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John paul Jones silence

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There are many well read long time posters

on this board.Can any one explain why JPJ

has remained silent over the upcoming reissues?

Not one peep out of him during the media storm

of the last 2 weeks. The WSJ article actually states

"Plant and Jones declined to be interviewed for the article"

As a long time fan of Jones work his insight into the recordings

would have been as interesting as Jimmy's.It's really beginning to

bug me! Any ideas?

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Jimmy spearheaded this remaster project. Maybe JPJ feels Jimmy earned the attention for his hard work and should be doing the press for it. I doubt his silence is due to any lack of interest.. not that you're implying this..

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I think JPJ was relatively hands off on this project, and is not as familiar with the work that went into creating the new packages. He is also a humble man who would tend to leave credit where it is due, and not try to insert himself into Jimmy's spotlight moment. Lastly, if he can stay away from the Zep reunion discussion, and the tension between Jimmy and Robert, then it is more likely that the topic will never really get legs. I just think he knows his place, and is doing the respectful and politically astute thing, as he has always done. The man is nobody's fool.

Edited by The Dark Lord
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I think it does display a distinct lack of care -- but that's me, and the man is more than free to it. I'm still a fan of his.

That too. I think he is years ahead of Jimmy in terms of his hopes and expectations of Robert. I do believe that he has moved on. Some interest on his part would be an appropriate gesture, but if he feels that he was snubbed again, on this project, I could see him turning his back on it. There may be a component of that involved.

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The sheer scale of Jimmy's PR tour-de-force must have been known for months and advertised to the other two. It seems the Paris event was originally intended to feature all three : I'm sorry that didn't happen as it was the most conspicuous absence of RP and JPJ.

Robert has been judicious in choosing a few select outlets to make his comments, most of which have been positive although his "self-deprecation" does sometimes extend to LZ deprecation .. But in the end, Robert's presence has been there, if sparing. Good for him.

We hear so much of JPJ's many projects but I am sure he had time to schedule in one or two mornings of press - and chose not to.

It's easy to imagine their discussions at the outset : Jimmy tells the others to send in their tapes and leave the rest to him ( though plainly from what's been said, they did a little more than that ... ) .

Promotion-wise, different matter altogether. They can ALL do that, it doesn't rely on the authorship/production of one person and it lends huge weight to the project. Evidently Jimmy would play the greater role, but for the other two to ship up from time to time would have made a great difference.

I think Robert's got away with it, and JPJ has let the side down.

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I understand and agree with aspects of all the answers so far

posted, thanks for adding to this thread .It just seems such a

missed opportunity not to hear from the last remaining member

of the greatest rock rhythm section on the subject of the probable last

ever upgrade of their back catalogue. It is the last go around for them

makes me kind of sad!


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John Paul Jones made some brief comments about the Paris 1969 gig as a soundbite that was released to radio stations, I believe.

Jimmy Page actually detailed the extent of John Paul Jones' involvement in an interview with El Mundo. The best translation I have is as follows:

John Paul Jones never asked me about this. The truth is that he hasn't been a part of it.

That comes in the same interview where Jimmy says that Robert sent him over some tapes and asked not to be contacted unless Jimmy had any doubt.

John Paul Jones also declined to be interviewed by Rolling Stone as part of the large remasters feature with Jimmy and Robert.

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Jimmy has it covered.

I don't really see what difference John Paul Jones would have made by doing a couple of interviews.

I kind of like seeing Jimmy handle it alone ...

Lord knows he's taken enough crap for not having any solo stuff going on.

THIS is what he's been up to..

He's also making sure word is getting out there that new solo material is coming.. It's a win / win that he's doing it..

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he has other things to do and i think at this point in his life he would just prefer to do what he enjoys which is play music.

but they did play a clip of him talking about some of the music along with the other guys on the radio not long ago. maybe it was from some previous interviews but i thought it was for the recent release.

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I think he knows this is Jimmy's thing and he'd rather leave it as such and let him do all the press and promoting with this. It's been quite an undertaking for Jimmy as there has been so much more of this involved than other reissue from the past.

Edited by SuperDave
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I think it does display a distinct lack of care -- but that's me, and the man is more than free to it. I'm still a fan of his.

Remember the care Plant and Page showed JPJ when they first decided to work together? If I were him I would just sit back and rake in the money..... that Page obviously needs. What will we have next???? ANOTHER remasters album in a few years time??? Page is just screwing us all by digging up all this "new" material. Didn't he say in 1992 that there was no more unreleased material to be had?

