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The Vaccine for Covid is coming fast


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17 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Obama absolutely has a hand in Biden's illegitimate Presidency. How's it working out? Well, we just imported more than 100,000 unvetted Afghan's that are now being dispersed by design under the cover of darkness from coast to coast. Look what the Taliban got -- about $2 BILLION in weapons and equipment.

What I've been saying is the pandemic is not a public health emergency, BUT it is being spun as such for the purpose of extending and expanding Big Government control.

The election was stolen in plain sight. How? Suppression of the news, ballot harvesting and absentee voting, predominantly, which was NOT approved by state legislatures. Regardless, political elections don't mean shit and haven't for years. Outcomes may be cheered or booed by the masses, but those of us who know what's really going on see political elections for the bread and circuses they are.    

Obama and Biden are both Deep State stooges.

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8 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:

Don't you have a mix-and-match vaccine party to go to?  I imagine you're up to your fifth booster shot by now, no?

No, I'm only at 3 for now.  All Pfizer.  No problems, and no covid.  Your child death link is hilarious.  Almost as bogus as your athlete heart attacks.  I'd play link-a-dink with you but it's Saturday.  I've got things to do.  I encourage everyone to do only 5 minutes of research on both of those bogus claims.  Actually, I don't.  They're too ignorant to even bother with.    

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5 minutes ago, Bong-Man said:

No, I'm only at 3 for now.  All Pfizer.  No problems, and no covid.  Your child death link is hilarious.  Almost as bogus as your athlete heart attacks.  I'd play link-a-dink with you but it's Saturday.  I've got things to do.  I encourage everyone to do only 5 minutes of research on both of those bogus claims.  Actually, I don't.  They're too ignorant to even bother with.    

Good idea, here's a start:

Young Athletes Dying After COVID-19 Vaccine – The Burning Platform

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12 minutes ago, Bong-Man said:

No, I'm only at 3 for now.  All Pfizer.  No problems, and no covid.  Your child death link is hilarious.  Almost as bogus as your athlete heart attacks.  I'd play link-a-dink with you but it's Saturday.  I've got things to do.  I encourage everyone to do only 5 minutes of research on both of those bogus claims.  Actually, I don't.  They're too ignorant to even bother with.    

Well, good news for you:  they keep shortening the waiting time between doses, so you'll be up to five in no time.  

FDA shortens Moderna booster waiting period to 5 months for adults (cnbc.com)

Remember comrade:  2+2 = 5.

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Hey Dr Link. Don't you have anything better to do on a Saturday?

You must be a very lonely, sad individual, that has no friends or nothing better to do than trawl the net for some thinly veiled, and, tenuous at best, information to satisfy your (lack) of knowledge on this subject. Sit back, relax, put a Coldplay album on and have a cup of tea or whatever Sauron can knock up in his kitchen? 

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17 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

Hey Dr Link. Don't you have anything better to do on a Saturday?

You must be a very lonely, sad individual, that has no friends or nothing better to do than trawl the net for some thinly veiled, and, tenuous at best, information to satisfy your (lack) of knowledge on this subject. Sit back, relax, put a Coldplay album on and have a cup of tea or whatever Sauron can knock up in his kitchen? 

Aww, you're so sweet.

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Djokovic and Aaron Rodgers are becoming two of my favorite athletes:

‘Novak’s Real Crime Was to Have Stood Up for Himself and, in So Doing, Exposed Our Cowardice’ – Anti-Empire

Hell, I'll even support psychopaths like Antonio Brown for the fake vaccination card thing.  Remember:  black markets are how the Soviet Union functioned on a daily basis, the same thing will happen in the new Soviet America.

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16 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:

Djokovic and Aaron Rodgers are becoming two of my favorite athletes:

‘Novak’s Real Crime Was to Have Stood Up for Himself and, in So Doing, Exposed Our Cowardice’ – Anti-Empire

Hell, I'll even support psychopaths like Antonio Brown for the fake vaccination card thing.  Remember:  black markets are how the Soviet Union functioned on a daily basis, the same thing will happen in the new Soviet America.

This is the best reader's comment on that article:

Ultrafart the Brave
 6 hours ago
“The whole country is hating on Novak Djokovic right now because he had the courage to do what most of us did not – stand up for himself.”

No, it’s not, it’s really not.

It’s the Satanic political class, their beauracratic stooges and the entirety of the bought-and-paid-for Australian mainstream media that is “hating on Novak Djokovic”.

