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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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She's done.

The fact that she didn't blow Obama out in Indiana proves she's done.

A win by 20,000 votes is a victory, but more so for Obama than Clinton. She could have only benefited from this with a 6 or better point victory and she failed to do so.


That brilliant Gas Tax idea was a lock, stock winner for her.

Her problem from day 1 was she never knew what kind of campaign she wanted to run. She'd always change her tactics and her "brand of politics" weekly, while Obama's campaign, whether it be slightly flawed or not, has been the same since day 1 and that has effected his surge tremendously. Obama is back on top with yesterday's results. Now he must come forward and begin lobbying what he plans to do about the economy and other issues and not be so bland about everything. If there is one stone in his shoe, its been his inability to explain his ideas in great context; something he must begin to do to secure his place for November.

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I'm not going to read through all of these posts....


Parallels ... ??

So... Here's my take on Hillary and Eight Belles placing second overall, and then going down in the Kentucky Derby:

Hillary Clinton last week put her money on Eight Belles to win the race:

"I hope that everybody will go to the derby on Saturday and place just a little money on the filly for me," Sen. Clinton told supporters in Jeffersonville, Ind., ABC News reports. "I won't be able to be there this year - my daughter is going to be there and so she has strict instructions to bet on Eight Belles."

Eight Belles actually ended up finishing second in the race, just behind Big Brown. But in a shocking and tragic development, just as Eight Belles crossed the finish line, jockey Gabriel Saez "heard the worst sound possible - a pop."

Saez said the filly did not take a bad step, but he heard the pop and tried to pull her up.

"I tried to get her to stop," he said. "I tried to get her to stop, but she wouldn't stop."

Dr. Larry Bramlege the on-call veterinarian from the American Association of Equine Practitioners said on NBC that the the horse broke both front ankles. She was euthanized on the track.


About the breeding of these "race" horses:

In case most of you aren't aware all of the horses in this Kentucky Derby field had the DNA of Northern Dancer. Eight Belles was one of the more inbred Native Dancer horses in the field having several grandparents of this lineage. While the Northern Dancer DNA has been good for winning races, it also carries a very high risk of leg and foot injuries. Barbaro being another Native Dancer horse that had to be destroyed last year after injuring his leg in the Preakness. The problem with horse racing is that big money has upped the average sales prices of horses at Keeneland to over $100,000 each thus putting more pressures on buyers wanting a more guaranteed return on their investment and thus reducing the studs being used for breeding to a select few that produce more winners. So there is a serious genetic problem in these horses being created by too small a gene pool from inbreeding and only breeding to a few big time studs, which in most cases are horses already carrying a gene for leg problems.

Edited by The Rover
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I'm not going to read through all of these posts....


Parallels ... ??

So... Here's my take on Hillary and Eight Belles placing second overall, and then going down in the Kentucky Derby:

Hillary Clinton last week put her money on Eight Belles to win the race:

"I hope that everybody will go to the derby on Saturday and place just a little money on the filly for me," Sen. Clinton told supporters in Jeffersonville, Ind., ABC News reports. "I won't be able to be there this year - my daughter is going to be there and so she has strict instructions to bet on Eight Belles."

Eight Belles actually ended up finishing second in the race, just behind Big Brown. But in a shocking and tragic development, just as Eight Belles crossed the finish line, jockey Gabriel Saez "heard the worst sound possible - a pop."

Saez said the filly did not take a bad step, but he heard the pop and tried to pull her up.

"I tried to get her to stop," he said. "I tried to get her to stop, but she wouldn't stop."

Dr. Larry Bramlege the on-call veterinarian from the American Association of Equine Practitioners said on NBC that the the horse broke both front ankles. She was euthanized on the track.


About the breeding of these "race" horses:

In case most of you aren't aware all of the horses in this Kentucky Derby field had the DNA of Northern Dancer. Eight Belles was one of the more inbred Native Dancer horses in the field having several grandparents of this lineage. While the Northern Dancer DNA has been good for winning races, it also carries a very high risk of leg and foot injuries. Barbaro being another Native Dancer horse that had to be destroyed last year after injuring his leg in the Preakness. The problem with horse racing is that big money has upped the average sales prices of horses at Keeneland to over $100,000 each thus putting more pressures on buyers wanting a more guaranteed return on their investment and thus reducing the studs being used for breeding to a select few that produce more winners. So there is a serious genetic problem in these horses being created by too small a gene pool from inbreeding and only breeding to a few big time studs, which in most cases are horses already carrying a gene for leg problems.

