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Bitchin Soul

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QUOTE (~tangerine~ @ Jun 3 2008, 02:25 AM)

Give him incentive, lol. Explain "if the living room was neater, i might want to fool around on the floor" for example.

Well, I think that only works if the man is not getting it 'elsewhere'. I mean, why would you want to do it on the floor (especially once you've reached a certain age) when you can get it on a nice comfy mattress, on the kitchen counter, in the shower, etc....

Using sex as a bargaining chip is a cheap shot....

LOL, what planet are you from? Never mind, i don't really care. Men want sex, period. What woman has to use a "bargaining chip" to get her guy to do her? I called it "incentive" to get him to clean up the mess you bitch about, and it might work if you live with a horny guy, lol. It was an "idea". Like most men, i like to do it in a variety of places. The floor is not excluded, and can be lots of fun. Not all of us are "over" a certain age, speak for yourself.

Dzdoc, did the sore knees ruin your fun, lol?

I could use a "cheap shot" come to think of it.

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LOL, what planet are you from? Never mind, i don't really care. Men want sex, period. What woman has to use a "bargaining chip" to get her guy to do her? I called it "incentive" to get him to clean up the mess you bitch about, and it might work if you live with a horny guy, lol. It was an "idea". Like most men, i like to do it in a variety of places. The floor is not excluded, and can be lots of fun. Not all of us are "over" a certain age, speak for yourself.

Dzdoc, did the sore knees ruin your fun, lol?

I could use a "cheap shot" come to think of it.

LOL no actually the rug burns continued to remind me for the next week or so how much fun I had :D

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LOL, what planet are you from? Never mind, i don't really care. Men want sex, period. What woman has to use a "bargaining chip" to get her guy to do her? I called it "incentive" to get him to clean up the mess you bitch about, and it might work if you live with a horny guy, lol. It was an "idea". Like most men, i like to do it in a variety of places. The floor is not excluded, and can be lots of fun. Not all of us are "over" a certain age, speak for yourself.

Dzdoc, did the sore knees ruin your fun, lol?

I could use a "cheap shot" come to think of it.

Yeah but if you do that you are treating a guy like a child or talking down to him. No guy wants that. Even if sex is involved. It's like when your mom said you can't go out until you finish all your food or something like that. I don't think a guy is going to want his girlfriend doing that stuff. Not me anyways.

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My daughter's boyfriend called me on my cell today. Thought it was a wrong number. Said my daughter came home last night and thinks they should go their seperate ways. They have been together over 4 years and live together. Very suprizing news to me and I could only get my daughter to text me. Said she isn't happy. I feel bad for her boyfriend as I know what its like to get burned by women. I told him he is always welcome to come over.

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Yeah but if you do that you are treating a guy like a child or talking down to him. No guy wants that. Even if sex is involved. It's like when your mom said you can't go out until you finish all your food or something like that. I don't think a guy is going to want his girlfriend doing that stuff. Not me anyways.

I believe your speaking of the "dummy down," approach spats. That's not quite the case here. In all sincerity I don't harbor ill feelings against anyone.

One hand can wash the other spats.

Oh and MedHB? Don't know you in real life either, just having a bit of fun :) Where I'm from people jab no matter what you do. Especially the guys.

Hope you find who your looking for.

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Yeah but if you do that you are treating a guy like a child or talking down to him. No guy wants that. Even if sex is involved. It's like when your mom said you can't go out until you finish all your food or something like that. I don't think a guy is going to want his girlfriend doing that stuff. Not me anyways.

I don't agree with you Spats. First of all, the approach that was initially mentioned, the "nagging" approach, rarely works with men. My feeling was if you give some enticement, maybe it will prove to be effective. In the end, you both get what you want, maybe one of you (the woman) gets even more, a clean area and then something extra, lol. Anyway, if the man turns down an offer like that, he's probably not interested in the payment for services rendered to begin with :)...at that point some thinking about the relationship is in order.

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I don't agree with you Spats. First of all, the approach that was initially mentioned, the "nagging" approach, rarely works with men. My feeling was if you give some enticement, maybe it will prove to be effective. In the end, you both get what you want, maybe one of you (the woman) gets even more, a clean area and then something extra, lol. Anyway, if the man turns down an offer like that, he's probably not interested in the payment for services rendered to begin with :)...at that point some thinking about the relationship is in order.