The common folk in Australia could care less. A great many of them already ignore the mainstream media, because they know what’s going on.

This is a controlled narrative which is subordinate to the Satanists’ Corona Chan “pandemic” narrative, a key part of their depopulation plan.

“When news broke earlier this week that Novak was going to be allowed to play in Australia, a Victorian journalist tweeted: ‘If we still have crowds at the Australian Open by the time it starts, it’s the duty of every Australian to boo Novak relentlessly between sets. Shit is absolutely f***ed.’”

A Victorian “journalist”? Really? How about we just call a spade a spade – a Victorian presstitute paid by his Globalist masters to spew lies to support the official position of the Satanists entrenched throughout the Australian governments.

Why would anyone be concerned about a brainless lying presstitute’s paid anouncement on a Globalist media platform like Twitter?

For that matter, why breathe life into that venemous tirade by repeating it?

“‘Rules are rules,’ Prime Minister Scott Morrison insisted, when announcing to the baying Twitter mob that Novak’s visa had been cancelled.”

There’s that Globalist-controlled propaganda machine again – Twitter.

Sure, it matters to the Satanists’ controlled narrative – but only for that diminishing proportion of the population that still give it any credence.

Here’s a small measure that might help to restore public confidence in the official narrative – drag Hill Song pedophile and closet Satanist Morrison and all his ilk out into the street and string every last one of them up on a lamp post.

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2 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

This is the best reader's comment on that article:

Ultrafart the Brave
 6 hours ago
“The whole country is hating on Novak Djokovic right now because he had the courage to do what most of us did not – stand up for himself.”

No, it’s not, it’s really not.

It’s the Satanic political class, their beauracratic stooges and the entirety of the bought-and-paid-for Australian mainstream media that is “hating on Novak Djokovic”.

The common folk in Australia could care less. A great many of them already ignore the mainstream media, because they know what’s going on.

This is a controlled narrative which is subordinate to the Satanists’ Corona Chan “pandemic” narrative, a key part of their depopulation plan.

“When news broke earlier this week that Novak was going to be allowed to play in Australia, a Victorian journalist tweeted: ‘If we still have crowds at the Australian Open by the time it starts, it’s the duty of every Australian to boo Novak relentlessly between sets. Shit is absolutely f***ed.’”

A Victorian “journalist”? Really? How about we just call a spade a spade – a Victorian presstitute paid by his Globalist masters to spew lies to support the official position of the Satanists entrenched throughout the Australian governments.

Why would anyone be concerned about a brainless lying presstitute’s paid anouncement on a Globalist media platform like Twitter?

For that matter, why breathe life into that venemous tirade by repeating it?

“‘Rules are rules,’ Prime Minister Scott Morrison insisted, when announcing to the baying Twitter mob that Novak’s visa had been cancelled.”

There’s that Globalist-controlled propaganda machine again – Twitter.

Sure, it matters to the Satanists’ controlled narrative – but only for that diminishing proportion of the population that still give it any credence.

Here’s a small measure that might help to restore public confidence in the official narrative – drag Hill Song pedophile and closet Satanist Morrison and all his ilk out into the street and string every last one of them up on a lamp post.

Seems like a very loving Christian thing to say. Just accuse people of being pedophiles, and satanists and kill them. What is scary is that usually those are the very people who are usually the most evil. Also, people should be careful of accusing others of such acts and beliefs. 

I hope to god you haven’t gone down that rabbit hole of far right wing propaganda Steve. I want to believe that this is you being sarcastic. Not actually believing in some crazy right wing bat shit crazy theories of pedophile baby eating pizza parlors. Come on man. I’ve read almost every post you have written on this site. Say it ain’t so Steve! 


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20 minutes ago, Plant77 said:

Seems like a very loving Christian thing to say. Just accuse people of being pedophiles, and satanists and kill them. What is scary is that usually those are the very people who are usually the most evil. Also, people should be careful of accusing others of such acts and beliefs. 

I hope to god you haven’t gone down that rabbit hole of far right wing propaganda Steve. I want to believe that this is you being sarcastic. Not actually believing in some crazy right wing bat shit crazy theories of pedophile baby eating pizza parlors. Come on man. I’ve read almost every post you have written on this site. Say it ain’t so Steve! 

Ok, you got me. I was just doing my show. 


