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The NHL Thread

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Wings have a home game tomorrow night, and thanks to the wonders of this amazing website someone clued me in on, I can watch the FSNDetroit feed of the game, live on my computer. I think I'll hunker down with either Quiznos or Subway and watch my boys kick ass.

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WTF is wrong with this picture? NHL all star game. Ovetchkin not on. 3 Sharks snubbed from starting lineup. 3 Montreal players and golden boy Crosby picked. VANEK NOT IN STARTING LINEUP!!!! fUCKING BULLSHIT.

One of the problems with the fans getting to vote. I realize they have to feel invested in the game, but when the actual all-stars aren't starting, something is really amiss. It's the same problem as baseball has - are your all-stars the most popular players, or the best players...

I don't know what the answer is.

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One of the problems with the fans getting to vote. I realize they have to feel invested in the game, but when the actual all-stars aren't starting, something is really amiss. It's the same problem as baseball has - are your all-stars the most popular players, or the best players...

I don't know what the answer is.

Here's the answer. 80% of sports fans are dumbasses that couldn't tell their ass from their elbow even if you drew them a diagram. They vote for who is trendy at the moment, who has been on their TV the most or who all the stupid talking heads on TV say they should vote for.

I don't watch the baseball ASG anymore because it's become a complete joke. Good players continually get overlooked for players with high name recognition and low stats. Same with the NHL. Not one member of the Red Wings is on the starting lineup. The defending champs, for cryin' out loud!

They need to completely remove the fans from the voting process. They're mostly idiots and don't know what they're doing.

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The fans picking the All Star line ups is just a way for the NHL to promote the game in cities that aren't really hockey towns. It creates some interest that might not normally be there. The game itself is usually a bore at best and outside of a star player getting injured, there's nothing at stake. Having said that, I wouldn't want the fans picking a team that was going for Olympic Gold. The AllStar game clearly is not about that so giving the fans a say in the line ups really isn't that big a deal to me.

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WTF is wrong with this picture? NHL all star game. Ovetchkin not on. 3 Sharks snubbed from starting lineup. 3 Montreal players and golden boy Crosby picked. VANEK NOT IN STARTING LINEUP!!!! fUCKING BULLSHIT.

Not trying to stir the pot Cornelius but Crosby is 3rd in scoring.He's a good Canadian kid . I think you got a crush on Crosby but it makes you feel dirty. :lol:

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The all star games in hockey and Football are both a joke but at least the hockey is entertaining. Its just skate and shoot and the score is usually about 11-10. That is good in a way because no clutching and grabbing, that I wish they would have kept their promise and eliminated. Hockey is a talent. I dont want to see the world wrestling federation on ice. Of the four major sports football's is the biggest joke. At least in baseball they are playing for home field in the World Series, not that it really means that much. The previous poster said 80 percent of sports fans dont know anything. Id say that number is a bit high. There are many that do know, and probably alot that could do a better job of coaching than some of these overpaid so called experts. Fans tend to make the mistake of always picking "household names" regardless of what kind of year they are havinig. Sidney Crosby is the new darling becauase the media made him that. In my opinion he will NEVER be another Lemieau or Gretsky. I am hoping Miller gets picked because he is now playing well and is as good as anyone in the East, of course if Brodeur had been healthy he would have been picked on past merit no matter what kind of year he is having But Vanek should be starting in my book. Not 3 Montreal players. Hell, what about Boston? And I agree with Electro that Detroit should have a starter. What a joke. Are you telling me that Lidstrom isnt starting? Crazy. Or Zettenberg? But the Sharks are having a great year too.

I agree that the above players mentioned should be there and you are correct that many players are selected on past merit and / or fans stacking the ballots.

As I said though, the fans are not picking a team that is representing a country and given the NHL's low profile in so many cities, it actually makes sense to me that they do it this way. If you think about it, it's created a debate about hockey that might not be there otherwise. BTW, I won't be watching the game :D

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You live in the dessert and you are a Flyers fan? Whats up with that? A transplanted Philadelphian? Ill dance with you later. GO SABRES! Sabres and Caps on in 5 minutes.

From the Los Angeles area, Burbank to be exact.

My 1st game was in 1980. Flyers vs. LA at the old "Great Western Forum".

Been a fan ever since. And no 'they aint shit" is right. They are the SHIT!! :buttsmack:

Don't think Buffalo will even make the playoffs! :nuke:

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Leafs looked brutal last night. But they need to trade away what little talent they have so that they can hit the bottom :D As a life long leaf fan it is tough to watch but I am sick of the crap hockey I am forced to watch. I will suffer for the next few years in hope that the glory will one day return :D

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Leafs, my leafs, my poor, struggling leafs.

