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Ok you are on. For a drink if we ever meet by some slim chance. Maybe if there is a Zepp reunion down the road. Go SABRES!!!

Oh how lovely :) I've been to Buffalo a few times, though it's been years. Yeah a Zep reunion (or whatever they'll be called or whatever they'll do) would be awesome. Losing team's fan buys! In the meantime, we'll have to make do with these :beer: The count starts with the game on the 12th - start saving muahahaha! :D

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Hold on to your hat Leaf fans. Hiring Brian Burke is the smartest thing the Leafs have done in years. It may take him a little while to sort things out but you've now got a GM who will work with his coach and the players. It will be his way or the highway for anyone who doesn't buy into his methods.

That's what everyone says every single time The leafs hire a new General Manager.lol How many have they been through now?

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Thanks, Ally :) Sure is nice to have a hopeful feeling after all those lean years of futility under Ballard. Rumour has it Burke's going to bring in Nonis - he of super trade that brought Luongo to Vancouver fame. That one seems to have worked out well for you!

The best part is that Burke will not have to report to that douchebag Ferengi-toothed Richard Peddie. I loathe him. He should work for the Sens.

Good luck tonight! :thumbsup::slapshot:

There have been nothing but lean years after Ballard. Ballard has been dead since 1990.

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C,mon you have to admit this guy is funny. He is the only guy in the National Hockey league who has any personality at all. They all giving nothing but boring interviews. "We will give 110 percent, blah, blah". They all talk in monotone voices. Sean adds some excitement.

And he has a point. Has anyone noticed that Alisha Cutherbert only dates hockey players. I think it's up to 4 or 5 players now.

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That's what everyone says every single time The leafs hire a new General Manager.lol How many have they been trough now?

Well, the Leafs had a good run during the Quinn era. No cup but certainly they were a contending team. It's only since he left that the Leafs have struggled, in recent times. I'm sure your thinking back a lot further than that so I can understand the frustration but outside of maybe Ken Holland in Detroit, Burke is the best around

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No one's as bad as Claude Lemieux...what he did to Kris Draper is unforgivable. Kris had to get his face restructured

McCarty sure as hell taught him a lesson though ;)

Claude was a much more effective player than Avery ever will be. He may have sucked during the regular season, but he really shined during the playoffs. He doesn't have a fingerful of Stanley Cup rings for nothing.

I do agree that what he did to Kris is unforgivable, even a year later when McCarty pounded down Lemieux as he turtled and did nothing. :lol:

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No one's as bad as Claude Lemieux...what he did to Kris Draper is unforgivable. Kris had to get his face restructured

McCarty sure as hell taught him a lesson though ;)

I hope Lemieux wakes up one day and his dick has been bitten off by a rabid wolverine. I wish nothing but the worst for that waste of skin. Terminal cancer of the anus would be nice too. God, I hate that douche.

Now about Sean Avery......he's been an asshole, even when he was a Red Wing. I don't care how pissed you are that your ex-girlfriend is bumpin' uglies with another player....you keep your shitty opinion to yourself. Whatever happened to conducting oneself with decorum? You'd think those years in Detroit would have taught him to take a page from Steve Yzerman, the absolute personification of class.

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I hope Lemieux wakes up one day and his dick has been bitten off by a rabid wolverine. I wish nothing but the worst for that waste of skin. Terminal cancer of the anus would be nice too. God, I hate that douche.

Now about Sean Avery......he's been an asshole, even when he was a Red Wing. I don't care how pissed you are that your ex-girlfriend is bumpin' uglies with another player....you keep your shitty opinion to yourself. Whatever happened to conducting oneself with decorum? You'd think those years in Detroit would have taught him to take a page from Steve Yzerman, the absolute personification of class.

Quit beatin' around the bush Electro :lol:

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Yeah I know, but I farking hate Claude Lemieux and I never liked Sean Avery. He's the NHL's version of Kevin Federline.

I don't blame you for hating Lemieux. What he did to Draper was criminal. Avery, he's just an egotistical SOB. He'll get his due one day.

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I cant believe Carolina fired Laviolette. Unbelievable. What did they expect the guy to do? Stupid move.

...and now the Penguins are beating us 4-1,make that 4-2 Cullen just scored as I was typing.Maybe there's hope tonight...5-2 now...WTF

I don't know what to make of this firing.I really like Laviolette! :black_eye:

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I don't blame you for hating Lemieux. What he did to Draper was criminal. Avery, he's just an egotistical SOB. He'll get his due one day.

What's really grating is that the guy never backs up his mouth with his fists. He'd get a bit more respect if he didn't run and hide from pugilistic invitations, ones which he often gives and then turns away from. Gutless coward exposed.

I hate the entire Philadelphia Flyers organization from the top down because they have always tried to turn a good game called hockey into world federation wrestling. I hate them more than any team in any sport. And I wish the league would stick to the rules they said they were going to enforce three years ago so we can watch real hockey. It seems that when they do call a penalty they have feel an automatic obligation to call the next one against the other team just to even the playing field so to speak. But they should only penalize the guilty. They dont. They cant even get the diving calls right. The officiating is terrible. In the NHL and in all sports right now except maybe baseball.


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Well my Leaf fan friends, this weekend my Sabres finally play your Leafs. Seems strange that they werent scheduled until so late in the season. We just beat Pittsburgh in their building after being down 3-1. The Sabres showed me something in that game. They played tough too. Now if Lindy keeps the ship sailing straight they should have no trouble beating Tampa at home tomorrow. Now that I have opened my mouth Im sure we will be in trouble. Hope not. GO SABRES!!!!!! There is only one team left in Buffalo now. Darn Bills.

The economy better take a turn for the better, Yukon, or your beloved Sabres will become the Hamilton Hubcap Stealers. What do you make of the rumours that your owner's considering selling the team? In the meantime, a little bet, shall we? A pint for each goal, hmmm?

Like so: :beer: You better show up to the forum to deliver, Yukon, I'll be here to collect :D

(and may the Sabres play Lalime in net) :D

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The economy better take a turn for the better, Yukon, or your beloved Sabres will become the Hamilton Hubcap Stealers. What do you make of the rumours that your owner's considering selling the team? In the meantime, a little bet, shall we? A pint for each goal, hmmm?

Like so: :beer: You better show up to the forum to deliver, Yukon, I'll be here to collect :D

(and may the Sabres play Lalime in net) :D

Hahahaha :lol: Now that was funny!

Thanks for that one Patty :D

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Well Rorer may think its funny, but I dont. I am a life long die hard Sabres fan. They are not going anywhere even if Tom Golisano sells them. The announcement has been made locally that they will not sell unless the team stays in Buffalo. And Buffalo and Rochester are great hockey cities that will always support the Sabres.

I meant that the name was funny.Not the fact that a team is moving.Lord knows I don't wish that on anyone,been there :angry: (Art fuckin Modell) nuff said.It ain't cool Yukon...But you have admit the name was funny. :D

I'm a Hurricanes fan and I used to live in Hartford when I was in kindergarten around 66.The Whalers showed up 10 years later when I was already Bruins fan.Long story!

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