Well this does belong in the horse racing thread that yours truly created. But do you remember that tragic Breeders Cup day long ago when a philly named Go for Wand broke down? they named a grade 1 stakes race after this horse. I dont think this horse was out of Northern Dancer. Many have come from Norther Dancer. Breeding certainly has something to do with it but I wouldnt put that much stock in your theory based on the rarity of occurance. As for Hillary, it isnt over til its over in this type of scenario. The Dems are split. And lets face one very important fact: Hillary has won the BIG STATES. New York, California, Ohio, and yes, Florida too-and going away. If Florida doesnt count in the end we have ANOTHER botched election process. Hear that Hermit?? Do you?? Your guy has won the states like I said before where there are more damn Grizzly Bears than fucking humans. Im sure he will win Montana. The half a dozen fucking woodchucks who live there will probably pick eeny meeny miny moe when they walk into the fucking ballot booth that is probably as old as the fucking hills they live in.

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Don't worry Absolutentonic about Hilrod, she will be able to run again in 4 years. I don't see how the Dem's are going to put up Obama again after he lost a sure thing against McCain.

They said that Gore could've been the nom, again in 2004, but lets get real, if he couldn't legally beat Bush the first time, how is he gonna beat him the second time. But i also think thats Bill and Hillary plan is to set themselves up for 2012, which should be the year Obama should've of run. I don't see how we can beat him then.

Anyways, with the predictions of 60 seats in the senate for the Dem's and McCain being as far left a right winger can be without being a left winger, most of the policies will be liberal oriented. and thats spits in the face of change for Obama, because why would he want to change anything when you need only a few votes to pass anything. But the G.O.P. can only blame themselves for that because they started to distance themselves from Bush in 06 when in 04 Bush won a simple majority of the popular vote, the first president to do so since his father in 1988. In addition, it was the first time since Calvin Coolidge's election in 1924 that a Republican president was elected, and the Republican Party maintained majorities in both houses of the Congress. Good job fellow blue ties.

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She's done.

The fact that she didn't blow Obama out in Indiana proves she's done.

Yup. She's not finished yet,.. but she is done.

She'll do one more lap around the track. You know, to wave to her supporters and

to.. let's be honest about it.. collect donations for her Campaign Debt Relief Fund.

But her run at the party nomination is,.. for all intents and purposes,.. over.

A win by 20,000 votes is a victory, but more so for Obama than Clinton. She could have only benefited from this with a 6 or better point victory and she failed to do so.


That brilliant Gas Tax idea was a lock, stock winner for her.

Yeah,.. wasn't it though! :lol:



D'oh! slapface.gif

[i take it you were being facetious, bigstick. ;) ]

I just made ANOTHER donation to Hillary. Hermit, how much can I put you down for? haha

AbsoluteHillaryFanatic, I think its real nice that you

donated to the Hillary Campaign Debt Relief Fund.

I'm sure it'll help ease the sting of her defeat.

..a little bit.

And hey muh-man,.. take heart; Hillary might have

another crack at the democratic nomination.. in 2016. ;)

And dude,.. I'm still saving you a seat on the O-Train. :cheer:

It'll be here for you whenever you're ready to get on board. B)


*click* :beer:

PS: congrats on making it past 100 posts since the last time you were banned.

I figure your next banishment oughta be coming along anytime now, eh? :whistling:




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Yup. She's not finished yet,.. but she is done.

She'll do one more lap around the track. You know, to wave to her supporters and

to.. let's be honest about it.. collect donations for her Campaign Debt Relief Fund.

But her run at the party nomination is,.. for all intents and purposes,.. over.

Yeah,.. wasn't it though! :lol:



D'oh! slapface.gif

[i take it you were being facetious, bigstick. ;) ]

AbsoluteHillaryFanatic, I think its real nice that you

donated to the Hillary Campaign Debt Relief Fund.

I'm sure it'll help ease the sting of her defeat.

..a little bit.

