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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Well if all this is true, I just lost a lot of respect for this Palin. But what would it matter for the Polar Bear if Obama wins the election? Nothing probably. This is a local battle and perhaps if she becomes VP then she will be out of Alaska and whoever takes over may be more sympathetic to the environment? Or is this unlikely? I used to hunt and fish myself but would only kill something if I were to eat it. I would never kill an animal for sport. Especially an endangered species. I am going to take a much closer look at her. Even though it is really McCain that matters more and not her. I don't like the choices and I don't even know if I can go to the polls in good conscience. From a security standpoint I still feel McCain is the better choice. I don't think either has a clue about fixing health care or the economy. Jobs are likely to remain scarce and gas is never going to be under $3 again no matter who wins. Lets face it.


New Energy for America

5 Million Green Collar Jobs

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Obama’s comprehensive New Energy for America plan will:

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Help create five million new jobs by strategically investing $150 billion over the next ten years to catalyze private efforts to build a clean energy future.

Within 10 years save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined.

Put 1 million Plug-In Hybrid cars -- cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon -- on the road by 2015, cars that we will work to make sure are built here in America.

Ensure 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.

Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.


Provide Short-term Relief to American Families

• Enact a Windfall Profits Tax to Provide a $1,000 Emergency Energy Rebate to American Families.

• Crack Down on Excessive Energy Speculation.

• Swap Oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Cut Prices.

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Eliminate Our Need for Middle Eastern and Venezuelan Oil within 10 Years

• Increase Fuel Economy Standards.

• Get 1 Million Plug-In Hybrid Cars on the Road by 2015.

• Create a New $7,000 Tax Credit for Purchasing Advanced Vehicles.

• Establish a National Low Carbon Fuel Standard.

• A “Use it or Lose It” Approach to Existing Oil and Gas Leases.

• Promote the Responsible Domestic Production of Oil and Natural Gas.

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Create Millions of New Green Jobs

• Ensure 10 percent of Our Electricity Comes from Renewable Sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.

• Deploy the Cheapest, Cleanest, Fastest Energy Source – Energy Efficiency.

• Weatherize One Million Homes Annually.

• Develop and Deploy Clean Coal Technology.

• Prioritize the Construction of the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline.

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Reduce our Greenhouse Gas Emissions 80 Percent by 2050

• Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.

• Make the U.S. a Leader on Climate Change.

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Obama campaign raps Bush on endangered-species plan

The Associated Press

Tucson, Arizona | Published: 08.14.2008

advertisementWASHINGTON — A Bush administration proposal that would eliminate the input of independent government scientists in some endangered- species reviews would be tossed out if Democrat Barack Obama wins the White House, his campaign says.

"This 11th-hour ruling from the Bush administration is highly problematic. After over 30 years of successfully protecting our nation's most endangered wildlife like the bald eagle, we should be looking for ways to improve it, not weaken it," said Obama campaign spokesman Nick Shapiro. "As president, Senator Obama will fight to maintain the strong protections of the Endangered Species Act and undo this proposal from President Bush."

A spokesman for Sen. John McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, said he had no comment on Bush's revisions.

The Associated Press reported Monday details of a proposal by the Interior and Commerce departments that would change how the 1973 law is implemented, allowing federal agencies to decide for themselves — without seeking the opinions of government wildlife experts — whether dams, highways and other projects have the potential to harm endangered species and habitats.

Current law requires federal agencies to consult with experts at the Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service if a project poses so much as a remote risk to species or habitats.

Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne defended the changes in a call with reporters Monday, terming them narrow modifications to make the law clearer and more efficient.

In recent years, both federal agencies and developers have complained that the reviews, which can result in changes to projects that better protect species, have delayed work and increased costs.

The proposed regulations, which will be published today in the Federal Register, included one significant change from the earlier draft: The public comment period was cut in half, from 60 to 30 days.

"In this case, it was determined that we needed to move forward in a timely fashion," said Interior Department spokeswoman Tina Kreisher.

If the proposal should become final by November, a new administration could propose another rule, a process that could take months. Congress could also pass legislation, but that could take even longer.

My biggest issues with Palin have always been her character, values, aggression, mean spirited beliefs towards nature and wildlife, wants church and state to be joined (i saw video of her doing a sermon not long ago in her Pentecostal Church), and clearly in my eyes and many others, a complete wacko. I'm saying this with complete faith, not to be mean. She is already being indicted on "abuse of power" charges, which afaic are true. I saw the ex-brother-in-law interviewed, and the evidence sounds compelling. She has ideas from ancient times, and she will not carry us forward as a nation (in the unfortunate event she ever has the opportunity). She knows nothing about Foreign policy and would likely lead us into many wars if given the chance. I don't want that kind of person in authority anywhere, not as my boss at work, and the horror thinking my VP, waiting to swoop in when the Pres. can't fulfill his duties.

