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How did Led Zeppelin influence you?

Peep Solero

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Don't know if this was brought up before...probably was, but anyway.

How did Led Zeppelin influence you, personally? What was their impact on you? Did it change something about you, the way you think….or is the music just a complementary side to your own self that has already been there before?

For me, for starters ('cause there's like a gazillion points) I think they've opened up a whole new aspect of music, delving into so many things my peers just don't seem to know (Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, Bukka White, Moby Grape- stuff that in a million years I wouldn't have come across and really like on my own).

Just a major broadening of me musical taste which looking back seems so lacking then and so exciting now


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I always loved Zep since I first heard Black Dog in the mid 70's. I remember in the mid 80's driving around Ocean City Md, smoking and listening to the radio. I had my girl friend and two of her girl friends in the car. We were having a good time just cruising around and Zep comes on the radio. I turn it up and I remember catching some looks from them like, rolling of the eyes. They usally did that when I cranked it up. At first I felt a little embarrassed as feelings of being out of date (they were into Duran Duran and that stuff) and not with it, you know like a back in the day type. The smoking always made me kind of self aware and a little paronoid anyways and I never really liked it. Usually when its me against them I would capitulate and turn it down, like if I am listening to AC/DC or some other rocker. But at that moment, listening to, I believe it was Misty Mountain, I said screw this, this song is so damn good, this band is so damned talented, that I am not going turn it down for them - we are gonna rock to the best there is and I don't care if the song is from the seventies - and guess what ? They loved it! In short, that night Zeppelin taught me as a young teen to start to stand up for myself, taught me that if I really believe in something to not let anyone change my way of thinking and most of all, taught me that to mine own self I must be true. Zeppelin exudes confidence and some of that has rubbed off on me.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been playing guitar for over 5 years now and Jimmy Page was the one who first caught my attention as a guitarist and influenced me in every way. Since listening to Zeppelin, music has become my life and without Zeppelin I have no clue what I would be like. They have played a huge part in becoming who I am today.

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  • 11 months later...
For me, for starters ('cause there's like a gazillion points) I think they've opened up a whole new aspect of music, delving into so many things my peers just don't seem to know (Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, Bukka White, Moby Grape- stuff that in a million years I wouldn't have come across and really like on my own).

Just a major broadening of me musical taste which looking back seems so lacking then and so exciting now


....Musically speaking, same as you ( in my adult years)...

....Culturally speaking ....in my teens (70's)... at the height of Zeppelin's popularity mid-seventies, I was exposed to Western culture....it was an awakening for me....desire for self-expression and independence while still maintaining my identity @ home..Jimmy Page's image/photographs, particularly, challenged me to walk two paths originating from West/East culture at the same time... (very complex chapter in my life, I have to admit)

P.S. very beautiful Rock Star of his time...his "look" :wub: in a class by itself....Perfect for any young girl's bedroom wall

:wub: :wub:

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I hate to say this, but they didn't, at all--they're "just" a rock band I love listening to. (I feel like an outcast now! :lol: )

Hi Aqua,

If this board was run like a Democracy, you'd be voted off.

If it were an Empire, you would be banished to the furthest corner.

If it was Autocracy, you'd be shot. :hunter:

If it was run like a Religion, you'd be burned at the stake. :nuke:

If it was run like a School, you'd be cained. (at least in the old days you would) :buttsmack:

So just be glad we have a nice Admin, OK. :lol:

Regards ,Danny

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They're the only reason I was able to get out of bed in college. Every morning, I started blasting The Immigrant Song, thereby waking up not only my roommates, but the roommate of every person within about a mile of my dorm. So basically, thanks to them, I slept in class instead of in my dorm room, and this earned me my degree in December. So, thanks dudes.

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As a guitarist I learned a plethora of odd tunings, thanks to Jimmy. I love going to a guitar store, walking over and plucking a $4,000 dollar Gibson J-200 off the wall, retuning it to CACGCE and playing through any number of Page's songs or my own songs in that tuning... then returning the guitar to the wall... still in CACGCE... :D

Somebody else walks over, picks up the guitar, strums what should be a G chord and they get this look on their face... :blink:

Thanks to Zep I also walk around town constantly searching for an angel with a broken wing... where the hell is this girl anyway? :slapface:

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Seriously agree, every time I hear a zeppelin song I cant help but laugh, especially cause some of them remind me of some great times. They have opened a whole other genre of music for me and, well, not gonna lie...I started smoking weed to enjoy it more!!!!

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