And hey muh-man,.. take heart; Hillary might have

another crack at the democratic nomination.. in 2016. ;)

And dude,.. I'm still saving you a seat on the O-Train. :cheer:

It'll be here for you whenever you're ready to get on board. B)


*click* :beer:

PS: congrats on making it past 100 posts since the last time you were banned.

I figure your next banishment oughta be coming along anytime now, eh? :whistling:




Yes Hermit, actually Im quite shocked it hasnt happned yet. Ill be going off the rails on the crazy train before I ride the O train. And if Im fried, in those famous words of Arnold Swarzenegger, "Ill Be Bock!!!"

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Notice that it's shaped like a dildo. It figures.


I think the subconscious message your inner

wisdom is trying to communicate to you is:

"You think Barack Obama's a dick,.. but he's not". B)

Then again,.. maybe you're just a guy with

a phallic obsession who sees trains as dildos. huh.gif



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Why the hell should she give up now? this thing is closer than all of you are willing to admit.

No it's not and everyone knows it. It seems Obama would have to literally die. The math shows it's just about impossible for her to do it. That's why she's still trying to get the party to change its rules and allow delegates from Florida and Michigan to sit. But as everyone knows, neither candidate campaigned there and Obama's name didn't appear on the Mich. ballot. How can you then include the delegates from these states?

Her other option is to argue to the Supers that despite the shenanigans in those states, her vote there shows that in a general election she'd do well. However, if the Supers are convinced, they'd then face the prospect of robbing Obama of his candidacy and a major backlash from Dem and Ind voters.

Believe me, I'd really like a woman Democratic President in the USA. I personally would vote for Clinton if Obama didn't make it (I can't 'cause I'm not American :rolleyes: ). For me Obama seems like the right guy for now, not just for the USA but the world. Yeah he attended a fairly radical church. I think you have to understand it the context of it being a 'Black church', where tonnes of Black preachers deliver bombastic sermons. Even J Carter's talked about when he was kid, growing up in a Black district, how he'd often hear firebrand Black preachers. Obama doesn't voice any of that radicalism himself - on the contrary. I think he's about solutions and brining people together in achieving those solutions. He's political career hitherto has been just that. It also seems that too few people are prepared to look at the hard-right church and their links to the Republicans and the sorts of shite they propound. Also, let's not forget, hardly anyone who critises J Wright can match his distinguished service to his country - you could argue that Obama's former preacher is quite a patriot:

In 1961 Wright left college and joined the United States Marine Corps and became part of the 2nd Marine Division attaining the rank of private first class. In 1963, after two years of service, Wright joined the United States Navy and entered the Corpsman School at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center. Wright was then trained as a cardiopulmonary technician at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Wright was assigned as part of the medical team charged with care of President Lyndon B. Johnson (see photo of Wright caring for Johnson after his 1966 surgery). Before leaving the position in 1967, the White House Physician, Vice Admiral Burkley, personally wrote Wright a letter of thanks on behalf of the United States President.

The fact is Obama himself is about building bridges and respect. Not once during his career has he sought to press a radical agenda against the wishes of the community. He's essentially a coalition builder and opts for reason over ideology. For example, he rejects affirmative action for prosperous Black kids to get into college ahead of some poor white kid.

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I think the subconscious message your inner

wisdom is trying to communicate to you is:

"You think Barack Obama's a dick,.. but he's not". B)

Then again,.. maybe you're just a guy with

a phallic obsession who sees trains as dildos. huh.gif


How in the world Hemit can you be so obsessed with this nobody? I remember 1968 and RFK in my opinion would have been president if not for that terrible day in San Fran. Nixon, of course wins in a landslide against HHH (the late Hubert Humphry) and who could have ever thought that would happen? Nixon, defeated 8 yrs earlier in a tight election, came back to win. this has nothing to do with the mistakes he made in office. Where am I going with this? Hillary in my opiinion is the best choice. Maybe we need 4 more yrs of Republican rule to teach you that. If McCain wins, and he very may will, you will regret not having a candidate like Hillary that would beat him easily. Obama had better have body guards around him as we are due for another psycho to try and get someone in high office, like with Reagan and the Pope. You had better hope that no more skeletons come out of Obamas' closet between now and the June. Rev Wright may not be done with him yet.


