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Hot pics of Jimmy


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I do wish he'd cut his hair. He can leave it gray/white if he wants, but the long hair doesn't suit him anymore.

I love his long hair. It makes him younger looking and it makes him feel younger. Jimmy is awsome anyway he wears his hair. I love him

While I respect Electrophile's opinion, I have to agree with I*L*J. I mean, look at that hair! I want to spend cold winters nesting in there...


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Hello to you all, ladies! :)

Happy NEW YEAR!!

I have been away from this nice place for more than a month now, so I am not sure if this picture has been posted before...

In any case, this is MY ultimate favorite of all Jimmy's pictures.

Looking like a fallen angel, lost in his own world, that cigarette hanging from his lips, the hair, his eyes closed ..awwww...he's just a DREAM!

The guitar god is in heaven... :rolleyes: and I am too by such a vision! :wub:


beautiful pic!!!! :o I love it!!!! :wub:

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Hello to you all, ladies! :)

Happy NEW YEAR!!

I have been away from this nice place for more than a month now, so I am not sure if this picture has been posted before...

In any case, this is MY ultimate favorite of all Jimmy's pictures.

Looking like a fallen angel, lost in his own world, that cigarette hanging from his lips, the hair, his eyes closed ..awwww...he's just a DREAM!

The guitar god is in heaven... :rolleyes: and I am too by such a vision! :wub:


OMG!!!!!!!!! :wub::wub:

This is one of the most stunning pics of him I have ever seen! :faint1:

It looks like from Oakland- he is wearing this beautiful jacket with the butterflies!

Thank you so much for this pic!


(I think I will print it and take it with me to Gambia! :wub:)

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ohhhh that cheeky smile of his....

Gods, Amazonic! Why did you hide this pic so long?!? IT IS SO GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL and I've never seen it *gasp*

THanks a thousand times!

:D, Lucy! I found this picture while holidaying a month ago and believe me the moment I saw it, I was breathless and couldn't even speak a word for the following 15 minutes! :D. It haunted me for days & nights ;).

and still now, it has a very hypnotic effect on me. I can't keep my stare away from that beautiful face expression he has, the way he looks in abandon. It surely is the best ever shot of Jimmy I have ever seen.

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ohhhh that cheeky smile of his....

:D, Lucy! I found this picture while holidaying a month ago and believe me the moment I saw it, I was breathless and couldn't even speak a word for the following 15 minutes! :D. It haunted me for days & nights ;).

and still now, it has a very hypnotic effect on me. I can't keep my stare away from that beautiful face expression he has, the way he looks in abandon. It surely is the best ever shot of Jimmy I have ever seen.

Yeah, I am feeling like being hypnoted too in the moment (starred at it once again) His closed eyes really haunt me, and the black/white perfection of his features...gods, he is so perfect!

Sorry, I forgot to add this: what guitar is he playing in that pic? It's no Gibson, no Fender, no Danelectro...

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Yeah, I am feeling like being hypnoted too in the moment (starred at it once again) His closed eyes really haunt me, and the black/white perfection of his features...gods, he is so perfect!

Sorry, I forgot to add this: what guitar is he playing in that pic? It's no Gibson, no Fender, no Danelectro...

I would say that this is an acoustic guitar- because of the neck...

And don´t worry- I will take some pics of Jimmy with me for sure! :)

And I will have also my mp3 player with me- with a lot of Jimmy music to survive the long flight- 2 hours from Prague to London and then 6 hours form London to Gambia. Jimmy will be with me! :wub:

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Hello to you all, ladies! :)

Happy NEW YEAR!!

I have been away from this nice place for more than a month now, so I am not sure if this picture has been posted before...

In any case, this is MY ultimate favorite of all Jimmy's pictures.

Looking like a fallen angel, lost in his own world, that cigarette hanging from his lips, the hair, his eyes closed ..awwww...he's just a DREAM!

The guitar god is in heaven... :rolleyes: and I am too by such a vision! :wub:


:wave: Welcome back-God how did you servive?!?

LOVE this pic, I'm not a '77 Pagey fanatic but I do love this one, yes he does look like a fallen angel, an angel with a broken wing....

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Tonight is the only night where I havn't got my mum bursting in my room every half hour telling me to go to bed :) :)

Actually she is getting abit worried about me coz I have now moved my Pagey canvas so that he is overlooking my bed :blush:

And I have just rearranged my Pagey Corner :wub: *sighs*

Anyway PAGEY!!!!!







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Omg I had another Pagette moment yesturday during school, I was in history and as usual I was day dreaming;

My Teacher: She's daydreaming again isn't she? *sigh* Lucia...Lucia!

Somebody poke her.

Lucia...what was the object that landed in king Harold's eye on the Beayaux Taperstery?

Me:...*sigh* Dog collar...

Teacher: What...Dog...did you say Dog Collar? I dunnno how someone can get a dog collar-

Me: Did I say Dog Collar! oh I meant...er....er....erm....what was the question again?

Teacher: Oh Lucia do pay attention...I sometimes wonder what goes through your head.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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I love everyone's pictures!!! Those I've seen, but especially the ones I haven't seen. I should able to post mine again end of next week or beginning of the next. I have all kinds of Pagey treats to put up. I have been using my father's laptop, as we're having problems with our computer that my pictures are in, but someone is fixing it for us next week. I plan to save them when I get to my pictures again. I wish I could post too!

Your story is fun, Lucia.

Jimmy has been keeping me happy with the stuff going on at work.

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