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Ted Nugent On Meeting Pagey.....Why I hate Ted

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He eats what he kills.

So what? The point is, he doesn't need to kill and obviously enjoys it. He enjoys going out into the woods and killing wild animals.

What is the difference from eating a quarter pounder at McDonald's and killing a deer eating it. Nothing.

One is a wild animal, the other is raised for a specific purpose so that we don't all go around blasting away everything in the woods.

Whats sad and pathetic that you couldn't survive more than a day without a cell phone,

You know nothing about me. I hardly use my mobile phone. It's just there for emergencies. Wouldn't bother me if I didn't have it. In fact, last year I lost my old one and didn't bother to replace it for months. If I'm hiking I take it with me but I never use it. I got by travelling around the world on my own BEFORE I ever had a mobile/cell phone. I'm nearly 40. For almost 30 years of my life I never had a mobile phone, and I went to some pretty wild and rugged places without one.

while people like Teddy respects what was taught to him as a boy.

Taught Tazan books was he?

Are you sure you're not obama

Er, last time I looked in the mirror I wasn't a black American politician.

and thinking people like teddy are bitter and they hold on to their guns.

Look, I haven't got a problem with people hunting if it's a neccesity and it actually benefits their lives. I know people who live out in the wilds of Alaska, Montana and Arkansas and they hunt to sustain their families. Killing a deer and freezing it for food is beneficial to them because none are rich and meat from shops is expensive and, in their cases, a long way off.

Ted Nugent is not in that situation. Not at all. He doesn't kill for needs. He kills because he enjoys it. That is sad and pathetic. He's not poor, nor is he living in the middle of the wilderness.

The fact is, Ted Nugent is preaching and moralising about others...................when at the same time he kills wild animals for his kicks. Makes no damn difference if he eats what he kills. The bottom line is that he doesn't need to do it. He just does it.

and Isn't being a rich, and a well educated man like page, who was taken over by drugs, sad and pathetic.

Yeah it is. But I don't hear Jimmy Page preaching about others being sad and pathetic.

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So what? The point is, he doesn't need to kill and obviously enjoys it. He enjoys going out into the woods and killing wild animals.

One is a wild animal, the other is raised for a specific purpose so that we don't all go around blasting away everything in the woods.

And is often pumped full of hormones and fed on corn instead of grass, producing a fattier meat of poorer quality that contributes to disease.
Look, I haven't got a problem with people hunting if it's a neccesity and it actually benefits their lives. I know people who live out in the wilds of Alaska, Montana and Arkansas and they hunt to sustain their families. Killing a deer and freezing it for food is beneficial to them because none are rich and meat from shops is expensive and, in their cases, a long way off.

Ted Nugent is not in that situation. Not at all. He doesn't kill for needs. He kills because he enjoys it. That is sad and pathetic. He's not poor, nor is he living in the middle of the wilderness.

He lives on a ranch in the country, not suburbia.

Nugent, who has personally slaughtered all the meat he's eaten since 1971, hosts two reality shows from the 300-acre ranch - just up the road from Bush's compound in Crawford - where he lives with his second wife Shemane and son Rocco, 15. In 2004, while filming Surviving Ted, in which city dwellers strive to replicate his uncompromising lifestyle, he almost severed his (omega) leg with a chainsaw. The musician, who owns seven other properties in the US, arranged to meet me at a truck-stop café in the centre of this one-street Texan town.

The fact is, Ted Nugent is preaching and moralising about others...................when at the same time he kills wild animals for his kicks. Makes no damn difference if he eats what he kills. The bottom line is that he doesn't need to do it. He just does it.

He was recognized by the state of Michigan as the Conservationist of the Year in 1999; he is also a Certified Hunter Safety Instructor and International Bowhunter Education Foundation Instructor.

"Well, my hunting system is pure. These people who passively connive in that hideous assembly-line slaughter are in denial, yet they condemn my natural gathering system. That is a bizarre mindset."


His grocery store is primarily the wilderness, and the other stores are complementary; meat is much fresher taken directly from the wild, and he knows how to safely and properly handle hunting weapons to the point where he is certified to teach others. His food is mostly pure and unprocessed, and he is recognized as a conservationist.

