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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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heeeeee's back!!!!!

Thunderchief is back.... jumping on liberals with both feet! :D

Dunno if you've noticed...but McCain has never been ahead of Obama in the polls. Where's this "real America" you're speaking about?

Are you sure about that young squire? You might want to check out todays polling numbers again.

It takes a few days for new polling numbers to come in after a major event like a convention or a debate, and the results of the RNC/Palin choice are rolling in now. Todays Gallup Tracking shows McCain with +3 lead; Rassmussen has him tied with Obama, and Zogby shows A FIVE POINT LEAD over Obama.

Obviously McCain's bounce is significant. And obviously it has the Obama camp worried.

And Sarah is doing nothing to pull in more voters. She's so Republican it hurts, that's where the strong reaction is coming from; she's only energizing the people who were unhappy with McCain but voting for him anyways.

McCain's choice of Sarah Palin is so strategicaly brilliant that conservatives are now call him McBRILLIANT. Sure the Palin choice energizes the conservative base, and in a very big way. But that energy has a spill over effect outside the base as well. Especially since the reasons why Palin is so appealling to conservatives also plays well with those "Reagan Democrats" in many of the battleground states. And not to mention the obvious appeal that a Palin type of western Govenor brings to other states in the west like Colorado and Nevada which have been trending more towards the Democrats in recent years due to changes in demographics. I believe that the Palin choice will save Colorado for the Republicans this year and also be the deciding factor in Ohio (the state that will decide the Presidency again).

What's all this "buyer's remorse" shit? I have no reason to back away from my candidate, or stop supporting my candidate. All Conventions give bounces, I was expecting McCain to gain in the polls this week. So I'm not quivering, shaking or scared. If it's November 3rd and Obama is behind in every poll including electoral votes, maybe I'll begin to get an ulcer. But I don't see that happening, honestly. I'll just wait for the election to roll around and let things happen as they will.

Q: What bounce did Obama get from selecting Biden?

A: A big fat zero

Q: Had Obama selected Hillary as his VP what would have been the outcome?

A: President Barrack Hussien Obama... and easily

As more of the polls come in tomorrow (Monday Sept. 8) just wait and see how much 'buyers remorse' your party has.


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Great article in Time Magazine by Joe Klein:


When Barack's berserkers lost the plot

Nick Cohen The Observer, Sunday September 7 2008

My colleagues in the American liberal press had little to fear at the start of the week. Their charismatic candidate was ahead in virtually every poll. George W Bush was so unpopular that conservatives were scrambling around for reasons not to invite the Republican President to the Republican convention. Democrats had only to maintain their composure and the White House would be theirs. During the 1997 British general election, the late Lord Jenkins said that Tony Blair was like a man walking down a shiny corridor carrying a precious vase. He was the favourite and held his fate in his hands. If he could just reach the end of the hall without a slip, a Labour victory was assured. The same could have been said of the American Democrats last week. But instead of protecting their precious advantage, they succumbed to a spasm of hatred and threw the vase, the crockery, the cutlery and the kitchen sink at an obscure politician from Alaska.

For once, the postmodern theories so many of them were taught at university are a help to the rest of us. As a Christian, conservative anti-abortionist who proved her support for the Iraq War by sending her son to fight in it, Sarah Palin was 'the other' - the threatening alien presence they defined themselves against. They might have soberly examined her reputation as an opponent of political corruption to see if she was truly the reformer she claimed to be. They might have gently mocked her idiotic creationism, while carefully avoiding all discussion of the racist conspiracy theories of Barack Obama's church.

But instead of following a measured strategy, they went berserk. On the one hand, the media treated her as a sex object. The New York Times led the way in painting Palin as a glamour-puss in go-go boots you were more likely to find in an Anchorage lap-dancing club than the Alaska governor's office.

On the other, liberal journalists turned her family into an object of sexual disgust: inbred rednecks who had stumbled out of Deliverance. Palin was meant to be pretending that a handicapped baby girl was her child when really it was her wanton teenage daughter's. When that turned out to be a lie, the media replaced it with prurient coverage of her teenage daughter, who was, after all, pregnant, even though her mother was not going to do a quick handover at the maternity ward and act as if the child was hers.

