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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Well.... that's good...America needs change and Obama will bring that. Too bad the libs are such a bunch of shrieking drama queens. :lol:

Look for a Republican dominated Congress by 2010, if Obama can hold on to his lead.

Hermit, you really need to get a life, buddy!

OK...out for the day... getting cloudy!

Edited by JimmyPage1977
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Here I am in this thread again probably should smack myself, but I had to post this.

If this is the one to cry about good riddance she is a hgh society queen who wants to run with the elite so suck up to McCain so she and Cindy can swap fashion plate advice. :rolleyes:


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Here I am in this thread again probably should smack myself, but I had to post this.

If this is the one to cry about good riddance she is a hgh society queen who wants to run with the elite so suck up to McCain so she and Cindy can swap fashion plate advice. :rolleyes:


Wait wait...SHE thinks Obama's an elitist? Am I in the twilight zone???

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Sarah Palin on her foreign policy experience/qualifications:

"But as for foreign policy, you know, I think that I am prepared and I know that on January 20th, if we are so blessed as to be sworn into office as your president and vice president, certainly we'll be ready. I'll be ready. I have that confidence. I have that readiness."

Is she incapable of answering even the softest of softball questions lobbed to her by even her supporters?

The video is here: http://www.crooksandliars.com/2008/09/18/e...n-hall-meeting/

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Sarah Palin on her foreign policy experience/qualifications:

"But as for foreign policy, you know, I think that I am prepared and I know that on January 20th, if we are so blessed as to be sworn into office as your president and vice president, certainly we'll be ready. I'll be ready. I have that confidence. I have that readiness."

Is she incapable of answering even the softest of softball questions lobbed to her by even her supporters?

The video is here: http://www.crooksandliars.com/2008/09/18/e...n-hall-meeting/

She probably wasn't briefed on how to spin something out of nothing.

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In other words.. "Hermit, you have thoroughly and successfully responded to every challenge I've put forth to you in this debate. Frankly, I'm now completely stumped.. but I'm not big enough to acknowledge that you've made your point and made it well, so.. uhh.. you really need to get a life, buddy!"

Far from what I meant.

Here is what I really meant:

80 percent of your posts are your opinion or Left Wing slanted propaganda and I'm tired of reading it. You throw in an occasional fact to give your OPINION the appearance of truth. The time you spend on this crap is just plain wasteful, imho. There is a big world out there and real people that don't just hide behind their computer keyboard. That is what I meant.

By the way:

Who is the guy that's running for V.P. for the Democrats? Not seeing any news coverage on him...... -_-

I'm going to take a break from this forum. See ya in a couple of weeks!

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80 percent of your posts are your opinion or Left Wing slanted propaganda and I'm tired of reading it. You throw in an occasional fact to give your OPINION the appearance of truth. The time you spend on this crap is just plain wasteful, imho. There is a big world out there and real people that don't just hide behind their computer keyboard. That is what I meant.

By the way:

Who is the guy that's running for V.P. for the Democrats? Not seeing any news coverage on him...... -_-

I'm going to take a break from this forum. See ya in a couple of weeks!

I really enjoy reading Hermit's posts. Given I am a democrat, but Hermit is crazy knowledgeable about this stuff, and I appreciate his point of view. Makes ya think (if you're open to that sort of thing :lol:).

And the reason you're not seeing major news coverage on Biden is because:

Biden isn't the first woman on the presidential/VP ticket.

Biden isn't extremely unknowledgeable about national politics.

Biden doesn't preach about god in regard to politics.

Biden's views aren't nearly as controversial as Palin's.

Obama's choice of Biden actually made perfect sense, and McCain decided to choose Palin and contradict his whole "inexperience" argument.

Among others. ^_^

Later bro!

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I really enjoy reading Hermit's posts. Given I am a democrat, but Hermit is crazy knowledgeable about this stuff, and I appreciate his point of view. Makes ya think (if you're open to that sort of thing :lol:).

And the reason you're not seeing major news coverage on Biden is because:

Biden isn't the first woman on the presidential/VP ticket.

