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Best Solo project

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Is their anybody else who thinks the Two JPJ solo records ,Zooma and Thunderthief, is the the best of the surviving members albums. I Think Walking into Clarksdale is my other favorite, but i never got into the either Plant (except Raising Sand) or Page's solo work. I'm more into Hard Rock like Metalica,Tool,and Breaking Benjamin. but i also dig Steely Dan, Dave Mathews Band, and Phish so its not all Hard Rock. I dont know, i hate ever thing about the eighties and i do enjoy musicianship more then lyrics. but still is there anyone who else thinks this.

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I think there is some cracking music on both JPJ's albums and to some extent they are as good as the other members output, but Coverdale/Page is my fave then Mighty Rearranger. While Plant has done such alot of diverse stuff from pop to world music (not forgetting his big band stuff on The Honeydrippers album) and the journey with him has been an interesting one, not always a good one. The Enchanter, Slow Dancer, Pink and Black and Tye Dye on the Highway being highlights for me !!

Coverdale/Page is my fave because at the end of the Day Zep was Page's band and I guess you could say this is as close to that as you can get with him on form with riffs (Absolution Blues/ Waitng on You/Over now), solo's (Take me for a little while) Melodic hooks (take me for a little while) I could go on, some say this album is like Metallica etc, I can't see that in anyway and i like metallica !! Page creates landscapes and great tones and growls on his guitar on Over Now !! THIS IS A VERY UNDERRATED ALBUM, for me its such a shame these songs only got an airing in Japan and at the beginning of the First Page/Plant tour, they are some of Page's best songs ever !!

Death Wish II has a special place in my heart as it was the first Page material released after Zeppelin, happy days and has its moments like the riff to (Who's to Blame) !!

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For me, the best solo effort is one of the 2 Firm albums, not sure which. As I mentioned in another thread, this is Page still developing and progressing, with great results. Backed by a fretless bass! Not relying on his Les Paul so much, really hitting the b bender, hitting a new groove entirely. The restless artist. What sounds! Listen to the main guitar theme of All The Kings Horses. What great atmosphere!

The JPJ solo stuff has a ton of merit, he does not play it safe, with singing, and all the diverse instruments. My prob. there is that it sounds too prog to me, very high end-y. Not a lot of bottom for a cd so dominated by bass guitar (various ones). It lacks ambience, nuance.

As for Plant, his 1st 3 cds are his best for me. Him getting away from the legacy, trying a new approach entirely. You can hear him, like he's reborn artistically. He's never sounded as vital as he did in Burning Down One Side or Big Log. Plus, his voice! Its got that Knebworth 79 natural polish. There's a few good songs by him in his later career, I just don't feel he has the voice to pull off rock music much anymore. It does happen for me though - 29 Palms, Tye Die on the Highway, Heaven Knows. I think its good he's doing Raising Sand, thats where his voice works best now. I'm just too radio-friendly for me.

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Deathwish II is my fav solo effort by any Zep member, followed by Coverdale/Page, Plant's Pictures At Eleven, and The Firm's Mean Business. Plant's voice is just so great on that, the best it ever was. I also liked Outrider. Also, JPJ's Crackback with Page on it is one of the best riffs post Zep.

While JPJ's solo outings have been cool and show diversity, his drum production leaves a bit to be desired, JP is the man when producing good drums sounds. JPJ-produced drum sound on Thunderthief sounds very "digital" and cold sounding with no real ambience. Perhaps "brittle" is a better word. His drum sound on "Bass and Drums" off Zooma is not bad though.

Deathwish II shows so much range, with tunes like Who's to Blame, City Sirens, Prelude, A Shadow in The City, Carole's Theme, Jam Sandwich, The Chase, and my favorite post Zep rocker HYPNOTIZING WAYS!!

Edited by Tea41
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This year, I plan to add more of their solo projects to my CD collection. I have Raising Sand, which I really love. Honestly, I have heard more of Robert's solo work than Jimmy or Jonesy's but I plan on checking them all out.

There is alot for you to find out !! some of it good and some that might sound very dated <_<

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  • 2 weeks later...

After Listening to Solo Plant and the solo page stuff. i came to two conclusions.

Plant solo work. I personaly don't care for lyrics and vocalist. Im just too busy listening to the groove, i like how singers interact with the music, but i really don't listen to the words.

Page Solo work. Same thing can be said about david coverdale as prevously stated above. I never liked Coverdale voice. Music is good, but maybe im thrown off by Jimmy tone.

I gues it not my cup of tea, but i aslo wanted to see what people thought of the JPJ projects

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I think the best Zeppelin solo project - by a long shot - is Page's unreleased soundtrack to Lucifer Rising. Kenneth Anger obviously rejected it because IT COMPLETELY OVERSHADOWED his disastrous film. I really wish Page had been given another opportunity to indulge his more avant garde impulses. I could imagine Tony Conrad or Terry Riley grooving to this...

Let's not forget that Death Wish II is a horrendous collection of music supporting an idiotic film - as much as we like Page, let's not worship blindly (or deafly)

Edited by dexter
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