Hatred is the most powerful emotion in politics. At present, American liberals are not fighting for an Obama presidency. I suspect that most have only the haziest idea of what it would mean for their country. The slogans that move their hearts and stir their souls are directed against their enemies: Bush, the neo-cons, the religious right.

In this, American liberals are no different from the politically committed the world over. David Cameron knew that he would never be Prime Minister until he had killed the urgent hatred of the Conservative party in liberal England. A measure of his success is that hardly anyone now is caught up by the once ubiquitous feeling that no compromise is too great if it stops the Tories regaining power. Hate can sell better than hope.

When a hate campaign goes wrong, however, disaster follows. And everything that could go wrong with the campaign against Palin did. American liberals forgot that the public did not know her. By the time she spoke at the Republican convention, journalists had so lowered expectations that a run-of-the-mill speech would have been enough to win the evening.

As it was, her family appeared on stage without a goitre or a club foot between them, and Palin made a fighting speech that appealed over the heads of reporters to the public we claim to represent. 'I'm not going to Washington to seek their good opinion,' she said as she deftly detached journalists from their readers and viewers. 'I'm going to Washington to serve the people of this country.'

English leftists made the same mistake of allowing their hatred to override their judgment after the Iraq war. If they had confined themselves to charging Tony Blair with failing to find the weapons of mass destruction he promised were in Iraq, and sending British troops into a quagmire, they might have forced him out. They were so consumed by loathing, however, they insisted that he had lied, which he clearly had not. They set the bar too low and Blair jumped it with ease. 'When a man believes that any stick will do, he at once picks up a boomerang,' said GK Chesterton, and when the politically committed go on a berserker you should listen for the sound of their own principles smacking them in the face.

Journalists who believe in women's equality should not spread sexual smears about a candidate, or snigger at her teenage daughter's pregnancy, or declare that a mother with a young family cannot hold down a responsible job for the pragmatic reason that they will look like gross hypocrites if they do. Before Palin, we saw hypocrisy of the right when shock jocks who had spent years denouncing feminism came over all politically correct when Bill Clinton had an affair with Monica Lewinsky.

In Britain, the most snobbish attacks on Margaret Thatcher did not come from aristocrats but from the communist historian Eric Hobsbawm, who opined that Thatcherism was the 'anarchism of the lower middle classes' and the liberal Jonathan Miller, who deplored her 'odious suburban gentility'. More recently, George Osborne, of the supposedly compassionate Conservative party, revealed himself to be a playground bully when he derided Gordon Brown for being 'faintly autistic'.

In an age when politics is choreographed, voters watch out for the moments when the public-relations facade breaks down and venom pours through the cracks. Their judgment is rarely favourable when it does. Barack Obama knows it. All last week, he was warning American liberals to stay away from the Palin family. He understands better than his supporters that it is not a politician's enemies who lose elections, but his friends.

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Are you sure about that young squire? You might want to check out todays polling numbers again.

It takes a few days for new polling numbers to come in after a major event like a convention or a debate, and the results of the RNC/Palin choice are rolling in now. Todays Gallup Tracking shows McCain with +3 lead; Rassmussen has him tied with Obama, and Zogby shows A FIVE POINT LEAD over Obama.

Obviously McCain's bounce is significant. And obviously it has the Obama camp worried.

Well of course Zogby's going to show McCain with a large lead. They always bump his numbers, and shouldn't be regarded as a credible source.

I'll admit the polls have gotten a lot closer, but realclearpolitics.com's polling average still shows Obama in the lead. Guess we'll see how it plays out when the debates start. :whistling:

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Well of course Zogby's going to show McCain with a large lead. They always bump his numbers, and shouldn't be regarded as a credible source.

But of course I'm sure you would say that the CNN or Los Angeles times polls are ALWAYS a credible source?

Polls are never something are exact. In the last two Presidential elections the Democratic canidate had a lead in the polls by at least 4- 5 point margins going into November and still lost.

Something to be of worry now I would think.

