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"When I grow up I want to be...."

Little Miss

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I'm coming to the sad conclusion that almost everyone ends up doing a job that in no way coincides with the dream they had for themeselves with they were young - convenience and money seem to become the greater priority..

My ambition is still to be a writer, preferably freelance... but we'll see. Writing is all I want to do, it's all I can do well. I have a vague plan of how I'm going to do it and I'm certain I'm ambitious and determined enough.

What were your original, childhood fantasy jobs? Did you get anywhere close? If not, why?

I'd like some hope... that not everyone ends up hating the monotonous meaninglessness of their job, and resents themselves for not doing what they wanted...


If this has been done before, sue me. I'm really not arsed with checking through every single page of threads to check it's not been done before. So sorry, whatever :)

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What were your original, childhood fantasy jobs? Did you get anywhere close? If not, why?

I wanted to be an artist...and I graduated from graphic design. I've all interest because I became disgusted with "artistic circles".

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I don't want to grow up.

Actually I want to go into Ancient Egyptian Religious studies.


:blink: My dream is to be an Egyptologist!!

maybe we will work together someday! :P

I'm studing history, so that I can be what I want...but I'm having many insecuritys about it...

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My original dream was to become a professional Hockey player, but that fizzled out due to the low income my family made, they couldn't afford to put me in any organised leagues, but I accepted that at a young age (knowing I won't bring home any gold medals that I could have won with Canada and Stanley Cup rings I could have won with the Montreal Canadiens)...

Now I'm planning to go the school next year for radio broadcasting. Anything can change in a year, but I'm sticking to this. Wish me luck!

Edited by Puck Slapping Maple Sucker
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be your own artisic circle katuschka!! I bet you are really good at it.

I don't want to grow up either...

childhood dreams, hmmm, I was too busy chasin boys to really give it much thought...I guess I just always wanted to have my own family....man what was I thinkin? Nahhhh I really do love my family. can't say I've been the best mom but I did it with all the best intentions. they are all alomost grown now. My youngest is 16 and I now have that empty nest feeling, which I am thoroughly enjoying btw.

Its like being a kid again and I am wondering what I wanna be now. Finding myself at 41...WOW Its definately a trip. My big thing is I am always feelin that there is a higher power workin and I want to be where "it" wants me. So I have a hard time actually focusing, thinkin whatever it is lord, your in control. I kind a enjoy the mystery and surprise of a bigger picture bein woven for me to discover--instead of plan? Can ya dig it?

Come to think of it I remember bein a kid and my mom yellin bout bein on the phone 24/7 and once she said somethin to the effect of, you better find somethin cause there ain't many jobs for talkin on the phone. Guess what I do for a livin. Thats right talk on the phone. LOL I answer the phone for infomercials, charity hotlines, crisis hotlines. I get to work at home-especially nice right now with the gas prices. Guess it seems I am right where I am supposed to be.

I wish you all the best little miss and katuschka. Ya know there is a lot of freelance work available in both your areas. Some websites I know of is moonlighting.com and elance? I know there is a few of them with jobs posted all the time. Graphics and editing/writing are the top of the work from home for real job opportunities. google your field with," work from home," included and you will find a whole lotta info. Monster.com is great too but ya gotta sift through all the crap to find the good work. Thats how I found Liveops.

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Actually I want to go into Ancient Egyptian Religious studies.

That's a wonderful plan. I'm fascinated by Ancient Egypt.

be your own artisic circle katuschka!! I bet you are really good at it.


Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to do it these days. It's a loooooong time since I drew or painted anything.

Edited by Katuschka
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I'm coming to the sad conclusion that almost everyone ends up doing a job that in no way coincides with the dream they had for themeselves with they were young - convenience and money seem to become the greater priority..

My ambition is still to be a writer, preferably freelance... but we'll see. Writing is all I want to do, it's all I can do well. I have a vague plan of how I'm going to do it and I'm certain I'm ambitious and determined enough.

I think it's great that you have come to this conclusion, because it's mostly true. Studies show at least 2/3 of people don't like their jobs.

Writing is hard because it is mostly freelance. Starting a career in the creative fields is difficult because you often have to work for free or very little until you build a portfolio and reputation. This usually means doing a crap job (waiting tables or something) to support yourself initially. But with patience and determination you will get there eventually.

The problem most 'writers' have is they are in love with the notion of writing, without being prepared to actually practice writing. They expect that one day they will be struck by a lightning bolt and be inspired. But writing is like any other job, it takes years of practice to be good.

I work in the film industry and sometimes the downtime between jobs can get to you - you start to worry about when the next job will come along. But I truly love my job enough that I don't ever want to do anything else, and all the negatives which come from working in a freelance industry are worth it.

