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Miracles that have altered your course


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Bless all of you for sharing! Evster, I hope everything works out for you.

MSG wrote:

"When I have been in the depths, (maybe in the place where you are now or have been in the past) the universe always sent me a friend or a lover who was the counterweight to those depths."

It's true, you can't know the highest heights without knowing the darkest depths. But to have a friend, or lover, or animal spirit, (or great guitarist :) ) come along to show you that, and share it with you, that is a miracle.

My biggest miracle was understanding one day that being able to feel the warmth of the sun with eyes closed and mind still is the biggest miracle of all. All the rest is icing... except for friends, lovers, and animal spirits (and great guitarists), they're the cake.

"Bright light almost blinding, black night still there shining,

can't stop, keep on climbing... "

In counter balance to the heavy bits, I was having this discussion with my husband once, about the abundance of the universe. We were camping and I was trying to get him to understand that the world will provide, so I said, pretty bombastically, "the universe is abundant! You just have to look around!" So he looked all around the campsite we were in and said "Yeah, I sure do see an abundance of poison oak!" :lol:

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Many thanks to all of you for sharing those stories, I know it took guts.

Leddy, I had a similar illness four years ago (aneurysm) but the after-effects weren't nearly as serious as yours, in any sense. You reminded me again how very lucky I am. I'm really happy you made it on through, and Ev and MSG too!

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What touching stories Ev and Leddy, all my respect and love to you both. I'm proud to call you both friends, you are both resilient brave individuals with a gift of looking on the postive side of every set back. Stories like this give us all hope and teach us that good things can happen even when the road ahead looks dark, if we just hang in there ! Thank you for sharing !

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Many thanks to all of you for sharing those stories, I know it took guts.

Leddy, I had a similar illness four years ago (aneurysm) but the after-effects weren't nearly as serious as yours, in any sense. You reminded me again how very lucky I am. I'm really happy you made it on through, and Ev and MSG too!

Are you ok now ??

What touching stories Ev and Leddy, all my respect and love to you both. I'm proud to call you both friends, you are both resilient brave individuals with a gift of looking on the postive side of every set back. Stories like this give us all hope and teach us that good things can happen even when the road ahead looks dark, if we just hang in there ! Thank you for sharing !

Well its down to EV kicking it all off in the thread, it just brought it all back reading his !! Thanks for your kind words too :)

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Leddy - what a story. You have been through so much and it's very inspirational your positive attitude. Before reading that, I'd never have known you went through so much as your posts are so filled with optomism and happiness. I truly commend you (and Ev) for never giving up no matter how difficult things were. Thank you for sharing that. The mind is indeed a powerful thing isn't it.

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It can seem very discouraging at times. I've been depressed before to the point of being suicidal, and I can see how depressing those kinds of things could be. It's been a very long time--closer to twenty years than ten years. My depression was caused by something that was extremely trivial IMO compared to the stories of Ev and Leddy.

I'm glad that you guys shared those stories. It shows us that no matter how bad it seems, sometimes the only way out is up.

I hope I can remember that if I encounter a bad case of the blahs.

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Divine intervention has played such a large part in my life, I wouldn't know where to start. The biggest miracle that altered my life was the birth of my daughter, she saved my life. Her birth was a monumental event, as some miracles are, while others are more subtle, and I think that they abound in our daily life, without us ever realizing it. Without being too sappy , the gift of every new day is a miracle...a chance to start fresh, for new oppurtunities to learn and love. Ev and Leddy's stories has proven that, the gift of a new day, full of hope is a miracle in itself.

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Divine intervention has played such a large part in my life, I wouldn't know where to start. The biggest miracle in that altered my life was the birth of my daughter, she saved my life. Her birth was a monumental event, as some miracles are, while others are more subtle, and I think that they abound in our daily life, without us ever realizing it. Without being too sappy , the gift of every new day is a miracle...a chance to start fresh, for new oppurtunities to learn and love. Ev and Leddy's stories has proven that, the gift of a new day, full of hope is a miracle in itself.

Beautifully said dear friend :)

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^^Ditto that, Bilbo. That's so lovely.

Are you ok now ??