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I doubt it is a lack of care. I would be surprised if he was invited to participate. Was he invited to the No Quarter or Plant/Page projects? I never felt the band was a democracy. JP started the band, was guitarist, main songwriter, producer, and thus keeper of the legacy. He harvested the talents of the three others to create awesomeness, but in the end they were really just hired guns for his vision. Plant and Jones know their place, and they know their place is move forward in new creative directions. They're all smart, talented, and living in the moment; they're just not in the same band anymore.

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I doubt it is a lack of care. I would be surprised if he was invited to participate. Was he invited to the No Quarter or Plant/Page projects? I never felt the band was a democracy. JP started the band, was guitarist, main songwriter, producer, and thus keeper of the legacy. He harvested the talents of the three others to create awesomeness, but in the end they were really just hired guns for his vision. Plant and Jones know their place, and they know their place is move forward in new creative directions. They're all smart, talented, and living in the moment; they're just not in the same band anymore.

When you said they're not in the same band anymore - that was well said, Jones and Plant moved forward to other things, unfortunately Page how did you say the keeper of the legacy (hahaha) I must remember that!!! Well Page stayed in a time-warp, he still believes as do many on this forum that Led Zeppelin still exists. Sorry JP, Led Zeppelin finished in 1980, no matter how many more "unheard " tracks you miraculously keep finding. As I said Plant and Jones moved on with their lives, Page didn't. So Jones' silence speaks volumes...What does he have to say, sorry Jimmy but I'm not in Led Zeppelin anymore, and your "lets make some money" trips are becoming tedious.

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Well I myself am enjoying the Amazon cloud player with my three purchases. John and Page wanted to do more, and new, music.

But...... well we all know what happened there. So I would imagine that was a dissapointment for John Paul, but he did well, and

keeps expanding his musical horizons. Can't wait to hear his opera, he's been wanting to do something like that for awhile . I think he's

super talented, and while he would have loved to do the Zep stuff again, he'll be fine. And don't really think anything about him not

making a comment on old music he did being re-released. He's on to the new things now. And HE doen't tease about I'm not busy in

2014, or ask the capricorns. GO John GO.

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Yeah, I think Page has been to a degree, "lost', since 1980. But I don't blame him too much. It was a helluva thing to have to walk away from. On one hand, i'm glad he's at the helm when it comes to remastering and releasing "new' product. But sometimes I think he's too close to the material to be objective about what should be released. Consider the moneygrabbers who run the Hendrix estate. they'll put Jimi's image on all kinds of garbage for a buck, but they also somehow realized the importance of some of the audience recordings which captured epic moments and have made them available to stream, for free even, on their website. Hopefully, sooner rather than never, JP will wake up and show some of the great LZ performances some respect.

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There are many well read long time posters

on this board.Can any one explain why JPJ

has remained silent over the upcoming reissues?

Not one peep out of him during the media storm

of the last 2 weeks. The WSJ article actually states

"Plant and Jones declined to be interviewed for the article"

As a long time fan of Jones work his insight into the recordings

would have been as interesting as Jimmy's.It's really beginning to

bug me! Any ideas?

Well, as a long time poster I can tell you that I haven't really put much stock or thought into John Paul Jones not making the promotional rounds on this current venture. I just assume he is busy with his own projects and he was always one to let Jimmy and Robert do most of the talking anyway, so I don't read malice, lack of care, or anything disrespectful in his not speaking to the press. Certainly not anything worth being bugged about.

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Well, as a long time poster I can tell you that I haven't really put much stock or thought into John Paul Jones not making the promotional rounds on this current venture. I just assume he is busy with his own projects and he was always one to let Jimmy and Robert do most of the talking anyway, so I don't read malice, lack of care, or anything disrespectful in his not speaking to the press. Certainly not anything worth being bugged about.

Well said, Strider! :goodpost:

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JPJ is the definition on class. Musically brilliant yet so humble. If he has something to say as time goes by, as always he would be a gentleman about it IMHO.

Definitely agreed Deborah and well said!

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The albums are coming out in groups of 3....

3 groups of 3 I would guess.. Jimmy is currently handling the press for the 1st 3..

Maybe Robert and John Paul will handle the press for the other 2 release groups...

But then again ... Just a thought

plantpothead Do you really think Jimmy Page needs money??

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The albums are coming out in groups of 3....

3 groups of 3 I would guess.. Jimmy is currently handling the press for the 1st 3..

Maybe Robert and John Paul will handle the press for the other 2 release groups...

But then again ... Just a thought

plantpothead Do you really think Jimmy Page needs money??

Chase, Jimmy Page is a serious record collector, and being one myself, I can offer an opinion and say, "YES". Dang, that can be an expensive hobby. :peace:

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You might want have a listen to the rte interview In the press and media column of the news section to get Jimmy's thoughts on the La La title and the way it was put out there by Robert in the Australian interview that got all the reunion talk going again.

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