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Pet Peeves


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Current pet peeve:

All the errors on this site:

Flood control errors

Errors in approving new user ID's

Errors in judgment of banning

I'm pissed that Hermit is gone. I want to know why. Everyone else has been very clear to me. I don't see what Hermit did to get banned. I'd like to know so I can make sure I don't do it! Plus...I miss him!

Now let's see if this is the last post you see from me.....hummmmm, I feel like we're in a terrorist nation right now.


Quick, somebody quote this post so if I'm banned it will still be here for all to see....Many thanks in case I end up in the land of misfit toys!

I agree about Hermit. WTF did he do!?!

Is there some kind of favoritism going on here.... :angry::blink: ....directed in the wrong ways!!

If it is polictical, I say lets wipe out a few radical right wing mofos...... B)


Current pet peeve: teenage douchebags who think they are soooo smart.

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I agree about Hermit. WTF did he do!?!

Is there some kind of favoritism going on here.... :angry::blink: ....directed in the wrong ways!!

If it is polictical, I say lets wipe out a few radical right wing mofos...... B)


Current pet peeve: teenage douchebags who think they are soooo smart.

There has been since oh....November 2007.

Political yes, but .com political... not political political.

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Current pet peeve:

All the errors on this site:

Flood control errors

Errors in approving new user ID's

Errors in judgment of banning

I'm pissed that Hermit is gone. I want to know why. Everyone else has been very clear to me. I don't see what Hermit did to get banned. I'd like to know so I can make sure I don't do it! Plus...I miss him!

Now let's see if this is the last post you see from me.....hummmmm, I feel like we're in a terrorist nation right now.


Quick, somebody quote this post so if I'm banned it will still be here for all to see....Many thanks in case I end up in the land of misfit toys!

Here, now you're quoted twice. :)

As for Hermit... he reminded the emperor of his clothing status and suggested that he, the emperor, thank his tailer. You had commented upon the emperor's clothing, but the emperor forgot to mention the tailer... and now, Hermit is gone... and he took the needle and thread with him... and the emperor remains free... to emper or whatever it is that emperors do these days... it's a mystery to me.

FWIW, I doubt you're in any danger of disappearing... or Hotplant either. (I may get some shit for mentioning the emperor, but hell, you've asked several times now, so an answer is deserved). Anything beyond what I've already posted is definitely in PM territory.

I miss him too.

Edited by Lake of Shadows
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Current pet peeve:

All the errors on this site:

Flood control errors

Errors in approving new user ID's

Errors in judgment of banning

I'm pissed that Hermit is gone. I want to know why. Everyone else has been very clear to me. I don't see what Hermit did to get banned. I'd like to know so I can make sure I don't do it! Plus...I miss him!

Now let's see if this is the last post you see from me.....hummmmm, I feel like we're in a terrorist nation right now.


Quick, somebody quote this post so if I'm banned it will still be here for all to see....Many thanks in case I end up in the land of misfit toys!

The land of misfit toys? That's pretty funny. Who is this Emperor person? Do you believe you could do a better job than whoever runs the site?

Terrorist nations? That one is a little optimistic though huh?

Who is Hermit?

Oh well, a few questions anyhow.

What is a MedHB?

a. Cotton swabs.

b. What's on the cotton swabs :lol:

My peeve is Racer X doing something he feels is clever, running off and leaving me in mid air until the writers get over themselves, very frustrating. Well amongst many more anyhow?

Edited by Speed Racer
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As for Hermit... he reminded the emperor of his clothing status and suggested that he, the emperor, thank his tailer. You had commented upon the emperor's clothing, but the emperor forgot to mention the tailer... and now, Hermit is gone... and he took the needle and thread with him... and the emperor remains free... to emper or whatever it is that emperors do these days... it's a mystery to me.

i don't give a flying f@#k if the emperor parades around in ladies underwear... hermit either, for that matter...

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I've always been a straight coffee drinker and never really went for starbucks, but one time I was vacationing in Orlando and the hotel was serving camel piss. Fortunately right across the street was a starbucks, so I had my first coffee from there and it was worth it even for a pure coffee. We like our coffee in New Orleans but I don't care for that chichory stuff that's like drinking battery acid :P

Columbian and Arabian. I don't care for Arabicas either. If I want to watch someones children play with toys I will let Chim out of the trunk for another fine road raging episode.

I could give a Ford Pinto for whoever this Led Baby person is either. Not my issue, thank's :(

I'm here to race as fast as I can and that's what I will do.

How much would you charge me for new tires Dzl? These are entirely bare and unsafe. I blame these stupid electronic game boxes for that one...

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Current pet peeve:

All the errors on this site:

Flood control errors

Errors in approving new user ID's

Errors in judgment of banning

I'm pissed that Hermit is gone. I want to know why. Everyone else has been very clear to me. I don't see what Hermit did to get banned. I'd like to know so I can make sure I don't do it! Plus...I miss him!

Now let's see if this is the last post you see from me.....hummmmm, I feel like we're in a terrorist nation right now.


Quick, somebody quote this post so if I'm banned it will still be here for all to see....Many thanks in case I end up in the land of misfit toys!

Here you are again. Just in case :D:D

My pet peeve is not knowing how you get banned and how do you know you´re banned. I started reading today Medhb and am very comfused. :huh:

I hope I do everything politically and socially correct. :rolleyes:

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My pet peeve is not knowing how you get banned and how do you know you´re banned.

Arguing with the administrators of most any web site will get you banned if you push it far enough. Hermit, by his own admission, was arguing with them in PM's when he got banned last time. I'm guessing this is what happened again.

