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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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What a universal health care system delivers, good and bad

Full Story San Framcisco Chronicle:



The United States is the only developed nation without universal health care. Although health insurance systems worldwide are straining as populations age, safety nets have largely remained in place. Here are brief descriptions of insurance systems of several nations..


Health care as percentage of GDP: 9.6

Health expenditure per person: $2,567

Universal care funded through mandatory health insurance provided by Social Security, with private supplemental coverage filling gaps..


Health care as percentage of GDP: 10.8

Health expenditure per person: $2,820

All individuals are enrolled in government-approved health insurance plans partly financed by employer and employee contributions, although high- income workers may buy private insurance instead..


Health care as percentage of GDP: 8

Health expenditure per person: $2,131

A dual system in which workers enroll in insurance programs through their jobs, while all others join Japan's national health insurance plan..

United Kingdom

Health care as percentage of GDP: 7.6

Health expenditure per person: $1,989

A publicly funded National Health Service provides free care, with the option of private insurance for those wanting treatment outside the state system..

United States

Health care as percentage of GDP: 13.9

Health expenditure per person: $4,887

Federal and state governments pay most of the cost of care for seniors and the poor, with employer or individually financed insurance available for others. About 45 million people lack coverage. :injured:


*2001 figures

Source: World Health Organization, Chronicle research

Full Story San Francisco Chronicle:


Barry Brown, Chronicle Foreign Service

Thursday, October 14, 2004

I myself have medical insurance. However many do not and it strains the system to it's seams. These statitistics may or may not be correct. That would be up to the SF Newspaper. But however you look at it.

The United States is the only developed nation without universal health care.


Edited by Mary Hartman
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In North Carolina political news.......Elizabeth Dole releases ad questioning opponent's religious faith.

Kay Hagan is a Sunday School teacher and an elder in her church who has gone on missions.....and that's why this ad is freakin' ridiculous.

Once again, the GOP tries to position itself as the party of God and the baby Jesus while they portray the Democrats as the party of Atheism, Satanism and Godless pagan heathens who will abort your fetuses and make your sons gay marry Muslim socialists.

It's pathetic, but expected in a sick, sad way. It's almost the last line of defense; when they're losing big or losing unexpectedly, out come the ads and rally speeches questioning the religious faith of their opponent. As though their religious beliefs actually mean anything in the big picture, but well.....that doesn't seem to matter much to them. I'm really getting sick of this garbage. Leave religion out of politics.

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In North Carolina political news.......Elizabeth Dole releases ad questioning opponent's religious faith.

Kay Hagan is a Sunday School teacher and an elder in her church who has gone on missions.....and that's why this ad is freakin' ridiculous.

Once again, the GOP tries to position itself as the party of God and the baby Jesus while they portray the Democrats as the party of Atheism, Satanism and Godless pagan heathens who will abort your fetuses and make your sons gay marry Muslim socialists.

It's pathetic, but expected in a sick, sad way. It's almost the last line of defense; when they're losing big or losing unexpectedly, out come the ads and rally speeches questioning the religious faith of their opponent. As though their religious beliefs actually mean anything in the big picture, but well.....that doesn't seem to matter much to them. I'm really getting sick of this garbage. Leave religion out of politics.

Years ago here in Minnesota we had a Jewish senator (Boschwitz) sending his Jewish constituents a letter saying his opponent (Wellstone) wasn't a good enough Jew. It didn't work, thank goodness. Hopefully it won't work in your example, either. People are so sick of that crap. Jeez, I didn't think Elizabeth Dole was like that. Yuck.

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I never said I think it'll change. I'm not stupid, this country isn't a theocracy but for all intents and purposes, religion and our political system are very closely entwined. I mean the very idea that you can run an ad questioning someone's religious beliefs and it's seen as a viable campaign tactic is just mind-boggling. Who cares if Kay Hagan (or Barack Obama or anyone else for that matter) is religious?

It just makes this country look so backwards.

Years ago here in Minnesota we had a Jewish senator (Boschwitz) sending his Jewish constituents a letter saying his opponent (Wellstone) wasn't a good enough Jew. It didn't work, thank goodness. Hopefully it won't work in your example, either. People are so sick of that crap. Jeez, I didn't think Elizabeth Dole was like that. Yuck.

She's losing right now, but barely. I think Obama's national/state poll numbers are helping downticket races and I think if NC goes blue in the general election, Hagan could very well win the Senate seat.

