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Del Zeppnile

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All this talk about whether a woman has to be good looking, right? But yet he'll shag a dead horse in a heartbeat.

You just never know what's going to float a person's boat sometimes.

I thought she was indicating she was giving me a spanking. Nevermind. :o

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Well, I gotta admit, for it to have been a better representation of you, it should've had longer ears.

That's better than my "shiftless turd" comment.

And the "x" over the eyes wasn't an indicator that the horse was dead? You've obviously never heard the expression "beating a dead horse" which means saying the same things over and over again ad infinitum. Which you're quite good at. You. Are. Dense.

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OK,Del- here`s the stratigic play : Forgive & Forget , go watch a copy of the game that one of your buddys made(next time take the tape out quicker).As for the pillows if they really bother you ,ask for a considerate comprimise .That`s what a healthy marriage and basicly any form of a relationship is all about.-------------Now for the two posters : Zero & I am- I would like to introduce you to a poster by the name of Jude. She has a thread up about SagDig dwarf ......... the three of you may have an interesting exchange ,who knows you each may come away with something new. Peace-lajoie

For the record, this afternoon when I went to find that thread ,it was deleted & Jude has been banned ?----Don`t ask me I only responded to something she posted .

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Ya know, maybe it's just that I AM a bit on the old side, and I come from a different generation that a lot of you. BUT....

Why the FUCK is the emphasis always put on looks? :rolleyes:

Sure, there's nothing wrong with being attracted to someone who is good looking. Hell, I've been in that "predicament" 1,000,000,000 times. :lol:

But sometimes the pursuit of a "hottie" just for looks' sake can be disastrous. Been there and done that when I was young and stupid. Got raked over the coals for it too.

Granted, I don't want to cringe every time I look at my wife/girlfriend, of course not. But the whole key to happiness, to ME anyway, is being with someone you love from the inside out. Someone you know you can love and TRUST, 100%. And sometimes you can have it both ways, I admit. But don't count on it. And don't be an idiot and ignore the charming girl next to you because she doesn't look like one of those fake plastic models you see on TV. Open up your MINDS, as well as your eyes. B)


Speaking as one of the charming and cute (not pretty) girls.

TRUST is the key word. My husband ( who is also cute -- not gorgeous) and I trust each other implicitly.

That's one of the keys to a long, happy marraige.

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Very good questions, but before you demand that turn in my man card I have to say that my only excuse was that I was in the garage building a new design of a perfect woman for the betterment of mankind.

here is a photo of the prototype:


But I'm still working on the arms, legs, and the ability to wash dishes and shit.

Label on the back of dels invention vv


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I thought she was indicating she was giving me a spanking. Nevermind. :o

Oh. I guess I'm not annoying or ugly, eh? :lol:

I knew it was an animal and I knew you were indicating that was supposed to be me. Didn't know it was supposed to be dead. <_<




OMG... I am literally laughing so hard right now that my stomach hurts. I was laughing so hard that I sounded like one of those long-eared horses. ROFL

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