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Cash-strapped Clinton lends her campaign $6.4 milllion

WASHINGTON, May 7 (Xinhua) -- Reflecting her financial woes, U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton of New York has been forced to lend her presidential campaign 6.4 million U.S. dollars in recent weeks, her campaign said Wednesday.

The emergency infusion of money, which came in three allocations over the last month, comes on top of the 5 million dollars she loaned the campaign in late January, bringing her total outlay to 11.4 million dollars, according to her spokesman Howard Wolfson.

"Sen. Clinton gave the campaign 5 million dollars on April 11, one million dollars on May 1 and 400,000 dollars on May 5," he said.

"She's willing to do so going forward to make sure our message gets out," said Wolfson.

Earlier this year, Clinton said the first loan came from "my money" but in a conference call with reporters Wednesday morning Wolfson said the former first lady could tap into her husband and former President Bill Clinton's assets if needed.

Clinton's campaign raised 10 million dollars in the hours after her nearly 10-point win in Pennsylvania on April 22.

But after a weak showing in North Carolina and Indiana Tuesday, information about the latest money influx is unavailable.



its funny, I asked my AP Euro History teacher, a Clinton guy, if she should quit...

he said he wants to see her win, but doesnt think she will... and the only reason she is staying in the race, is to:

"Make Obama damaged goods, so he loses to McCain in the general election. So in 2012, Hillary can ride in on the white horse, fueled by liberal guilt for not electing her, promising to fix McCain's mess, and win the presidency."

I'm not a dem and hope I never have to chain myself to any political party, but a word of advice to the dems... this race is hurting the party, with Hillary refusing to quit. it would be the same problem if Obama was behind and refused to quit.

its amazing how the dems managed to fuck up something as simple as democracy in this primary.

superdelegates and delegates:


incase any of you are interested, I think Florida and Michigan should count... hold new elections and make it a fair fight:

-let both Barack and Hillary campaign in Florida (since neither could before)

-put Obama on the ballot in Michigan, since he wasnt before

keep it fair, and listen to the people... because and if the dems go up against the will of the people in the DNC... they will regret it forever.

Edited by zosodude13
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How in the world Hemit can you be so obsessed with this nobody? I remember 1968 and RFK in my opinion would have been president if not for that terrible day in San Fran. Nixon, of course wins in a landslide against HHH (the late Hubert Humphry) and who could have ever thought that would happen? Nixon, defeated 8 yrs earlier in a tight election, came back to win. this has nothing to do with the mistakes he made in office. Where am I going with this? Hillary in my opiinion is the best choice. Maybe we need 4 more yrs of Republican rule to teach you that. If McCain wins, and he very may will, you will regret not having a candidate like Hillary that would beat him easily. Obama had better have body guards around him as we are due for another psycho to try and get someone in high office, like with Reagan and the Pope. You had better hope that no more skeletons come out of Obamas' closet between now and the June. Rev Wright may not be done with him yet.

Where you're going is.. nowhere, bud. :rolleyes:

..unless you board the O-Train! :cheer:

Leme walk you through your dilemma, bud

and help you arrive safely at the other side.

1. Hillary is done; Obama is our nominee.


2. Obama will not lose to McCain. Trust me, over the next 5 months John McCain is going to be exposed for the bumbling pandering principle-less buffoon that he is. His war hero status will not be enough to carry him, and he's not even the "maverick" he was once admired for being. He's a joke of a candidate; he's an embarrassment; he's an old fart whose time has past. Democrats, moderate republicans, and independents will vote for Obama. Hard core republicans (who are disaffected and who can barely stomach John "amnesty for illegal aliens" McCain) will stay home on election day.


3. Obama has weathered the Rev Wright storm; the results in Indiana and NC show that he wasn't significantly hurt by it (among democratic voters). Sure, the repubs will try to revive it as an issue in the general election, but alas.. John McCain has his own pastor problems. John Hagee is about to get the spotlight of public scrutiny. By the time the public has had its fill of McCain-Hagee, people will be so sick of "pastor issues" that neither Hagee or Wright will matter anymore.


4. We do not let "psychos" dictate who we elect to serve as our president.


5. McCain is Bush III. He is More Of The Same. In fact, he's More Of The Same Old Same Old. Americans.. including many republicans.. want a change of course [As of April 3, 2008, *81% of the American population thinks America is headed in the wrong direction*]. John McCain does not represent change; he represents More Of The Same. Barack Obama represents change. Barack Obama will inspire the entire nation.