When he brings home a bird for his Thanksgiving table in November, it will be fresh, probably more so than what you would find at the supermarket. You can criticize Ted for many things, but he has got the grocery problem solved. He's not that bad of a provider. He's a nut, I realize that, but he's not entirely wrong. Hunting is one thing he does right.

He has nearly complete control over the quality of the meat that goes on his table, unlike a customer at McDonald's. As long as he brings food home for the table that does not go to waste, I have no problem with his methods, which appear to be superior.

Not that I condone his bad attitude about Jimmy Page or his mishandling of a chainsaw.

Pan-Roasted Venison with Creamy Baked Potato and Celeriac

I always say a prayer for the deer who gave so much.

Ted’s accomplishments and accolades over the years include:

Winner of the coveted James Fenimore Cooper award for his numerous achievements in the field of writing and publishing.

Appointed to Michigan’s Hunting and Fishing Heritage Task Force

Appointee, Michigan State Parks Foundation

Recipient of the 1999 National Arbor Day Conservation Award

Named Michigan Conservationist of the Year in 1999

Named Man of the Year by Michigan Recreation and Parks Association

Named Archery Commissioner by Governor John Engler for the Great Lakes Stage Games

Inducted into the Native American Strongheart Society by the Lakota Sioux, Northern Cheyenne and Arapahoe Tribes

Nominee, Handgun Hunters Hall of Fame

Nominee, Outstanding American Handgunner Award

Director, Quality Deer Management Association of Michigan, Three Rivers Chapter

Keynote Speaker for 1995 Governor’s Symposium on North American Hunting Heritage, Green Bay, Wisconsin

Keynote Speaker for 1995 Native American Fish & Wildlife Society National Conference, Anchorage, Alaska

Certified Hunter Safety Instructor and International Bowhunter Education Foundation Instructor

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So what? The point is, he doesn't need to kill and obviously enjoys it. He enjoys going out into the woods and killing wild animals.

One is a wild animal, the other is raised for a specific purpose so that we don't all go around blasting away everything in the woods.

You know nothing about me. I hardly use my mobile phone. It's just there for emergencies. Wouldn't bother me if I didn't have it. In fact, last year I lost my old one and didn't bother to replace it for months. If I'm hiking I take it with me but I never use it. I got by travelling around the world on my own BEFORE I ever had a mobile/cell phone. I'm nearly 40. For almost 30 years of my life I never had a mobile phone, and I went to some pretty wild and rugged places without one.

Taught Tazan books was he?

Er, last time I looked in the mirror I wasn't a black American politician.

Look, I haven't got a problem with people hunting if it's a neccesity and it actually benefits their lives. I know people who live out in the wilds of Alaska, Montana and Arkansas and they hunt to sustain their families. Killing a deer and freezing it for food is beneficial to them because none are rich and meat from shops is expensive and, in their cases, a long way off.

Ted Nugent is not in that situation. Not at all. He doesn't kill for needs. He kills because he enjoys it. That is sad and pathetic. He's not poor, nor is he living in the middle of the wilderness.

The fact is, Ted Nugent is preaching and moralising about others...................when at the same time he kills wild animals for his kicks. Makes no damn difference if he eats what he kills. The bottom line is that he doesn't need to do it. He just does it.

Yeah it is. But I don't hear Jimmy Page preaching about others being sad and pathetic.


Addictive drugs are... addictive, to state the obvious. Nugent likes to pretend he's superior to people who become addicted to drugs, as though it's a moral failing instead of what it is, an illness. In most people's case, it's a form of self-medication for some serious pain... yeah, ha ha ha, Ted. Very funny.

You'd think right-wingers would've gotten a clue from Limbaugh's Oxycontin fueled hypocrisy fest.

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So what? The point is, he doesn't need to kill and obviously enjoys it. He enjoys going out into the woods and killing wild animals.

Well you don't need to be on the Internet, but you are on it. you enjoy it.

One is a wild animal, the other is raised for a specific purpose so that we don't all go around blasting away everything in the woods.

They are all wild animals and i still don't see a difference. In fact if you go hunting, at least you're giving the animal a chance.

Taught Tarzan books was he?

I'm not sure, but 3 million boy-scouts right now are learning the same things that he did. Maybe we should close that group down so all those kids can jump on the Internet while posting their latest video of them beating somebody up.