Biden isn't extremely unknowledgeable about national politics.

Biden doesn't preach about god in regard to politics.

Biden's views aren't nearly as controversial as Palin's.

Obama's choice of Biden actually made perfect sense, and McCain decided to choose Palin and contradict his whole "inexperience" argument.

Among others. ^_^

Later bro!

AWESOME, Matthew! Great post!

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Sarah Palin on her foreign policy experience/qualifications:

"But as for foreign policy, you know, I think that I am prepared and I know that on January 20th, if we are so blessed as to be sworn into office as your president and vice president, certainly we'll be ready. I'll be ready. I have that confidence. I have that readiness."

Is she incapable of answering even the softest of softball questions lobbed to her by even her supporters?

Well she obviously has no foreign policy experience or qualifications, because if you did, would you give an answer like that??

She knows she doesn't, so instead of answering the question, she just tries to sound positive about something else. It's a well-worn politicians trick:

"Mr President, how can you deny that the economy is in tatters, the unemployment rate is nearly 8%?"

"Let me tell you something: Americans, with me and my team, have the safest administration they have had in over 30 years. Average Americans who go about their business every day know that they can do so safely and securely because we've stopped the evil doers from getting any closer to this country...These freedom haters have tried and failed to attack our great nation, because my administration has taken the pressure to their side of the street...We're doing what a Government should be doing which is defending Americans"

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Yes, like ~*Electrophile*~ has me on her ignore list. LOL :hysterical:
Again you prove to have no knowledge on how ignore works. She can choose whether or not to red your post. But when someone quotes your posts, it's up to see period. So while you're still on her ignore, she cans till choose to read your comments or maybe it's already posted in a quote.


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I'm surprised McCain's convention bounce didn't last longer than it did. The way people were talking, you'd think he just announced his running mate was Zombie Reagan.

BTW, I don't EVER want to hear another Republican talk about Obama having a "Cult of Personality" when they themselves revere Ronald Reagan to the point of creaming their jeans whenever he's mentioned. At the RNC whenever his picture came up, or he was discussed in any way, that giant moan you heard was tens of thousands of Republicans orgasming.

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Occidental College (Los Angeles) - 2 years studying Politics and Public Policy.

Columbia University (New York) - B.A. Political Science with a specialization in International Relations.

Harvard Law School - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude, Editor-in-Chief of the Harvard Law Review.


University of Delaware - B.A. in History and a B.A. in Political Science.

Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)


United States Naval Academy - Class rank 894 of 899.


Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester - Business Administration.

North Idaho College - 2 semesters - General Studies.

University of Idaho - 2 semesters - Journalism.

Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester.

University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in Journalism.

....and if you owned a business, who would you hire ?

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Occidental College (Los Angeles) - 2 years studying Politics and Public Policy.

Columbia University (New York) - B.A. Political Science with a specialization in International Relations.

Harvard Law School - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude, Editor-in-Chief of the Harvard Law Review.


University of Delaware - B.A. in History and a B.A. in Political Science.

Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)


United States Naval Academy - Class rank 894 of 899.


Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester - Business Administration.

North Idaho College - 2 semesters - General Studies.

University of Idaho - 2 semesters - Journalism.

Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester.

University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in Journalism.

....and if you owned a business, who would you hire ?

Love it Bong Man. That is one comparison I'd like to hear from our Republican friends on.

But we won't... They don't answer to real facts.

Hunja, Hunja...

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McCain's Naval Acadamy is nothing to scoff at.

That depends. One could argue that if it wasn't for Daddy & Granddaddy, he wouldn't have been in that Naval Academy to begin with. I think his war record and his time as a POW also helped him out immensely during the whole Keating Five episode. Certainly his time as a POW earns a lot of respect, but maybe he wouldn't have been there if he hadn't crashed 5 planes. Considering Kerry's treatment concerning his war record, how did McCain get 23 medals for 20 missions ?.....while crashing 5 planes in the process. At the least, it's better to be lucky than good.....and I wouldn't want his luck. Seems kind of Lionish to me.

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