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Ted Nugent On Meeting Pagey.....Why I hate Ted

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Ted Nuggent is a hunter, what he kills he eats. There is nothing wrong with that. I don't know why you people are making fun of the fact he stayed clean during his life. Jimmy, god bless his heart, was as big as an idiot as any other person who abuses drugs. Yes Jimmy is a better guitarist, but Ted was making fun of the way he looked. Jimmy has been know to be with an underage girl, but yes Ted had made a bigger deal about it. Think about all the great things zep could've done with out Page bieng stoned out of his mind during ITTOD and If bonzo didn't drink as much wich caouse him to choke on his own vomit.

:thumbsup: Nice post!

People on drugs are never a pleasant sight. Even if their name is Jimmy Page. Regardless. There are musicians who will admit they were weak and had personal issues for finding comfort in drugs. Others simply hide themselves behind the recreational factor or the helping hand on emphasizing their artistical creativity of their talent.

Having said that, Jimmy Page is a great musician, guitarist and producer but he was as normal as anyone of us with our weaknesses and fragilities. Let's adore him as a music master, but also let's accept the fact that he had very big big problems and that side of him wasn't very nice.

I do respect Nugent for his choice to not abuse of any drugs, alcohol and similar substances. As an an artist we cannot compare him to Jimmy, but I still respect his music.

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For better or for worse, drugs were responsible for some of the most artistically creative and memorable music ever made. It stands to reason why Teddy has no creativity, nor does he have music that stands the test of time.

Aside from the aforementioned, Mr. Nugent might have wanted to consider showing a brother musician some concern instead of trying to humiliate him. It shows a complete lack of regard and integrity, imo.

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It's not that drug or alcohol abuse or addiction are wonderful things to be excused or applauded. We all know that Zeppelin imploded in the saddest possible way because of them, and that Page nearly left us because of them.

Still, some of the best music on earth has also been made involving drug use, going back a century or more now, jazz and rock. So, all things in moderation.

It's not that Nugent isn't to be commended for being clean and straight. Give him a gold star I guess, as counter-inutitive as it is for a rock star. (I'm one who genuinely thinks he might be a better musician if he'd smoke a little weed, down a shot or two of JD, and stop killing innocent creatures to prove he's not hung like a kitten, whether he eats them or not. )

Thing is, there's no need to rip on someone in public for their human frailties. Not cool at all, if for no other reason than what eternallight mentions so empathetically. It leaves him wide open for us to riff on his shortcomings.

Edited to say, Zepaholic said it better and snuck in before me! :)

Edited by SunChild
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Yeah I saw them open for Robert when they first came out. Great live band but I'm really not into them that much. As far as Ted's music not standing the test of time I'm not sure about that to much. He is still around for some reason, and his songs are still on the radio, not to the extent of Zeppelin's music of course. And people that don't like Ted because he hunt's can KISS MY FUCKIN' ASS !!! I'm not a hunter and never will be but he is an American and it is 100% his right to do it !!! I think the fact that they were laughing about it is why I didn't like what he said. Nuge is on the record saying Zeppelin's first 2 albums are first class !!!

Edited by 68/80 guy
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Ted Nugent reminds me of the character in the movie, The Burbs, played by Bruce Dern.

We take a break. Nugent sits by a small amp and plays tunes by Chuck Berry and Jimmy Reed. Though he's sometimes derided as a circus act, watching him close up it's not hard to understand why people have likened him to Jimi Hendrix, or how John Peel came to call "Cat Scratch Fever" the best rock single of its year. His decision to restrict his berserk talent to heavy rock has undoubtedly masked his virtuosity. Not that this bothers Ted. "GOD SENT ME HERE TO MAKE SURE THESE LICKS CAME OFF OF A GUITAR. THEY ARE PERFECT. THEY ARE FUCKING PHENOMENAL."

They are. But there is something unnerving about Nugent, both as a musician and a human being. I think it's to do with the way that sex, killing, and rock'n'roll seem to have melded in his mind, into one intense, (omega) primeval compulsion. Nugent tells me that, as a younger man, sex was his true addiction. Speaking off tape, he confides rather more than I need to know.


Edited by eternal light
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Yes, some of the greatest music ever made involved Drug use. Drug use have also been involved in murders and rapes and other crimes. It also killed Jimi Hendrix, John Bonham, Keith Moon, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Kelly Clarkson, Kurt Coban, and countless other's.

Ted eats what he kills. So anything about him killing animals is childish. If you wanna make fun of Ted's skill as a guitarist or a right-winger, thats cool because he is a public figure. Anything else is just throwing stones in a glass house.

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Yes, some of the greatest music ever made involved Drug use. Drug use have also been involved in murders and rapes and other crimes. It also killed Jimi Hendrix, John Bonham, Keith Moon, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Kelly Clarkson, Kurt Coban, and countless other's.

Ted eats what he kills. So anything about him killing animals is childish. If you wanna make fun of Ted's skill as a guitarist or a right-winger, thats cool because he is a public figure. Anything else is just throwing stones in a glass house.

I don't have a problem with the Nuge hunting or being a right winger, he just seems like kind of a dick. And I love JP, so that really pissed me off. Even if JP was slobbering all over (and it seems that might be true), TN ain't on the same planet, as far as I'm concerned.

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The other thing is most of these old rock guys, wrote great music, then they get straight and they suck!! Just like many writers, its one of the flaws of being an artist. Case in point, Aerosmith, havent had a decent album since they got straight!!!!

I disagree, to a certain extent. Stevie Ray Vaughn's playing sober was just as good, if not better than before he got sober. I would think this would be the case with most...

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I disagree, to a certain extent. Stevie Ray Vaughn's playing sober was just as good, if not better than before he got sober. I would think this would be the case with most...

Hey, I JUST heard "Life by the Drop" on the radio and was thinking the same thing!

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Hey, I liked that Journey to the Center of Your Mind, and that High Enough song with the Damn Yankees. And I also think Nuge is a pretty intelligent guy- I just don't like him, that's all. IMO, Pagey is a million billion times cooler.

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Hey, I liked that Journey to the Center of Your Mind, and that High Enough song with the Damn Yankees. And I also think Nuge is a pretty intelligent guy- I just don't like him, that's all. IMO, Pagey is a million billion times cooler.

Ted Nugent had 3 "good" songs at best. You gotta give him credit for milking his career for so long with so little talent or accomplishment. With so very little relevant output in his career, it's amazing people actually care about what he has to say or ever remember him, for that matter. The only way he can get people to listen to him is if he talks shit about everybody else.

Edited by mikezep61
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And people that don't like Ted because he hunt's can KISS MY FUCKIN' ASS !!!

i agree with you (truly). judging ted's music based on his diet and procurement process is like judging pagey's music based on his (lack of) olfactory hygiene...

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