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It's usually really hot in the summer here. I love the summer though. The only thing with humidity is that I have curly hair and it gets really really frizzy. And I don't tan, I burn, peel, and go back to being pasty.

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:D I'm just coming out of the "Dads gotta be the dumbest person on the planet" stage. ;)

:lol: Been there, I empathize. Now though, surprisingly, my eldest son actually asks for my advise seriously. That makes me feel good. It's all worth it. :)

on another note:

I agree Mandy, I CAN NOT tolerate humidity. It is suffocating and like hell to me. If North Carolina could move to Utah, I would be the happiest person. B) Providing that brought with it , magically all the gorgeous flora and birds our desert can't sustain.

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You have got to be kidding... first, what, you can't puzzle it out, really? Not my fault this person scurried away and hid, I'm up for communication but they are not. How does that make me the coward?

Second, I am not going to play the game where someone attempts to antagonize me to the point of getting myself banned. I'm no coward, and neither am I an idiot.

Unfortunately sun child your seemingly pathological dislike for anything that Knebby posts ( for it is she you mean) does you no favours.

I don't believe for one second that she scurried away and hid especially from you.

Perhaps she sees little point in communicating with someone who dislikes her so much that whatever she were to say would be shot down by you.

This isn't new stuff with you is it, we have discussed this in private in th epast. Its been around since you joined the board and took what seemed an instant dislike to her and it shows in every response you make to any post you make. It just gives the sencse of jealousy but I guess you will disagree with my view. Seems to me you are deliberately trying to wind her up into responding negatively. Believe me she is more than a match for you as a peron and i am proud to call her my friend, on and off the board. She won't thank me for naming her but I will risk her telling me so, we two are adult enough to say so to each other. And this is my disagreement with you and no one elses.

I think the major antagonism comes from yourself and as i said it does you no favours. She would not want anyone banned for arguing their point of view with her, thats definitely not her style as far as I can see so she wouldn't see it as a game worth playing.

No one has called you an idiot but sometimes our behaviour can appear idiotic at times and hopefully we can reflect on our behaviour so people don't think we are idiots.

I can and do say idiotic things but I am far from being an isiot but there are some who will probably always think that I am. But I am a big boy and it doesn't phase me.

Perhaps its time to be a big girl?


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^now that's just craziness.

I'd hide.

Take a siesta or something.

Truth be told, I was about finished for the day, my wife called and told me what the temp was and inquired if I needed

psychological help for not coming inside sooner.

I did notice my skin was crackling but...... :ph34r:

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My garage looks JUST like that! ROFL

(I can't even get to my yard tools and stuff because I can't get to the freakin' cupboards...nevermind that our grass looks terrible compared to last year's because I decided that I'm NOT going to nag about cleaning up the garage...)

BTW--I also have a 4'X8' "model train layout" that has been in existence since before I met my BF (we've been together 7 years) and it is supposed to be "nicely finished off with a skirt on the underside so it won't show clutter" and it looks exactly like the picture above, too!

Which is why you guys are so pasty! It's never warm enough to go swimming! LOL :P

:hysterical: So does OUR garage...I gave that cause up a loooong time ago! But it is frustrating when I want to do a little gardening and I have to put on football pads to crawl over the assorted crap to try to find the pruners! :rolleyes: OK, cover me...I'm goin in!!!

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I wouldn't expect you would. That's why I drool over pics of the english countryside.

I've been working outside at 122! :o

I didn't realise you were that old and its fantastic that you are still working :lol:

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Today, my issue is the weather.

It has been dreary and rainy a LOT this spring and summer.

All I want is for it to be nice outside so I can spend some time out there already!

Being outside in the sun makes me sooo happy!

I'm like a lizard--love the dry heat.

Ick. I hate dry heat! It's fine today, only 88 so far. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 95 and 98 on Thursday. And it's only going to get worse...something I'm already dreading.

Give me 107 and dry over 95 with 70 humidity any time!

I love it hot, dry, and sunny. It's been in the mid to high 90s F here for weeks and it is perfect weather for us. We live on a hill and, with all our windows open for breezes, we've yet to run our a/c. My husband has almost zero tolerance for humidity - 85F with high humidity is too warm for him.

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(much snippage)

And, just so this doesn't require imagination I'll include a photo of the area that I cleaned up myself and (honestly) found 8 screwdrivers and 4 hammers under, along with a lot of other assorted household items :hysterical:


If I'm deemed a militant clean freak then, OK, I'll at least have an objective opinion. I'm curious!!!