Look, I haven't got a problem with people hunting if it's a necessary and it actually benefits their lives. I know people who live out in the wilds of Alaska, Montana and Arkansas and they hunt to sustain their families. Killing a deer and freezing it for food is beneficial to them because none are rich and meat from shops is expensive and, in their cases, a long way off.

Ted Nugent is not in that situation. Not at all. He doesn't kill for needs. He kills because he enjoys it. That is sad and pathetic. He's not poor, nor is he living in the middle of the wilderness.

Just because he's rich it doesn't mean he can;t do nothing he did before he was rich.

The fact is, Ted Nugent is preaching and moralizing about others...................when at the same time he kills wild animals for his kicks. Makes no damn difference if he eats what he kills. The bottom line is that he doesn't need to do it. He just does it.

Jimmy didn't need to be stoned out of his mine, you don't need to be on the computer. The bottom line is we do things we don't need to do, because it's makes him happy. I go golfing every Saturday. Why is what I'm doing better then what teddy does. I don't need to golf.

Yeah it is. But I don't hear Jimmy Page preaching about others being sad and pathetic.

I think jimmy is smart enough not to throw rocks in a glass house.

if you think hunting is wrong because teddy has money, thats fine, but you're preaching the same way he is.

So If i go out and fish tomorrow. is that wrong becasue i could just go as easliy to mcdonalds and buy a filet-o-fish.

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So what? The point is, he doesn't need to kill and obviously enjoys it. He enjoys going out into the woods and killing wild animals.
So humans shouldn't hunt because theres other food available...that makes it immoral or bad or whatever?

Stupidest thing I've ever heard. Thats like saying, "Its immoral of you to drive a gasoline car because there's hybrids available"

Hunting is the only thing that keeps deer numbers in check here in Michigan.

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So humans shouldn't hunt because theres other food available...that makes it immoral or bad or whatever?

Stupidest thing I've ever heard. Thats like saying, "Its immoral of you to drive a gasoline car because there's hybrids available"

Hunting is the only thing that keeps deer numbers in check here in Michigan.

And when deer overpopulate, they get sick and die in numbers that can jeopardize the ecosystem with too many dead carcasses capable of spreading disease into the water supply via local rivers and streams. They also suffer from malnutrition and starvation if their numbers grow too large. Deer also carry ticks, which can infect humans with Lyme disease.

A hundred years ago, the U.S. deer population was a sparse 500,000. Today, experts estimate that 20 million deer roam the nation – in both rural and suburban settings. To help address the havoc wreaked on local ecosystems by the growing deer population, leading experts like Tufts professor Allen Rutberg are looking for innovative ways to deal with the problem.

“In the last decade, from the Rockies to New England and the Deep South, rural and suburban areas have been beset by white-tailed deer gnawing shrubbery and crops, spreading disease and causing hundreds of thousands of auto wrecks,” The New York Times reported this week. “Fast-multiplying herds are altering the ecology of forests, stripping them of native vegetation and eliminating niches for other wildlife.”

Now experts are trying to solve the problem of overpopulation -- which is exacerbated by decreased popularity of hunting, elimination of natural predators, and adept adaptation of the deer to suburban settings.

Oh Deer! Rapidly growing deer populations are proving to be a big challenge for scientists and local residents alike, says a Tufts expert.

In the United States, Lyme disease is the most widespread vector-borne disease, with infections reported in 47 states. The bacterium that causes Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, is a spirochete similar to the one that causes syphilis in humans (WHO 1996f). It is thought to have existed naturally in the United States without incident until major ecological changes began occurring in the twentieth century, when suburban areas expanded along with white-tailed deer populations (e.g., from 2000 in s 1945 in Massachusetts to 9500 in e 1990; Spielman et al. 1993). Abundant rodent Peromyscus leucopus and deer tick Ixodes dammini (or a Ixodes capularius) populations enabled the Lyme disease organism to spread rapidly. Dramatically expanding since the initial description of the disease in 1976, Lyme disease now infects nearly 12,700 people in the United States each year and the incidence continues to grow (Table 3; CEQ 1997). Lyme disease is also an increasing problem in Europe and Asia, with more than 30,000 cases recently reported in Germany (Lederberg et al. 1992).

