at the level Page is at). Slash put together his solo band, The Conspirators, very quickly and they are fantastic.

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If you put your mind to it, a band isn't hard to put together (if you are at the level Page is at). Slash put together his solo band, The Conspirators, very quickly and they are fantastic.

You've just proved my point, albeit unintentionally. :lol:

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SAJ, I look at it differently...when Jimmy is ready, and he has indicated that he is now ready, I believe he will have no trouble finding quality musicians to join him. Who wouldn't jump at the chance to play with Jimmy Page!! It seems to be more productive to look forward to what can be, rather than looking backward. We are all thankful and grateful for what Jimmy has given to his fans over the years, and I look forward to what lies ahead!

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My guess/opinion is that Jimmy wouldn't lie about something like this so if things aren't happening speedily then there's some sort of reason.

I think it's possible that the desire to reunite with Zeppelin is such a strong preference for him that having to choose from among the myriad other options that are available and perhaps equally appealing (equally but much less appealing than the strong preference) could be kind very difficult. Like Zep is choice #1 and a dozen other options are tied at #2. This could lead to indecision and waffling for someone who's mind is made up but can't make what he wants most to happen, happen.

Like I said this is just my guess/opinion. I just think he is not insincere so there's got to be some explanation besides that for why things are moving slowly.

If he had the energy of a Zep reunion tour powering him, he'd be focused and getting into playing shape in record time!

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I get the impression that Robert is sick of playing the old hits. I would agree with that sentiment. From what I saw of the Page Plant shows, I really liked seeing them perform new songs they created. I preffered that to seeing them do Zeppelin songs. I found it kind of boring. The Clarksdale songs came off way better to me. Wonderful One was much nicer to see live than any Zeppelin they performed. Plant seems to infer in interviews that he may work with the other 2 if it was to create new music. Page seems to be in legacy protection mode, and I think Plant is turned off by that. I think he may find it sad to go from such a creative group, to the same people churning out hits. As he said, rock is a young mans game, and they're not young.

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I just don't see any reason why there can't be an acoustic Zeppelin tour or something. It would appease us die hards, allow them to do a lot of new renditions and deep cuts, give Plant his "different" fix, and not be as demanding on them.

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I just don't see any reason why there can't be an acoustic Zeppelin tour or something. It would appease us die hards, allow them to do a lot of new renditions and deep cuts, give Plant his "different" fix, and not be as demanding on them.

I can see that, yes. That would be cool, and would push them.

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I get the impression that Robert is sick of playing the old hits. I would agree with that sentiment. From what I saw of the Page Plant shows, I really liked seeing them perform new songs they created. I preffered that to seeing them do Zeppelin songs. I found it kind of boring. The Clarksdale songs came off way better to me. Wonderful One was much nicer to see live than any Zeppelin they performed. Plant seems to infer in interviews that he may work with the other 2 if it was to create new music. Page seems to be in legacy protection mode, and I think Plant is turned off by that. I think he may find it sad to go from such a creative group, to the same people churning out hits. As he said, rock is a young mans game, and they're not young.

He says things in interviews that make it seem like he's tired of his old hits, but on his solo tours, his setlist is 50% Led Zeppelin. Does he change them up? Yeah for the ones he's played the most, like WLL and Black Dog. But even then, I think everyone has come to the consensus that Black Dog needs to go away at this point. And having seeing him just 11 months ago, despite his age, he can still go.

I'm a bias person here, so i really don't want to pick on Robert at all, and i'm sure everyone else feels the same way. But the facts are there and it's very disheartening.

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