And Tang.....Peace, really :hippy: seems like both of us might have had a button pushed on this topic.

OMG, that looks like my husband's work space.... :hysterical:

I will say right now that I'm very lucky to have had him in my life for 27 years, he's sweet, smart and funny, but he can certainly drive me nuts with his complete lack of organization.

Somehow, although I have three brothers and am the only girl, I managed to inherit my father's tools. My father was a machinist, or, to put it another way, a flaming perfectionist. When he said something was off by a hair, he meant a single hair from the head of a fly... anyway, he had great tools and he kept them maintained as if they were surgical instruments.

My husband has this treasure trove in his tool shed, which is a twin of this photo. Tools and assorted other things are scattered from one end of the shed to the other. I can't find a bloody thing in there, and sometimes I will find some once beloved, exquisite wrench or screwdriver rusting away outside where it was tossed when he was done with it. Oh, the humanity!

I'd put myself somewhere between "carefully oiled after each use then placed in its proper place with a loving hand" and "tossed whereever in whatever condition" on the tool care spectrum. The extremes on either side definitely make me peevish, but that doesn't have much to do with my appreciation of men...

And, in a moment of synchronicity, this little e-mail was just sent to me by a girl friend:

Five tips for a woman.....

1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job.

2. It is important that a man makes you laugh.

3. It is important to find a man you can count on who doesn't lie to you.

4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you.

5. It is important that these four men don't know each other.

Edited by SunChild
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OMG, that looks like my husband's work space.... :hysterical:

I will say right now that I'm very lucky to have had him in my life for 27 years, he's sweet, smart and funny, but he can certainly drive me nuts with his complete lack of organization.

Somehow, although I have three brothers and am the only girl, I managed to inherit my father's tools. My father was a machinist, or, to put it another way, a flaming perfectionist. When he said something was off by a hair, he meant a single hair from the head of a fly... anyway, he had great tools and he kept them maintained as if they were surgical instruments.

My husband has this treasure trove in his tool shed, which is a twin of this photo. Tools and assorted other things are scattered from one end of the shed to the other. I can't find a bloody thing in there, and sometimes I will find some once beloved, exquisite wrench or screwdriver rusting away outside where it was tossed when he was done with it. Oh, the humanity!

I'd put myself somewhere between "carefully oiled after each use then placed in its proper place with a loving hand" and "tossed whereever in whatever condition" on the tool care spectrum. The extremes on either side definitely make me peevish, but that doesn't have much to do with my appreciation of men...

Hey Sis! Is that YOU!??! Ahhahahaha!! My Dad was EXACTLY the same way so I know I may be freakishly neat :) On the other hand....looking around 'my' room right now...NAH, I'm not. To a certain degree I rebelled against his way, I kinda think I'm middle of the road.

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Hey Sis! Is that YOU!??! Ahhahahaha!! My Dad was EXACTLY the same way so I know I may be freakishly neat :) On the other hand....looking around 'my' room right now...NAH, I'm not. To a certain degree I rebelled against his way, I kinda think I'm middle of the road.


I notice you have trained a bunch of critters, too, that's something else I am pretty good at, as well... (she said, modestly). :D

It was my husband who trained me to stop being a neat freak, because I was driving him nuts. I love him dearly for it, too, although when I am expecting company I still go 'round the bend, I'm afraid. But the rest of the time I'm secure in the knowledge that we are both comfortable and I don't have to sweat the small stuff.

Perhaps it's no accident that we married men who have work spaces like that? We're rebelling! :)

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Tang, not going for the cat fight really. I did, however, take offense to your response to me because I dont' think you read my post very well. And now I feel a need to defend myself again to your presumptions in the above post.

First of all, you've NEVER heard ME bitch about this because it's my first post on this topic. I also don't consider me asking the GUYS here if they feel I am being unreasonable to expect a person (whom you are SHARING a home with) to be reasonably organized as 'airing my dirty laundry'.

Secondly you presume I'm lucky to have him....yes, in many, many ways I am...on the other hand he is also lucky to have ME! Not to brag about my own charms but as I clearly said in my post which I shall now repost for you....I DO pick up after him, I DO allow him plenty of freedom of expression by not bitching at him constantly about the things that bother me, I thought it was cool I could get it off my chest here without getting beat up about it.