Ecology of Increasing Disease - Population growth and environmental degradation

White-tailed deer have good eyesight and acute hearing, but depend mainly on their sense of smell to detect danger and their ability to run and bound quickly through dense vegetation to escape danger. White-tailed deer are preyed on by large predators such as humans, wolves, mountain lions, bears, jaguars, and coyotes.

Odocoileus virginianus white-tailed deer

In Michigan, the grey wolf and mountain lion (cougar) are both endangered species. So two of the natural predators that would normally hunt the deer population and maintain the natural ecological balance in Michigan are dwindling in numbers.

Endangered and Threatened Species

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Ted Nugent is cruel to animals just for sport. I won't go into detail here.

I used to work with a "deer hunter" and he was always bragging about how he bagged this and bagged that with his high powered rifle with telescopic sights "that could hit a fly on the wall at 1000 metres".

He kept going on about how great a "sport" it was.

Eventually I asked him if the deer shot back and he replied "no."

Not much of a sport is it?

By the way I have been "shooting" (which is no different to "hunting" only semantics), for wild boars or razorbacks because they are vermin and damage crops etc, with the express permission from the farmers.

The carcases were used as food.

Razorbacks have been known to attack people on occasion.

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Man after reading some of the response's about what Ted said it truly is amazing how many STUPID PEOPLE are in the world !!! I think Ted is A pain in the ass much as anyone but give me a break, some of the post's about this are really sad !!! And I thought Ted was an idiot sometimes !! I think if Ted wasn't laughing while telling the story we would all agree how sad it probably was to see Page like that.

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So humans shouldn't hunt because theres other food available...that makes it immoral or bad or whatever?

Now where did I ever say hunting was immoral??You obviously aren't reading properly.

Ted Nugent enjoys killing animals. He's not poor. He's not lacking in choice. He kills wild animals because he likes it and gets a kick out of putting an arrow through a deer. Yet there he is bitching about people who like a drink? THAT is what my problem with him is. He's more sick and pathetic than people who get off their faces on booze.

Stupidest thing I've ever heard. Thats like saying, "Its immoral of you to drive a gasoline car because there's hybrids available"

Oh pull your head in and try and understand what the point is. :rolleyes:

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Well you don't need to be on the Internet, but you are on it. you enjoy it.

In the process of being on the internet I'm not killing a wild animal and getting a kick out of it and satisfying some kind of bloodlust.

They are all wild animals and i still don't see a difference.

A farm raised cow is a wild animal? :o

In fact if you go hunting, at least you're giving the animal a chance.

They return fire do they? You obviously haven't seen some of the damage hunters can do with wounded animals in great pain and dying slow painful deaths. Not saying all hunters do that but it does happen. Don't pretend it doesn't. Pretty sure Nugent has been in that position and has made animals suffer. I don't believe any hunter who claims he has always made a 100% clean kill every single time. That's bollocks, quite frankly.

I'm not sure, but 3 million boy-scouts right now are learning the same things that he did. Maybe we should close that group down so all those kids can jump on the Internet while posting their latest video of them beating somebody up.

I was in the boy scouts. It's got nothing to do with hunting. I enjoy the outdoors. I enjoy mountain trekking and camping and nature in general. You can enjoy nature without having to blast wild animals away for kicks, you know. Plenty of people enjoy the outdoors without ever feeling the want to shoot a deer or a bear with a bow and arrow or a rifle.

The arrogance of some hunters or pro hunters is astonishing. They believe they have the monopoly on appreciating the outdoors. Most hunters actually either sit on their fat backsides in a hide all day or else don't walk too far away from their parked trucks. They have to get the 'bag of the day' back home so most of them don't even walk all that far.

Just because he's rich it doesn't mean he can;t do nothing he did before he was rich.

Again, you are another one missing the point. I didn't say he can't do it but he SHOULDN'T then go around castigating other people when he is a dubious individual himself. Anybody who gets a kick out of, and enjoys, killing wild animals is not the most loveable of characters, in my personal opinion. Unless it's for needs then it's pretty sad. Anybody who has that level of bloodlust shouldn't preach to others about anything.

