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Pet Peeves


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At a grocery store here the enter door is automatic and the exit is manual. SHould it be the toher way if they aren't going to do both? I mean the little old lady can't just push the cart through the door and use it to open the door all the way.

The convenience ends the second they have your money

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i have a lot of pet peeves. top of the list at the moment: Roger Clinton(s). yes we all have one of these malingering genetically mutated slithering blobs of slime in our family. they want and feel entitled to half of everything you have and that's the root problem, they already have half of what you have ( half your iq half your class half your talent etc...)

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i have a lot of pet peeves. top of the list at the moment: Roger Clinton(s). yes we all have one of these in our family. they want and feel entitled to half of everything you have and that's the root problem, they already have half of what you have ( half your iq half your class half your talent etc...)

Half of Nothing is Nothing. I don't need to point this out to Zero, do I?

1/2 X 0 = 0


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I know it's stupid, but I HATE it that at stores like Wal-Mart and Target and those places, they have the enter door on the left and the exit door on the right. It should be the other way around. :wacko:

At my school they changed the doors into the office, and made one for "In" and one for "Out." But I swear they keep switching them around because I always go to the wrong one. They took the doorknob off on the "Out" door... I guess they REALLY don't want people using it all of a sudden for some reason, wtf.

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At my school they changed the doors into the office, and made one for "In" and one for "Out." But I swear they keep switching them around because I always go to the wrong one. They took the doorknob off on the "Out" door... I guess they REALLY don't want people using it all of a sudden for some reason, wtf.


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All this bickering between 'newbies' and the 'oldguard'.....the 'oldguard' vs. the 'oldguard'....

Oh I know this...and you don't know that !!! Where do you come up with that information ? I have my sources !! This is that...that is this.....on and on...

I know more than you !!!! Attack ! Defend !! Gang Up !!! Huddle Up, let's talk about strategy here....ATTACK !!!!

It's really absurd.....

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products that aren't as advertised. i'm drinking this grape soda. by grape i guess they meant an alternate definition that will be included in the next webster's dictionairy next to the word grapeizzle .

it tastes like bottle caps candy dissolved into carbonated then colored purple. wtf?

and what about this one?


it's a one hundred in my book :'(

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People on cell phones and or putting on makeup or playing with thier sound system the light turns green and they just sit there and finaly go just as the light changes again.

Playing crappy music in thier car so loud that it shakes my car from 50 feet away.

When my girl friend says no. :D:D

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All this bickering between 'newbies' and the 'oldguard'.....the 'oldguard' vs. the 'oldguard'....

Oh I know this...and you don't know that !!! Where do you come up with that information ? I have my sources !! This is that...that is this.....on and on...

I know more than you !!!! Attack ! Defend !! Gang Up !!! Huddle Up, let's talk about strategy here....ATTACK !!!!

It's really absurd.....

This is the answer to Hermit's question of where the 'patience' thread went to. Same way as several other threads lately....

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This is the answer to Hermit's question of where the 'patience' thread went to. Same way as several other threads lately....

Ok then let me take the chance to repeat what I said there, it got deleted before you logged back on. Your constant (thread after thread) references to the "oldguard" and the "clique" are a HUGE part of the problem around here.

I guess you just can't shake your resentment to those who outed you for your behaviour before. :rolleyes:

Quit the shit-stirring Joel. You aren't really in any position to be doing that.

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