As for your 'gently training' advice you might be surprised that I am an awesome trainer. I've trained dogs, gerbils, horses, hampsters, cats, employees, employers and all different sorts of people using behavior modification techniques. All of my friends love my husband, my famous comeback is "Train your own, you don't think he came out of the womb this way do ya?!" Sheesh!!

Disclamer...he's a great guy, he's also a pig...just like your EX husband. May I ask, are you friendly with your EX husband? I am with mine, he calls me all the time. Loves me dearly he does.

And by the way....I'm a huge defender of men myself because most women I know are really really difficult to please...I don't think I'm that bad....good for you if you don't mind living with a person that you have to be a 'mommy' to but I don't really get off on that myself.

And I do want to thank WHOEVER it was that posted that loverly pic of a nice neat tool area...it was exciting beyond belief to me! But then I was raised to be a responsible adult and keep my living quarters clean and neat.

Now, with all that said, I'll take you at your word that you were trying to give 'kind advice' I just want you to realize - I wasn't asking for 'kind advice' and I didn't need any advice about what I was posting on. I'm a 47 year old woman who has lived with 5 girls in one house, several people in assorted communal environments, in the backseat of a car, in a mansion with several others, in a 2 bedroom apt. with my sister, with several assorted boyfriends in anything from luxury surroundings to damn near trailer trash, with a girlfriend when I was 16, on my own when I was 17 and two husbands, the first for 13 years and the second for 15 years so....I think I kinda got it down pretty well on 'how to live peacefully with others'

So, thanks for the advice but it's not really needed. The best advice I can give anoyone is 'Don't offer unrequested advice...especially to someone you don't even know'. And I want to apologize if my post came off as offensively vehement, I was just kinda on a roll, didn't mean to sound so militant :'(

Certainly if I feel l'd like advice some advice on a topic I'll ask. In the meantime I really AM interested in the MEN'S response to my question. Am I being unreasonable to kindly request that the person I share my home with keep a particular shared area at least minimally organized?

And, just so this doesn't require imagination I'll include a photo of the area that I cleaned up myself and (honestly) found 8 screwdrivers and 4 hammers under, along with a lot of other assorted household items :hysterical:


If I'm deemed a militant clean freak then, OK, I'll at least have an objective opinion. I'm curious!!!

And Tang.....Peace, really :hippy: seems like both of us might have had a button pushed on this topic.

I want to begin by saying it's rare i feel my buttons are "pushed" on a message board. I truly don't let things said here bother me. I live real life stress and issues. I come here for enjoyment. If i come off in a way that i don't mean to, or interpret someone else in a way they didn't mean, so be it. That's to be expected.

I looked at the way you excentuated certain words in your post, and quite honestly, i could "hear" the way it sounded (to me). Maybe it wasn't the way you sounded, but i can't help that. I also took into account the many girlfriends i have heard complain about this same thing over the past 20 years. I also took into account (sorry to stereotype you) where you live and how women tend to talk. I know many Jersey and Philly girls so i could "hear" the way they sound saying what you did. One of my best friends ( a Jersey girl) talks this way about her husband every single day! Yes, her husband is a slob and he doesn't care.

I did presume you feel lucky to have him (until you say otherwise). Maybe i envy that right now. I know in my next relationship (like many in my past) i will focus on what i feel is really important, and not dwell on what i think is not. Men tend to not like being ragged on, i say this from EXPERERIENCE! I have learned to keep the ragging to a minimum, and when i occasionally fall off the wagon, i try to get back on it again. Ragging also doesn't usually work. I have heard men say over and over again that when their woman starts to rag on them, they no longer "hear" what she is saying. They shut you out and no wonder, when you ask them later on about something, they have no recollection of what you are talking about.

I also know it feels good to vent and i was not trying to criticize you for doing so on a "pet peeves" thread. I was just thinking about my current situation and felt like, damn i hope i don't act/sound that way with my next guy (though i already have, lol). I want it to be all lovey/dovey i guess, and no petty bullshit. Yes, wish me good luck on that one, lol.