IF you intend to vote for the best person to run our county, do your homework. Watch the interviews on tv, read the paper or internet news, get informed. Make a responsible choice. You obviously don't have much information, and you need to get it. Not from LZ.com people stating their opinions, but from the media (that is our source) and interpret what you learn for yourself. btw...the links i posted are not "speculation"

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Did any of you catch that interview with her on ABC? Holy fucking shit. My sister could answer these questions better, and she doesn't have the foggiest clue about anything politics-related.

Imagine her reading those responses like a robot. Oh but wait, there's more:


lol, for all those early on who called her a female Dick Cheney (who while i loathe this person, has some intelligence), they were WRONG. As i suspected initially, she is indeed a female GWB. SAD and not too bright.

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Did any of you catch that interview with her on ABC? Holy fucking shit. My sister could answer these questions better, and she doesn't have the foggiest clue about anything politics-related.

Imagine her reading those responses like a robot. Oh but wait, there's more:


Then she goes on, after being asked whether she sees the Iraq conflict as a holy war, about how she was quoting Abraham Lincoln :rolleyes: Because 'apparently' what she was trying to say was "let us not pray that God is on our side, but let us pray that we are on God's side"...that's what she meant to say, Charlie.... :rolleyes:

How could Americans elect somebody who is so "God this" and "God that"? It's unsettling.

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Then she goes on, after being asked whether she sees the Iraq conflict as a holy war, about how she was quoting Abraham Lincoln :rolleyes: Because 'apparently' what she was trying to say was "let us not pray that God is on our side, but let us pray that we are on God's side"...that's what she meant to say, Charlie.... :rolleyes:

How could Americans elect somebody who is so "God this" and "God that"? It's unsettling.

How did GWB get elected twice? Same mind boggling sh*t.

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GIBSON: We talk on the anniversary of 9/11. Why do you think those hijackers attacked? Why did they want to hurt us?

PALIN: You know, there is a very small percentage of Islamic believers who are extreme and they are violent and they do not believe in American ideals, and they attacked us and now we are at a point here seven years later, on the anniversary, in this post-9/11 world, where we're able to commit to never again. They see that the only option for them is to become a suicide bomber, to get caught up in this evil, in this terror. They need to be provided the hope that all Americans have instilled in us, because we're a democratic, we are a free, and we are a free-thinking society.

The first part of the first sentence is right; small percentage of Muslims are the "strap a bomb to my ass and blow you up" type. So right there, we're good. Right? Wrong.

DEMOCRACY CANNOT BE DELIVERED AT THE POINT OF A GUN. When oh when, will this fucked up administration get that through their thick skulls. It is not our responsibility to march into every country that does things we don't like and demand they do things our way, lest we invade and kill their people. Team America: World Police was a movie.....not our foreign policy stance. I'm really getting tired of this mindset that it is our divine right to spread democracy to all the heathen peoples of the world. Aren't we supposed to take care of our own first? You know, make sure people HERE have a roof and a job and clothes and some food......the essentials? Kids aren't being educated, we can't get health care to those in need, our veterans are being given substandard care, our jobs are being outsourced to God knows where......and this bint thinks that our number one priority is colonizing the Middle East?

That's just peachy.

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Are you ready? It's EVEN MOAR FUNNIEZ:

GIBSON: Have you ever met a foreign head of state?

PALIN: There in the state of Alaska, our international trade activities bring in many leaders of other countries.

GIBSON: And all governors deal with trade delegations.

PALIN: Right.

GIBSON: Who act at the behest of their governments.

PALIN: Right, right.

GIBSON: I'm talking about somebody who's a head of state, who can negotiate for that country. Ever met one?

PALIN: I have not and I think if you go back in history and if you ask that question of many vice presidents, they may have the same answer that I just gave you.

Actually, Ms Palin might be interested to know that every vice-presidential candidate in the last 30 years met with foreign leader before they were nominated.


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Palin wasn't given a cheat sheet. She didn't study before hand, so she is going to sound like an idiot. Now we will see tomorrow night (Saturday) at 9pm what she is really made of and how stupid she really is. Joe Biden is going to make her look like a Kindergarten kid!

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quoted from Yukon Cornelius..

