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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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..right now. ;)


Note to Sarah:

*Lugar-Obama Non-proliferation Act*

Bipartisan legislation.

Pertaining to National Security.

Directly related to Foreign Affairs.

Expanding the State Department's ability to detect and

interdict weapons and materials of mass destruction.

And.. uhh.. what have YOU done, Missy? :P:rolleyes:


Yeah, she made some false allegations there, and in other references - taxes for one. Um Sarah, I hate to be the one to break it to you but there ARE no plants left in Michigan to tax so they won't be affected. Even if there were plants there they wouldn't be making the net gains that would put them in a tax bracket that would bust their budget.

She replayed the veteran card and acted as if Republicans were the only ones proud of our troops. Democrats are just as proud but know that our troops should never been put in harms way to begin with.

However, she is a great speaker. Obviously very intelligent and straightforward. A biting wit bordering on sarcasm. Kinda like her, maybe better than McCain :lol:

If only she saw the world through different eyes, wish she were a democrat. I still can't vote for another 4 years of Republican rule B)

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What bothered me most about Caribou Barbie's speech, was that while it did its job in "rallying the base", it did not reel in swing voters, Independents or the PUMAs that the GOP is desperately hoping jump ship and it was full of nothing but lies and attacks on Obama, when his speech (and Biden's) was all about what they'd do when they were in office, how they'd do it and why they need to do it. They were talking about uplifting the people and taking us into a new place.

Her speech was foul, repugnant and disgusting. Sadly, the 28%ers will eat it up. What gives me hope, is that while all the polls show Obama ahead, they mostly poll likely voters. Obama has done a phenomenal job of pulling in first-time voters, and he's probably ahead by more than the polls reflect. I hope that he and Biden take what was said tonight and tomorrow and use it as ammo to chip away at this sneering and smug shitstorm the GOP have put up.

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I forgot to add this: What pissed me off the most about both Rudy and Sarah's speeches was the mocking of community service and helping out one's people. They actually INSULTED Barack Obama for turning down money to go work on the South Side of Chicago and help underprivileged people. They MOCKED this.

Charity begins at home my ass.

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What bothered me most about Caribou Barbie's speech, was that while it did its job in "rallying the base", it did not reel in swing voters, Independents or the PUMAs that the GOP is desperately hoping jump ship and it was full of nothing but lies and attacks on Obama, when his speech (and Biden's) was all about what they'd do when they were in office, how they'd do it and why they need to do it. They were talking about uplifting the people and taking us into a new place.

Her speech was foul, repugnant and disgusting. Sadly, the 28%ers will eat it up. What gives me hope, is that while all the polls show Obama ahead, they mostly poll likely voters. Obama has done a phenomenal job of pulling in first-time voters, and he's probably ahead by more than the polls reflect. I hope that he and Biden take what was said tonight and tomorrow and use it as ammo to chip away at this sneering and smug shitstorm the GOP have put up.

What's a bit concerning though is that Bush used the same smear tactic - don't win on your own merit but by flooding the speeches with what his opponent supposedly did wrong. Old lawyer trick - you can't win on substance, you try to win on discrediting the person because you know you can't win on going after their position (or you adopt the position "CHANGE!" and put your own spin on it). So you end up with these catch phrases 'flip-flopper' or whatever and the reductive rhetoric worked. Yes they were preaching to the choir tonight, but nothing surprises me, including the cheers her husband got for being a world champion snow mobiler or something :blink: or how great her son was for going to Iraq (I thought children were supposed to be off limits? I still think her daughter ought to be left alone, but Palin's social policies are ripe for the picking).

Gotta hand it to them though, they're slick with that whole aw shucks we're just simple humble folk who work hard for a living, not like those other silver spooned ones. The clearer and more idealistic (over simplified) the picture, the wider the net for people to identify with. Sadly, there's little room for nuance and truth. Huckabee said decent things about BO, and people seemed baffled, whereas Guiliani didn't even extent a courtesy title to BO, consistently referring to him as 'Obama' and to her as 'Governor Palin', but I digress. Negativity works, so hopefully hopefully BO's reached enough of the young voters, while enough of the rest can see through the same tactics. Good luck.

