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Jimmy's Hair


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Jimmy is doing great things with the ABC trust for the Brazilian kids too. That is a good thing. Still, I have always wondered why he's never opened up about that sad time of his life, changing subject in the interviews or/and quoting no regret at all. I respect the fact that maybe he does not want to share this personal side of himself. Guess that he's always wanted his audience/fans to be interested in his music, not the sad and unhealthy issues of his life. I would never ever anyway expect Jimmy writing his memoirs and confessions of a junkie, would you? So, back to square one.

Makes me think that he's been so lucky to be still alive! Sixx was addicted to heroin 1-2 years only. Jimmy almost 6 years (if I am not wrong). That is a lot of time. :(

Well I think it's a good thing that he doesn't talk about the sad time of his life. Maybe he talks about it to his love ones and dearest friends or something. But I don't think it's a good idea to tell the media and the whole world about it. And I guess he wants to be remembered as the talented musician, not as the 'rock star who was an drug addict, and oh yeah, he played guitar in Led Zeppelin'.

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Well I think it's a good thing that he doesn't talk about the sad time of his life. Maybe he talks about it to his love ones and dearest friends or something. But I don't think it's a good idea to tell the media and the whole world about it. And I guess he wants to be remembered as the talented musician, not as the 'rock star who was an drug addict, and oh yeah, he played guitar in Led Zeppelin'.

That's why we love him :)

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He may have been able to play in the studio fine, especially on Presence. But ITTOD isn't really that guitar driven like previous albums. A sign of his dwindling involvement in the band because of substance abuse?

He can't say it didn't effect his playing because it did, listen to the '77 tour and its even more apparent in the '80 over Europe tour.

Still not that I'm complaining, '77 is my favourite Zeppelin tour, such a good set list and the versions of No Quarter from '77 are awesome.

Denial is a very powerful thing.

(not you. Jimmy)

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So true. It's also frustrating if you're playing yourself, sober and really concentrating, then you put on some music and they guitarist is drunk or on drugs or something, and they play 100 times better! To reach that level where you can be out of it but still play well...

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Denial is a very powerful thing.

(not you. Jimmy)

here's another quote:

"yeah, I saw the Arms footage - that was when I knew my life needed to change".

I saw only a brief clip from the that show and it was painful to watch.

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Gorgeous screen shots! :D:wub:

yes they are screen shots :D:D:D ... i painted the one of his profile once, but unfourtunately the painting got destroyed... but it felt so nice painting his face, concentrating on every single detail of jimmy... we were one for a moment :D God now i feel like painting it again

Edited by Diana-loura
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Jimmy is doing great things with the ABC trust for the Brazilian kids too. That is a good thing. Still, I have always wondered why he's never opened up about that sad time of his life, changing subject in the interviews or/and quoting no regret at all. I respect the fact that maybe he does not want to share this personal side of himself. Guess that he's always wanted his audience/fans to be interested in his music, not the sad and unhealthy issues of his life. I would never ever anyway expect Jimmy writing his memoirs and confessions of a junkie, would you? So, back to square one.

Makes me think that he's been so lucky to be still alive! Sixx was addicted to heroin 1-2 years only. Jimmy almost 6 years (if I am not wrong). That is a lot of time. :(

Sorry for my long post.

Jimmy's silence on the subject is weirdly refreshing when you compare it with today's celebs, who seem to thrive on playing out their meltdowns in public. Whether it's because the media enjoys hounding people to a greater extent than back in the day, or the musicians themselves are more into exploiting or even exaggerating their addictions in return for additional column inches, I couldn't say but I suspect the latter plays a huge part. I suppose Jimmy's a prime example of how it's possible to clean up away from the spotlight, since it's not at all certain how he did it - all we know is that he did it eventually and that's what matters most. If today's celebs REALLY wanted to get clean away from the media they could, since they have the means to do so.

Let's face it, Zep was never the most accessible of bands to begin with so it's likely that Jimmy was able to fly under the radar for years in a way Keith Richards could not.

I suspect he preferred it that way.

It's possible Jimmy hasn't opened up about his past drug problems because they're no longer relevant to his life as it is today. The media at large tends to take a very black-and-white stance on drugs. He'll risk being accused of glorifying them, or forced into doing the cheesy and hypocritical-sounding "don't do drugs, kids, even though I had my share of fun on them before things got icky" spiel. It's a contentious issue and experience differs from one person to the next. Jimmy's an intelligent guy and he'll understand this. Some get addicted, some can do a few lines at the weekend without any adverse effects on their day-to-day lives, and I can see why he might not wish to get dragged into all that because as soon as he opens his mouth he'll be compelled to take a 'side', or will have a 'side' ascribed to him regardless of what he says.

EDIT - sorry about the detour ... back the photos! :D

Edited by The Baroness Von Zeppelin
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Hahahaha that pic makes me laugh everytime I see it

His hair is so... :lol: Can't even describe it

Every time I see this I think Prince owes Jimmy thankyou credit in Purple Rain ........... lol !!!


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LOVE his hair in this one!

Love it too! It looks perfect...almost ...what's the word...coiffed. :D I always had the feeling that in those years he had something done to his hair..I don't get it..if you look at all his pictures in the earlier days of Zep, most of the times he had frizzy and wavy hair, not this perfect bouncing curls..maybe he had a very young lady styling it for him every morning.. :D

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I always had the feeling that in those years he had something done to his hair..I don't get it..if you look at all his pictures in the earlier days of Zep, most of the times he had frizzy and wavy hair, not this perfect bouncing curls..maybe he had a very young lady styling it for him every morning.. :D

I am absolutely certain that he used to have his hair permed. Not in the beginning, as in earlier photos like the ones at MSG and the Earls Court gigs, his hair is thick and wavy, rather than curly. If you contrast that with later photos, the curls are much tighter and more regular - a sure sign of a perm. I have been desperately trying not to picture Jimmy with a head full of curlers and that awful stinky perming lotion on his head ... it's SO not a good look! :bagoverhead:

Still, I don't care - I love the man and his hair, no matter what! :wub:

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