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Has anyone ever seen a UFO?


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I was watching yesterday that movie close encounters of the Third kind and my roommate was talking about it.what does every one think about the UFO consparisies?

I saw one when I was a little girl when I was riding through the woods with my parents and I think I was ubducted.I also saw another one in los angeles when I moved here.It was as though it was following.

Edited by Scarlett
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I was watching yesterday that movie close encounters of the Third kind and my roommate was talking about it.what does every one think about the UFO consparisies?

I saw one when I was a little girl when I was riding through the woods with my parents and I think I was ubducted.I also saw another one in los angeles when I moved here.It was as though it was following.

If it makes you feel any better Scarlett, I believe you that you were abducted. And that it followed you to LA. :wave:

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I think I did once. Lights which looked like stars, but then began to move around in a clockwise circular motion. There were about 3 of them. No noise or anything like that. No other witnesses so I can't prove it.

I am still not convinces of the link between Aliens and what we call UFOs. More likely to be new human technology.

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A good site for star gazing or more accurately satellite gazing is Heavens Above.

You select your location from their database and you can find times and details of satellite passes you will be able to see. The most impressive are the Iridium Flares, which are often mistaken for UFOs, and are quite spectacular.

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not only did myself and two friends see it, but it was printed in the local newspaper two days later.

*and I've lived 10miles from Fort Dix/MacGuire Air Force Base my entire life. I know what a fucking jet looks and sounds like.

Well, I was skeptical, but if it was in the local paper it must be true. I've been converted!

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A friend of mine thinks she saw a UFO once when she staying over at my house... :lol: She was sleeping on a mattress in my room and the window was right above her and she saw a very bright light ...the light was on her like a beam and she thought she was going to be abducted... :lol: I love her she's my best friend but god she sure can be stupid sometimes... I was right next to her in that room and I can explain what really happen as I have experienced the same thing several times.

When its the full moon and that its cloudy, from time when the sky clears up a lil and that the moon appears, it lights my room through my lil 'roof' window and it looks like a beam and its very bright. I never explained that to her cuz its too funny seeing her telling everyone about 'the aliens who wanted to abduct her at Morgane's (me) house!!!' :lol:

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There is a better chance that Bigfoot exists than aliens getting here in a space ship undetected. I took astronomy. To reach the closest star beyond our sun, and assuming it had planets around it that could support life, if you had a spaceship that could travel at the speed of light, which in physics is the fastest known possible speed, it would take you 40 yrs to get there. That said, we know that this star has no inhabitable planets because of the Hubble. But with that said, it is certainly possible that they are out there somewhere, but they are just too far away to reach us.

They warp space and travel interdimensionally...duh everyone knows that :D

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