I'm guessing you know you're banned when you can't log into your account.

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Arguing with the administrators of most any web site will get you banned if you push it far enough. Hermit, by his own admission, was arguing with them in PM's when he got banned last time. I'm guessing this is what happened again.

I'm guessing you know you're banned when you can't log into your account.

Not the case this time.

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Not the case this time.

Do you know the reason? Maybe they just noticed he snuck back in with a "_" after his name and rebanned him. :shrugs: I'm new around here, but from what I've seen Sam seems like a straight shooter and a decent admin.

Personally, I couldn't care less, I've been scrolling through his posts without reading them for months. Nothing new there.

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People who talk and use "like" every third or fourth word.

People who wear pajama bottoms and slippers in public.

People who hold up check out lines because they have stupid questions.

People who use two parking spaces.

People who act more important then they are.

I could go on and on and on and on............................................... :angry:

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Personally, I couldn't care less, I've been scrolling through his posts without reading them for months. Nothing new there.

This only the second forum I've joined - but I've never seen anyone do so much typing, without making a single point (except to themselves). I do try to read and understand everyones' thoughts, but definitely have better things to do, in this case...

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The land of misfit toys? That's pretty funny. Who is this Emperor person? Do you believe you could do a better job than whoever runs the site?

Terrorist nations? That one is a little optimistic though huh?

Who is Hermit?

Oh well, a few questions anyhow.

What is a MedHB?

a. Cotton swabs.

b. What's on the cotton swabs :lol:

My peeve is Racer X doing something he feels is clever, running off and leaving me in mid air until the writers get over themselves, very frustrating. Well amongst many more anyhow?

Oh my my, what a leaf you've turned LedBaby. Returning from banned status to a real brown nose. Watch how deep you bury that nose, one can suffocate from such things you know.

You ask..you shall receive:

  • The Emperor? We all know it's not you so I wouldn't worry my pretty head about it if I were you.
  • A terrorist nation is one where the power is not distributed through checks and balances and is ruled not by the people
  • Hermit was one of the most thought provoking posters on this board whether you agreed with his opinions or not. He has style and flair, unlike some rambling posters.
  • What is a Medhb? Look it up on Google, I'm not here to be your researcher.
  • Cotton swab - something you'll need a box of to get the brown off your nose

That said, I have nothing personal against you so take my reply in the same jest that you posed the questions with....


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People who talk and use "like" every third or fourth word.

People who wear pajama bottoms and slippers in public.

People who hold up check out lines because they have stupid questions.

People who use two parking spaces.

People who act more important then they are.

I could go on and on and on and on............................................... :angry:

Um, um, um.....does that include Led Zeppelin lounge pants and flip flops? :huh:

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This only the second forum I've joined - but I've never seen anyone do so much typing, without making a single point (except to themselves). I do try to read and understand everyones' thoughts, but definitely have better things to do, in this case...

Yeah, that's the great thing about topic threads?! One can pick and choose which topics interest them!

In this case, I was quite involved in the discussion and found it highly informative and entertaining! We don't all have to be interested in the same topics...great living in the free world isn't it! :D

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Yeah, that's the great thing about topic threads?! One can pick and choose which topics interest them!

In this case, I was quite involved in the discussion and found it highly informative and entertaining! We don't all have to be interested in the same topics...great living in the free world isn't it! :D

Yeah - I'm probably not going to follow anyone who only wants to initiate discussion on politics, religion, or weird sex stuff that doesn't involve at least one woman. But these are the threads that always get removed, anyway?

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Yeah - I'm probably not going to follow anyone who only wants to initiate discussion on politics, religion, or weird sex stuff that doesn't involve at least one woman. But these are the threads that always get removed, anyway?

Is there a rule book somewhere with the posting guidelines? I may be guilty of not reading the forum guidelines, YIKES! Yet another 'rebelious' thing for me to do...!


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[quote name='danelectro59' date='Jul 30 2008, 06:34 PM' post='227387'

People who use two parking spaces.

I can understand these people as I am one for this simple reason:

I hate it when you buy a new car and people open the door and don´t give a dam when they hit your car. :mad::thumbdown: If people were more considerate, others wouldn´t have to do these kind of things. ;)

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Today's Pet Peeve:

Self-rightous vegetarians.

I got a ration last night for putting a piece of pepperoni pizza in the box with the left over "veggie" pizza! We happened to sit with the vegtable heads at one end of the table and the ominivors at the other, and one of them said "the good end of the table and the bad end of the table". It was all I could do to not say something like "the pretentous end of the table...", the self-rightous end of the table... the bizaar diet end of the table... etc."

P.S. A recent study shows male vegetarians have a slightly higher rate of heart attacks compared to omnivorous males!

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People who use two parking spaces.

I can understand these people as I am one for this simple reason:

I hate it when you buy a new car and people open the door and don´t give a dam when they hit your car. :mad::thumbdown: If people were more considerate, others wouldn´t have to do these kind of things. ;)

Ah, but there's a problem. By being selfish, you're denying someone else a spot to park. In a perfect world, we would all park the correct distance apart as to not touch doors. Then again, I think those who make the lines between spaces could give a few more inches on each side as to accomodate those huge Hummers, Escalades and other gas guzzling SUV's that are so wide. Or maybe we should all buy Smart cars and double dip the oil companies and solve the parking dilemna. Okay, now I'm being funny. And I get your point as I have bought new vehicles myself. My current car I had for two weeks and someone scratched the crap out the rear bumper in a parking lot. But that's why I pay for insurance. Also, i've known people who have parked their cars diagonally between two spots only to find their cars keyed.

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