I'll admit the polls have gotten a lot closer, but realclearpolitics.com's polling average still shows Obama in the lead. Guess we'll see how it plays out when the debates start. :whistling:

If you look at the 'home page' percentage for Realclearpolitics it shows Obama now with only a 2.4% average lead. However, if you click on the expanded poll averages for the general election, the same average at Realclear shows Obama with a mere 0.8% lead.

I don't know why this is, but clearly Obama's numbers are trending downward.

Most anylists would say that a Democratic canidate generally needs a 6 -8 point lead for it to really boil down to a real lead in the battleground states going into Nov. 4 -- in order to secure the necessary 270 electoral vote number and win the presidency.

Yeah, we will see how the debates go for the JOEBAMA camp.



Yet another example that Sarah Palin's selection was nothing more than an election campaign trick.

You mean like JFK's selection of Lyndon Johnson in 1960? A man who JFK clearly did not like or agree with on many issues.

Clearly you have no concept of how this thing works do you Gainesbarre?

Don't bring a knife to a gunfight is my advise for you Nancy.


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* tagging del into the ring*


With the amount of bullshit that is spewing from the mouths of these so-called change liberals is the no. 1 reason why the palin pick is perfect.

Im not ready to call the race yet, but at least I know the G.O.P. is going down with a fight, but the dems will be the same old same old failed ideas that have ruined this country only to be saved time after time by the G.O.P.

I really hope that they stick to this economics issue. They will lose. 90% of the economics advisors will come out and say after what Obama will do (raise capital gains tax, univ. health care and min. wage) will with out a doubt make the great depression look like what we are experiencing now, a non-recession.

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Palin will never be acceptable to the alleged liberals

Perhaps by 2040 we will have left behind the reactionary attitude to pro-life women, writes Breda O'Brien

PIPER PALIN for presidential candidate in 2040! For those of you living under a rock, Piper is the extremely cute seven-year-old daughter of Sarah Palin. Sky News could not resist cutting away from her mother's acceptance speech to show Piper licking her palm and carefully smoothing the hair of her baby brother Trig, who has Down syndrome. Later on, she took the applause of the crowd with aplomb. John McCain bent down to talk to her, and she made him laugh.

Yep, Piper Palin for presidential candidate in 2040.

Hey, by 2040, we may have reached a stage where it is not acceptable to suggest that a woman who has a child with special needs and a teenager who is pregnant should stay home and mind the kids instead of involving herself in politics. Joe Biden was deemed a hero for continuing to work and commute when his wife was tragically killed. No one suggested he stay home and mind his bereaved sons.

By 2040, we may have outgrown the habit of attacking a candidate's family. We might not have commentators like syndicated columnist Froma Harrop, who described Bristol Piper, the pregnant daughter, as looking "stupid and defiant". She suggested that anyone who could identify with Sarah Palin's "dysfunctional family" would have to be "from Mars, or on welfare". Froma, why not just come straight out and say that the Palins are white trash?

Then there is the elitism of 1970s feminists. Gloria Steinem, the grand dame of American feminism who is two years older than John McCain, declared acidly: "Sarah Palin shares nothing but a chromosome with Hillary Clinton".

Sojourner Truth, a former slave, gave an electrifying speech at a women's rights convention in Akron, Ohio in 1851. Sojourner punctuated her speech with the rhetorical question: "And ain't I a woman?"

It is a feminist mantra that politics needs the active participation of women. Sarah Palin could echo "And ain't I a woman?" However, in the world inhabited by Steinem-style feminists, some women are more equal than others. And women who are anti-abortion scarcely rate as women at all.

On the face of it, Palin should be a feminist's dream. She has made it in politics without having a rich father or an established politician husband. She juggles family life with politics. She is sharp, and tough, and has moved smoothly from state politics to the national stage with style and wit. Instead, she is an old-time feminist's nightmare.

Unlike Hillary Clinton, she can expect no help from the sisters. But I suspect Sarah Palin couldn't care less. She is not there to attract disillusioned Hillary voters who cannot forgive Barack Obama for not putting Mrs Clinton on the ticket. She is there to copper-fasten the conservative vote, and she will do just that. The die-hard Republicans who view McCain with much the same suspicion as Steinem views Palin are back on board. Meanwhile, McCain, with his conciliatory speech, will be the one to target the middle ground.

