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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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The picture posted was of a third trimester abortion. Do think that these should be illegal except when the Womens life is at risk? I realize how concerned you are about cute fury little creatures. How concerned are you for cute little third trimester HUMAN babies?


McBrilliant / Palin.........08 ........It's working real goooooooooooood!!

FYI, i work with sick people as a profession. Don't ask me about human life. I have saved many lives. I help sick people recover every day. I help dying people do it with dignity. Living, breathing, animals don't deserve to be killed for no reason other than a sick person's idea of fun. There is no relation to this and abortion. I already gave you my position on abortion and i won't say more.

btw...there is no human picture you can gross me out with. I have done wound care to people who had open chests (and saw their hearts beating right in front of my eyes).

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With all that you have just said, you should for sure realize how much more important human life is then any animal.

By the way, have you read this?


It is not much more important. It has the same importance, imo. In fact, animals are much kinder than most humans. Or they just leave you the hell alone and don't bother you. The point is, there is no reason for the hunting of innocent wildlife in the Great Frontier of Alaska (unless these hunters are consuming their kill). Sarah Palin has made it okay to hunt anything anyone damn well pleases. She is a killer of life, so she needs to shut up about abortion.

What you don't understand is, there is no issue here. Loving animals and not expecting them to be slaughtered for the fun of it has nothing to do with abortion. I can not say that again, so please don't ask me to.

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And yet another example of :wacko: thinking :wacko: that animal life is as important as human life. Believe me, you do not have to answer me. You can put me on ignore like your friend has. ;):hysterical:

I don't put people on ignore, but i will ignore the next retarded post you address to me. I can't help you understand, you are not capable. lol. texans...(and i speak from experience when i say that)

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I don't know who you are asking, but yes i do. I'm not for abortions as a birth control method. I am for abortion for girls who don't want to be mommy's in their teens (like the boys who got them pregnant take any responsibilities, lol), any woman who is a crackhead/junkie, any woman who is raped, for medical reasons, and if a woman finds out the baby will be born with Downs/retardation. I believe unless it's a health issue, abortion should be in the First term only. As a woman, i will always maintain, i should have the right to decide. The teen pregnancies count for the largest group of abortions, so this group should be given education, education and more education. I am glad i was smart enough to use birth control when i became active. That is the key. oh btw...funny, not only does Alaska have one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy, but i heard that they also have the highest rate of STD's in the country (i believe it was 44 %). This is a group of people who need to get some schooling (or do some cooling).

My last word, men should not decide for women. It's not their body.

I agree here, and Ultimately it's a girl's/woman's decision to allow protected or unprotected sex, yes the boy/man has a say, but the girl is the one who allows it if it's unprotected. The focus needs to be education.

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So tell me - how will B.O. stand up to Big Oil? :rolleyes:

Did he refuse Big Oil campaign contributions? :whistling:

Of course not.

He took their money just like all candidates do, and he won't STAND UP to them any more than any other politicians with Big Oil money in their pocket.

B.O. - change you can make-belive in.

You want Make-believe.... just listen to Sarah Palin's speech.

BTW... why don't you find us the $amounts$ donated by Bush, oops, I mean big oil,..... what amount was donated to McCain vs. what was donated to Obama.

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Animals are not humans. We are above them. That being said, i don't support wiping out entire species

As for the Death Penalty, I'm only for it in extreme cases and when you are damn sure you have the right guy/girl, like the woman who microwaved her baby...I say burn the bitch but thats just me.

Anywho, I only posted that because I'm sick of all this "OMG SHE HUNTS!" bull shit. So what? There's worse stuff out there ya know? Not a big issue with me

I think it's important to have a respect for nature. But if someone's going to choose a life and it's me or a bear... I'm saying the bear goes. But to start on this whole, I am above animals, is silly. Let's just say... God put them here too.

A life is a life... and it brings it back to war for me. What about the innocent life of a born baby... casualty of war. How is that ok? Cause I could post pictures of that. But you can look at this youtube clip if you want proof that people who claim they are pro-life are really just anti-abortion. So maybe that could be the answer, it's more effective to call it what it actually is, just anti-abortion and for killing everthing else.


And I will add, that I am ok with hunting, my Dad is a hunter. He respects nature. There are good hunters and there are idiots. So some people give it a bad name unfortunately. But on the aerial gunning, that is not even sport, if you can't get in the ring, you shouldn't be in the match. Aerial gunning is for cowards, a gun already gives you the upper hand and then you need a plane to make a bunch of shots to kill it. Is she for cock fighting and dog fighting too?

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wanna be, the liberal news media is very carefull to NOT show pictures like the one that you have posted. They do not want people to realize how horrible late term abortions are. MUCH, MUCH worse the wacking baby seals with bats.

Non :wacko: Ultra :wacko: Feminist :wacko: Women for McBrillant / Palin:


I have been telling you that Palin was not picked for you Lib Gals around here.

Accept It

Trust us srplane, we fully embrace that Palin was not picked for us. She is right winger's wet dream come true.

Hey everybody, let's pray for pipelines... and let's pray that this war in Iraq is a task from God... Ready Everybody....

ComebuyOil my lord... comebuyoil.... comebuyoil my lord... comebuyoil.

Edited by allthekingshorses
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Animals are not humans. We are above them.


Id love to see you trying to convince a grizzly in hand to hand, only, conflict of being above them. Or a great white shark when youre out swimming. Or for that matter, a deer tick with Lyme disease that has happened to lodge itself on you in a place you dont see for a few days.

You wont always have that high-powered rifle, shark cage/canon style speargun, or tick repelent handy. To confront one of these as god intended, BARE, you wouldnt stand a chance. The only way youd be above them is if you were buried on top, after the rescuers threw the beasts in the grave first.

