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Del Zeppnile

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Fubar, that's a brilliant word!

Isn't it.

At work I have officially made all Fridays "FUBAR FRIDAY"

... a day to scorn and ridicule for my boss and his assclown attempts at managment.

By the way, I'm studying One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest at the moment :D . Any tips? ;)

Yeah, don't get drunk and fall to sleep with a hooker.

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At work I have officially made all Fridays "FUBAR FRIDAY"

:beer: A working Friday in the UK is " POETS DAY "

.... ( Piss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday), for those who are unfamiliar. :)

I would nominate FUBAR day as the day when your team loses (again !) :angry: (usually on a weekend, and makes it (all the more) unbearable going to work on Monday, and having to put up with some of your smug, sniggering, so-called workmates. :angry:

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Is my standard of living.

Everything is going up in price except my salary. Gasoline, taxes, food.

Its out of control. I had to sell the Yosemite Sam mudflaps that WERE on my F-150 pick-up. My kid won`t get braces and will have to endure the taunts of "BUCK TEETH".

My dog can forget Alpo and have to eat that 100 pound bag of cheap dog food I bought at Walmart.

You should have the look on the poor little guy`s face I walked with that! I wonder how long it will take him to eat all. Hell I might be sharing it with him.

Speaking of Walmart, I have been reduced to shopping there. I want to punch those door greeters or whatever they are called.

If this continues, I will fall from middle class to white trash.

Like a retro George Jefferson.

Fish don`t fry in my kitchen

Ain`t no beans on the grill

Took a whole lot of tryin`

Just to pay the water bill

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The FUBAR is FUBAR..... after the Crane crushed it the other day.....


"FUBAR offered a heavy drinking atmosphere, hence the name - which stands for "F*&%* Up Beyond All Recognition". While this may not be your goal, it seems to happen quite often here. It could be because the drinks are the cheapest in mid-town, or due to the encouragement of the friendly, pro-party staff. While you’re "getting your drink on", youcan snack on some free fresh popcorn, enjoy our video games, jukebox or pool table."

The FUBAR was located between the two building left standing.


Edited by The Rover
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I call my boss BOHICA. Which is Bend Over Here It Comes Again. He likes to yell at people in private no matter want you did wrong. If i forgot a wrench when i went for tool. He'll pull me aside and start yelling at me for everything i ever did. The rest of the crew is calling him BOHICA too.


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I call my boss BOHICA. Which is Bend Over Here It Comes Again. He likes to yell at people in private no matter want you did wrong. If i forgot a wrench when i went for tool. He'll pull me aside and start yelling at me for everything i ever did. The rest of the crew is calling him BOHICA too.



I use that one around work too! We have this general manager that has a bad case of LMS (Little Man Syndrome) and a Johnny Bravo haircut. He's always trying to display his "importance" by micromanaging all the departments, even though we have competent managers in place. Every time we see him come around the corner we all say "BO-HICA!!" He's heard it a couple of times, but hasn't figured it out yet. :lol:

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The FUBAR is FUBAR..... after the Crane crushed it the other day.....


"FUBAR offered a heavy drinking atmosphere, hence the name - which stands for "F*&%* Up Beyond All Recognition". While this may not be your goal, it seems to happen quite often here. It could be because the drinks are the cheapest in mid-town, or due to the encouragement of the friendly, pro-party staff. While you're "getting your drink on", youcan snack on some free fresh popcorn, enjoy our video games, jukebox or pool table."

The FUBAR was located between the two building left standing.


:o OMG, you're kidding! Wow.

Hi all,



Ok, I know SNAFU, and I know FUBAR, what's TARFU?

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Cheers, I'll remember that for my final exam :lol:

I absolutely love that book, I know it like the back of my hand so feel free to PM me if you need help. Remember the underlying theme of "the establishment" in the novel, which relates to the time period Kesey wrote it (60s) and its represented by Nurse Ratched! :D

Hope you're reading well through Bromdens hallucinations!

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The FUBAR Pub was crushed by the crane.... I'm not Joking !

That is one of those things that just makes you think there is a God and s/he has quite a twisted sense of humor...

I've actually seen it as TARFUN which means "things are really fucked up now."

Muchas gracias. Reminds me of, "to err is human, to really fuck things up takes a computer..."

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Hi all,

I bought a motorcycle engine back in the 90's that was as FUBAR as they come.

I wanted to FUBAR the asshole that sold it to me. (me and hundreds of others that he ripped off)


redrum! Man what happened?You can PM about it if you want.I don't like hearing about 2-wheel FUBAR's!People ripping others off that is,.... :mellow:

These terms have been around since before WW2,it was way for a grunt to tell some brass how thing were going,....

SNAFU: Situation Normal All F***ed Up!

TARFU: Things Are Really F***ed Up!

FUBAR: F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition!


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I just finished my taxes and it's FUBAR!

So it looks like that tax refund everyone is supposed to be getting doesn't apply to people who have jobs, work hard, save and invest money, and pretty much are not complete fucktards.

Just like the $1000. child tax credit that we never get, my wife and I are not getting shit on this deal either.

Our tax system in this country is FUBAR!

Some people are going to need to learn how to get buy without the rest of us paying for thier sorry asses.

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I just finished my taxes and it's FUBAR!

So it looks like that tax refund everyone is supposed to be getting doesn't apply to people who have jobs, work hard, save and invest money, and pretty much are not complete fucktards.

Just like the $1000. child tax credit that we never get, my wife and I are not getting shit on this deal either.

Our tax system in this country is FUBAR!

Some people are going to need to learn how to get buy without the rest of us paying for thier sorry asses.

Yes, hopefully people like: oil barons from either Texas or Saudi Arabia; investment bankers; outrageously over-paid CEOs; agri-business; defense contractors; etc...

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I just finished my taxes and it's FUBAR!

So it looks like that tax refund everyone is supposed to be getting doesn't apply to people who have jobs, work hard, save and invest money, and pretty much are not complete fucktards.

Just like the $1000. child tax credit that we never get, my wife and I are not getting shit on this deal either.

Our tax system in this country is FUBAR!

Some people are going to need to learn how to get buy without the rest of us paying for thier sorry asses.


Everybody feel sorry for Del..

he's got everything he needs, and more, and yet (even though he claims to be Christian) he's

upset that a portion of what he earns goes to those who are far less fortunate than himself.

Are you feeling his pain yet?


Del, you should venture outside your ivory tower sometime so you can see what life is like for people who don't live in utter abundance, as you do. Maybe you'd see how embarrassingly silly, selfish, and misguided your protestations are. Even if you think you don't live in utter abundance, the fact of the matter is that you do,.. compared to most of the population of this country, and certainly compared to most of the population of this planet. Be grateful for all that you have, brother, and stop whining about some of what you earn going to those who are less fortunate. Its rather unseemly of you.

Think of it this way, bud: the portion of your earnings that goes not into your bank account but into programs that help the less fortunate, that money.. your "donation to society" as it were.. helps make life just a little less FUBAR for the less-fortunate among us.


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redrum! Man what happened?You can PM about it if you want.I don't like hearing about 2-wheel FUBAR's!People ripping others off that is,.... :mellow:

Two words.....

NOSTALGIA CYCLE, Huntington Beach, CA

The 'Super-Vee' bike kit.

They are very well known throughout the industry for being rip-offs. A class action lawsuit was in the works but it never happened. 'Big Steve' Iorio was the main culprit. Nothing but a thief from Chicago and as far as I know they are still selling the pieces of shit and ripping people off for thousands of dollars.

There will be blood!

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