It is certainly true that there are lots of Americans who will not be able to bring themselves to vote for Barack Obama, simply because he is black. But there are lots of others who will not be able to bring themselves to vote for him, not because he is black, but because he is not one of them. The skinny intellectual with the funny name and the dubious patriotism is just too strange for most of these people. That may be the United States' loss, although it is still too close to call.

On the other hand, Sarah Palin, with her son heading off to Iraq, her pregnant daughter, her high-school sweetheart who is "still her guy" and her defiant adoration of her baby with special needs, is as familiar as breathing.

Sarah Palin's secret weapon, one that the media and political elite will never fathom, is that she is likeable. Sure, she has absolutely unreconstructed conservative policies. The worst part of Palin's speech was when she started on all the old Republican memes - fear big government! The Democrats will tax you to death! Drill for oil and to hell with the environment! In spite of, or sadly, perhaps even because of all that, she is a woman that many Americans would be happy to have a beer or even a mooseburger with.

The likeability factor worked for Ronnie Reagan, for Bill Clinton, and for Dubya Bush. For those who are fixated on ideas and policies, it is unfathomable. We Irish should recognise the likeability factor, not to mention that old Teflon thing. Bertie Ahern is writing reflective pieces on retirement for The Irish Times , while Brian Cowen is growing ulcers figuring out what to do with an economy in meltdown. Sarah Palin's family difficulties have only made the Republicans, and a lot of middle America, love her more.

In my mythical election of 2040, if drastic action is not taken now, the potential devastation caused by global warming will make being president in 2008 during an economic downturn look like a doddle. Piper may have a hard time in 2040 explaining away Mom's policies. The odd thing is that John McCain, aside from daft ideas like a petrol tax holiday, has taken on board the need for radical action on global warming.

But Sarah Palin's policies on global warming are not the only or even central reason that she is the subject of such dislike for some US citizens. Nor is it the fact that she shoots moose before breakfast and eats them for dinner. (Just not on the same day. Don't you know anything about hunting?) Sarah Palin, with her staunch belief that human life deserves respect and protection from conception onwards, will never be acceptable to alleged liberals.

Perhaps by 2040 we will have left behind that kind of knee-jerk, reactionary attitude to pro-life women. Perhaps Piper Palin will be judged on her ability, not whether she ticks the right boxes. All we would need then is for Sasha, the Obamas' daughter, to decide to run against her. That might be proof that Americans have safely left behind them not only the question of whether they have the heart to elect a black person, but also proof that the shards of the glass ceiling will finally have been recycled into something useful.

© 2008 The Irish Times


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Wow, an article from Dublin, Ireland… :unsure::huh::o

Honestly this coming from overseas, ensures me that me, my wife and two college daughters are doing the right thing come November by voting McCain/Palin.

United States of America; Dublin, O-H-I-O!!!

Edited by XerSizNRite
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I say Obama is a con artist.

Unless you just got off the turnip truck, the guy is like I said, a con artist. He's very carefull how he presents himself. He's had a life time of experience in having his butt kissed. His number one priority is having others think he is superior. He knows who he has to impress to get what he wants. He's been promoting himself like he's the greatest thing since hell knows what. I highly doubt that he knows much about anything else. One of his secrets is: always be sincere, even if you don't mean it. He is for change alright, he keeps changing his position, so as not to clash with the powers that be. And the powers that be are who ever he is trying to impress.

McCaine may not give the slickest speach, but if you really pay attention to what's going on, he actually has some integrity. Confidence ain't worth a rappers ass if you don't have that.


He is the best politician of all time i think. The problem is he has yet to put his money where is mouth is and that the people who will decide this election, know that the dems will have a overwhelming majority in congress and they are scared of what congress will do with a puppet like Obama.

He won't veto anything that congress send up, because he knows where his bread is butter.

Bush faced 9/11, two wars, katrina and a do nothing congress and america thinks we are on the wrong track. but they are sure as shit not going to overhaul the whole fucking country. They just want to get past this moment in history without long term affects.

The ones who thinks this country is fucked by Bush are the ones fucking this country. Ralph nader could be the next POTUS, and the economy will already be gtting better and the iraq war will be done by 2012.