"Well if all this is true, I just lost a lot of respect for this Palin. But what would it matter for the Polar Bear if Obama wins the election? Nothing probably. This is a local battle and perhaps if she becomes VP then she will be out of Alaska and whoever takes over may be more sympathetic to the environment? Or is this unlikely? I used to hunt and fish myself but would only kill something if I were to eat it. I would never kill an animal for sport. Especially an endangered species. I am going to take a much closer look at her. Even though it is really McCain that matters more and not her. I don't like the choices and I don't even know if I can go to the polls in good conscience. From a security standpoint I still feel McCain is the better choice. I don't think either has a clue about fixing health care or the economy. Jobs are likely to remain scarce and gas is never going to be under $3 again no matter who wins. Lets face it."

Hi Yukon, just a few things for you here..

Barack on Global Warming...

Barack on Health care...

Barack on the economy...

One of the great things about Barack is that he is actually giving answers to what he will do. He gives you facts and it's clear he understands them. They aren't just numbers to him. He has thought the issues through. And as I've mentioned before.. Barack Obama has the most comprehensive, detailed policy proposals of any presidential candidate in American History.

And as far as Palin, I think it does matter that she would be chosen as the VP. John McCain has had melanoma twice. Anyone who knows someone who has died from Melanoma, knows how quickly it takes you once it metastasizes. His health is a major concern for me when he chooses someone like Sarah Palin as the back up President of the United States.

I think Sarah has some great experience in her political background. However, I do think her experience is limited on a national level. Not to mention on a global scale. I would love to hear more interviews where she has to answer questions. We do not need to give this woman any time to study up on the facts, she should know them already if she has already been chosen to run for VP.


and I agree, we will never see gas under $3 again.

Edited by allthekingshorses
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It's what you said....are you denying it now?

And I love your little hidden message...

Dude, I grow weary of going back to quote my posts to confirm what I actually said.

I say many, you distort it and repeat it back as ALL.

I understand that's an automatic feature of the Truth Distortion filter featured on the latest Hackneyed Liberal Attack Plug-in for Firefox v2.0

It gets old after a while.

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Dude, I grow weary of going back to quote my posts to confirm what I actually said.

I say many, you distort it and repeat it back as ALL.

I understand that's an automatic feature of the Truth Distortion filter featured on the latest Hackneyed Liberal Attack Plug-in for Firefox v2.0

It gets old after a while.

Have you ever thought of joining the Republican party? You flip-flop with the best of them...

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Since we are all here using the Internet to communicate, let me ask you a question.....

How does one manage to be a U.S. Senator without being able to send an e-mail, use google, or even dial up a web-site in this day and age ? Think of all the voting issues/bills that have occurred related to the Internet...child porn, copyright laws, illegal recordings, terrorism....and John McCain has yet to sit down and conquer the Internet ? Think of all the plane rides this guy has taken in the last couple years while campaigning....not one of his young staff has ever thrown a lap-top at the guy ?....I mean just for fun ? He never uses a computer to even write a speech ?....take a note ? I mean, really....think about that for a second.

Reminds me of "Bush the Elder"......"you mean you just wave the box of food over that thing there and it scans the price ?"

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Another conspiracy buff.

I think he was referring to Gore getting more popular votes than Bush....not a conspiracy.

I saw Obama leading people in a prayer on TV not so long ago, so both sides are a little superstitious.

There is a difference between participating in religion and justifying political action (WAR) by means of religion. These aren't the fucking crusades. The government has nothing to do with the Church. Palin's going to have to learn a lot, and fast, or come debate time Biden will walk all over her.

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The next President of the United States will be ................

I'll take great puppet jokes for 500 Alex.

Ummmm, who is a Pinnochio.

Nothing different about Canada .

Politics ??? It's a sham .

$$$ rules everything.

This is one of the most nonsensical posts I've ever seen sicne ledbaby left.

Congrats, that's quite embarassing

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McCain "the honorable maverick" is a phony. :rolleyes:


..and an out-of-touch-with-middle-class-Americans hypocritical elitist.


..who represents More Of The Same failed Bush policies.


..and who wants voters to see the sapling but not the decimated-by-republicans forest.


Thankfully, American voters are smart enough to see through MacCharade. :)

Uhh.... right? :unsure:

Getting pretty desperate, eh, Joe? Just like NObama....

Obama....Every time he opens his mouth he lowers his percentage in the polls. :lol:

You know... there just isn't that much difference between:

1. Their campaign tactics. They are both lying and smearing. Business as usual.

2. Appealing to the general consensus. What is the percentage of the times that they (Obama and McCain) voted alike in the Senate? I would be interested in that statistic.

