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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Yes, and the Republican party with McCain / Palin is showing that they are all about change. Obama talks change then picks old school Biden. Obama talks change but has under the table ties with folks like Ayres and Rezko. Thats about as "Old school Washington" as it get's. If McCain had said that there are 57 States LIKE OBAMA DID you libs would still be laughing at him about it around here. You want to sweep obamas 20+ year relation with the Anti American hate monger Wright. Do you think that surprises me? You libs are so predictable around here. You make it so easy. And every time obama speaks without one of his handlers telling him what to say, so does he.

I realize that Sarah will not pass the liberal gal litmus test around here. That is a GREAT thing!!

McCain / Palin 08...........who cares if the feminist do not like her?

Change? What, back to the 1950's when teenaged girls were forced into either back alley abortions or shame and poverty filled early motherhood?

Most of America is feminist, even those who wouldn't use the word. The die-hard republican idjits who are proud of Palin for being the poster child for shot-gun weddings (including her own) are in for a rude awakening come November.

But keep it up, you guys are good for a laugh until polling day arrives and the feminist majority kicks you hypocritical, violent, misogynist, evangelical homophobes into the dustbin of history.

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And when you stand amongst the ashes of your once-great empire, who will you cry to then?

It'll be the niggers, the gays, and the femi-nazi's fault, don't you know. :rolleyes:

Frankly, I think it's too late for America already, Bush blew it so hugely that karma alone will see to our demise.

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For what it's worth, I find this site very interesting --> http://www.electionprojection.com

In 2004, they were able to predict to within 3 electoral votes, the race between Bush and Kerry AND they got 48 of 50 states right. I think their use of historical trends coupled with current polling data is intriguing. And for what it's worth, they have Obama winning both the EV and the PV.

They are just another site that I think anyone who is interested in bipartisan following of this election should check out, I'll list the others:




RCP is right-leaning, and yet their poll data is very straight-forward and unbiased.

Thanks! Great links.

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"Caribou Barbie" --- good one!

I forgot to add this: What pissed me off the most about both Rudy and Sarah's speeches was the mocking of community service and helping out one's people. They actually INSULTED Barack Obama for turning down money to go work on the South Side of Chicago and help underprivileged people. They MOCKED this.

Charity begins at home my ass.

I sent money to Obama's campaign this morning on the strength of those stupid speeches. Can you say, back fire?

Barack literally did the exact same thing...

No, he didn't. He's a senator who had already fought a months-long, hard-won campaign for his party's nomination. He was and is widely known to the public.

This woman has had one week's exposure outside of Moose Turd, Alaska. For her to stand there and soak up applause is most unseemly - but pretty much par for the course. When it comes to clueless arrogance, you can't beat a right wing nut.

The fact is, the crowd were applauding this woman for pimping her own daughter's future to the anti-abortion rights crowd.

The choice in this election is VERY clear: evolution vs. devolution.

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What's a bit concerning though is that Bush used the same smear tactic - don't win on your own merit but by flooding the speeches with what his opponent supposedly did wrong. Old lawyer trick - you can't win on substance, you try to win on discrediting the person because you know you can't win on going after their position (or you adopt the position "CHANGE!" and put your own spin on it). So you end up with these catch phrases 'flip-flopper' or whatever and the reductive rhetoric worked. Yes they were preaching to the choir tonight, but nothing surprises me, including the cheers her husband got for being a world champion snow mobiler or something :blink: or how great her son was for going to Iraq (I thought children were supposed to be off limits? I still think her daughter ought to be left alone, but Palin's social policies are ripe for the picking).

Gotta hand it to them though, they're slick with that whole aw shucks we're just simple humble folk who work hard for a living, not like those other silver spooned ones. The clearer and more idealistic (over simplified) the picture, the wider the net for people to identify with. Sadly, there's little room for nuance and truth. Huckabee said decent things about BO, and people seemed baffled, whereas Guiliani didn't even extent a courtesy title to BO, consistently referring to him as 'Obama' and to her as 'Governor Palin', but I digress. Negativity works, so hopefully hopefully BO's reached enough of the young voters, while enough of the rest can see through the same tactics. Good luck.

What's disconcerting is that so many issues were once again spokes that led to the hub of patriotism. So again everything is reduced to the implied "if you're not with us...", which takes away the ability to even engage in a debate.

Thank you for a couple of really great posts

This is what makes me sick to my stomach about the George W Bush-era Republican Party, that it is so bereft of substance that the main focus of its election campaigns is negatvity, shit-dumping, smearing the other candidate. They get into office through name-calling and ridicule.