Edited by Electrophile
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I never said I think it'll change. I'm not stupid, this country isn't a theocracy but for all intents and purposes, religion and our political system are very closely entwined. I mean the very idea that you can run an ad questioning someone's religious beliefs and it's seen as a viable campaign tactic is just mind-boggling. Who cares if Kay Hagan (or Barack Obama or anyone else for that matter) is religious?

It just makes this country look so backwards.

She's losing right now, but barely. I think Obama's national/state poll numbers are helping downticket races and I think if NC goes blue in the general election, Hagan could very well win the Senate seat.

Sorry, I was agreeing with you. Must not have been clear in my post. I tell ya, though, I have feeling like it's a friggin theocracy for about 25 years, so.....yeah. Makes me puke. Makes me puke more to know people go for that crap in this country.

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Sorry, I was agreeing with you. Must not have been clear in my post. I tell ya, though, I have feeling like it's a friggin theocracy for about 25 years, so.....yeah. Makes me puke. Makes me puke more to know people go for that crap in this country.

The first part of my post was a response to Rock Action, so no worries. I knew you were agreeing with me. Personally, if Barack Obama came on TV yesterday and said he was really a Wiccan, I wouldn't have a shit-fit and demand my vote be taken back. He could pray to a toaster oven for all I care, as long as that toaster oven isn't telling him what to do as President. I'd prefer his advisors and his Cabinet take care of that.

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The first part of my post was a response to Rock Action, so no worries. I knew you were agreeing with me. Personally, if Barack Obama came on TV yesterday and said he was really a Wiccan, I wouldn't have a shit-fit and demand my vote be taken back. He could pray to a toaster oven for all I care, as long as that toaster oven isn't telling him what to do as President. I'd prefer his advisors and his Cabinet take care of that.

Why do they even have to say god bless america? I thought religion was personal. I'm not interested in their religion (or lack thereof) anymore than I'm interested in who they're porking.

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Why do they even have to say god bless america? I thought religion was personal. I'm not interested in their religion (or lack thereof) anymore than I'm interested in who they're porking.

It's a post-9/11 thing. Seriously. I don't remember Bill Clinton saying "God bless America" after any of his speeches or press conferences. I don't even remember Reagan or Bush 41 doing it either. 9/11 happens and all of a sudden, this country is uber-religious and all our politicians are forced to wear flag pins on their lapels and put the word "God" in every speech, every 6th word. It's almost like they're trying to convince themselves that if they say it enough, no one will attack us again or our military will be given a shot of extra kick-ass or something.

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We're also the only superpower ;)

Dick Morris has the best argument against Obama Health care.

Obama keeps stating he wants to give health care to 48 million people. 12 million of which are illegal aliens. There is no denying that fact. Every study on that has came to the conclusion that 12 million illegal aliens are going to get federally funded health insurance. The problem is Obama plans does not include more doctors, nurses, and hospitals to cover any part of the 48 million people. So now you have 48 million people now on health insurance (12 million illegals), who don't have the equal numbers of doctors added too. So now a 72 year old man can now be told, he would have to wait for that MRI, he will have to wait for that transplant, he will have to wait for that surgery, because a younger border jumper is in more need of what you need.

I will be putting in over 40 years in my trade. My blood, sweat, and tears. So i can have health insurance and someone asshole is going to give it for free to someone who climbed a fence.

Ill give it to kids, but call me when college tuition goes down and malpractice lawsuits have a cap at 2 million.

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It's a post-9/11 thing. Seriously. I don't remember Bill Clinton saying "God bless America" after any of his speeches or press conferences. I don't even remember Reagan or Bush 41 doing it either. 9/11 happens and all of a sudden, this country is uber-religious and all our politicians are forced to wear flag pins on their lapels and put the word "God" in every speech, every 6th word. It's almost like they're trying to convince themselves that if they say it enough, no one will attack us again or our military will be given a shot of extra kick-ass or something.

I remember Reagan used to say it a lot.

You still read his posts?

Sure, why not... it only takes a second and doesn't require any thinking... it can be completed during my scroll from the one above it to the one below it without slowing down.

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ANA Endorses Barack Obama for President.

Health Care and Support of Nurses Play Big Role

in Endorsement.

American Nursing Association has the best arguement for

Barack Obamas Health Care Plan. This would be the largest medical group and

comprised of 2.9 mil.