So i belive the most important thing for us to do in the next 4 years is to switch us to a more global economy with free trade and a lower corporate tax and a do everthing energy plan.

Yes, people are sick of bush, but i don't belive they are sick of Bush policy. They are just getting sick of Bush or the anti-bush shit. They love this country and just want to get pass.

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Excellent posts and well said! All i want to say is i don't want or expect Barack or Joe to mudsling, because frankly, both have too much class. I do want them to be honest and bring to light what is so evident to the Dems about Palin (and McCain, too, lol).

The smartest man i have ever known personally said that Palin sure has a lot of skeletons in her closet, lol. Funny thing was, before i asked him his opinion of her tonight, i was thinking about that and the Grateful Dead album! btw, I'm referring to my dad, who at 73 thinks our country is nuts to want a 72 year old for President! Lets hope people open their eyes and make the right choice this time.

Thanks, tangerine, and what an endearing sentiment about your dad :). It seems like more and more of those skeletons are beginning to see the light of day; that's not mudslinging, that's just chinks in Palin's shiny armour. Someone posted a very insightful article about a woman's direct involvement with Palin back in Alaska. I get that politicians do things that aren't always what you'd call above board, but what do you think of when you hear 'book banning'? It certainly connotes very dangerous earlier precedents that didn't turn out so well. You guys really need a change, for the sake of both what's going on in your country and outside of it. Even though there are those who will staunchly hold on to their beliefs for dear life no matter what (and Palin comes across as SO conservative I can't see her swaying over many undecided voters by preaching to the converted), hopefully (un)common sense will prevail.

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* tagging del into the ring*


With the amount of bullshit that is spewing from the mouths of these so-called change liberals is the no. 1 reason why the palin pick is perfect.

Im not ready to call the race yet, but at least I know the G.O.P. is going down with a fight, but the dems will be the same old same old failed ideas that have ruined this country only to be saved time after time by the G.O.P.

I really hope that they stick to this economics issue. They will lose. 90% of the economics advisors will come out and say after what Obama will do (raise capital gains tax, univ. health care and min. wage) will with out a doubt make the great depression look like what we are experiencing now, a non-recession.

Exactly! And with the Democrat controlled Congress having lower approval ratings than the President, I will bet that most Americans are not really jumping at the chance to give them the Presidency too.

Obama's economic plan sounds almost as drastic as FDR's New Deal. And we all know that the only thing that saved FDR was that the war put Americans and American factories back to work.

As Rudy G said so well, "Change is not a destination, and hope is not a strategy."

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Obama's economic plan sounds almost as drastic as FDR's New Deal. And we all know that the only thing that saved FDR was that the war put Americans and American factories back to work.

Well, maybe if George W Bush and his Republican administration hadn't run the American economy into the ground with their incompetencies, Obama wouldn't be considering an ecomonic 'rescue and survival' package similar to the one FDR implemented after the Great Depression... B)

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Gee, where's OneDrip with his polls when you need him???

Oh well, I'll be more than happy to give him a hand...

From RealClearPolitics.com, since I hear that's more reliable (Electro)

  • RCP Average 08/29 - 09/07 46.7% 45.5% McCain +1.2

  • USA Today/Gallup 09/05 - 09/07 LV 54% 44% McCain +10
  • Rasmussen Tracking 09/05 - 09/07 3000 LV 48% 47% McCain +1
  • Gallup Tracking 09/04 - 09/06 2765 RV 48% 45% McCain +3
  • Hotline/FD 09/02 - 09/04 916 RV 40% 46% Obama +6
  • CBS News 09/01 - 09/03 734 RV 42% 42% Tie
  • CNN 08/29 - 08/31 927 RV 48% 49% Obama +1

Seems kinda late to call it a convention bounce, only the last 2 include convention dates.

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Gee, where's OneDrip with his polls when you need him???

Oh well, I'll be more than happy to give him a hand...