My exhusband did learn to clean up after himself after a year or so of what was probably "bitching" at him, lol. He even did bathrooms before too long! Why was he easy to train? He was the kind of guy who would do absolutely anything for someone he loves (including his siblings and parents). He isn't typical of most guys, i'm sure. He was willing to change/compromise to keep the peace. A very personal question you ask, but since our divorce (5 years ago) we are not "enemies" but we are no longer in contact. Let's just say, i hurt him, so it was too painful for him to stay friends when my life moved on (we tried for a while). I am grateful he did find a happy life with someone who truly appreciates him.

As for giving advice, i will do it if i feel like it. That's just how i am.

Peace to you to, i don't come here to make waves...just to express myself.

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Peace to you to, i don't come here to make waves...just to express myself.

No problems really :kiss: We all act and re-act. I would like to dispel another one of your assumptions though...I live in NJ, I wasn't raised here...and please, any Joizy girls don't get mad at me! but I know what yer saying Tangerine....I'm actually a nice cornfed mid-western girl. People still ask me "where you from?" and I've been living here for, uh, I dunno, too long I think :lol:


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No problems really :kiss: We all act and re-act. I would like to dispel another one of your assumptions though...I live in NJ, I wasn't raised here...and please, any Joizy girls don't get mad at me! but I know what yer saying Tangerine....I'm actually a nice cornfed mid-western girl. People still ask me "where you from?" and I've been living here for, uh, I dunno, too long I think :lol:


You're a really interesting person Med!

Some people make me want to see an "All about me" thread on here. You're one of them.

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YOu probably won't believe this, but I missed this post. Freudian slip, no doubt.

Unfortunately sun child your seemingly pathological dislike for anything that Knebby posts ( for it is she you mean) does you no favours.

It's somehow "pathological" that I don't particularly like Knebby? I don't have to like everyone, do I? I've engaged other people in some hard core discussions and I don't get called pathological in my dislike. We just disagree, or we just don't like each other. She has hardly hidden her condescension towards me, either, you know.

Another person on this thread mentioned training animals. Well, in teaching an animal, who can't speak or write, you give them a choice, the easy way and the hard way. You set it up that when they take the easy way, life is good. Your bond grows because communication takes place, and you go on a great journey of discovery together. When they take the hard way, life becomes more difficult, until they figure out there's an easy way.

What does this have to do with anything? Well, I have given Knebby many opportunities to act like a human being, although I'll admit some were veiled and would take consideration and restraint on her part, and more than once I've just given up and become antagonistic. Invariably though, she acts like she's is too important to be bothered. Also invariably, one or more of her group of friends will wander in and explain what a great person she is and what's wrong with me.

This does her friends no favors, either, ledded1, believe it or not. How can the whole world constantly be wrong, and Knebby constantly right?

I don't believe for one second that she scurried away and hid especially from you.

Allow me to show you two pieces of evidence then. The first is what she posted right before having the thread locked so there could be no response:

"At fucking LAST.

My sig was NOT of huge proportions - if it was too big for the guidelines it would have been automatically shrunk. As it is I MADE IT SMALLER MYSELF WITHOUT BEING ASKED TO. Big fucking deal.

And I DID explain to you why I like that picture - something you have refused to acknowledge.

@Who cares for medication@ is a line from a Zeppelin song. So go yell at THEM if you don't like the things it suggests. One minute you are complaining that the pic is irrelevant on a Zep forum, next you are bitching about a quote from a Zeppelin song.

This whole thing is CLEARLY about attacking me and is transparent as your attacks usually are. You are SO desperate to try to control me, from telling me how I should post to telling me how I should have my sig, and telling me how I should respond to irrelevant questions about it.

Get a fucking LIFE.

Oh and yes I AM advocating swearing.

And what the hell does Manchester have to do with ANY of this? I was born far away from Manchester too."

When I PM'd her my response (or am I not to take the above post as provocative?), she told me she had the thread locked because of my attitude. That's hiding. Someone should be a big girl? How about standing up and taking it on the chin after telling someone to get a fucking life?

When I responded to that PM, she set me back a less than lovely note, then, she blocked my PMs, so I could not respond.

I consider that running away.

Perhaps she sees little point in communicating with someone who dislikes her so much that whatever she were to say would be shot down by you.

If she actually communicated with me, that would be a valid point. However, I feel that she can never lower herself to engage in genuine conversation. And yes, I have given her chances to. Here's an example: it seems it was beneath her to explain what's going on in her signature picture, which was big enough that Mr Magoo can see it's one person slugging another. I kinda wanted to know the STORY behind it, but alas it was not to be.