3. Rhetoric. Lack Of experience (Obama/Palin). Business as usual (McCain/ Biden).

This is the most hilarious, yet sad, campaign on both sides EVER! I really thought that Obama was different and I REALLY wanted to get away from the Republican Executive scenario, but he is a blithering idiot. (His most used word when having to answer an unrehearsed question: UHHHH...) He has book smarts and can read off a teleprompter. The basic ideals are great. Can he walk the walk that he is promising...... I don't think so.

Even if Obama wins.... in two years the Legislative Branch will be corrected by the voters to balance the American Government, by electing Republicans into the majority. (See 1992 Presidential election and the 1994 Republican takeover.)

You really need to get a hobby, bud!




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All the Palin hoopla is extraordinally befuddling to me! JFC, they have Palin dolls and panties for God's sake.

What really scares me about her is she seems like a woman with a hair trigger response and we don't need someone like that in military and foreign affairs. When asked if she even gave any thought to whether she was qualified she said, there's no time to bat an eyelid, of course I am qualified, I never even had to think about it! (paraphrasing here)

What dumb shit is offered any type of position that is several levels above where you've been performing and doesn't spend even 5 seconds considering it?!?! I would like someone in the position of POTUS and the VP to be a person who gives great thought and consideration to issues before making decisions. Maybe it's just me :rolleyes:

But if I were asked today if I wanted to be CIO of our firm....I would have to think about it before I gave my answer (which would be yes, of course, LOL!)

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I live in the foothills. Although I don't hunt per se, there is plenty of game that most people aren't aware of. If there was ever a need, already know the best places to hunt for game here.

Btw - I have these pesky cottontail rabbits that keep invading my lawn. I would say that in any given month I probably shoot (with a pellet gun) at least ten of those little buggers. It's really not a good idea to eat rabbits taken in warm climates, or in the summertime in cooler climates... too many diseases in their guts as they are an animal that eats it's own feces. But most of the ones I kill are left out for the coyotes to come and get. Not only do I help keep the rabbit population down, but having the coyotes welcome in my yard keeps the neighbors cats away as well.

I challenge you to provide me a law in any state of the union that defines killing an animal as "murder"?

Many animal population require culling, even some predators from time to time. As long as hunting is properly managed; there really isn't much of a problem as far as I can tell.


I'm sure there are no laws on any books calling hunting murder. However, the brutality associated with Palin's policies in Alaska on bear and wolf hunting, is, imo as close to murder as one can get, and still be legal.

I liked a quote i saw on someone's my space page that said something like "did that food you are eating once have a face on it?" Well anyway, Sarah isn't eating wolf or bear meat, i'm pretty sure.

I would have never made an issue of the hunting at all if Palin's atrocious policies on it hadn't come to light. I have had a few bf's who hunted in their lifetime. One even used a bow and arrow (but had quit hunting before i met him). I had a bf who took me to an outdoor shooting range one day and showed me how to shoot 9 mm's and semi- automatic rifles. My exhusband and i used to go to the shooting range and i still own the first gun he bought for us. Shooting is a fun sport, but killing animals for fun is another story to me.

As for the need for culling, i agree it exists, but if man didn't ruin the habitats and nature of our beautiful planet, it probably would not be a problem. Then again we wouldn't be able to live like the selfish beings we are.

I won't comment on your rabbit killing, because i find it to be unsettling. That reminds me of three brothers i know. When they were kids growing up in Alabama, they would kill (and then eat) squirrels. They did it so they wouldn't go hungry.

So Del, let me ask you then, how do you feel about Palin's policies on hunting? Many Alaskans have opposed her on this (hunters).

edit for typo

Edited by ~tangerine~
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All the Palin hoopla is extraordinally befuddling to me! JFC, they have Palin dolls and panties for God's sake.

What really scares me about her is she seems like a woman with a hair trigger response and we don't need someone like that in military and foreign affairs. When asked if she even gave any thought to whether she was qualified she said, there's no time to bat an eyelid, of course I am qualified, I never even had to think about it! (paraphrasing here)

What dumb shit is offered any type of position that is several levels above where you've been performing and doesn't spend even 5 seconds considering it?!?! I would like someone in the position of POTUS and the VP to be a person who gives great thought and consideration to issues before making decisions. Maybe it's just me :rolleyes:

But if I were asked today if I wanted to be CIO of our firm....I would have to think about it before I gave my answer (which would be yes, of course, LOL!)

lol, that is like if i said "well since I can pack an abdominal wound, i am qualified to do a bowel resection" :)

I saw what i could catch of her on 20/20 (and lets face it, Charlie treated her with kid gloves), and i found a slightly more eloquent speaker who says the same sh*t GWB would say. That's not saying much...

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