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After 3/21/75. . Whats next??


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It's obvious they are saving the L.A. Forum and 3/12 Long Beach shows for last. The Long Beach is equal to the Seattle show in terms of performance.

So besides those, what's left? The early January shows leading up to and including Chicago. These are the ones I am most interested in. Millard took care of the Forum shows and Long Beach is listenable. But Chicago audience tapes are terrible. Which is a shame because the setlist is very intriguing...more meat, less fat than the later shows. You get an extra Physical Graffiti song in "The Wanton Song", a true rarity in "When the Levee Breaks", and the return of "How Many More Times", which grooves and is less stagnant than "Dazed and Confused". And "Communication Breakdown" in the encore.

If EV truly has more sdbds from 1975 I hope the January shows are next in line for a release.

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What about another 73 board? Every reason to think Baltimore and Providence are out there. Additionally some 71 boards would not be unreasonable would it? We have sbd recordings of Orlando, Toronto, and Hampton, what to say New York, which is between Orlando and Toronto isn't out there?

And of course, the full soundboard of the 9/28/71 show

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11 minutes ago, pluribus said:

If the people behind Empress Valley are to be believed, the second Long Beach show and a new Blueberry Hill release.  Not known if the Blueberry Hill release is supposed to be a soundboard, or even the Oakland show from a few days before. 

A Blueberry Hill SB would be a major event. Especially if complete.

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I agree with Strider. The only two post-January shows from 75 that I'm at all interested in are 3/12 Long Beach and 3/27 LA (yes, the Millard tape does the job, but it would potentially make for a good matrix IMO. Plus, it'd be great to hear Dazed and TUF from this show in soundboard form).

If we're following the pattern of EVSD releases (ie. mostly 75 and 77), I'd love to hear the two non-Millard recorded LA shows (6/22 and 6/26) in soundboard form. Would also love Pontiac, anything more from the New York run, or anything we haven't heard at all yet (St. Paul, Baton Rouge, Greensboro, etc.).

For 73, the top two on my list are 7/23 Baltimore (God, Plant sounds so great! And them playing Dazed out of order?! Hell yes!) and 6/3 LA (would be nice to hear the complete show without all those damn tape issues).

My all time top 2 (as in a Holy Grail that probably won't happen for decades if at all) are forever 6/19/72 and 9/19/70 (evening show).

If I had to pick one that has a snowball's chance in hell of coming out? 6/22/77, though I know EVSD is going to be hoarding the shit out of that until the well is truly dry, assuming they even have it at all.

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I've seen comments that say Empress Valley has threatened this may be their last SBD exclusive release. Exactly what does that mean? Are they going to hoard what they have forever , or destroy the tapes they've acquired ?? Or return them for their money back??  :wtf:

Or, maybe they don't own Zep anymore boards??  

Maybe one thing they can do is offer a fairly reasonable 4 disc set of just the SBD. I think there are plenty of fans who would drop $100 -$150 for the artwork and the silvers. Even after downloading it just to hear it asap.  Collector mentality. I've succumbed to the temptation from time to time. 

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1 hour ago, porgie66 said:


Maybe one thing they can do is offer a fairly reasonable 4 disc set of just the SBD. I think there are plenty of fans who would drop $100 -$150 for the artwork and the silvers. Even after downloading it just to hear it asap.  Collector mentality. I've succumbed to the temptation from time to time. 

EV's new strategy is to launch new SB titles as multi disc De-Luxe editions like the three versions of Seattle aimed at the die hards. Collectors have to choose between really expensive and outrageously expensive boxed sets. EV's return on investment is secured this way. 1OOO punters worldwide willing to spend 350 USD, 300 to 500 high heeled collectors willing cough up 500 USD...Bingo. Tough, but as a business strategy it's the only way to deal with a declining market for silvers and the reality of downloads 

The 4CD plain Jane editions will follow in a few months time and they will be marginally more expensive than the Eelgrass and Scorpio UK copy cats.

Of course this new strategy can only survive if the quality of the source material remains top notch...Complete SB/ AUD combo's like Long Beach 3/12, Osaka 9/28 will certainly wet our appetite. 

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10 hours ago, pluribus said:

If the people behind Empress Valley are to be believed, the second Long Beach show and a new Blueberry Hill release.  Not known if the Blueberry Hill release is supposed to be a soundboard, or even the Oakland show from a few days before. 

Huh?!  WHAT!??

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I would love a SBD of the 2nd Copenhagen warm up in 1979. Personally, I think this is Pages most fluid live playing since 1975. The audience recording is great, but imagine a matrix. I think there's a good chance the SBD exists, because the band would want to listen back to how things sounded before the big comeback Knebworth shows.

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28 minutes ago, Mook said:

The Vanilla Fudge red snapper footage would come before that for me I have to say.


I think a compilation DVD might be in order. Throw in Bonzo's assault on the flight attendant and Jimmy getting his hand caught in the train door. They could market it as the 'Zeppelin Tour Blooper Reel.'