And it's a very sad state of affairs that the Republicans have to cover the Democratic candidate in so much shit, just so the GOP comes out looking like the better option.

And their tried and tested weapons are, as usual, fear, patriotism and anti-americanism. They threaten Americans with 'National security concerns' if they vote democrat, they disguise their militarism and refusal to change as patriotism, and, as you said, suggest that "if you are not with us, you are against America"

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Today is truly a great day in america.

We are fighting the two evils that face america today.

Osama and


and it's a women that will take charge

God bless Sarah "Artic Fox" Palin

America will stand up and say'

"Enough, we are better than this to elect an empty suit like Obama. We will rise above the liberal bullshit, we will fight the terrorist, we will win Iraq, and we will make government work for us. We will not allow the god haters to win, we will not allow the unborn to be slaughter, we will not let Obama win. "

It was said that Obama cock slaped the RNC last thursday, today america will say "No to obama, go back to your Rezko bought home and give a speech to someone who cares, we like america, we are proud and will always be proud of the greatest nation on earth."

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Thank you for proving my point about the RNC. Militarism = Patriotism. "We like America".....oh, and no one else does? Republicans are the only people in the country who have the ability to "like" America? Again, thank you for proving every point I've made about this convention.

It's all a flag-waving circle jerk meant to make the American public think that the only people who are truly patriotic, the only people who really love the US, are Republicans. That everyone else are Godless heathens who want to turn the US into a hybrid of an Islamo-fascist state and Soviet Russia.

I know a lot of great Republicans. You sir, are a mockery of what the party used to stand for.

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Did you see Keith Olbermann's face right after Sarah's speech last night? He looked like he had just swallowed a bug! :lol:

That's because he was choking on her bile. Rather than give a speech that outlined who she was and what she'd do if elected, she chose to follow on the heels of Rudy "Noun, verb, 9/11" Guiliani and stand up there and rant, scream and degrade for about 40 minutes.

Democrats speeches: 80% Dems, 20% Repubs

Republicans speeches: 80% Dems, 20% Repubs

She did nothing to bring in Hillary voters, Independents or swing voters. So in that way, her speech was a colossal failure. What she did do, was preach to the choir.....the group of people who were voting for her anyway.

It was pathetic. She mocked community organizers, essentially saying their jobs were worthless and they have no real responsibilities. Community organizers are essential to any politicians campaign, because they're the ones who are out there day after day, trying to sell you to the people. She mocked the people who are in part, responsible for getting her elected! Here are a list of some famous community organizers:


Cesar Chavez


The Founding Fathers

Without the work THEY did, where would humanity be?

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I liked when Palin said that parents of special needs kids would have a friend in Washington. I was waiting for her to elaborate on how friendly she'd be and in what way, but I guess she had more important things to touch on.....like being a hockey mom :rolleyes:

The woman's a genius. She didn't even know that "under God" wasn't put into the Pledge until the 50's. She said, "If it was good enough for the founding fathers, it's good enough for me." :blink:

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No, he didn't. He's a senator who had already fought a months-long, hard-won campaign for his party's nomination. He was and is widely known to the public.

So what? Did he not stand up there and soak in the glory for several minutes? Thats all I said he did.

This woman has had one week's exposure outside of Moose Turd, Alaska. For her to stand there and soak up applause is most unseemly - but pretty much par for the course. When it comes to clueless arrogance, you can't beat a right wing nut.
Yeah, because those far-lefties are just so knowledgable right?

Anyways, what was she supposed to do? Say "Stop applauding" ? Gimme a berak, why does this even matter?

The fact is, the crowd were applauding this woman for pimping her own daughter's future to the anti-abortion rights crowd.
You just contradicted yourself.

You said you can't beat a right-wing nut in clueless arrogance, yet this post proves otherwise

The choice in this election is VERY clear: evolution vs. devolution.

Doesn't matter who's elected, we're screwed for the next 4 years anyways

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Palin raises $8 million - for Obama

Obama's coffers have been filling since Sarah Palin attacked him repeatedly in St. Paul last night.

An Obama aide confirms Drudge's report that Obama has raised about $8 million from more than 130,000 donors and is on pace to raise $10 million by the time McCain reaches the stage tonight.

UPDATE: Obama spokesman Bill Burton says, "Sarah Palin's attacks have rallied our supporters in ways we never expected. And we fully expect John McCain's attacks tonight to help us make our grass-roots organization even stronger."