Full Story:



Edited by Mary Hartman
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I never said I think it'll change. I'm not stupid, this country isn't a theocracy but for all intents and purposes, religion and our political system are very closely entwined. I mean the very idea that you can run an ad questioning someone's religious beliefs and it's seen as a viable campaign tactic is just mind-boggling. Who cares if Kay Hagan (or Barack Obama or anyone else for that matter) is religious?

It just makes this country look so backwards.

I can't believe that in the 21st Century you seriously have candidates pulling 'God' stunts like that to win an election.

It;s quite disturbing really because it shows obviously that to run a campaign in that part of America you have to believe in God, then next step on from that is of course you have to believe in the same God, I mean how different, really, is that from the attitude in some Islamic countries?

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Bravo, thank you.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but, yes I want abortion on demand. Meaining, if a woman or girl wants to end an unwanted pregnancy it's nobody's damned business but hers and her doctor's. Simple as that. She asks for an abortion from her doctor, and the doctor performs the procedure. If that's "abortion on demand" so be it.

The day men and boys have to get a note from a judge before they can have sexual intercourse is the day you can deny women and girls the right to choose. Otherwise you anti-choice people are just talking sexist BS.

Hooray for you! That's what i always say to the "boys" who think they should have a right to decide what the opposite sex does with their body. It's not like the boys took responsibility in preventing the issue. It's not like a large majority of them will be supportive after the fact (and that goes for adult men as well).

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What a universal health care system delivers, good and bad

Full Story San Framcisco Chronicle:



The United States is the only developed nation without universal health care. Although health insurance systems worldwide are straining as populations age, safety nets have largely remained in place. Here are brief descriptions of insurance systems of several nations..


Health care as percentage of GDP: 9.6

Health expenditure per person: $2,567

Universal care funded through mandatory health insurance provided by Social Security, with private supplemental coverage filling gaps..


Health care as percentage of GDP: 10.8

Health expenditure per person: $2,820

All individuals are enrolled in government-approved health insurance plans partly financed by employer and employee contributions, although high- income workers may buy private insurance instead..


Health care as percentage of GDP: 8

Health expenditure per person: $2,131

A dual system in which workers enroll in insurance programs through their jobs, while all others join Japan's national health insurance plan..

United Kingdom

Health care as percentage of GDP: 7.6

Health expenditure per person: $1,989

A publicly funded National Health Service provides free care, with the option of private insurance for those wanting treatment outside the state system..

United States

Health care as percentage of GDP: 13.9

Health expenditure per person: $4,887

Federal and state governments pay most of the cost of care for seniors and the poor, with employer or individually financed insurance available for others. About 45 million people lack coverage. :injured:


*2001 figures

Source: World Health Organization, Chronicle research

Full Story San Francisco Chronicle:


Barry Brown, Chronicle Foreign Service

Thursday, October 14, 2004

I myself have medical insurance. However many do not and it strains the system to it's seams. These statitistics may or may not be correct. That would be up to the SF Newspaper. But however you look at it.

The United States is the only developed nation without universal health care.


Health care is a fundamental human right. Negotiating the cost for human life and how much people are willing to pay to alleviate suffering is degrading and against human dignity. Anyone taking a peek at the implementation of universal health care (see England post WWII) can see that. I know circumstances are different today than back then, but people are suffering under the current US system. One more chink in its dwindling superpower status.

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Dick Morris has the best argument against Obama Health care.

Obama keeps stating he wants to give health care to 48 million people. 12 million of which are illegal aliens. There is no denying that fact. Every study on that has came to the conclusion that 12 million illegal aliens are going to get federally funded health insurance. The problem is Obama plans does not include more doctors, nurses, and hospitals to cover any part of the 48 million people. So now you have 48 million people now on health insurance (12 million illegals), who don't have the equal numbers of doctors added too. So now a 72 year old man can now be told, he would have to wait for that MRI, he will have to wait for that transplant, he will have to wait for that surgery, because a younger border jumper is in more need of what you need.

I will be putting in over 40 years in my trade. My blood, sweat, and tears. So i can have health insurance and someone asshole is going to give it for free to someone who climbed a fence.

Ill give it to kids, but call me when college tuition goes down and malpractice lawsuits have a cap at 2 million.

Every American citizen should have a "right" to healthcare. As for illegals, well what the hell did Bush do about that problem the last eight years?

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