From RealClearPolitics.com, since I hear that's more reliable (Electro)

  • RCP Average 08/29 - 09/07 46.7% 45.5% McCain +1.2

  • USA Today/Gallup 09/05 - 09/07 LV 54% 44% McCain +10
  • Rasmussen Tracking 09/05 - 09/07 3000 LV 48% 47% McCain +1
  • Gallup Tracking 09/04 - 09/06 2765 RV 48% 45% McCain +3
  • Hotline/FD 09/02 - 09/04 916 RV 40% 46% Obama +6
  • CBS News 09/01 - 09/03 734 RV 42% 42% Tie
  • CNN 08/29 - 08/31 927 RV 48% 49% Obama +1

Seems kinda late to call it a convention bounce, only the last 2 include convention dates.

the new numbers are interesting... now all the Republicans need is a terrorist attack and they might seal the deal.

Barack was up last week, McCain this week. I am so looking forward to the debates, that is where we will see the real difference. And finally maybe we will hear more from Gov. Palin than just a speech that was written for her.(although I hear she now actually has an interview scheduled for next week) Right now word has it she's being briefed on Foreign Affairs by Joe Lieberman.

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And finally maybe we will hear more from Gov. Palin than just a speech that was written for her.

yeah, because we all know B.O. generally speaks totally unscripted.

Plus we know he writes all his own speeches.

Palin is the ONLY politician that has speeches written for her.

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Well, maybe if George W Bush and his Republican administration hadn't run the American economy into the ground with their incompetencies, Obama wouldn't be considering an ecomonic 'rescue and survival' package similar to the one FDR implemented after the Great Depression... B)

Obama is looking to pander to some people for their votes by promising the typical socialist redistribution of wealth schemes that the left always supports. A FDR like plan that will have the opposite effect of stimulating the economy.

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Oh please, he deserved to stand there and soak in the glory?

He is the first person of African American descent to win the nomination to become President of the United States, after a long and difficult fight.

IOW, yes, he deserved it.

Meanwhile, Palin has done what exactly? Learned to put vaseline on her teeth?

As far as not knowing Palin, thats a joke right? Hell, even i knew who she was over a year ago. I'm sure most of the freaking delegates knew who she was, even if you did not.

Well, good on ya. Most of the rest of the country only first heard her name last week. That's because she has as much business being a 72 year old heartbeat away from the Presidency as any short-time governor of a state with slightly more people in it that Fresno, CA - that is, none at all.

Anyway, all I need to know about her is she thinks a rapist lurking in the bushes has more right to decide the functioning of my body than I do.

(Yeah, way to get the women's votes! :rolleyes: )


Yeah, Mao and Lenin weren't arrogant at all. Thank goodness

Aww, too bad - you just went into the brain dead LimBot pile.

Believe it or not, because a person is slightly to the left of Attila the Hun, that does NOT make them a communist. And the Red Scare ended in the freakin' 1950's, already.

Try thinking for your self. It might hurt at first, but, in the end you'll be better off.

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I like the last post.

Because Obama is part black, which entitles him to claim all the bad things that where done to black as part of his history, should be president. Even though obama grew up more white then I did. IM not sure there is alot of black people born in Hawaii, who lived in southwest Asia, when to Harvard, achieved nothing and got voted into the U.S. senate.

But Sarah Palin, who achieved more than Obama while raising a family, is not entitled to the VP slot, even though women are still second class citizens in a good portion of countries, most of which are trying to kill us.

And John McCain, who has fought for this country, has served 5 1/2 years in a POW camp. spent almost his whole life in public service, is not entitled to the POTUS, but Obama is because he is black.

Jackie Robinson didn't get his number retired because he was the first black player, he got it retired because he was good, if he sucked, we would of never known his name. Name the second black player and the first Latino born player. Get the point. Obama has yet to prove he can lead more than 40 people in his campaign office, but Sarah has proven she can lead 25,000 people as employees of the state of Alaska.

Still, if you guys want to focus on Palin and Pres. Bush, that’s fine, John McCain will just walk right on by to the white house.

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^ are you kidding me? Bush has had terrible approval ratings for at least 2 years now. The Republican base knows this very well. That's why they tried not to mention him at the convention. Get real.

Is that why the dems didn't metioned that they were in charge of congress for the past two years, in which gas went up 2 dollars and the economy went downhill. Im not sure.

Did Obama say that," we did nothing the last two years, just to prove a point that Pres. Bush can do nothing without us".

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