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Keith Richards "Slated" the Led Zeppelin Reunion


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This it's what all the hate is about!? What a fucking joke!!So;Keith Richards takes a shot at "Stairway"!?Oh,the fucking horror!!! "Like,oh my god,he hates the greatest fucking song ever!!" (Just for the record,so do I.) :blink:

...and he took a shot at Robert!? I can't take it, and I'm sure Robert Plant is going to go into hiding over the whole thing. Kiss a Zep reunion goodbye,and it's all Keiths' fault!! :D:D:D

Jesus Christ on a Big Wheel people; this kind of back-and-forth smack-talk has been going on since Jerry Lee Lewis and Chuck Berry (look it up).

Newsflash: Believe it or not, there are people in the world that don't like Led Zeppelin,and there's people that don't like The Rolling Stones either (just not as many ), and I don't give a fuck either way, I know what I like-and love-and no one flippant comment is going to change that.

It must have served some type of purpose however, because it got people talking, and I respect Keith a fuck of a lot more than the brown-nosing motherfuckers that say they loved the reunion show, and love Led Zeppelin, in order to make themselves look better. At least Keith says what he really thinks.

BTW; his comments about Elton John were said in response to Elton basically calling him a monkey onstage. These guys are going to talk shit back-and-forth to one another, deal with it.

As far as his comments about drugs being hypocritical,here's a thought: Wouldn't you take him more seriously, as someone who's been through it, than someone who just read about it in a fuckin' book? I know I would.

Lighten the fuck up people;it's only rock-n-roll.....

.....but I like it. B)

Edited by Firekisses
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^Amen. Think about people like Clapton and SRV, people who have done the drugs, almost died from it. How many people did they help? Would they have helped as many people if they had been clean their whole lives? Experience is the best teacher.

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"Keith Richards has basically never liked any rock bands, so this is nothing new."

I was reading a back copy of a 'rock' magazine recently and I came across a sort of 'how to buy/what's the best stuff?' guide to AC/DC. The piece was prefaced with a couple of very complimentary quotes from Keef himself.It left me in no doubt at all that he was-and maybe still is-a big fan of theirs. Casts a big question mark on his taste for me,personally, but that's just me.He's always struck me as a reactionary-purist,somewhat similar to Eric Clapton.

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When the Stones (or anyone else for that matter), announce a one off concert and hold a lottery for 18000 tickets over the internet and more than 100 million hits (requests for tickets), cause the site to meltdown....

Then and only then, they could be deemed bigger than Zeppelin.

This isn't a fair argument because the Stones have been touring pretty much consistently their entire career.

If Led Zeppelin never stopped touring then the 02 show would not have caused the commotion that it did.

If the Stones hadn't played together since 1979 and got back together for one more show this year, I'm sure it would be as big a deal if not bigger than the Zeppelin reunion.

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I really like the stones and keith is a legend and kiddies should take a look at a proper rock n roller, but when I wanted to go see the stones play in sheffield last year the cheapest tickets were something like £160 which is ludicrous.

These days, Mick Jagger has turned them into a fashion brand/band and I just pretend that they didn't do anything after the 70's.

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Richards was also asked what message he would want to send to his younger self, to which he responded: "I'd have said 'Lay off the dope.' That's my advice now to all younger members who are into this sort of thing -- oh, give it up, it ain't really worth it.


In the interview, he also belittled Led Zeppelin's December one-off reunion gig, telling Uncut: "They had one? Well, well done Jimmy (Page) and Robert (Plant)... Stairway To Heaven don't make it for me, baby."

Comment B is a result of not following his own advice in Comment A :D

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This isn't a fair argument because the Stones have been touring pretty much consistently their entire career.

If Led Zeppelin never stopped touring then the 02 show would not have caused the commotion that it did.

If the Stones hadn't played together since 1979 and got back together for one more show this year, I'm sure it would be as big a deal if not bigger than the Zeppelin reunion.

Thats the difference between the two bands.

When Bonzo died they disbanded in his memory stating that they could no longer continue without him.

Had the Stones shown the same kind of class when Brian Jones died (especially when he created the Stones in the first place) they (Keef) might get more respect.

The Stones only ever tour for the money anyway, otherwise it would be more affordable to buy tickets.

Except for a couple of songs here and there (Start Me Up sold to Microsoft?), Keef has been a bit lean.

Maybe he wants to (or should), pursue an acting career?

Correct me if I'm wrong but they didn't tour for some 10 years or so during the 70's - 80's.

Because, oh thats right Keef opened his big mouth and he and Jagger had a major fallout and Mick refused to tour because of his solo career.

Face it The Stones needed to be big because of ego, Zeppelin just were and couldn't have cared less, though Keef has had a chip on his shoulder ever since.