Trade Antropov and do it soon. It pains me to (even), see him skate - like he's wallowing in mud. Let;s not get into the look he gives when he "charges" the net and get's punched by the oppositions defenceman....like a deer in the headlights. He's 6'6", 245 pounds and plays like he's the half the size.

Gawd I hate what the "new" NHL is turning into - if I wanted to watch European hockey, I'd move to Europe.

I'm telling you how I really feel btw :)

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Leafs, my leafs, my poor, struggling leafs.

Trade Antropov and do it soon. It pains me to (even), see him skate - like he's wallowing in mud. Let;s not get into the look he gives when he "charges" the net and get's punched by the oppositions defenceman....like a deer in the headlights. He's 6'6", 245 pounds and plays like he's the half the size.

Gawd I hate what the "new" NHL is turning into - if I wanted to watch European hockey, I'd move to Europe.

I'm telling you how I really feel btw :)

Never was a fan of big Nick B) But you may be surprised what he brings on the market! Get rid of pony as well kabina and Kabby as well. The bottom is near!!!

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The last management tenure mortgaged the future - Sundin should have been traded right after the lockout, along with Antropov, and Kaberle for draft picks and younger players - we wouldnt be in this mess right now. There we're just playing for that day - shame.

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If BB can get some picks and prospects by the trade deadline we will be in good shape in the future <_< . JFJ was awful, Jason Blake...Awful. Cliff did a good job starting the clean up last year, but BB will have a lot of preasure on hip to turn this sinking ship around once and for all. Trade anyone except Schenn, Finger and Grabovski and maybe one or two more. We must get at least a top five pick in the draft. 1st or 2nd preferably.

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End of one. Sabres 2 Ottawa 0

Dirty play by Ottawa. Rutuu bites Peters and refs dont see it. War!!!!

I watched this on the highlights last night.Was pretty funny!! Ruutu acting like Mike Tyson. :blink:

He did get suspended for two games without pay. :rolleyes: A proverbial slap on the wrist for a bite on the thumb.Apparently biting in hockey is not that rare... :rolleyes:

Edited by Rorer714
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Man, I have to tape both Sabres game on Friday and Sat against the Rangers and Red Wings. Have to be at partys. And I cant ask them to have the game on. Sucks. Cant remember the last time I even missed one Sabres game.

You should skip those parties Yuk. I began recording all the Caps games. It is great having a DVR. It Reminds me whenthe games are on. Plus I can rewind all the fights and hits.

Caps are now !8-1 -1 at home, after a shoot out with the Flyers Tuesday night. Great come back to a 7-1 and loss up on Broad Street last month.

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I'm saying the Wings are hotter than thermite right now. The Sharks are a couple points ahead of us right now and I don't think THEY'D want to come into the Joe right now.

We very well could get our nalgas handed to us and if that's the case so be it. If we play like shit we deserve to lose.

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Excuse me Yukon...but the score was 6-2 http://www.sportsnet.ca/

Ohhhhhhh that was a helluva game between two long standing rivals. There were fights galore...that's good because I was in a fighting mood last night. I wanted to fight someone but ladies aren't supposed to fight so I'm glad I saw the guys fighting ...I'm goin' call them the Maple Leaf Fight Club... :angry:

I love ya, Maple Leafs, I love ya :wub:

Juliet :wave:

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Excuse me Yukon...but the score was 6-2 http://www.sportsnet.ca/

Ohhhhhhh that was a helluva game between two long standing rivals. There were fights galore...that's good because I was in a fighting mood last night. I wanted to fight someone but ladies aren't supposed to fight so I'm glad I saw the guys fighting ...I'm goin' call them the Maple Leaf Fight Club... :angry:

I love ya, Maple Leafs, I love ya :wub:

Juliet :wave:

You need to buy a punching bag Juliet :lol:

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Hey Rorer. Perhaps you will appreciate my Sabres win in Boston last week a bit more now that your boys are being served up 5-0 after two? Sabres at Red Wings tonight. Put on your dancin shoes Electro! GO SABRES!!!!!

Electro and Yukon doing a Tango ! Now this, I wanna see :lol:

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Im quite sure Im on her ignore list. Not that I really care. But she did call me out about the Sabres visit to Detroit tonight. Pittsburgh is losing again. Man have they fallen apart. And Carolina got spanked. Seems as though poor Rorer is in hiding. Im sure we will hear from him if my boys should happen to get beat in Detroit. But Miller is playing well. We have a chance to win this game. Ill be taping the game. Probably wont get to see it til late tonight. Too bad the Canucks lost their first game with Sundin I wonder how he looked? Did you see it Ally?

I was just having some fun with both of you re: the Tango comment. No offense was intended at all :peace:

As for Sundin, he looked like I expected..out of shape...lol. He'll come around. The thing about him is that no matter what shape he's in, teams have to respect his ability. I'll wait a couple of weeks before I give an opinion on his contributions to the Canucks

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