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Pet Peeves


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Does anyone else find the board is excrutiatingly slow late afternoons for about an hour every day?

Yep, it sometimes results in double or triple posts :D

Let's hope those folks don't pay their bills online "Remember click once"

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I'm wondering why some of the people I hang out with are socially retarded. I don't care that you're the only one who's smoking - and that we're sitting outside just for you because of it - but when you continuously flick your fag ash on my boyfriend's arm, don't say, 'fuck off, [insert name of your choice, here]', when he asks you to not do it on him.

It also pissed me off that when I said that I thought I saw Jimmy Page last Friday in London, he was adamant that I didn't, saying, 'Nah, you didn't', trying to disprove my claim. I asked for his reasoning on that and he was like, 'He lives in a whole different world. You didn't see him'. London is a different world, now? I just hated the way he completely patronized me, and what (or, rather, who) I thought I saw. It's a thought, arsewipe. I was there, you weren't. I thought I saw him, I never said I did - how can you disprove a thought?

This guy is completely cocky and arrogant, and I don't get it - he doesn't have that much to be cocky about.

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I'm wondering why some of the people I hang out with are socially retarded. I don't care that you're the only one who's smoking - and that we're sitting outside just for you because of it - but when you continuously flick your fag ash on my boyfriend's arm, don't say, 'fuck off, [insert name of your choice, here]', when he asks you to not do it on him.

It also pissed me off that when I said that I thought I saw Jimmy Page last Friday in London, he was adamant that I didn't, saying, 'Nah, you didn't', trying to disprove my claim. I asked for his reasoning on that and he was like, 'He lives in a whole different world. You didn't see him'. London is a different world, now? I just hated the way he completely patronized me, and what (or, rather, who) I thought I saw. It's a thought, arsewipe. I was there, you weren't. I thought I saw him, I never said I did - how can you disprove a thought?

This guy is completely cocky and arrogant, and I don't get it - he doesn't have that much to be cocky about.

Sorry to hear about that, it's always a tricky situation when someone you hang out with is getting really annoying. If I may ask, LDW, why do you hang out with this guy? Maybe it hasn't reached the point of it not being worth the trouble. Sometimes it's just a pissy stretch, but when you feel consistently drained after outings with him, it's a bad sign. A little "We're rrreally busy this weekend" goes a long way ;)

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Sorry to hear about that, it's always a tricky situation when someone you hang out with is getting really annoying. If I may ask, LDW, why do you hang out with this guy? Maybe it hasn't reached the point of it not being worth the trouble. Sometimes it's just a pissy stretch, but when you feel consistently drained after outings with him, it's a bad sign. A little "We're rrreally busy this weekend" goes a long way ;)

Well, he actually works with my boyfriend. I don't get along with him - since he said to my boyfriend that he couldn't be bothered to make the effort to be my friend - but he's not too bad with my boyfriend. A few other workmates were there(that I do get on with), and they were no trouble. I just hate how patronizing and condescending this guy can be - and he's only 19.

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Well, he actually works with my boyfriend. I don't get along with him - since he said to my boyfriend that he couldn't be bothered to make the effort to be my friend - but he's not too bad with my boyfriend. A few other workmates were there(that I do get on with), and they were no trouble. I just hate how patronizing and condescending this guy can be - and he's only 19.

Sounds like nobody's put him in his place yet. I'm surprised your bf puts up with his treatment of you, especially since the antagonizing is all from the friend. Depending on your nature, I guess it'll come to a point when you'll give a tongue lashing he'll never forget or find ways for you and your bf to hang out with other people. Anyway, I hope things work out. It defeats the purpose of hanging out if it'll stress you out.

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Well, he actually works with my boyfriend. I don't get along with him - since he said to my boyfriend that he couldn't be bothered to make the effort to be my friend - but he's not too bad with my boyfriend. A few other workmates were there(that I do get on with), and they were no trouble. I just hate how patronizing and condescending this guy can be - and he's only 19.

Well if it were my girl he was treating like that I'd take him on the side and kindly ask that he stop

acting like that!

If that wasn't enough to convince him I'd put my foot up his ass and see if that got his attention :angry:

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Well if it were my girl he was treating like that I'd take him on the side and kindly ask that he stop

acting like that!

If that wasn't enough to convince him I'd put my foot up his ass and see if that got his attention :angry:

You took the words right out of my mouth :D

Longdistance, sorry to say this but, if your boyfriend isn't willing to do something about this then maybe you have a decision to make.

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Well if it were my girl he was treating like that I'd take him on the side and kindly ask that he stop

acting like that!

If that wasn't enough to convince him I'd put my foot up his ass and see if that got his attention :angry:

I have to agree with DZL, friends in most cases cannot supercede girlfriends. I would talk to him and ask which was more important to him.

The pal or you.

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Well, he actually works with my boyfriend. I don't get along with him - since he said to my boyfriend that he couldn't be bothered to make the effort to be my friend - but he's not too bad with my boyfriend. A few other workmates were there(that I do get on with), and they were no trouble. I just hate how patronizing and condescending this guy can be - and he's only 19.

You need to talk to your boyfriend. Tell him that he needs to take this asshole aside and tell him to stop treating you the way he does. Tell your boyfriend that if he doesn't he'll have to choose between you and his friend.

I'm sure your boyfriend's priorities are in the right order and he'll talk to his friend or choose you if it comes to that. Otherwise I'll buy him a plane ticket to Atlanta, GA, meet him at the airport, and kick his ass. His friend is not worth-it for either of you.