And yes "It's Only Rock and Roll ... But I Like It"

Edited by Reggie29
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When Bonzo died they disbanded in his memory stating that they could no longer continue without him.

Had the Stones shown the same kind of class when Brian Jones died (especially when he created the Stones in the first place) they (Keef) might get more respect.

Brian Jones had already left the band (i.e. been fired, due to being nonfunctional) when he died.

Class has nothing to do with it.

Or with this whole ridiculous argument.

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Brian Jones had already left the band (i.e. been fired, due to being nonfunctional) when he died.

Class has nothing to do with it.

Or with this whole ridiculous argument.

No shit.

I used to get so pissed, watching all those myopic Stones fans diss Zep. Well ya know what? It works both ways. This is childish, silly shit.


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Brian Jones had already left the band (i.e. been fired, due to being nonfunctional) when he died.

Class has nothing to do with it.

Or with this whole ridiculous argument.

He was not fired.

He stopped recording because of his depression and drug addiction (which as you pointed out restricted his creativity), but was still playing (occasionally) live.

He died while on hiatus prior to the the Hyde Park Concert when Mick Taylor

joined hastily to complete their obligation and remained.

Funny the only word I was picked up on was class?

Maybe I should have used integrity instead?

Ridiculous argument?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion we don't have to agree.

Lighten up and enjoy the discussion without getting personal.

At the end of the day we have all got more important things to worry about.

Led Zeppelin putting the "Class" in Classic Rock.


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He was not fired.

He stopped recording because of his depression and drug addiction (which as you pointed out restricted his creativity), but was still playing (occasionally) live.

He died while on hiatus prior to the the Hyde Park Concert when Mick Taylor

joined hastily to complete their obligation and remained.

Sorry, but all this is simply incorrect. He had been fired and Mick Taylor was already his permanent replacement. There were photo shoots of the new band prior to the Hyde Park show. Jones then died two days (could have been three) before the show, and they turned it into a memorial for him. As I said before, I was there.

Also sorry if you perceived something personal in my previous post. I was referring to the entire argument (5 pages and counting).

All this--sometimes I wonder if people are deliberately misunderstanding my posts--is why I had quit posting, a practice which I will now resume.

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Sorry, but all this is simply incorrect. He had been fired and Mick Taylor was already his permanent replacement. There were photo shoots of the new band prior to the Hyde Park show. Jones then died two days (could have been three) before the show, and they turned it into a memorial for him. As I said before, I was there.

Also sorry if you perceived something personal in my previous post. I was referring to the entire argument (5 pages and counting).

All this--sometimes I wonder if people are deliberately misunderstanding my posts--is why I had quit posting, a practice which I will now resume.

No offence taken.

Just proves how (in)accurate the media can be when relating the news.

I had read about it in NME, Melody Maker or RS.

Don't stop posting if you do "they" win.

I would rather an intelligent "argument" with you than an agree with everything mentality like some people ("they know who they are").

Keep up the good work.

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Jones' last formal appearance was in the December 1968 The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus, a part concert, part circus-act film organized by the band. It went unreleased for 25 years because Mick Jagger was unhappy with the band's performance compared to other bands in the film, such as Jethro Tull, The Who, and Taj Mahal. In the film Jones appears uninterested and at times intoxicated. While introducing concert pianist Julius Katchen, his speech was slurred and inarticulate. During the Stones set he appears distant and his playing is inaudible except for a beautiful rendition of "No Expectations." Extra material on the DVD release of the film indicates that almost everyone at the concert knew that the end of Jones' time with the Stones was near, and Pete Townshend of The Who states he thought it would be Jones' last musical live performance.


On June 8, 1969, Jagger, Richards and Watts arrived at Jones' brand new mansion in Hartfield, Sussex, England to fire him from the band.


Edited by eternal light
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I think the stones were a great band...but anyone who has seen them in the last 2 tours really knows...they suck live now.. which I don't think was true as close as steel wheels...

keith richards co wrote some great songs...but he's a piece of shit...he's the only person alive that is a less eloquent and understandable speaker than ozzy...and everything you can barely make out is self indulgent shit...I think he sucks...and he is probably the worst guitarist i've ever heard live...

I don't give a crap who he likes or dislikes...I just know I don't like him.

just my opinion...

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The Stones went to shit firstly after Brian Jones died and then finally when Mick Taylor left.

Bill Wyman wised up and left and that completed the exercise.

Oh yeah and what a role model Richards is to all the kids.

And no I haven't said anything in the past to piss him off.

Yeah, what a role model the "Heroin Poster Boy" is to kids.

I really admire the man. NOT!!!!!!

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Keef is nothing but a couple of broomsticks bound together by scotch tape. He's the living embodiement of the Crypt Keeper..

Mick Taylor was clearly the best guitarist to ever play in the Stones.

If I hear that crappy "Start Me Up" again, I think I'll hurl....

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