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U.S. Vice President 2008


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I understand this. But the argument is that McCain picked a VP choice based on getting votes. So did Obama. Who cares? This happens every single election, and it always will

You're intentionally being like this, aren't you?

McCain picked a VP who is woefully inexperienced, not intellectually curious and a complete pander to the right-wing nutjobs that have taken his party hostage. Should he die and she's forced to become President, he made quite possibly, history's stupidest choice. He didn't pick someone to help him lead should he win. She can't lead a horse to drink, much less the United States of America and he knows that. Anyone else he would have chosen would have sunk the campaign immediately.

Obama chose someone who ABOVE ALL ELSE will help him lead this country should he win. The difference between these two men is where their priorities were. Obama knew what his weaknesses were and chose someone who if he should win, will help him lead in that area, and others. While I agree that everyone has winning on their mind, someone who is truly intent on choosing well, doesn't think about it nearly as much as others.

It's just another example of why McCain shouldn't be President. How the hell is he going to choose his Cabinet if that's how he chose his VP? Sakes alive.

"Dick Cheney makes Dan Quayle look like Winston Churchill.

Sarah Palin makes Dan Quayle look like Thomas Jefferson."

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From the town Hall Meeting in Michigan with McCain and Palin. This is the woman who could end up our President if McCain's melanoma comes back. And will no doubt be their pick for 2012 when McCain goes on assisted living.

"We must win there so that we can win in Afghanistan also," Palin said. "He knows how to win a war."

He does? Oh that's right, he won the Vietnam War didn't he.

"This is the maverick who would have even chosen such a candidate to partner up, and this is the party that embraces the change and the promise that America and American women are craving and deserving," Palin said. So she's saying was picked because she is a woman?

"I think because I'm a Washington outsider, opponents are going to be looking for a whole lot of things that they can criticize," Palin said. Laughable, when asked about her lack of foreign policy... this is her answer? Hahahahahahahaha. :hysterical:

She said that by Inauguration Day in January, "Certainly we'll be ready, I'll be ready. I have that confidence." That convinces some people I guess.

What in the F#@% are you people thinking!?!

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From the town Hall Meeting in Michigan with McCain and Palin. This is the woman who could end up our President if McCain's melanoma comes back. And will no doubt be their pick for 2012 when McCain goes on assisted living.

"We must win there so that we can win in Afghanistan also," Palin said. "He knows how to win a war."

He does? Oh that's right, he won the Vietnam War didn't he.

"This is the maverick who would have even chosen such a candidate to partner up, and this is the party that embraces the change and the promise that America and American women are craving and deserving," Palin said. So she's saying was picked because she is a woman?

"I think because I'm a Washington outsider, opponents are going to be looking for a whole lot of things that they can criticize," Palin said. Laughable, when asked about her lack of foreign policy... this is her answer? Hahahahahahahaha. :hysterical:

She said that by Inauguration Day in January, "Certainly we'll be ready, I'll be ready. I have that confidence." That convinces some people I guess.

What in the F#@% are you people thinking!?!

'Washington outsider" - code words for "totally without a clue."

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From the town Hall Meeting in Michigan with McCain and Palin. This is the woman who could end up our President if McCain's melanoma comes back. And will no doubt be their pick for 2012 when McCain goes on assisted living.

"We must win there so that we can win in Afghanistan also," Palin said. "He knows how to win a war."

He does? Oh that's right, he won the Vietnam War didn't he.

"This is the maverick who would have even chosen such a candidate to partner up, and this is the party that embraces the change and the promise that America and American women are craving and deserving," Palin said. So she's saying was picked because she is a woman?

"I think because I'm a Washington outsider, opponents are going to be looking for a whole lot of things that they can criticize," Palin said. Laughable, when asked about her lack of foreign policy... this is her answer? Hahahahahahahaha. :hysterical:

She said that by Inauguration Day in January, "Certainly we'll be ready, I'll be ready. I have that confidence." That convinces some people I guess.

What in the F#@% are you people thinking!?!

Thinking is out of fashion.

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Come on, wanna be,.. :rolleyes:

"McCain picked a VP choice [WHO IS NOT READY TO SERVE AS POTUS] based on getting votes."

"Obama picked a VP choice [WHO IS READY TO SERVE AS POTUS] based on getting votes"

So they both picked people who bring them votes...but it's ok because Obama picked someone who eligible to be President in your eyes. Ok. Fair enough. And you think Obama was thining "Hmm, who would I want to be President if I drop dead?" methinks he picked someone who would bring him votes and actually brought some aide work to the table, but he didn't pick someone just because they were capable of being President. HE wants to be president, i doubt he's thinking of dying in office

And let me ask you this. Do you think McCain has any intention of dying in office? I think he's prepared (in his opinion anyways) to live another four years so the whole "prepared to be POTUS" is hardly in his line of thinking.