So there I am, attempting to engage her in neutral conversation about something clearly of interest to her. (I could give a flying leap about English soccer, honest!) But it was

too much hassle for her, I guess.

This isn't new stuff with you is it, we have discussed this in private in th epast. Its been around since you joined the board and took what seemed an instant dislike to her and it shows in every response you make to any post you make.

In that private conversation, as in public, I explained my dislike of the dog pack behavior she and her friends sometimes engage in, which seems to be going on again around here. In fact, my response was originally not to Knebby, but to Evster, who seems to have reverted to the old ways of jumping all over someone who didn't grant Knebby her proper due. There must have been a change in the moderators, or something... anyway, I've watched her and the Usual Suspects hound and harass people until they were banned, or learned to mind their Ps & Qs.

I don't like it. I've said so before, and I'll say it again. This does not make me jealous of Knebby. Of what do I have to be jealous? That she's a couple of hours ahead of Google alerts on the Led Zeppelin inside scoop department? That she knows a famous singer?

Pssst... I know folks in the movie business! Of course, I understand that it's because I happen to live kind of up the road from them in a place they like to hang out. It's a fun circumstance, it's not proof of my superior status.

I think the major antagonism comes from yourself and as i said it does you no favours. She would not want anyone banned for arguing their point of view with her, thats definitely not her style as far as I can see so she wouldn't see it as a game worth playing.

I guess we have spoken with different people about how some folks came to be kicked off the boards.

As for doing me no favors, you might be surprised the number of people who have written to support me for taking on Knebby and her Clique. They don't want to do it, because it's difficult and ugly, and they're here to have fun. It's easier to curtsey and be on their way. Knebby seems to count on exactly that response, which indeed rubs me the wrong way. Because, yes, I have this pathological hatred of what I perceive as abuse of power, I probably do respond a bit over the top sometimes. But it's a response, not an attack.

So you know, I've put her on ignore/block as well, too. This has two purposes: it disproves her assertion that I have some kind of need to control her; and, don't know about anyone else, but I need to be flipped off seventeen times a day like I need a hole in the head. You could call it a pet peeve of mine.

Is that acting enough like a big girl for you?

(Bummer that when you ignore some one, the damn board still shows you their avatar...)

Edited to fix quotes and spaces.

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we don't get any of those sorts of temperatures here in the UK

I might need a change of scenery soon!

I love it hot, dry, and sunny. It's been in the mid to high 90s F here for weeks and it is perfect weather for us. We live on a hill and, with all our windows open for breezes, we've yet to run our a/c. My husband has almost zero tolerance for humidity - 85F with high humidity is too warm for him.

I'm with your husband on that one. We had the AC on all weekend and it's far too early in the year for that! It would be wonderful to open up the windows and let in the cool breeze, only the breeze here doesn't offer much relief.

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No problems really :kiss: We all act and re-act. I would like to dispel another one of your assumptions though...I live in NJ, I wasn't raised here...and please, any Joizy girls don't get mad at me! but I know what yer saying Tangerine....I'm actually a nice cornfed mid-western girl. People still ask me "where you from?" and I've been living here for, uh, I dunno, too long I think :lol:


It wasn't an assumption, it was what you wrote in your info. that shows up on every post. I didn't assume you lived there all your life, but you sounded EXACTLY like you do. :) Maybe the "culture" has rubbed off on you more than you think. I find when i vacation in the South i seem to talk "different" within hours of being there, and that's just my accent. Anyway, since i am from up this way, it wasn't a criticism, just an observation.

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YOu probably won't believe this, but I missed this post. Freudian slip, no doubt.

It's somehow "pathological" that I don't particularly like Knebby? I don't have to like everyone, do I? I've engaged other people in some hard core discussions and I don't get called pathological in my dislike. We just disagree, or we just don't like each other. She has hardly hidden her condescension towards me, either, you know.

Another person on this thread mentioned training animals. Well, in teaching an animal, who can't speak or write, you give them a choice, the easy way and the hard way. You set it up that when they take the easy way, life is good. Your bond grows because communication takes place, and you go on a great journey of discovery together. When they take the hard way, life becomes more difficult, until they figure out there's an easy way.

