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Pet Peeves


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We were just talking at work yesterday about pharmaceutical commercials, where the drug for a manageable condition has 10 minutes worth of ghastly side effects :unsure: Like the medicine for yellow toenails that can cause death. I'll take the toenails... :blink:

Ahhh! I cringe when I see that commercial, that little bug goes up and flips the nail up like the hood on a car. Makes my toes curl :o

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Ahhh! I cringe when I see that commercial, that little bug goes up and flips the nail up like the hood on a car. Makes my toes curl :o

:o Mine too! Just reading through the last few posts made my toes feel uneasy.

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^that is soo gross!

My stomach literally turned!

I went to Boise State University's commencement today, and the guy next to me was blabbering on his fucking cell phone while names were being read. I was trying to listen for my friends' names, and he was blabbering into his fucking phone---loudly so he could be heard over the microphones...

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Missing the Eagles concert because of work. To top things off, when I left work, I could hear Don Henley singing, since they are playing nearby. I wanted to cry.

Oh No :( Can you catch them somewhere else? I finally saw them in '02; I hope you can find a way to see them!

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^that is soo gross!

My stomach literally turned!

I went to Boise State University's commencement today, and the guy next to me was blabbering on his fucking cell phone while names were being read. I was trying to listen for my friends' names, and he was blabbering into his fucking phone---loudly so he could be heard over the microphones...

Get a small whistle on a chain to wear around your neck and next time some asshat gets on the cell phone at an inappropriate time, blow that sucker right in their ear.

I can't stand when someone can't wait to get on the damd phone.

I was driving down the road the other day and this state trooper had this woman pulled over writting a ticket and you could see the officer was talking to her all the while she's on the damn phone :o unfreakin believable :blink:

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Get a small whistle on a chain to wear around your neck and next time some asshat gets on the cell phone at an inappropriate time, blow that sucker right in their ear.

I can't stand when someone can't wait to get on the damd phone.

I was driving down the road the other day and this state trooper had this woman pulled over writting a ticket and you could see the officer was talking to her all the while she's on the damn phone :o unfreakin believable :blink:

I think they need to make and enforce a law that you have to pull off the road to use it period.

Most people think they can talk,dial,text and drive at the same time but there are so many people dead and maimed from this type of thought prosess.I have been Guilty myself but have really made a effort to wait till I get were I can stop to call now.where I usually screw up is when someone calls Me still working on that.

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I was with my family the other day in Wal Mart. We were shopping for some food when here comes a lady with her phone. "Why'd they break up?" First off it isn't your buisness why they broke up and no on in Wal Mart wants to hear about it. There was a 10 minute converstaion about why two people broke up. That kind of conversation should happen at home, not at Wal Mart.

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Gotta agree with you there, Alicia. There are certain topics that are taboo in public.

But talking on the phone too much in public is just pathetic. I'm sorry, but NO ONE is so important that they can't just NOT answer the phone in respect to who they are around at the time and then call them back later. I understand if the phone call is really important, but if it's important, give the person on the other end of the phone call your devoted attention, and don't disrespect them by not giving them your undivided attention, too.

I had a lady come through my line yesterday TWICE in a few hours and both times, the fucking phone was glued to her ear.

What the FUCK!?

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Gotta agree with you there, Alicia. There are certain topics that are taboo in public.

But talking on the phone too much in public is just pathetic. I'm sorry, but NO ONE is so important that they can't just NOT answer the phone in respect to who they are around at the time and then call them back later. I understand if the phone call is really important, but if it's important, give the person on the other end of the phone call your devoted attention, and don't disrespect them by not giving them your undivided attention, too.

I had a lady come through my line yesterday TWICE in a few hours and both times, the fucking phone was glued to her ear.

What the FUCK!?

Pathetic for sure!If I'm in a public place with my wife and I HEAR useless drivel spewing into a cell phone,I'll pull wife with me close to the offender and begin conversing with my wife in slightly elevated voice.

Tacky of me?Yeah...but most get the hint.

I certainly respect those on their phones who blend in with the flow.No bother to me.

I believe some folks just want the attention.They don't realize how it backfires.

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Pathetic for sure!If I'm in a public place with my wife and I HEAR useless drivel spewing into a cell phone,I'll pull wife with me close to the offender and begin conversing with my wife in slightly elevated voice.

Tacky of me?Yeah...but most get the hint.

I certainly respect those on their phones who blend in with the flow.No bother to me.

I believe some folks just want the attention.They don't realize how it backfires.

If your shopping or something it's one thing. You know to beat the drudge of shopping which get's us all down at times. If on the other hand you are at dinner or meeting friends or family you haven't seen for some time, say people like elders etc? Then it's proper to step out of the flow of conversation and take the call outside. I think you can use one with tact if your careful. It's when you interrupt the flow of events purposely that people get pissed off. These people are just rude and have no respect for others :)

Edited by Geralds Game
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Pet Peeves:

1. People that have an issue with another member and carry on for pages with their bullshit. It's one thing to disagree, it's another to get personal with the attacks. Use the pm system to work out your problems.

2. Lack of moderation around here.

3. The fact that I don't know why Mandy loves her basement.

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Thought I'd bring it up to get some other convo going.

I absolutely hate it when people repeat things. And when I say it, it brings to mind, my friend who likes to repeat things constantly just to mess with me and thinks it's funny. I hate that so much.

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I hate it when people don't use the turn lanes in the center of the road in traffic, (aren't they there to keep traffic moving?), and I hate it when people don't know how to merge into traffic, (sorry, going 25 trying to merge onto the freeway is just fucking stupid).

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