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Did you see Keith Olbermann's face right after Sarah's speech last night? He looked like he had just swallowed a bug! :lol:

And how about Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC. She looked like she was about to cry and could hardly get her question out of her BIG FAT MOUTH to ask Rudy Giuliani.


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Thank you for a couple of really great posts

This is what makes me sick to my stomach about the George W Bush-era Republican Party, that it is so bereft of substance that the main focus of its election campaigns is negatvity, shit-dumping, smearing the other candidate. They get into office through name-calling and ridicule.

And it's a very sad state of affairs that the Republicans have to cover the Democratic candidate in so much shit, just so the GOP comes out looking like the better option.

And their tried and tested weapons are, as usual, fear, patriotism and anti-americanism. They threaten Americans with 'National security concerns' if they vote democrat, they disguise their militarism and refusal to change as patriotism, and, as you said, suggest that "if you are not with us, you are against America"

I don't understand why the Dems always sit back and take it. Just like here, when i spoke my mind, i get a Repub giving me mouth about using the word bitch (as far as i can tell was true about her) and broad (man, that's a dirty word). So this person thinks it's just fine to call me a nasty name. They think it's their place to tell us what to think and feel. Sorry Freedom of Speech is more important to me than the right to bear arms (which is also important).

Point is, the Dems are too nice and always back down to these bullies. Then we all lose out. Stand up and fight Obama and Biden. Obama was so courteous to Palin when the news of her family values (or lack there of) hit the public. What does she do in return, trash him, over and over. I didn't read the story yet, but apparently she continued trashing Obama today in an independent speech she gave. What a joke Palin and McCain are.

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She did nothing to bring in Hillary voters, Independents or swing voters.

Are you so sure?

Have you contacted ALL 18 million voters that voted for Hitlery during the primaries?

First thing one of my co-works said to me this morning, his wife was impressed with her and now is leading towards McCain/Palin.

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I liked when Palin said that parents of special needs kids would have a friend in Washington. I was waiting for her to elaborate on how friendly she'd be and in what way, but I guess she had more important things to touch on.....like being a hockey mom :rolleyes:

The woman's a genius. She didn't even know that "under God" wasn't put into the Pledge until the 50's. She said, "If it was good enough for the founding fathers, it's good enough for me." :blink:

What about the rest of the kids in this country whose parents can't afford healthcare for them. How big is her spot for them?

She's no genius, she learned from being in beauty pagents how to be a charmer. Listening to her talk is like watching Miss America in her interview with Bob Barker.

Hockey mom taking care of five kids, one with special needs, one with a child on the way by day, run our country by night. My girlfriend says "what does she think this is a clerk job?"

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Is this quote you use actually from Senator Biden?

“Follow your heart because your head will confuse the hell out of you. Your heart is what you truly feel...quoted from someone i love”

Or is this one of the many items he has plagiarized during his college and political career? :D

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Is this quote you use actually from Senator Biden?

"Follow your heart because your head will confuse the hell out of you. Your heart is what you truly feel...quoted from someone i love"

Or is this one of the many items he has plagiarized during his college and political career? :D

You really think that's a quote from Biden? Isn't the "quoted from someone I love" a tip-off that it's not?


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Is this quote you use actually from Senator Biden?

“Follow your heart because your head will confuse the hell out of you. Your heart is what you truly feel...quoted from someone i love”

Or is this one of the many items he has plagiarized during his college and political career? :D

Lol, Joseph Biden is highly intelligent, and what he did, as i recall the story, was "paraphrase" but of course the Repubs had to blow it out of proportion. If you are a Bush lover, you should not be talking about anyone else's communication abilities.

However, to answer your question, my boyfriend said it. No, Joe Biden isn't my boyfriend...:)

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You really think that's a quote from Biden? Isn't the "quoted from someone I love" a tip-off that it's not?

Like I said, it is something he would claim to have wrote.

Just found out about his plagiarism background.

Nice to go along with:

Catholicism' his own faith; Catholic Diocese of Wilmington, to which Senator Joseph Biden belongs, confirmed that Biden's Bishop Michael Saltarelli will not permit the Senator even if elected Vice President of the United States of America to speak at Catholic schools, because he favors abortion.

Along with him blaming the driver that hit the car his first was driving almost 36 years ago.