What does this have to do with anything? Well, I have given Knebby many opportunities to act like a human being, although I'll admit some were veiled and would take consideration and restraint on her part, and more than once I've just given up and become antagonistic. Invariably though, she acts like she's is too important to be bothered. Also invariably, one or more of her group of friends will wander in and explain what a great person she is and what's wrong with me.

This does her friends no favors, either, ledded1, believe it or not. How can the whole world constantly be wrong, and Knebby constantly right?

Allow me to show you two pieces of evidence then. The first is what she posted right before having the thread locked so there could be no response:

"At fucking LAST.

My sig was NOT of huge proportions - if it was too big for the guidelines it would have been automatically shrunk. As it is I MADE IT SMALLER MYSELF WITHOUT BEING ASKED TO. Big fucking deal.

And I DID explain to you why I like that picture - something you have refused to acknowledge.

@Who cares for medication@ is a line from a Zeppelin song. So go yell at THEM if you don't like the things it suggests. One minute you are complaining that the pic is irrelevant on a Zep forum, next you are bitching about a quote from a Zeppelin song.

This whole thing is CLEARLY about attacking me and is transparent as your attacks usually are. You are SO desperate to try to control me, from telling me how I should post to telling me how I should have my sig, and telling me how I should respond to irrelevant questions about it.

Get a fucking LIFE.

Oh and yes I AM advocating swearing.

And what the hell does Manchester have to do with ANY of this? I was born far away from Manchester too."

When I PM'd her my response (or am I not to take the above post as provocative?), she told me she had the thread locked because of my attitude. That's hiding. Someone should be a big girl? How about standing up and taking it on the chin after telling someone to get a fucking life?

When I responded to that PM, she set me back a less than lovely note, then, she blocked my PMs, so I could not respond.

I consider that running away.

If she actually communicated with me, that would be a valid point. However, I feel that she can never lower herself to engage in genuine conversation. And yes, I have given her chances to. Here's an example: it seems it was beneath her to explain what's going on in her signature picture, which was big enough that Mr Magoo can see it's one person slugging another. I kinda wanted to know the STORY behind it, but alas it was not to be.

So there I am, attempting to engage her in neutral conversation about something clearly of interest to her. (I could give a flying leap about English soccer, honest!) But it was

too much hassle for her, I guess.

In that private conversation, as in public, I explained my dislike of the dog pack behavior she and her friends sometimes engage in, which seems to be going on again around here. In fact, my response was originally not to Knebby, but to Evster, who seems to have reverted to the old ways of jumping all over someone who didn't grant Knebby her proper due. There must have been a change in the moderators, or something... anyway, I've watched her and the Usual Suspects hound and harass people until they were banned, or learned to mind their Ps & Qs.

I don't like it. I've said so before, and I'll say it again. This does not make me jealous of Knebby. Of what do I have to be jealous? That she's a couple of hours ahead of Google alerts on the Led Zeppelin inside scoop department? That she knows a famous singer?

Pssst... I know folks in the movie business! Of course, I understand that it's because I happen to live kind of up the road from them in a place they like to hang out. It's a fun circumstance, it's not proof of my superior status.

I guess we have spoken with different people about how some folks came to be kicked off the boards.

As for doing me no favors, you might be surprised the number of people who have written to support me for taking on Knebby and her Clique. They don't want to do it, because it's difficult and ugly, and they're here to have fun. It's easier to curtsey and be on their way. Knebby seems to count on exactly that response, which indeed rubs me the wrong way. Because, yes, I have this pathological hatred of what I perceive as abuse of power, I probably do respond a bit over the top sometimes. But it's a response, not an attack.

So you know, I've put her on ignore/block as well, too. This has two purposes: it disproves her assertion that I have some kind of need to control her; and, don't know about anyone else, but I need to be flipped off seventeen times a day like I need a hole in the head. You could call it a pet peeve of mine.

Is that acting enough like a big girl for you?

(Bummer that when you ignore some one, the damn board still shows you their avatar...)

Edited to fix quotes and spaces.

Methinks the lady doth protest too much. You are a one track record here again sunchild and that one track is very very stuck. Too much victim mentality from you. YOU seem to be stuck in the so called clique mentality. There is nothing to take on. No one person including Knebby has any more power than the next person around here. You seem to be giving her a status that she has not asked for. Before you and others came along and took exception to her she was likemany other people a well respected contributor to a Zeppelin site. You seem to have contributed very little to the Zep world other than your continuation on making this a board based on clashes of personality. You seem to revel in the fact that some people got banned, especially those who have been friends of Knebby, friends well before you came along and became a part of the clique protesting about a clique. It sounds like you relied heavily on the mods to lock the threads, and you have to face up to the fact that at one time there was only really one person running to the mods and getting the threads locked on a daily basis when people didn't agree with them.