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22 hours ago, custard pie man said:

Steve nailed it, covid was waiting in the wings with Faucci and his gain of function, sole purpose was to  get rid of Trump, shut down world economy, employ unconstitutional voting procedures, delay  and extend voting in 5 swing states, and ultimate goal is not let covid  die but keep it alive, teacher unions refuse to teach, inflation will be as bad as when Carter was in, now democrats , with help of  the far left media want to do away with the fillibuster so  congress can control the vote, Biden and his cronies want us  to blow past socialism and  with warp speed enter communism, wake up folks before were China

I really encourage you to see what and how and who has used the filibuster to their benefit. Which party that is. I also really encourage you to go back to World War II and just see who the economy has done better under. It’s not even close.

And how does our freedoms of being able to mail in vote, early registering, and making it easier to vote have to do with communism. I also think that DC and Puerto Rico should become states. That way they can also have two senators, and equal representation. I mean when the Dakota’s have 4 senators and less people in their states then many cities in our country how is that equal representation. Same with the Virginia, and the Carolina’s. As far as parties going to great lengths to make it harder to vote, their is one party that is the master at it. 

If we are to believe that Faucci, and Obama, Biden, and Pelosi all got together with all the worlds governments while practicing satanic rituals, and then said let’s unleash this Plandemic and get rid of Trump for a few years. In that 4 years we can make America a communist country and rule with an iron fist! What’s funny about that is our previous president has some pretty autocratic ideas and thoughts that he and his cronies tried to put into practice, and the gang just couldn’t shoot straight. Also, additionally what is funny, none of the previous presidents sane/non retarded kids push that whole election lie crap. Nor did his Attorney Generals, or his CIA, FBI, department of defense, or any of the other people that he put into place. I guess that the satanic left got them all on board for this massive global conspiracy. 

I do agree with you that I’m tired of school districts, and every other place shutting down because of  Covid-19. People who are vaccinated, great. If your not, great. I’m tired of it here in California. I recently had a roll through my company, and I can’t ask for my employees to show me their positive or negative tests. I just have to believe them. And I have a sneaking suspicion that some of them may just be telling me they have it to get a few paid days off. I also agree that the media just helps feed the hysteria of this pandemic. No doubt people have lost lives, loved ones, not been able to see them in their last moments, it has ruined many social events, ruined businesses, peoples financial future. At some point this has to just become what the yearly flu/cold is and we have to deal with it. Shutting down the world just can’t happen anymore. People who don’t get vaccinated and get sick, and perhaps die, that is very sad, those who are vaccinated and survive, good for them. Those who die after being vaccinated, that sucks, those who are not vaccinated and survive that is good. 

Maybe we just need to stop thinking that a Democrat president is going to save us, or that a Republican President is going to right the ship. Maybe a panel of presidents would be a better representation of what we need. This team mentality really needs to stop. It’s destroying our country. As a 45 year old white man, I’m tired of old white men telling us what we need. 

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4 hours ago, Plant77 said:

Seems like a very loving Christian thing to say. Just accuse people of being pedophiles, and satanists and kill them. What is scary is that usually those are the very people who are usually the most evil. Also, people should be careful of accusing others of such acts and beliefs. 

I hope to god you haven’t gone down that rabbit hole of far right wing propaganda Steve. I want to believe that this is you being sarcastic. Not actually believing in some crazy right wing bat shit crazy theories of pedophile baby eating pizza parlors. Come on man. I’ve read almost every post you have written on this site. Say it ain’t so Steve! 


If you haven't noticed the occult and satanic themes (and just general perverse weirdness) openly employed by the ruling class and their media mouthpieces, then you haven't been paying attention.

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29 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:

If you haven't noticed the occult and satanic themes (and just general perverse weirdness) openly employed by the ruling class and their media mouthpieces, then you haven't been paying attention.


There is evil in this world and it goes deeeeep.

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4 minutes ago, slave to zep said:


There is evil in this world and it goes deeeeep.

Exactly.... it’s “hidden in plain sight” through Symbols / logos, monuments / phallic symbols,  language, names,  numbers, misuse of colors, rituals and other customs.  Time For people to wake up ... 😴


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4 hours ago, reids said:

Exactly.... it’s “hidden in plain sight” through Symbols / logos, monuments / phallic symbols,  language, names,  numbers, misuse of colors, rituals and other customs.  Time For people to wake up ... 😴


Hi there!


It amazes me that in today's internet world,  people are still oblivious. 

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