However wrong that may be, I think that's his train of thought

edited to add:

btw.. It doesn't happen "every single election".

The last 3 elections:








Seriously dude? You think Bush picked Cheney despite maybe losing some votes? Puhleez, Bush picked a guy he thought could get him into office. It's the politician way. Gore did the same thing with Lieberman, although Dole's pick of good ole Jack Kemp was probably not the smartest move...

Edited by wanna be drummer
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Medhb, your paranoia of Sarah Palin is amazing. It's not just you. It's all the lib women in the Country. They are all going :wacko: bonko :wacko:. This is a great thing. It proves again what a great pick she was. We already have one :wacko: Pelosi :wacko: , we need a Sarah to even things out.

Sarah is way out of her league right now, I have no doubt she is just fine in Alaska. But some people just aren't cut out for Global Politics. Srplane, can you please defend your favorite candidate. Sean Hannity's interview with Sarah Palin.... Let's Play T-Ball!.

When Sean Hannity asked her if she was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it, She didn't answer the question! And he let her get away with it. That interview was comical by the way. But what an insult to intelligent women to have this woman up there "representing" us. He set up every question for her and let her answer how every she wanted without making sure she had some substance to her answers.

He then asked her if she was ever a part of the Alaskan Indpendence Party, to which she said no, and unlike a good interviewer, Sean Hannity didn't ask her about her husband's membership, he just let it go.

How do you defend her not knowing what the Bush Doctrine was? I could go on...

She is a terrible pick for this country. Do you only think she is a good pick because she has all the "lib women" going wacko.... or do you think she is fit to be President? Please state your reasons for why you think she is fit.

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I understand this. But the argument is that McCain picked a VP choice based on getting votes. So did Obama. Who cares? This happens every single election, and it always will

If Obama picked a running mate using your criteria he would have chosen Hillary. As for the rest of your argument, refer to Mr. One Drop, he says it nicely. (in my dirty minded opinion, McCain picked Palin based on sexual attraction, lol. No one can argue he has good taste, bleck ) :)

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Sarah is way out of her league right now, I have no doubt she is just fine in Alaska. But some people just aren't cut out for Global Politics. Srplane, can you please defend your favorite candidate. Sean Hannity's interview with Sarah Palin.... Let's Play T-Ball!.

When Sean Hannity asked her if she was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it, She didn't answer the question! And he let her get away with it. That interview was comical by the way. But what an insult to intelligent women to have this woman up there "representing" us. He set up every question for her and let her answer how every she wanted without making sure she had some substance to her answers.

He then asked her if she was ever a part of the Alaskan Indpendence Party, to which she said no, and unlike a good interviewer, Sean Hannity didn't ask her about her husband's membership, he just let it go.

How do you defend her not knowing what the Bush Doctrine was? I could go on...

She is a terrible pick for this country. Do you only think she is a good pick because she has all the "lib women" going wacko.... or do you think she is fit to be President? Please state your reasons for why you think she is fit.

Two things i take from your post. One, the Republicans are either too stupid to see what is clear as day, or they just don't care how stupid Palin is (it's not like they cared how stupid DUHbyah is). Two, Sarah Palin will NEVER give a straight answer because, she is either too stupid to answer the question being asked, or she is too stupid to care how stupid she looks to most of the country.

and oops, a sidenote, srplane will never answer a straight question, either. he is too stupid.

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If Obama picked a running mate using your criteria he would have chosen Hillary. As for the rest of your argument, refer to Mr. One Drop, he says it nicely. (in my dirty minded opinion, McCain picked Palin based on sexual attraction, lol. No one can argue he has good taste, bleck ) :)

I am of the belief that he would have lost for sure had he picked Hillary

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Sarah is way out of her league right now, I have no doubt she is just fine in Alaska. But some people just aren't cut out for Global Politics. Srplane, can you please defend your favorite candidate. Sean Hannity's interview with Sarah Palin.... Let's Play T-Ball!.

When Sean Hannity asked her if she was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it, She didn't answer the question! And he let her get away with it. That interview was comical by the way. But what an insult to intelligent women to have this woman up there "representing" us. He set up every question for her and let her answer how every she wanted without making sure she had some substance to her answers.

He then asked her if she was ever a part of the Alaskan Indpendence Party, to which she said no, and unlike a good interviewer, Sean Hannity didn't ask her about her husband's membership, he just let it go.

How do you defend her not knowing what the Bush Doctrine was? I could go on...

She is a terrible pick for this country. Do you only think she is a good pick because she has all the "lib women" going wacko.... or do you think she is fit to be President? Please state your reasons for why you think she is fit.