Besides,.. AbsoluteHillaryFanatic,,

You seem to trust Hillary very much. So if she supports Barack Obama and

tells you that you should support him, won't you trust her and do as she says? :whistling:

Sure you will.

So stop worrying, muh-man,..

Hillary will tell you what to do. :console:

When Hillary hands you your O-Train ticket, I'll show you to your seat and from

then on out, you can sit back and enjoy the ride.. all the way to the White House! B)


I've got a window seat for you so you can enjoy the scenery.

And btw.. (pander alert).. the beer's free; all you can drink! :thumbsup:


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PS: congrats on making it past 100 posts since the last time you were banned.

I figure your next banishment oughta be coming along anytime now, eh? :whistling:


And what about you're suspension Burning Spear ? :lol:

Or what was it so many thought, TONY ? Unsubstantiated, of course. :whistling:

We are Zep fiends aren't we ? :D

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Where you're going is.. nowhere, bud. :rolleyes:

..unless you board the O-Train! :cheer:

Leme walk you through your dilemma, bud

and help you arrive safely at the other side.

1. Hillary is done; Obama is our nominee.


2. Obama will not lose to McCain. Trust me, over the next 5 months John McCain is going to be exposed for the bumbling pandering principle-less buffoon that he is. His war hero status will not be enough to carry him, and he's not even the "maverick" he was once admired for being. He's a joke of a candidate; he's an embarrassment; he's an old fart whose time has past. Democrats, moderate republicans, and independents will vote for Obama. Hard core republicans (who are disaffected and who can barely stomach John "amnesty for illegal aliens" McCain) will stay home on election day.


3. Obama has weathered the Rev Wright storm; the results in Indiana and NC show that he wasn't significantly hurt by it (among democratic voters). Sure, the repubs will try to revive it as an issue in the general election, but alas.. John McCain has his own pastor problems. John Hagee is about to get the spotlight of public scrutiny. By the time the public has had its fill of McCain-Hagee, people will be so sick of "pastor issues" that neither Hagee or Wright will matter anymore.


4. We do not let "psychos" dictate who we elect to serve as our president.


5. McCain is Bush III. He is More Of The Same. In fact, he's More Of The Same Old Same Old. Americans.. including many republicans.. want a change of course [As of April 3, 2008, *81% of the American population thinks America is headed in the wrong direction*]. John McCain does not represent change; he represents More Of The Same. Barack Obama represents change. Barack Obama will inspire the entire nation.


Besides,.. AbsoluteHillaryFanatic,,

You seem to trust Hillary very much. So if she supports Barack Obama and

tells you that you should support him, won't you trust her and do as she says? :whistling:

Sure you will.

So stop worrying, muh-man,..

Hillary will tell you what to do. :console:

When Hillary hands you your O-Train ticket, I'll show you to your seat and from

then on out, you can sit back and enjoy the ride.. all the way to the White House! B)


I've got a window seat for you so you can enjoy the scenery.

And btw.. (pander alert).. the beer's free; all you can drink! :thumbsup:


Ah you didnt resond to any of what I said. Im not surprized.

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I stand corrected. I believe you are correct as his final words were somthing like "onto San Francisco". I wanted him to win and he would have won.

His final words (to the croud) were "And now it's on to Chicago and let's win there". Chicago was the location of the '68 convention.

I know more about this man than 90% of the people my age.

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His final words (to the croud) were "And now it's on to Chicago and let's win there". Chicago was the location of the '68 convention.

I know more about this man than 90% of the people my age.

Well I remember standing outside of the church with my nun teacher, I was 10 years old and praying for him to survive. Of course he didnt, sadly. I still thought it was San Fran, but since we are on the topic, CNN a couople of weeks ago said Siron Siron could not have fired the fatal shots as he wasnt ever in back of RFK. This means the real killer was never caught. They insinuated that they knew who he was but it sounds likd he is no longer alive. do you have an opinion on this?

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I don't believe in conspiracy theories if that's what you're asking. Sirhan Sirhan admitted in an interview that he locked eyes with him before he fired and that Bobby turned his head at the last second, which to me would explain the placement of the gunshot wound. Someone else might think differently.

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