Tragedy unfolded on December 18th in the town of Hockessin, Delaware at about 2:30 in the afternoon. Mrs. Biden was driving her station wagon with her three young children after picking up a family Christmas tree. INSIDE EDITION's Paul Boyd visited Hockessin and the intersection where the accident occurred almost 36 years ago. In 1972, there were no traffic lights and Mrs. Biden pulled away from a stop sign that stood at the corner. According to the State Police investigation, she pulled out into the intersection and didn't see a tractor trailer coming down the highway. The truck crashed into the side of the wagon killing Joe Biden's wife and his 13-month-old daughter. His sons, three and four-years-old, were critically injured.

A distraught Biden considered giving up his Senate seat, but was urged to stay on. His emotional swearing-in was conducted at his son Beau's hospital bedside. Meanwhile, law enforcement officials investigated the accident. Was the truck driver drunk?

"There was no evidence at the time that was presented to me that the driver of the truck was impaired by alcohol," Jerome Herlihy says.

INSIDE EDITION spoke with Herlihy, who was a Deputy Delaware Attorney General at the time of the accident. He was called in to oversee the police investigation.

"If there had been any evidence of anything there would have been at least some charges of a violation of a traffic law," Herlihy says.

No charges were ever filed. Local newspapers covered the results of the state probe with one 1972 headline declaring, "Trucker Cleared in Biden Crash." Herlihy is also quoted in the 1972 article as saying "…there was absolutely no evidence of drinking."

Yet years later, Biden would be quoted at least twice suggesting to crowds that his wife and daughter had been killed by a drunk driver. In the aftermath of September 11th, Biden gave a speech to University of Delaware students to reassure them. INSIDE EDITION found that speech archived on Biden's own website in which he told the crowd, "I got one of those phone calls...I got a phone call saying, 'Your wife's dead; your daughter's dead' ... It was an errant driver who stopped to drink instead of drive and hit a tractor trailer, hit my children and my wife and killed them."

Then again, in December 2007, Biden addressed students at the University of Iowa while campaigning for the Democratic Presidential nomination.

"Let me tell you a little story. My wife and three kids were Christmas shopping for a Christmas tree, a tractor trailer, a guy who allegedly, and I never pursued it, drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch, broadsided my family, killed my wife instantly, killed my daughter instantly, and hospitalized my two sons."

The Truck driver, Curtis Dunn, died in 1999 at age of 74. According to his family he never recovered from the emotional trauma of knowing he was involved in the accident that killed a senator's wife and child.

The daughter of the truck driver invited INSIDE EDITION to her home for an interview to defend her father's reputation and emphasize that the accident was not his fault. But in the small, tight knit state of Delaware where Senator Joe Biden is enormously popular, the daughter was distraught and decided she wasn't comfortable appearing on camera to talk about how deeply hurt she's been that her father has been falsely portrayed as a drunk driver who killed the Senator's first wife and daughter.


Edited by XerSizNRite
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Like I said, it is something he would claim to have wrote.

Just found out about his plagiarism background.

Nice to go along with:

Catholicism' his own faith; Catholic Diocese of Wilmington, to which Senator Joseph Biden belongs, confirmed that Biden's Bishop Michael Saltarelli will not permit the Senator even if elected Vice President of the United States of America to speak at Catholic schools, because he favors abortion.

edit for messed up quote above ^

Religion shouldn't be brought into politics, period. Our country has many different religions, cultures, beliefs and there is no room for religion to be influencing policy that governs an entire country. In other words, WHO CARES about this Bishop??? At least Biden cares about a woman having rights where her body, not a man's body, is concerned.

As for your report of the story of his tragedy, lame attempt to make someone who lost his wife and child look bad. Pathetic actually. Back in the early 70's drunk driving wasn't the big deal it is today. Police didn't use breathalizers and go through what they do today. In my late teens i drove with a few people who were drinking and got pulled over. Nobody got in trouble for the alcohol because they hid it. The police didn't notice or didn't persue the issue. But, even if he wasn't drinking his lunch, Joe must have been led to believe he was. As for this man's guilt, anyone who has a conscience is going to be guilt riden over an accident such as that, no matter who was the cause. Please...you are being ridiculous posting that "here say".

btw...i was in the front seat of a car with a friend who was driving and we got hit by a tracker trailer. When an accident such as that happens, sometimes it's impossible to know what really happened. We still aren't sure who was at fault (although we believed the truck was in the intersection after the light had changed and attempted to cross the six lane road). Sometimes it just happens too quickly.

Stop trying to smear a good man with a great reputation. The biggest "criticsim" that comes up towards Joe is about his talking so much. At least he can speak full sentences, unlike someone who's been an embarrassment to our country the past eight years.

Edited by ~tangerine~
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