You don't like her fine but please your very own playground mentality is wearing thin. You think people only pm each other about Knebby? Look in the mirror, there are some who find your attitude distasteful, bitchy and yes reeking of petty jealousy.

Your over reaction to an avatar is childish, perhaps change your name to 'sunchildish' If you had bothered to read other peoples posts rather than seeking out hers you would recognise that the pic is not condoning or encouraging violence. And frankly its not up to you to tell others what their avatar should be, and you talk about abuse of power. Who bestowed your power around here?

You are a mind reader it seems in telling me that Knebby relies on the repsonse of others needing to be cutesy and on their way. Its like a girls school yard out there, but no clique going on for you though is there?. "Lets all pm each to and say how bad knebby and her clique are"

Dear me!!. <_<

I am pleased you know movie people, that will come in handy when i go onto a movie star forum and want someone to name drop and so that i can say " Oh I know her and she knows someone famous". I will be so impressed. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

If other people choose defend Knebby from attack surely that is up to them as a friend or even if not a friend. I find very little in your posts to her that is friendly and its hardly surpising she talks to you in the way she does at times. You wouldnt get the time of day from many people if you did it to them. but I think you enjoy the challenge, enjoy the game you play and seem to be trying to show others that you are not afraid to take her and others on. " lets show that clique we aren't afraid."

There is very litltle to be afraid of here. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

In answer to your last question, no its not big girl enough for me. sunchildish still. :blink:

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I love it hot, dry, and sunny. It's been in the mid to high 90s F here for weeks and it is perfect weather for us. We live on a hill and, with all our windows open for breezes, we've yet to run our a/c. My husband has almost zero tolerance for humidity - 85F with high humidity is too warm for him.

I can't stand humidity either, but that's par for the course in VA in July/August <_<

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As for doing me no favors, you might be surprised the number of people who have written to support me for taking on Knebby and her Clique. They don't want to do it, because it's difficult and ugly, and they're here to have fun. It's easier to curtsey and be on their way. Knebby seems to count on exactly that response, which indeed rubs me the wrong way. Because, yes, I have this pathological hatred of what I perceive as abuse of power, I probably do respond a bit over the top sometimes. But it's a response, not an attack.

As someone who's repeatedly been called out for being a member of said "clique", there is no such thing. It's a myth invented by Magic Man when he went on the outs with Knebby and those who sided with her in the argument voiced their opinions as to who was in the wrong. Because he was wrong on that particular point, he invented this whole clique thing. And it's bullshit.

I call bullshit whenever I see someone being personally attacked on the forum. I don't get a Bat Signal every time Knebby gets contradicted, and I don't seek out the conflicts that you cliquemongers drag her into. But when I see bullshit, I call bullshit. Like now. I don't belong to a clique. Yeah, if a friend of mine is taking abuse, I'll stand beside them, but this illusion of Knebby having turned us into puppets blindly serving our queen is so completely wrong. And fucking tired. Hell, I made a remark about a post Misty Mountain made in a thread, and you leapt to her defense. Are you in her clique? Is Misty Mountain your queen? Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? This is so stupid on so many levels that I pity the poor new people to the board that they should come here to talk about Zeppelin and get this crap. This infighting. Fucking soap opera.

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Never has happened. Never. Time to move on. Really.

Furthermore, if anyone were to make a blatantly unwarranted attack at you Sunchild, I'd protest it equally. Not that you want or require my backup, but I would, regardless. I guess it's just the fact that Knebby seems to get so much flac from people that it merely appears we're all behind here, like a gang, when in fact we're behind everyone who gets sideswiped unnecessarily.

Edited by Evster2012
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Well, on reconsidering that particular thread I do think SunChild made a bad mistake trying to defend Misty Mountain, because MM's post was frankly awful. But how on earth you guys can defend Knebby's eventual response to SC is beyond me. It was a completely vicious attack if I've ever seen one, and it wasn't the first one either; another that I happened to see was even worse, but then got deleted. The fact is they just don't get along at all. And that's a two way thing. I happen to like both of them. That is actually possible. :D:)

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