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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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6 hours ago, custard pie man said:

Bidens Iron Clad support of Israel lasted as long as the Eclipse last week, after knocking the drones out of the sky he said "call it a win, don't retaliate, we won't support you"


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11 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

How does one make Varifocal glasses? 

I just got new bi-focal glasses and they kind of drive me crazy, especially for reading as I have to pull the book fairly close. Not very comfortable. 

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So far, the most interesting thing about the Trump trial to me is how nobody talks about how the justice system is anything but fair or equitable.

Whether you are for or against 'orange man bad', no one ponders how such incredible levels of deference is given to those with great power and influence vs. what consideration everyone else gets.

Trump has highlighted this to the point of blinding me. Who else gets this kind of consideration? NO ONE. Not because it's Trump in particular, but he is the best example. I'm not making a point about Trump in particular. People think it's to do with him. It's not - at least - this random thought isn't. The very powerful and/or connected get an insane amount of consideration that no one else is afforded. That's my point. Some of this is understandable given wealth and education give you a far better chance in the legal system, but the "OJ" factor here is off the chain.

Yeah, I am using this Trump trial as an example, but again, it is an example of the point I am trying to make, not a point about Trump and his legal quicksand.

One of the key principles of liberal western democratic society is applying the rule of law equally to everyone. It is in large part why everyone buys into the "system". But it's simply not the case and I think this goes some way to explaining a grievance within the great unwashed masses that translates into votes for Trump. (It's only a factor)

The wilful ignorance of the unfair advantage that the rich/connected/powerful/influential have vs. the average Joe is not sustainable. Not to mention the ever growing wealth gap. Trump WILL burn down this system. For better or worse, that is who and what he is and says. There is no mistaking what Trump stands for. A lot of people will not be perturbed by that given their correct understanding of the current structure.

I'll site a single statistic to back up this random thought...

Most people in prison per capita = USA

To be fair, there is a slightly different way to gage this:

Highest rate of incarceration - USA comes in 6th. Still abysmal.

Democrats are either too out of touch to know how to engage/talk about this, and more importantly offer a solution, or, the divide is no longer bridgeable so even if they come up with real solutions to this it's no longer heard.

The left is not as crazy as the right. Maybe, but it is no longer relevant.

Edited by rm2551
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18 hours ago, rm2551 said:

So far, the most interesting thing about the Trump trial to me is how nobody talks about how the justice system is anything but fair or equitable.

Additionally, no one talks about how all of it is bread and circuses given Speaker Johnson's complete capitulation on the $90+ BILLION foreign aid package. We have a Uniparty -- voting in elections is meaningless. 

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On 4/14/2024 at 8:19 AM, chillumpuffer said:

I thought Isreal bombing an embassy in Syria full of Iranian military was a tad uncalled for. Then again, indiscriminately killing 35 thousand women, children and aid workers while your own security forces failed to do their job was also a tad unnecessary. Then again, pushing native Palestinians from their land, rounding them up in open air prisons with no control over the electricity or water supply, fencing them in, denying their sovereignty and refusing to accept or consider a 2 state solution is probably partly to blame. At least plenty of companies in the UK and around the world are getting rich by supplying arms to these Zionist henchmen..  

May be an image of watermelon, map and text

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1 hour ago, hummingbird69 said:

12 days ago gas was 3:35 today it's 3:65.     

Last week here it was $4.55. Yesterday it was $4.49 and before I left McD's it jumped back to $4.51. 

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38 minutes ago, redrum said:

Last week here it was $4.55. Yesterday it was $4.49 and before I left McD's it jumped back to $4.51. 

Gas is also higher in a few other stations some at 3:75. It will be 4 dollars here by Memorial day.  Gas was under 2 dollars a gallon where I live when Trump was in office.  

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5 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

Gas is also higher in a few other stations some at 3:75. It will be 4 dollars here by Memorial day.  Gas was under 2 dollars a gallon where I live when Trump was in office.  

I remember it well. $2.65 here before Biden. It jumped back to $4.55 today. Carbon tax from our dingbat governor. 

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14 minutes ago, redrum said:

I remember it well. $2.65 here before Biden. It jumped back to $4.55 today. Carbon tax from our dingbat governor. 

Everything's going great though, doncha know??? palestinian supporters screaming death to america. rovong crime gangs, high inflation, high gas prices, high grocery prices. It's all good though biden says so.

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1 hour ago, hummingbird69 said:

Everything's going great though, doncha know??? palestinian supporters screaming death to america. rovong crime gangs, high inflation, high gas prices, high grocery prices. It's all good though biden says so.

Yep. Everything is peachy as fuck.

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2 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

Everything's going great though, doncha know??? palestinian supporters screaming death to america. rovong crime gangs, high inflation, high gas prices, high grocery prices. It's all good though biden says so.

Joe: What, me worry? 

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2 hours ago, cryingbluerain said:

Bring on the debate!  Pump up the old man with God-knows-what so he can stand and be semi-coherent for an hour.  Don't even know if drugs would help at this point though.  His handlers will probably try to weasel out of it also.

He isn't going to debate Trump!!!   What is he going to say when asked about the laptop and the money from other countries. Is he going to say the same thing again??  "You made money and the laptop was russian disinfo 50 blah blah blahs said so".

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Poor Don....Liked to brag about grabbing the pussy then got his Pecker exposed.  Come on Evangelicals...sing with me a bit, or at least hum along.


Don't know why
There's no sun up in the sky
Stormy weather
Since my man and I ain't together
Keeps raining all the time

Life is bare
Gloom and misery everywhere
Stormy weather
Just can't get my poor self together
I'm weary all the time
The time
So weary all the time

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