So far, the two interviews that Palin has done have been with Charlie Gibson and Sean Hannity. Sean Hannity works for Fox News. Fox News is the propaganda department of the Republican Party. Anyone who thought that interview would be either "hard-hitting" or "in-depth" were on crack. Sarah Palin could have taken out a kitten and drowned it in the middle of the interview and all Hannity would have done was said was "So Sarah, why are you so awesome?".

Get back to me when she sits down with Bob Schieffer and Tom Brokaw.

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It appears CNN is pushing the story about Palin forcing rape victims in Wasilla to pay for their own rape kits. I would like the MSM to pick this up, if only because it might start chipping away at that whole "women will vote for Sarah because she's just like them" facade the GOP has put up right now. No self-respecting woman will condone this garbage.

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McCain is 72 years old, would be the oldest man ever elected to serve as POTUS, and he's had cancer twice,.. so in picking a VP, hell yes he should be thinking about the possibility that he could become incapacitated. To ignore the possibility would entirely irresponsible.

The bottom line:

Obama picked a running mate who IS ready to step in as POTUS if need be.

McCain picked a running mate who is NOT ready to step in as POTUS if need be.

If Obama is incapacitated during his term, our country would be in capable hands with Joe Biden as POTUS. If McCain is incapacitated during his term, our country would be in the hands of Sarah Palin, someone who is undeniably not ready to be POTUS (you yourself have said she's not ready to be POTUS).

With regard to what's in the best interest of our country,

Obama made a responsible VP choice and McCain did not..

Barack Obama thoughtfully and responsibly balanced the best

interest of his campaign with the best interest of the country.

McCain put his campaign above the best interest of the country.

McCain's "Country First" campaign slogan is a total crock of shit.

Spin it however you want, wanna be, but that is the bottom line.

Anyway,.. we've been round and round on this and for some unexplainable reason you continue to choose to deny the obvious. That is your prerogative. I see no reason to continue going round and round; in your case, common sense will apparently not prevail. You sue you're not still a (closet) republican, bud? :whistling::P

hehe! ;)

Cheers, bro.


Exactly. It's damn scary to think that if anything happens to Mccain she will be President!!! :o:o:o:o And with his age and past health problems that's a possibility. :o At least with Obama you know he is backed up by somebody with some credibility. I would be a lot more comfortable with him than her.

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I am of the belief that he would have lost for sure had he picked Hillary

I share that belief. Obama/Clinton would have been TOO liberal I think, to pull in moderates, Independents, Libertarians, disaffected Republicans, etc,. That and what you see happening to Sarah Palin would be happening to Hillary x10. The amount of dirt the GOP has on Hillary Clinton would make Palin's adventures in the press seem tame in comparison.

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Notwithstanding the fact that it's simply not true that "they (presidential candidates) all do it", I hope you recognize the immaturity (and intellectual shallowness) of a "everybody's doing it" justification/defense for irresponsible/reckless behavior.

I figured you.. a future presidential candidate.. would hold yourself to a

higher standard of intellectual discourse, wanna be. Guess not though, eh? :whistling:

Oh, I never said that I myself would do such a thing, but I know other people will ;)

Anyway,.. we've been round and round on this and for some unexplainable reason you continue to choose to deny the obvious. That is your prerogative. I see no reason to continue going round and round; in your case, common sense (and straight talk) will apparently not prevail. You sure you're not still a (closet) republican/McCain supporter, bud? :unsure::P


I can assure you that I do not support the Republican party in this presidential election my good man.

To be fair, I've stuck up for Obama many times here before as well, just so we're clear B)

Cheers, bro.


Indeedily :beer:

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So far, the two interviews that Palin has done have been with Charlie Gibson and Sean Hannity. Sean Hannity works for Fox News. Fox News is the propaganda department of the Republican Party. Anyone who thought that interview would be either "hard-hitting" or "in-depth" were on crack. Sarah Palin could have taken out a kitten and drowned it in the middle of the interview and all Hannity would have done was said was "So Sarah, why are you so awesome?".[/

Get back to me when she sits down with Bob Schieffer and Tom Brokaw.


Edited by allthekingshorses
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If he continues running his mouth like this I think he may eventually put a dent in Obama.

I don't think he will. Obama and that campaign are not stupid. They'll muzzle him if they think it'll come down to it, but I don't think they'll need to. Frankly, I like the fact that Biden isn't a yes man. It shows that he's not afraid to disagree with him and work out some kind of compromise between their two opinions. When was the last time we had that in the White House anyway?

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I don't think he will. Obama and that campaign are not stupid. They'll muzzle him if they think it'll come down to it, but I don't think they'll need to. Frankly, I like the fact that Biden isn't a yes man. It shows that he's not afraid to disagree with him and work out some kind of compromise between their two opinions. When was the last time we had that in the White House anyway?
Thats a good point. I also like when people aren't yes men, it's a ncie quality.

Does public America agree though? Do most people want their POTUS and VP disagreeing on many topics? November will decide

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