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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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15 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

Just seen an advert on British TV . Every person represented were either Black or Ethnic. Best of all,  even the dolls were Black.

A recent study concluded London is 37% White (English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British). Let that sink in. 

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It's not people or their ethnicity or colour that gets me. I'm a pretty tolerant laid back person. It's how it is represented in adverts that gets on my pip .EVERY ad on TV has the white person in the minority or is portrayed as stupid or a clown. However the non white is the more dominant and sometimes appear more successful.

Of course I live in middle class Whitesville, where the only non whites are takeaway owners or Turkish Barbers, and I understand that the majority of people are City/Town dwellers where diversity is more prevalent. But how this plays out  (in ads)is we all seem to live in mixed race relationships with one white and one black child, or totally non white families. I have even seen 2 white parents of a black child. 

@SteveAJones. London is a shithole of the highest calibre. I wouldn't dream of spending 5 minutes down there. Unsafe, and I would feel like I did when I walked through a village in India. 

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So once again there are no charges for democraps who either take classified documents or destroy them and the devices they had them on but you better make Trump pay for the PRESIDENTIAL documents had!  What a load of hogwash!!  I say to you again if you vote for biden then you are either stupid or just an asshole.

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2 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

So once again there are no charges for democraps who either take classified documents or destroy them and the devices they had them on but you better make Trump pay for the PRESIDENTIAL documents had!  What a load of hogwash!!  I say to you again if you vote for biden then you are either stupid or just an asshole.

totally expected and  with this Trump will raise more money and garner more support

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They are ordering Peter Navarro to jail before his appeal can even be decided. They found him guilty now want him to be punished before his appeal could possibly exonerate him. This while hunter biden runs free to smoke crack bang whores sell influence all while accused of the exact same thing, ignoring a congressional subpoena. Anyone else notice he has disappeared from the news lately?

This administration is the worst in American history.

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On 2/8/2024 at 2:23 AM, custard pie man said:

not really sure how  we as a nation stand a chance in getting rid of these assholes from both parties if our votes aren't secure?

That's it right there. Free and fair elections. Stop fucking around with the results, and do what EVERY other major western democracy is capable of.

Fucks sake.

Of course, according to those who are actually charged to know, the elections there are free and fair. So the question then becomes - how can y'all come together and rid yourselves of these self serving corrupt cunts?


oh, I almost forget, my random thought....

Do you reckon they would have gone on with Train Kept a Rollin' through the North American Tour, and developed it for the opening track for their next release had Zep continued?

If not the opener, I reckon it would have been on their next release. (Aerosmith released theirs in '74 so I don't see any issues there)

Edited by rm2551
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Can't wait for the next election in the land of make believe. It will be the most memorable in the 60 odd years I've been on planet Earth. The old mad man or the younger old mad man. Go orange whip I say, as at least we will have a bit of amusement before the whole shit house goes up in flames

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48 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

Can't wait for the next election in the land of make believe. It will be the most memorable in the 60 odd years I've been on planet Earth. The old mad man or the younger old mad man. Go orange whip I say, as at least we will have a bit of amusement before the whole shit house goes up in flames

So what you're saying is that under four years of Trump you didn't appreciate that he put more of your own money in your pocket, got rid of isis, kept the taliban quiet, set china back, kept russia quiet, kept NK quiet, didn't get the US into any new wars, created the Abraham Accords and kept the middle east quiet, ran a great economy and was bringing the country to energy independence which kept gas prices low low low and lower energy costs ??   I guess all that just wasn't what you wanted from a president.  

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12 minutes ago, hummingbird69 said:

So what you're saying is that under four years of Trump you didn't appreciate that he put more of your own money in your pocket, got rid of isis, kept the taliban quiet, set china back, kept russia quiet, kept NK quiet, didn't get the US into any new wars, created the Abraham Accords and kept the middle east quiet, ran a great economy and was bringing the country to energy independence which kept gas prices low low low and lower energy costs ??   I guess all that just wasn't what you wanted from a president.  

Seriously,  What the Fuck are you talking about?  Reread your post.  You make no Sense at all.  

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14 minutes ago, kingzoso said:

Seriously,  What the Fuck are you talking about?  Reread your post.  You make no Sense at all.  

 If you read his post he says he'll take trump but he doesn't really want either because they are old. Trumps age isn't a factor the way it is with biden and if you don't want Trump then you mustn't have liked what he did during his time in office.


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2 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

So what you're saying is that under four years of Trump you didn't appreciate that he put more of your own money in your pocket, got rid of isis, kept the taliban quiet, set china back, kept russia quiet, kept NK quiet, didn't get the US into any new wars, created the Abraham Accords and kept the middle east quiet, ran a great economy and was bringing the country to energy independence which kept gas prices low low low and lower energy costs ??   I guess all that just wasn't what you wanted from a president.  

Orange Man didn't put any money in chillumpuffer's pocket, nor the pocket of any other Brit.

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Oh the irony!

Remember when they started making accusations against Trump?  biden said he was getting money from China, They said Trump would start WW111, Trump was racist, Trumps document case, and that the 25th amendment was now in play because of one little tweet with the typo 'Covfefe' ?  

Now that biden has shown himself to be IMHO guilty of all those things the left forgives all of it and each and every fuckup biden makes!

He should be removed with the 25th amendment, mixing up Mexico with Egypt and all the others, give me break!. If Trump had made any of the gafs biden has the left would have been all over him for it. Now, it's all right in your face and it's no big deal.

If you're going to vote democrap you need your head examined 

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1 hour ago, Strider said:

World population in 1963: 3,195,779,247

World population in 2023: 8,045,311,447

Stop the world, I want to get off.


Billions and billions-----Carl Sagan

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On 2/7/2024 at 11:59 PM, SteveAJones said:

A recent study concluded London is 37% White (English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British). Let that sink in. 

Only 37%. Sounds like Los Angeles.  But here it is only about 24% now.

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4 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

He should be removed with the 25th amendment, mixing up Mexico with Egypt and all the others, give me break!.

Guess now we know about his lack of effort on the southern border.  I mean why worry about cartels when they're on the other side of the world? It could be an honest mistake.  Everyone knows that Egypt is the Mexico of Africa.

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1 hour ago, cryingbluerain said:

Guess now we know about his lack of effort on the southern border.  I mean why worry about cartels when they're on the other side of the world? It could be an honest mistake.  Everyone knows that Egypt is the Mexico of Africa.


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16 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

So what you're saying is that under four years of Trump you didn't appreciate that he put more of your own money in your pocket, got rid of isis, kept the taliban quiet, set china back, kept russia quiet, kept NK quiet, didn't get the US into any new wars, created the Abraham Accords and kept the middle east quiet, ran a great economy and was bringing the country to energy independence which kept gas prices low low low and lower energy costs ??   I guess all that just wasn't what you wanted from a president.  


Indeed I am from the UK. So whilst I really don't care who you vote in, over hear it is becoming a soap opera of the highest calibre. Many people here can't actually believe that the choice's on offer are, a doddery old man who doesn't know what day it is, or a dangerous Orange Whip who's possible first thing to do in office is to pardon himself. If You really can't believe how your Country is becoming a laughing stock, then I seriously think you should get out more.

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