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11 hours ago, badgeholder said:

Ha! Already asking what's next. I swear, they could drop the Pontiac video on you and ten minutes later it'd be "what's next?" lol

 I asked this question  mainly because of the speculation that's been thrown out there of soundboards that EV supposedly has… It's a question that has to be asked by us diehards.  And it's not like the new release was targeted for the masses… It was targeted for the few that have hundreds of dollars of disposable income unlike myself  . It would be nice to know what's on the docket and if anybody has concrete evidence of where these actually come from since it's only been 4 decades and now they're seeing the light of day…

PS what do you know about the Pontiac video Badgeholder???!?!!:):):)

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Of the sources we know (or are pretty sure) exist, for me #1 would be the 9/28/71 Osaka soundboard. The "Black Dog" teaser from a few months ago sounds shockingly good - best sounding soundboard I've heard from any '71 show. And while it's not 9/29, it's a very similar performance and the existing audience source is terrible sounding IMO.

As for what I'd personally like to see, I'd say soundboard (or ideally the multitracks) from Bath '70, and as noted above a soundboard from 7-24-79 Copenhagen, which is indeed their best post-1975 performance, period.

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If memory serves me right I wanna say in a Proximity fanzine from way back when there was a write up for the 3/21/75 Seattle gig.There was a supposed post gig at a small bar/club that same night.I could be wrong but these small after gig jams possibly with other musicians may happened more then we think.Fairport Convention comes to mind from the early 70s.Maybe someone can chime in on these after gigs and side jams as my memories a bit foggy.

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37 minutes ago, tmtomh said:

Of the sources we know (or are pretty sure) exist, for me #1 would be the 9/28/71 Osaka soundboard. The "Black Dog" teaser from a few months ago sounds shockingly good - best sounding soundboard I've heard from any '71 show. And while it's not 9/29, it's a very similar performance and the existing audience source is terrible sounding IMO.

As for what I'd personally like to see, I'd say soundboard (or ideally the multitracks) from Bath '70, and as noted above a soundboard from 7-24-79 Copenhagen, which is indeed their best post-1975 performance, period.

Amen to this. 

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38 minutes ago, tmtomh said:

Of the sources we know (or are pretty sure) exist, for me #1 would be the 9/28/71 Osaka soundboard. The "Black Dog" teaser from a few months ago sounds shockingly good - best sounding soundboard I've heard from any '71 show. And while it's not 9/29, it's a very similar performance and the existing audience source is terrible sounding IMO.

What happened with this, btw? I know the sample came out months ago and there seems to be no update on it. I know EVSD doesn't exactly have a stellar reputation, but it seems odd for them to tease this out and then have nothing afterwards.

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1 hour ago, ZepHead315 said:

What happened with this, btw? I know the sample came out months ago and there seems to be no update on it. I know EVSD doesn't exactly have a stellar reputation, but it seems odd for them to tease this out and then have nothing afterwards.

That's a great question. At the risk of stating the obvious, they either have the whole thing and teased it because they had a new audience source for 2014 and wanted to get money for that first; or else for whatever reason the source who has the 9-28 soundboard only agreed to sell them that one track and so they used it as a sweetener to get people to buy the new-audience-source 9-28 release.

Of course like everyone I sincerely hope it's the former possibility. If they do have the entire tape, I'm not at all surprised it's not out yet. If they'd released it soon after the prior 9-28 release it would have created a lot of anger among folks who bought that prior 9-28 release. Makes sense for them to tease it, then put the incredible 3-21-75 release out, and then when the dust has settled perhaps release the full 9-28 soundboard.

The one indication that makes me think they might not have the entire 9-28 board, though, is that their recent warning to people about not sharing 3-21 online makes mention of Blueberry Hill and 3-12-75 releases coming up. They still might be planning 9-28 after those - since I would say 9-28 would be an even more epic release than 3-12 (because Japan '71 > USA '75), and arguably a more epic release than Blueberry Hill even (because existing Blueberry AUD sources sound much, much better than existing 9-28 AUD sources).

In fact, given that many folks believe that the existing 9-29 source(s) is either a stage-mic recording or a high-generation copy of a terrible rough multitrack mixdown, it is possible that EVSD has access to both the 9-28 and 9-29 soundboards. If so, it would make sense that they would tease 9-28 and not 9-29, to keep the suspense and surprise up. If that were the case, a 9-28 and 9-29 soundboard release would without a doubt be something they would hold until after 3-12-75, Blueberry Hill, and almost anything else you could imagine. They could charge $1500 or even $2000 for such a release, and a small but sizable number of hardcore fans would gladly snap them all up.

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1 hour ago, Ocean73 said:

If memory serves me right I wanna say in a Proximity fanzine from way back when there was a write up for the 3/21/75 Seattle gig.There was a supposed post gig at a small bar/club that same night.I could be wrong but these small after gig jams possibly with other musicians may happened more then we think.Fairport Convention comes to mind from the early 70s.Maybe someone can chime in on these after gigs and side jams as my memories a bit foggy.

It was the after party jam of the famous sept. 1970 BB Hill show and the other band involved was Fairport Convention -captured on multi track

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It's been much discussed for years. It is one of my Holy Grails.

Joe Boyd's book and at least two other books have mentioned it. September 4, 1970. Fairport Convention was doing a weeklong residency at the Troubadour club in West Hollywood. They were recording multitracks which would eventually be used for the live album "House Full". 

Led Zeppelin was playing the Forum, from which audience tapes emerged to form the basis of two famous bootlegs..."Live at the LA Forum" and "Live on Blueberry Hill". After Led Zeppelin finished their concert sometime around 11pm or so, they zoomed up to Santa Monica Blvd. in their limos to the Troubadour to catch the end of Fairport Convention's show. Then, they joined forces for the encore.

Multiple people who were there confirm that the multitrack recorders were rolling for the encore jam. The whereabouts of the tapes are in dispute.

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