Jimmy didn't need to be stoned out of his mine,

And I'm not defending him or condoning his drug taking.

you don't need to be on the computer. The bottom line is we do things we don't need to do, because it's makes him happy. I go golfing every Saturday. Why is what I'm doing better then what teddy does. I don't need to golf.

Yes but what I enjoy doing isn't hurting anybody or anything else. This weekend I did a 22 mile hike. Never hurt so much as a fly in the process.

You cannot equate sitting in front of the computer on the internet to putting an arrow through a wild animal for fun. Same applies to your golf.

Millions upon millions of people get by perfectly well without feeling the want to sink their chops into fresh deer meat so using that as an excuse ("oh, wild meat is better than farmed meat") to explain somebody's bloodlust and kicks for killing wild animals is a poor one. Just accept that Ted Nugent enjoys killing animals and gets a kick out of it.

if you think hunting is wrong because teddy has money, thats fine, but you're preaching the same way he is.

How do you work that out? How is questioning somebody's bloodlust and kicks via killing wild animals the same as what Ted is doing?? If I did something equally as pathetic as what Ted does then you might have a point and then I would be a hypocrite. However I don't. I like a drink, but it in no way does it affect anybody else but me.

So If i go out and fish tomorrow. is that wrong becasue i could just go as easliy to mcdonalds and buy a filet-o-fish.

Fishing is boring and of no interest to me (hate sitting on my arse when I'm outdoors anyways) and yes if I want to eat a fish I'll buy it from a shop. Much quicker, less hassle, cleaner, already de-boned and generally more practical. Plus, I don't eat fish all that much. :D

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I believe for the most part, Hunting, has lost it's meaning. As Mangani said previously, most hunters sit on their ass in a tree stand or duck blind or somesuch waiting for their prey to appear. The hunt is what would make it a sport. Not the killing.

All the technology that's been introduced over the centuries have take away the sport/survival aspect.

I appreciate how the Indians handmade their weapons and cornered animals toward a cliff to run them off for their kill. An arrow or atlatl didn't have the perfect accuracy or distance effectiveness to bag prey from hundred of yards. They had to get close and spent days tracking their subsistence.

And what's the deal with Wildlife Management Areas? PC? They should be called Wilddeath Killing Grounds.

Or harvesting ! :lol: Call it what it is. Thrill of the Kill.

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Ted enjoys killing animals, so what, hes more of a hunter than 99% of the hunters out there. Hell the fucking Indians don't even fucking hunt anymore, they buy their meat because most of them are too drunk. I don't get this reasoning that he enjoys it, its wrong. Tell me how many hunters out there who don't enjoy it. At least he preaches about the conservation of public wild lands and animals. He enjoys killing animals, even though he does everything right and then some to kill them, but yet it's wrong because he like it.

he has done more to promote the good aspects of hunting and hunting responsible than any other person in this world. But yet he is detest because he enjoys something that a billion other people do a day. probably another billion if you add fishing to it. Maybe we should go out and kill the Bass masters champion because he fishes for money.

If you don't like hunting fine, but don't preach you're hate for people when it thier right to do it.

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I know my post wasn't preaching hate, but enjoying killing, anything, is just morbid. And if you'll notice, I said how the Indians used to hunt. Everyone now is subject to technological advances in all things, some however do still hunt the old fashioned way I'm sure.

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Ted enjoys killing animals, so what, hes more of a hunter than 99% of the hunters out there. Hell the fucking Indians don't even fucking hunt anymore, they buy their meat because most of them are too drunk. I don't get this reasoning that he enjoys it, its wrong. Tell me how many hunters out there who don't enjoy it. At least he preaches about the conservation of public wild lands and animals. He enjoys killing animals, even though he does everything right and then some to kill them, but yet it's wrong because he like it.

he has done more to promote the good aspects of hunting and hunting responsible than any other person in this world. But yet he is detest because he enjoys something that a billion other people do a day. probably another billion if you add fishing to it. Maybe we should go out and kill the Bass masters champion because he fishes for money.

If you don't like hunting fine, but don't preach you're hate for people when it thier right to do it.

If you don't like drugs or alcohol fine, but don't preach your hate for people when it's thier right to do it. (See how that works?)