More or less, thanks--I have to take anti-seizure meds, which mean I can't drink--which none of those who know me have ever seen me doing, right, guys? :lol: --and I had reconstructive surgery on my face so now the worst of it is an eyebrow that doesn't move. :rolleyes: So compared to you, I'm totally blessed.

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^^Ditto that, Bilbo. That's so lovely.

More or less, thanks--I have to take anti-seizure meds, which mean I can't drink--which none of those who know me have ever seen me doing, right, guys? :lol: --and I had reconstructive surgery on my face so now the worst of it is an eyebrow that doesn't move. :rolleyes: So compared to you, I'm totally blessed.

Of course we haven't. Not at all


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I guess to make a long story short 1959>>>Lotso bullcrap>>>>>>>>>2005

diagnosed with colon cancer :( operation successful :) 1 month after recovery

This Bitch comes along vvv :(


3" of water throughout home, in the grand scale of things home survives :)

and now 2yrs 8mnths cancer free :)

Still have job :)

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I guess to make a long story short 1959>>>Lotso bullcrap>>>>>>>>>2005

diagnosed with colon cancer :( operation successful :) 1 month after recovery

This Bitch comes along vvv :(


3" of water throughout home, in the grand scale of things home survives :)

and now 2yrs 8mnths cancer free :)

Still have job :)

My heart goes out to everyone who went through Katrina and Rita--we ended up with a lot of displaced students up here, and some of them had lost so much, including family members. And as if having the cancer to contend with wasn't enough to have thrown at you--very glad you survived that.

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I guess to make a long story short 1959>>>Lotso bullcrap>>>>>>>>>2005

diagnosed with colon cancer :( operation successful :) 1 month after recovery

This Bitch comes along vvv :(


3" of water throughout home, in the grand scale of things home survives :)

and now 2yrs 8mnths cancer free :)

Still have job :)

So glad you have been cancer free almost three years. Wonderful news. There are no words for those affected by Katrina :console: Watching some of the footage and aftermath stories was truly heartbreaking and left me with such a feeling of helplessness.

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^^Ditto that, Bilbo. That's so lovely.

More or less, thanks--I have to take anti-seizure meds, which mean I can't drink--which none of those who know me have ever seen me doing, right, guys? :lol: --and I had reconstructive surgery on my face so now the worst of it is an eyebrow that doesn't move. :rolleyes: So compared to you, I'm totally blessed.

Ahh yes the drinking :rolleyes: I couldn't drink either for years but eventually I slowly started to have a bit here and there :rolleyes::) . I have taken myself off the anti seizure meds last year as for years theside effects were bad, talk about a jay walker, I was a zombie lol !! The way things are going I hope to stop having anything in the next few years (I hope) !! I thinl we are all blessed !!

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I'm a Gemini. Pisces rising. Cancer moon.


Rising Sign is in 22 Degrees Pisces

Sun is in 27 Degrees Gemini.

Moon is in 03 Degrees Cancer.

Mercury is in 20 Degrees Cancer.

Venus is in 21 Degrees Taurus.

Jupiter is in 09 Degrees Cancer.

Saturn is in 29 Degrees Pisces.

Uranus is in 15 Degrees Virgo.

Neptune is in 19 Degrees Scorpio.

Pluto is in 15 Degrees Virgo.

N. Node is in 25 Degrees Taurus.

Draw your own conclusions, if you can be bothered! :lol

I should copy this to the astrology thread! :beer:

Wow, Ev, you are a very sensitive and caring person from that chart. And you also have a "triangle" formed there - that means luck and great things.

Amazing reading your story. My life has just started really, but I know I have to hang onto life for what it is and not take it for granted. Hope everything works out for you and Angi. :)

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I guess to make a long story short 1959>>>Lotso bullcrap>>>>>>>>>2005

diagnosed with colon cancer :( operation successful :) 1 month after recovery

This Bitch comes along vvv :(


3" of water throughout home, in the grand scale of things home survives :)

and now 2yrs 8mnths cancer free :)

Still have job :)

Good to hear about being cancer free. That's the most important thing!

My boyfriend's family is from New Orleans. His mother also suffered a lot because of that bitch Katrina. It sucks, doesn't it?

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