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Peter Gabriel - Talks about O2 Show

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Apparently growing a goatee is a reflex when you get into your late 50s.

:) I'm liking it. It's nice.

Thanks for sharing that with us, Warby. Wouldn't it be nice if Jimmy, Jonesy, Robert and Jason updated us with clips like that?

Oh, Mister Webmaster Sam ... can you plant some bugs in some ears? :whistling:

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:) I'm liking it. It's nice.

Thanks for sharing that with us, Warby. Wouldn't it be nice if Jimmy, Jonesy, Robert and Jason updated us with clips like that?

Oh, Mister Webmaster Sam ... can you plant some bugs in some ears? :whistling:

I am a Big Gabriel fan go into him around '77 about the same time I found Zep. I love the way he keeps us updated and his live shows are always fantastic.

Got to meet him in Edinburgh about '79 or '80, he was happy to chat and he even let us sneak in through the stage door as we did not have tickets for the gig! So top bloke.



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Always liked Gabriel. Funny how all these famous rockers say they were never Zep fans before. WTF?

Yeah, David Gilmore's excuse was that Zep and Floyd were at their peak of popularity at the same time so he was always too busy to go and see them. I suppose that could apply to Genesis and Peter Gabriel too. Plus, if you're a creative young artist then I imagine it would be a bit offputting if you kept listening to your contemporaries and worrying about how good they were.

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I am a Big Gabriel fan go into him around '77 about the same time I found Zep. I love the way he keeps us updated and his live shows are always fantastic.

Got to meet him in Edinburgh about '79 or '80, he was happy to chat and he even let us sneak in through the stage door as we did not have tickets for the gig! So top bloke.



How lucky are you! :D I've always heard very nice things said about him and I know that he is very well respected amongst African American musicians. I bookmarked his site so I can can catch up on what he's been doing lately.

Again, thanks Warby.


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Yeah, David Gilmore's excuse was that Zep and Floyd were at their peak of popularity at the same time so he was always too busy to go and see them. I suppose that could apply to Genesis and Peter Gabriel too. Plus, if you're a creative young artist then I imagine it would be a bit offputting if you kept listening to your contemporaries and worrying about how good they were.
Many tours also conflicted times and places for thm to see yeach other.....

Now as afar as Gabriel.......a lil tidbit of info......Lamb Lies Down On Broadway was recorded at Hedley Grange....and would be the place where the beginning of the end of the Gabriel era took place. The place is haunted! :o

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Many tours also conflicted times and places for thm to see yeach other.....

Now as afar as Gabriel.......a lil tidbit of info......Lamb Lies Down On Broadway was recorded at Hedley Grange....and would be the place where the beginning of the end of the Gabriel era took place. The place is haunted! :o

I did not know that. A friend of mine has actually written a book on that album, due out next fall :D

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Funny thing is, I bumped into Steve Hackett as he left the Indigo2 and he said he was still working on a reunion project with Gabriel and the rest of Genesis.

I read a recent interview with Mike Rutherford and he said there are still plans to do "The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway" - When Peter is a little less busy! With 5 shows in the States and 5 in Europe. Now that I would like to see.



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I read a recent interview with Mike Rutherford and he said there are still plans to do "The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway" - When Peter is a little less busy! With 5 shows in the States and 5 in Europe. Now that I would like to see.



That's awesome news. The Lamb is one of my favorite albums of all time.

How many Genesis alum were at the O2? Thought I saw a picture of Mike Rutherford.Peter was there,and I had heard Tony Banks was there,as well.Any others?

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Always liked Gabriel. Funny how all these famous rockers say they were never Zep fans before. WTF?

I think that when Zeppelin first came out the sheer power and volume of it was focused on by some musicians, and they were put off by it, failing to comprehend it's nuanced and intelligent aspects. With some perspective and a second listen people like Peter Gabriel have grown to appreciate it.

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Thank you for the link. I like Gabriel and think he and Robert bum into each other quit a bit now at benefits and what not.

Have to say I was not ready for that first image of him. Didn't realize he had gotten bald.

Love the voice though.

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Yeah, David Gilmore's excuse was that Zep and Floyd were at their peak of popularity at the same time so he was always too busy to go and see them. I suppose that could apply to Genesis and Peter Gabriel too. Plus, if you're a creative young artist then I imagine it would be a bit offputting if you kept listening to your contemporaries and worrying about how good they were.

I find that a bit hard to believe, but Gilmour and Page have a mutual association with Roy Harper, which I think is a more likely connection. In terms of missing another band, however, I read an interview with Jimmy and Jeff Beck...Jeff mentioned he thought about giving up guitar when he saw Hendrix, at which point Jimmy said he never actually saw him! He was so busy with the Yardbirds and then Zeppelin, that he just never got round to catching Jimi play.

I think Jimi saw Zeppelin, though, he was quoted as saying Bonzo had feet like a pair of castanets!

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Always liked Gabriel. Funny how all these famous rockers say they were never Zep fans before. WTF?

JPJ collaborated with Peter Gabriel on the track 'Fourteen Black Paintings' featured on his album 'Us'. Gabriel lived in Bath at the time and JPJ not far away in Devon:

Us is the sixth studio album (and ninth album overall) by British rock musician Peter Gabriel, originally released in 1992. It was remastered, with most of Gabriel's catalogue, in 2002. Singles taken from the album included "Digging in the Dirt", "Steam", "Blood of Eden" (previously featured in the 1991 Wim Wenders film Until the End of the World), and "Kiss That Frog".

Track listing

All songs written by Peter Gabriel.

  1. "Come Talk to Me" – 7:04
  2. "Love to Be Loved" – 5:16
  3. "Blood of Eden" – 6:35
  4. "Steam" – 6:02
  5. "Only Us" – 6:30
  6. "Washing of the Water" – 3:50
  7. "Digging in the Dirt" – 5:16
  8. "Fourteen Black Paintings" – 4:36
  9. "Kiss That Frog" – 5:27
  10. "Secret World" – 7:01

While highly regarded by most fans, many felt the sound of the album was not up to the high quality of So.


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  • 4 weeks later...

From an interview to Peter Gabriel in LeSoleil

Q Vous avez assisté au concert de Led Zeppelin à Londres. Vos impressions?

R J’ai trouvé le concert fantastique. Pourtant, je n’avais jamais été un fan absolu de Led Zep durant mes jeunes années. Mais j’ai appris à les apprécier avec le temps. De la musique solide, puissante, musclée, avec de l’intelligence, beaucoup de pertinence. La veille du concert, Robert Plant m’avait envoyé un courriel avec cette blague : «Lequel va se prostituer en premier, toi ou moi?»

Q Justement, la tournée de Genesis l’été dernier ne vous a pas donné envie de rempiler?

R Je n’ai même pas eu le temps de les voir en concert. Mais je n’ai rien contre une reformation. J’ignore où, quand et comment. Mais une chose est certaine : ce n’est pas hors de question!

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