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When Sarah "Drill, baby, drill!" Palin spoke so passionately

about "drilling",.. "layin' pipe",.. and.. "northern slopes"..

..what was Del thinking about? :whistling:


Yeah that was one of many catch phrases throughout the night that gave the crowd a chance to chant. What's disconcerting is that so many issues were once again spokes that led to the hub of patriotism. So again everything is reduced to the implied "if you're not with us...", which takes away the ability to even engage in a debate.

I don't recall pre - 9/11 the president being referred to as commander-in-chief, at least nowhere near as often. It is a military title, or at least invokes that, and once again scare tactics of "we almost won the Iraq war and now BO wants to pull out", we need to protect ourselves from the terrorists, Putin is trying to control the oil so we can't rely on foreign energy, "drill baby drill!"

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I hope that he and Biden take what was said tonight and tomorrow and use it as ammo to chip away at this sneering and smug shitstorm the GOP have put up.

I don't know, that's how the Republican Party wins elections, it doesn't actually offer any policy, it merely dumps enough shit on the other candidate to try and submerge them. It's muck-raking that gets them elected.

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When Palin wasn't shitting on community service, she was shitting on Due Process.

"Al Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America ... he's worried that someone won't read them their rights?"

Yes, because we should just shoot them on the spot, no questions asked instead. That makes so much more sense.

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When Palin wasn't shitting on community service, she was shitting on Due Process.

"Al Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America ... he's worried that someone won't read them their rights?"

Yes, because we should just shoot them on the spot, no questions asked instead. That makes so much more sense.

She is as dangerous as any man. Women are supposed to be the gentlier sex. I heard someone say ( i don't remember which reporter it was) her speech was the most macho one they have heard so far, lol. It's true. The guys would not like her so much if she was fat or ugly.

edit for being very tired

Edited by ~tangerine~
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Man, I love the way Sarah Palin just stands there and lets the audience applaud her for over 2 minutes before she gives her speech. She hasn't even done anything yet, and she's already soaking up the applause.

Isn't that the first thing they teach in Pagent 101?

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ok, just saw palin's speech and thought she did awesome!!! this is so much fun and i can't wait for the debates!!!

i really enjoyed her sarcastic style and think she breathes some life and excitement to the tired old-man speeches of the republican party...and as soon as she sheds mccain she's got a brilliant future!!(when are they gonna bury fred thompson, by the way?...the stench of decay is becoming unbearable.)

for the personal entertainment factor alone it's surreal in its possibilities and would be really fascinating to ponder what would happen to the country if mccain kicked the bucket and she really was in charge...

that said... i don't think i can put aside the good of the country just to entertain my sense of humor and as a former hillary supporter don't think the skirt is gonna win me over...

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What's a bit concerning though is that Bush used the same smear tactic - don't win on your own merit but by flooding the speeches with what his opponent supposedly did wrong. Old lawyer trick - you can't win on substance, you try to win on discrediting the person because you know you can't win on going after their position (or you adopt the position "CHANGE!" and put your own spin on it). So you end up with these catch phrases 'flip-flopper' or whatever and the reductive rhetoric worked. Yes they were preaching to the choir tonight, but nothing surprises me, including the cheers her husband got for being a world champion snow mobiler or something :blink: or how great her son was for going to Iraq (I thought children were supposed to be off limits? I still think her daughter ought to be left alone, but Palin's social policies are ripe for the picking).

Gotta hand it to them though, they're slick with that whole aw shucks we're just simple humble folk who work hard for a living, not like those other silver spooned ones. The clearer and more idealistic (over simplified) the picture, the wider the net for people to identify with. Sadly, there's little room for nuance and truth. Huckabee said decent things about BO, and people seemed baffled, whereas Guiliani didn't even extent a courtesy title to BO, consistently referring to him as 'Obama' and to her as 'Governor Palin', but I digress. Negativity works, so hopefully hopefully BO's reached enough of the young voters, while enough of the rest can see through the same tactics. Good luck.

I couldn't agree more. Well said.

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