Oh and btw, youre video game training wont help a bit.

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It's really getting fun to watch. Obama is loosing it. Yesterday he calls Sarah Palin a "Pig" and John McBrilliant an "Old fish". I hear that today he will tell his :notworthy: GROUPIES :notworthy: what he really meant. LOL All the Libs around here will run to defend his latest gaff. It is so great to hear him talk without a telepromter.

Wheels falling off................

McBrilliant / Palin.........08

If that's the case, then several Republicans lost it ages ago.....http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/20...gish-debat.html

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Hoom shakala iyt roycembaum hunja.....HUNJA !! Kiffy drolm xinja.....XINJA !!

Don't mind me.....just speaking a little tongue this morning.


truly mcbrilliant!!!! i can't stop laughing!!!!

edited to say...where have you been all these weeks?

Edited by marolyn
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"Caribou Barbie" is a devout member of a Penacostal Christian church. So are you prepared, perhaps at a time of war or attack, for your vice president to lapse into a trance where she starts making guttural noises and imagining that she is channeling some ancient forgotten biblical language in order to voice the word of her god to the people ?

jupghjwee....hytgvploiunk !

Her pastor speaks in tongues, her fellow church members speak in tongues, and dozens of fellow church members have witnessed and described seeing Sarah Palin speaking in tongues at her church.

So when do we start giving her church the same scrutiny as Rev. Wright ?

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Yes, and that was then..................this is now. NOW is what is taking the wheels off of obama. And, millions of women are switching to the McBrillaint / Palin ticket. Non leftist, feminist Women are seeing through all the attacks on Sarah. The more attacks, the better.

The dems are getting real nervous..................

I don't see why you carry on like this, you're still going to be the same shit-kicker you are now regardless of whoever gets in...

Yes John McCain will probably get elected and Sarah Palin will probably end up being America's first woman President (God help you all) but we all know the majority of America is a deeply conservative country that, in this day and age, is scared, and resistant to change.

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Animals are not humans.

...but humans are animals.

Higher up on the intelligence scale,despite what's on this board,but animals nonetheless.

The whole point of inventing the weapons in the first fuckin' place was so people wouldn''t have to fight bears hand-to-hand.

Hunting for food=No problem

Hunting for "sport" (food that's not a complete necessity,but will be eaten)=Problem for some,but not me

Hunting just to go out and kill something=fucking stupid.

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Change for the better or worse (is the question).... :blink:

Quite frankly, I don't like either candidate. I believe the two party system is corrupt and both cater to special interest groups. Anytime a third party tries to get in on the "game", they are squashed by the media (who work the system/game) with the advertisers/BIG BiZ who pay them (those appointed candidates in their two party system) to play.

R B)

Edited by reids
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Wanna be, read the links and stories One Drop just provided. I provided the same type of stories about her last week. Do you think these hunters are eating the wolves (please don't say yes) and bears? It's all for sport. She enjoys murdering animals for the fun of it. Read about it. There is no point to what she not only condones, but encourages.

I'm not a vegetarian, although i wish i could be. I'm not arguing about that.

I never said hunting wolves for their pelts was a good thing (I read his article). But at the same time, it's not going to affect my decision of whether or not she's VP.

Liberals don't "generally support abortion", they support "a woman's right to choose". ;)
Tomatoes Tomahtoes. They support that a women can have an abortion if they wish.

No, I did not post that picture to show that it's "stupid" to be a hunter. I posted that picture in support of the point that "traumatizing and killing animals for.. sport.. for the mere fun of it".. is cruel and seems to be somewhat contradictory with someone claiming to be "pro-life" and pro-"family values". The contradiction between her espoused values and behaviors speaks to Sarah Palin's personal character, does it not? It certainly speaks to her being anti-environment and anti-animal, doesn't it? (and let's not lie to ourselves here *wink*)
Yeah, it's cruel...and that it's stupid to do.

Do you think teaching one's children to traumatize and kill

animals for sport is a righteous "family value", wanna be? :whistling:


And I said this where? :unsure::blink:

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...but humans are animals.

Higher up on the intelligence scale,despite what's on this board,but animals nonetheless.

The whole point of inventing the weapons in the first fuckin' place was so people wouldn''t have to fight bears hand-to-hand.


Hunting for food=No problem

Hunting for "sport" (food that's not a complete necessity,but will be eaten)=Problem for some,but not me

Hunting just to go out and kill something=fucking stupid.

Agreed B)
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...but humans are animals.

Higher up on the intelligence scale,despite what's on this board,but animals nonetheless.

The whole point of inventing the weapons in the first fuckin' place was so people wouldn''t have to fight bears hand-to-hand.


Which part do you disagree with?

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we all know the majority of America is a deeply conservative country that, in this day and age, is scared, and resistant to change.

I respetfully disagree. I believe such people are a minority. The Republicans have played these folks for years. There has never actually been a conservative President in our lifetime. Reagan was as close as they came, and he was pulled to the center. Certainly neither Bush was a conservative. Jr. talks a good game, but he sure does like to spend money like a Democrat. It's no different than abortion. For all the complaining, it's been law for over a generation. That's because the law pleases the majority, not the conservative vocal minority. The Repugnants have consistantly played the religious right for years. There all just too ignorant to notice that none of their agenda has ever actually come true.

Obama isn't going to go for the kill now. He's laying low. About the end of the month, everything will change. Going to war under false pretenses....torture....the economy.....housing....the reduced buying power of the middle-class....Where's Bin Laden ?....Cheney....face to face gut shots during the debates. When McCain and Obama share a stage, it will be the old or the new. America will choose the new. It's not necessarily the candidate, it's the same simple question....."Are you better off now than you were 8 years ago ?" The answer is just as easy...NO !!

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