Many Indians are alcoholics because they are the folks left over after the genocide, they've lost their culture and their land. Physically they don't do well with alcohol, something the european settlers knew full well and took advantage of.

By the time those european settlers got to California, friend, they were no longer content just to steal their land, they were hunting native people like animals. Whoo-hoo, good times, huh? Think that kind of history in your family might cause you to take a drink or two?

Like Mangani, I spend lots of time outdoors, and far as I can tell, hunters are the ones who "appreciate" nature by speeding through it, raising dust, leaving behind shot gun and other bullet casings and empty beer cans, and a huge amount of broken glass; scaring the horses and disturbing the peace. There are a handful of people around who hike or ride out or who hunt with bow and arrow, and those people do seem to appreciate nature and wildlife, though I think shooting with a camera is the way to go. But for the most part hunters seem to be lazy ass truck drivers or ORVers who want to raise some hell, and have some unwritten rule about leaving a ton of trash behind. One assumes they regard animals with the same level of contempt as the land and other people.

Give me a stoned guitarist any time.

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Ted hunting deer is probably less painful than their natural predators, which would be wolves, mountain lions, bears, and coyotes. It would be different if deer were an endangered species, but with the overpopulation of deer threatening the ecological balance and increasing the risk of disease to humans, and the lack of natural predators, which are sometimes endangered species, it becomes necessary to allow hunting and to educate hunters on the best practices.

I think the trend is going toward raising awareness among hunters of the overall ecology, including endangered species so they will be better at what they do well, and stop doing anything detrimental to the ecology or unnecessarily inhumane to animals.

But it's okay if Jimmy leaves the hunting of deer to Ted, as deerhunting has not yet become compulsory for all guitarists.

Much of the love of hunting comes with a passion for the outdoors, much as photographers also share. But if a mama bear suddenly charges you in defense of her cubs, it's a matter of life and death for you all of a sudden. That is when someone with skill to immediately fire a warning shot ahead of the attack to scare mama bear into retreat keeps everyone, humans and bears, happy and alive.

Who could you reasonably rely on to react sufficiently to keep you alive in the event of an unforeseen bear attack, the hunter or the photographer? Maybe the flash from a camera might cause a bear to retreat, but what if that fails? You still have that bear heading straight at you, and she doesn't stop and ask questions. She sees you as a threat to her cubs and an intruder in her territory, and acts accordingly, making short work of you if allowed to do so.

I guess you could defend yourself with a guitar, but you might sustain some damage from bear claws and teeth using that method. Fortunately, Ted has already done his target practice and would have good aim on that bear if it became necessary to preserve you from an attack, and would have more than a camera or a guitar at his disposal.

If you must rely on someone to defend you from a bear attack, will it be the one with excellent aim proven in target practice, or the person with diminished capacity related to drug use? In that situation, I'm guessing even Jimmy Page would choose the practiced hunter's immediate, correct reaction.

Admittedly, if the bear were to lethally attack you, and you were painfully suffering through your last moments, Jimmy Page's knowledge of the use of painkillers would come in handy.

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If you don't like drugs or alcohol fine, but don't preach your hate for people when it's thier right to do it. (See how that works?)

Actually, I've never heard Ted preach hate for drug/alcohol users, simply disregard/disrespect - much like most of the posters here feel about his hunting.

Most of the things he's said are about the same as all the viscious remarks people have made in this thread about him.

Plus, I think it was mentioned before, but I believe he's made the point in the past that part of his strong feelings on the subject are the result of seeing people he knew/was close to/or had respect for throw their lives away from drug use. So is that much different than a MADD mother who decries alcohol use because of the personal effect she's felt from it?

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Actually, I've never heard Ted preach hate for drug/alcohol users, simply disregard/disrespect - much like most of the posters here feel about his hunting.

Most of the things he's said are about the same as all the viscious remarks people have made in this thread about him.

Plus, I think it was mentioned before, but I believe he's made the point in the past that part of his strong feelings on the subject are the result of seeing people he knew/was close to/or had respect for throw their lives away from drug use. So is that much different than a MADD mother who decries alcohol use because of the personal effect she's felt from it?

Now you're catching on.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Difference is, he makes his LIVING putting other people down. Or did you not listen to the juvenile bashing of Page that started this thread, which was broadcast to the public?

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