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Pet Peeves


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Thanks for the support, everyone :)

I wouldn't say that it gets me down - it's more like it freaks me out. I'm still here, and wouldn't ever leave on their account, but I have to admit that I don't have as much incentive to post when people are either arguing, or banned posters are stirring it again.

I've often wondered who it is that we need to look out for. I don't want to reply to a newb only to be told that they've already been banned under a different name and are just taking the piss with us. Isn't there some sort of list that we can have, or something?

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I dont know who you are talking about specifically, and the other guy that you quoted may call some fucknuts, but what is he basing that on? Im sure you know that the once banned can return with a proxy. I fall under that category and am here with the permission of the people that run the forum. Its not so easy to decide what type of behavior would make someone worthy of being banned. Im sure eveyone has said things they regret later.

She is basing it on the people who've been banned only to return to just cause trouble. Look, I don't care if people have been banned before and then return. As long as you've got something decent to say and aren't causing trouble, it's not a problem to me. I don't even care why they were banned in the first place. I'm not a new member, but I am naive to people on this board. And I'm only just beginning to learn of the people who've been repeatedly banned in the past and why they keep coming back. I'm so slow that I honestly believed Mary Hartman was a women until informed.

The people I have a problem with - the fucknuts, if you will - are the people who come here solely to spread their shit and just cause trouble. I've been insulted by a particular member on a personal issue, and I really had to hold it together for fear of retaliating. I said nothing to provoke them. That, I don't appreciate. And nor should I have to tolerate.

Edited by longdistancewinner
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The people I have a problem with - the fucknuts, if you will - are the people who come here solely to spread their shit and just cause trouble.

I think most of us agree, and for the most part it's obvious who these people are. They're all just using the board for reasons of their own, and most of them, who could easily conduct their discussions via PM, actually enjoy the public attention. Some of them are just sociopaths.

These things do come and go, but it's beyond irritating while they last. As is the fact that those who are not so keen on having to negotiate this crap are inevitably accused of being elitist, or forming a clique, or whatever, because they'd prefer not to share the place with fucknuts. :rolleyes:

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The fucknuts that are swamping this board.

Well, I just logged on, and at least one of the aforementioned fucknuts (what a great expression, lol) has been banned - happy days! :cheer:

It didn't take long, either - God bless the mods. Wonder how long it will be before they are back, though? Plus ça change ...

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I would imagine that when people form cliques it drives the nice ones away.

Unless the clique is made up of all the nice ones.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't agree more with LDW. It's these fucknuts who make this place less than it could be. Don't any of these assholes have anything better to do?

What I don't get is, this is Led Zeppelin's official forum. And I'd be willing to bet that nearly every single person who's been banned and comes back is NOT a Zeppelin fan. If they are, then why do they continue to absolute assholes?

Look. I don't care who you are. If you've been banned, and you don't have permission to be back (unlike someone like Yukon Cornelius, who was told he could stay), then just go the hell away. Find another board (like the Nickelback boards :shifty: ) to fuck around in. Leave us alone.

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Unless the clique is made up of all the nice ones.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't agree more with LDW. It's these fucknuts who make this place less than it could be. Don't any of these assholes have anything better to do?

What I don't get is, this is Led Zeppelin's official forum. And I'd be willing to bet that nearly every single person who's been banned and comes back is NOT a Zeppelin fan. If they are, then why do they continue to absolute assholes?

Look. I don't care who you are. If you've been banned, and you don't have permission to be back (unlike someone like Yukon Cornelius, who was told he could stay), then just go the hell away. Find another board (like the Nickelback boards :shifty: ) to fuck around in. Leave us alone.


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As for a pay site Jahfin, do you know they would lose 75 percent of their members if they did that?

Like I said, I'm not even suggesting Sam take that approach I'm just saying it's one way I've seen another board handle a very similar situation. I'm not a member of the Skynyrd board where this was done but you can still enter it as a "read only" board. From what I can tell it hasn't hurt their membership any. It also got rid of the assholes that sign up just to cause trouble.

I've also seen a software hack used where a member is given ample warning to change their behavior. If they continue to not heed those warnings the hack is employed on their account by the board admin. It's called MU (miserable user); they are still able to post but no one sees their posts. Once they figure this out most of them just go away. Of course they can also do as so many have done here and just sign back up but at least it's a deterrent.

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Thanks for the support, everyone :)

No problem, LDW. :D

Unless the clique is made up of all the nice ones.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't agree more with LDW. It's these fucknuts who make this place less than it could be. Don't any of these assholes have anything better to do?

What I don't get is, this is Led Zeppelin's official forum. And I'd be willing to bet that nearly every single person who's been banned and comes back is NOT a Zeppelin fan. If they are, then why do they continue to absolute assholes?

Look. I don't care who you are. If you've been banned, and you don't have permission to be back (unlike someone like Yukon Cornelius, who was told he could stay), then just go the hell away. Find another board (like the Nickelback boards :shifty: ) to fuck around in. Leave us alone.


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I have been banned and nobody is going to tell me Im not a huge fan of Led Zeppelin. I went through hell to see them in 77 when the internet did not exist. Nobody is going to tell me Im not a fan. Just see the shit I went through in my timeline story, 5/30/1977, memorial day of 1977. And there are others that are banned too that are big fans.

That's why I was excluding you from my statement. I'm talking about others, not you or those in your situation. I'm talking about people like Joel, Mary Hartman (whoever he used to be), etc...

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Someone can be a fan and still be a detriment to the board. I'm not talking about some minor disagreements. I'm mean someone who's sole purpose for signing up is to stir the pot.

As for usernames, I don't think a feminine (or masculine) name necessarily needs to reflect one's actual gender. I'm not saying this in defense of Mary Hartman who obviously has a history here, I just mean it in general. Nor does one need to be obligated to fill out all of their profile info. Just like on social networking sites such as Facebook you're given the option here of revealing as much or as little info about yourself as you feel comfortable giving. Of course there's exceptions to this, such as when someone (say a previously banned member) intends to use their profile info to deceive admin and fellow users. Even if gender, age, location, etc. were made mandatory board members can still falsify their profile info.

Edited by Jahfin
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The fucknuts that are swamping this board.

It's actually pissing me off to the point that I don't want to contribute much. I'm a genuine person who is here for a legitimate reason. I'm not here to read your psycho-shit. I understand every board is open to crackpots, but some of the stuff I've read here is disturbing to say the least. And, when you have a fucknut pow-wow, you argue about crap that should be done so privately. Or of crap that is just plain pointless. It's not coherent - it's random shite - and it's very fucking annoying.

I hear you - it's exhausting that their personal drama is spread through multiple threads and I do think it's to gain attention, which is hard not to react to when it's interfering with one's ability to post and continue discussion on various topics. These people are repeatedly banned - some within 10-20 posts and yet they still come back. That's what drives me nuts. It's rather sad and pathetic that they, who are adults, have nothing better to do than play these games. Hopefully given one of them was just banned, things will calm down. But yes, it does make one less enthusiastic about hanging out here.

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What is that supposed to mean? My name is Rick. The same Rick that was Icantquityoubabe. There, am I trying to hike anything?

nothing drastic...just that we all knew who he was and didn't really care...just like we knew who you were between yukon and icantquityou...got it babe?... ;)

ok...i'm a girl again...whew!

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having long hair again. it curls up like tumble weeds and collects dust and knots up. i found paint and spackle in my hair, one day i'm gonna find a cigarette but tangled up i tell ya.

anyway, how does hair collect dust... i'm active, i just dont get that. wtf. is it from clothing.

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