I agree nagging is not something that has ever worked with me. I have never responded to it, I would drop her off at the curb before i would ever respond to nagging. Sadly some men do. Including a couple buddies of mine.

But i wouldn't respond to the "enticement" routine either... "If you clean this up we will have fun tonight". Just on principle. The descision to hook up is not going to be based on that. I would feel like she was treating me like a kid or something and i am not gonna do chores in order to get sex. That's game playing. :o

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I agree nagging is not something that has ever worked with me. I have never responded to it, I would drop her off at the curb before i would ever respond to nagging. Sadly some men do. Including a couple buddies of mine.

But i wouldn't respond to the "enticement" routine either... "If you clean this up we will have fun tonight". Just on principle. The descision to hook up is not going to be based on that. I would feel like she was treating me like a kid or something and i am not gonna do chores in order to get sex. That's game playing. :o

But it's not an enticement! It's an incentive!

If I clean the floor, I get sex... hey! Sex! That's something I want!

"Honey, where do you want these CDs?"


She isn't playing any games with you. Same thing at a job. You may want that promotion, but you ain't gonna get it if you don't do your job and do it well. So the promotion is the incentive to do the work, just as sex is the incentive to clean the floor.

Edited by Nathan
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I agree nagging is not something that has ever worked with me. I have never responded to it, I would drop her off at the curb before i would ever respond to nagging. Sadly some men do. Including a couple buddies of mine.

But i wouldn't respond to the "enticement" routine either... "If you clean this up we will have fun tonight". Just on principle. The descision to hook up is not going to be based on that. I would feel like she was treating me like a kid or something and i am not gonna do chores in order to get sex. That's game playing. :o

If you lived with a woman and had a serious relationship maybe you would feel differently. I bet, you wouldn't leave a mess in the first place so none of this would arise in your life!

There are different types of "game playing". I am willing to learn to play games a guy wants to play, but i am totally against "head" games. Two very different things. My suggestions were much more "fun and games". Anyway, none of this applies to my current situation, lol.

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But it's not an enticement! It's an incentive!

If I clean the floor, I get sex... hey! Sex! That's something I want!

"Honey, where do you want these CDs?"


She isn't playing any games with you. Same thing at a job. You may want that promotion, but you ain't gonna get it if you don't do your job and do it well. So the promotion is the incentive to do the work, just as sex is the incentive to clean the floor.

That's the response of a real man :)...

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But it's not an enticement! It's an incentive!

If I clean the floor, I get sex... hey! Sex! That's something I want!

"Honey, where do you want these CDs?"


She isn't playing any games with you. Same thing at a job. You may want that promotion, but you ain't gonna get it if you don't do your job and do it well. So the promotion is the incentive to do the work, just as sex is the incentive to clean the floor.

Dude it's game playing. You should have sex because you both want to and you are both hot for each other not because ya did the freaking laundry. :o I have never had to do that stuff to get any. Thank god i live alone and don't have to go through that routine.

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Dude it's game playing. You should have sex because you both want to and you are both hot for each other not because ya did the freaking laundry. :o I have never had to do that stuff to get any. Thank god i live alone and don't have to go through that routine.

You need your own thread again. I miss the popcorn popping in the microwave while I watch you and Electrophile go back and forth. Sigh....

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If you lived with a woman and had a serious relationship maybe you would feel differently. I bet, you wouldn't leave a mess in the first place so none of this would arise in your life!

There are different types of "game playing". I am willing to learn to play games a guy wants to play, but i am totally against "head" games. Two very different things. My suggestions were much more "fun and games". Anyway, none of this applies to my current situation, lol.

I have lived with a woman. What a mistake that was. I ended up asking her to move out. :D

If you are happy playing some games guys like to play then i guess that's okay. But i don't play the games women like to play. I avoid games at pretty much all cost.

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I see the whole "guys not helping with the housework" problem like this...I work all day, and then come home at night to cook dinner.....and clean up after my guy? Uh, no. This will just make me upset. And when I'm upset, I'm not in the mood. At all.

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