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Does anyone else find the board is excrutiatingly slow late afternoons for about an hour every day?

Oh, so it's NOT just me! Well, that's a relief, actually, since I just got a new modem and router. Now that I think about it, most sites do load at a normal speed; it's just this board and another one that I spend a lot of time on that are slower than molasses in January. However, that also means that I don't have the ability to make it stop being slow, so that's a bummer, but what can ya do?

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I have a pulled muscle in the back of my leg, at least that's what I think it is. It is really sore and I'm trying to walk but I ahve to break it up into parts because it hurts to walk.

I'm no physician but it sounds like a hamstring pull, you may want to rest it a while and not push yourself so hard. Could be from fluid and potassium loss try eating a bannana before you run or something high in potassium. JM2Cents

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Warning: Some Heroes spoilers ahead:

I think that would be Claire... the token teenage soap-opera character. You know there's that one sci-fi nerd dude on the writing team who created her character just for his own personal fantasies...

Haha, her and Nikki/Jessica/Tracy, for sure. Which reminds me that I also thought it was lame that they were deliberately trying to be PC and turn the sex pot chick into a big-time political mover & shaker. I guess nobody liked Nikki that much, but actually I thought she had more of a story to tell than Tracy does (is she still on there?).

Actually, as far as making out goes, I was thinking more about Sylar, weirdly enough. This season, he's gone through Maya, Kristen Bell's character, and has seriously come on to Claire more than once. But it's not just him, for sure.

I thought he was being called a terrorist by the organization running everything and trying to destroy the heroes? I didn't realize he was actually a terrorist at that point. Then again, I did miss some shows at that point that I haven't seen, yet.

Oh, I don't know, sorry, I was just generalizing. I've missed a bunch, too - you're probably right!

Yeah, I can understand that. It left a bad taste in my mouth, but I'm still giving Heroes a chance because they seem to be improving where they were (although I think they dragged the Sylar thing on long enough, and [spoiler... highlight to read:]

I'm just pissed off that they're either going to kill off one of the Petrelli brothers or Claire's adopted Dad... I know it's one of those three from the scenes previewing the up-coming episode when, obviously, someone is killed and Sylar says "Claire is going to be so mad at me."


Really? Maybe I'll give it one more chance.

If they kill off Claire's dad, I will show no mercy, though. Jack Coleman's the best thing about that show, in my opinion. But do you think any of them will really stay dead, though? Yet another pet peeve (sorry) - nobody stays dead. That's fine for comic books, I guess, but somehow I expect them to come up with something a little better to shock us with.

Admittedly, that was kind of pathetic. Thank fully, though, it was not the actual story-line of the season and they resolved it in one episode... (I hope...)

Oh, really? See, I am majorly behind. The DC plotline was kind of the last straw for me, but if they got rid of that, maybe I really should try to watch it again. Thanks for telling me!

Edited by Footsteps of Dawn
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I'm just gonna spoiler this whole thing... :D

Haha, her and Nikki/Jessica/Tracy, for sure. Which reminds me that I also thought it was lame that they were deliberately trying to be PC and turn the sex pot chick into a big-time political mover & shaker. I guess nobody liked Nikki that much, but actually I thought she had more of a story to tell than Tracy does (is she still on there?).

Tracy's gone... (I think... although they did show her pretty much getting killed, the very last thing you see of her is her blinking her eye... should I say more [like how they "killed" her, or do you not want to be spoiled?)

Actually, as far as making out goes, I was thinking more about Sylar, weirdly enough. This season, he's gone through Maya, Kristen Bell's character, and has seriously come on to Claire more than once. But it's not just him, for sure.

Beyond the electricity girl, I never saw Sylar actually go for anyone. I think he's just a sadistic evil prick and only plays with Claire because he stole her power but he didn't kill her so now he just mind-fucks her...

Oh, I don't know, sorry, I was just generalizing. I've missed a bunch, too - you're probably right!

I think we'll both have to go back and see some of those old episodes, lol...

Really? Maybe I'll give it one more chance. If they kill off Claire's dad, I will show no mercy, though. Jack Coleman's the best thing about that show, in my opinion. But do you think any of them will really stay dead, though? Yet another pet peeve (sorry) - nobody stays dead. That's fine for comic books, I guess, but somehow I expect them to come up with something a little better to shock us with.

Oh I couldn't agree more with you. If they kill Claire's Dad I'll probably quit watching, too. But I'll also be ticked if they off Peter. Nathan's really the only one that wouldn't piss me off. Sadden me, yes. Make me hate the show? No.

Oh, really? See, I am majorly behind. The DC plotline was kind of the last straw for me, but if they got rid of that, maybe I really should try to watch it again. Thanks for telling me!

Yeah. Unless there's something they haven't told us, the DC plotline was taken care of over the two (maybe three, but I'm pretty sure it was two) episodes immediately following that one.

I think the big thing will be with... erm... what's-his-face... the bald guy...

You know what? PM me and tell me what you do know and whether or not you'd like me to tell you the rest so far...

Edited by Nathan
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OCD Control Freaks. Especially the ones who refuse they have issues and wont get help. I am thinking about two that I know pretty well right now.

Chill, life's too short to worry about how many times you have to check the door. There's effective treatment.

And good morning to all.....have a splendid day. Looks sunny and I have a date.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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