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I have met a few people that had a plan of who they wanted to be, or what vocation to pursue. I met my best friend in 7th grade Woodshop. Our first conversation was about me being chased by a crazed dog on my paper route. He looked at me and said, " My name is Tom and I'm going to be an Attorney....and today he is. However, I think most people are just like me. You never really picked out what you wanted to do....you just discovered thru trial and error what you didn't want to be.

Example : My first factory job....assembling automotive engine hoses....about 500 an hour. After about two hours of this, I almost stuck my finger in the press instead of a hose. I immediately stopped....walked to the time-clock, and punched out. The boss saw me and said, Hey...you can't just leave. I replied, "Mr....I'm not exactly sure what I want to do in life, but this ain't it. Never worked in a factory again.

If you're a teen, and you worry about your destiny....don't waste your time. Even most College students change their degree goals once they get some varied work experience under their belt. For many people, life decisions of this type take a little time and seasoning.

Er....then again, don't smoke the bong for 10 years NOT thinking about it either. :blink:

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I've loved to create art ever since I was little. It's a passion that has stayed with me throughout the years. At my age now, though (I'm 20), I'm really quite worried about where I'm going. My parents are as well. I keep getting the feeling that people will somehow think less of me if I'm not going to college in hopes of finding a job. I tried it out for a while, but just as usual, the structure of it all just didn't work for me. I'm too independent in spirit to allow people to tell me what to do when it comes to that. Maybe it's a bad attitude.. but I can't help but think that 'those who can't do, teach'. I don't want to spend thousands of dollars that I don't even have yet, to go to school to learn skills that I would rather discover and develop on my own time. And a lot of times I don't even have the same taste as a lot of modern artists.. so I don't want to spend these years of my life around art critics and 'art snobs'...I like to create art for people to enjoy, rather than sending some sort of political or religious message... :( I'm just trying to sort out my options.

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:blink: My dream is to be an Egyptologist!!

maybe we will work together someday! :P

I'm studing history, so that I can be what I want...but I'm having many insecuritys about it...

I think Ancient Egypt is fascinating... best of luck to both of you:)

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I've loved to create art ever since I was little. It's a passion that has stayed with me throughout the years. At my age now, though (I'm 20), I'm really quite worried about where I'm going. My parents are as well. I keep getting the feeling that people will somehow think less of me if I'm not going to college in hopes of finding a job. I tried it out for a while, but just as usual, the structure of it all just didn't work for me. I'm too independent in spirit to allow people to tell me what to do when it comes to that. Maybe it's a bad attitude.. but I can't help but think that 'those who can't do, teach'. I don't want to spend thousands of dollars that I don't even have yet, to go to school to learn skills that I would rather discover and develop on my own time. And a lot of times I don't even have the same taste as a lot of modern artists.. so I don't want to spend these years of my life around art critics and 'art snobs'...I like to create art for people to enjoy, rather than sending some sort of political or religious message... :( I'm just trying to sort out my options.

Good luck. However, there are plenty of talented people, but a VERY few artists who are SO talented that they don't need any guidance.

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^^Thank you:) I understand that, and I try not to be naive about my situation. Guidance can be very necessary at times. I didn't mean to sound like I don't need any help when it comes to developing my skills.. I will be the first to admit that I have a long way to go. I just need to figure out which path will suit me best when it comes to learning. I respect some people who teach very much. But my personal experience with my teachers wasn't very good. I believe some do truly have good intentions, and do help some students find their way with their passion.

Edited by Sugarplum
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^^Thank you:) I understand that, and I try not to be naive about my situation. Guidance can be very necessary at times. I didn't mean to sound like I don't need any help when it comes to developing my skills.. I will be the first to admit that I have a long way to go. I just need to figure out which path will suit me best when it comes to learning. I respect some people who teach very much. But my personal experience with my teachers wasn't very good. I believe some do truly have good intentions, and do help some students find their way with their passion.

What exactly do you want to be? Just....a painter? There are lots of ways to make the best of your gift, many professions that require creativity. That's what you should sort out first.

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^^I love to draw and paint, mostly. Portraits in particular. I'm a generally creative person in many aspects of my life. I like to write sometimes, and play guitar as well. The problem right now is that my opportunities seem so wide, and yet so narrow at the same time. There are a lot of things I can imagine doing.. but it's a question of which one I should really go after, and whether or not I will get there. Thanks for the consolation:)

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Everyone has such great aspirations, I hope you achieve them all and wish the best of luck to you all.

When I was little I wanted to be a groupie or a Zeppelin roadie. Needless to say, my mom wasn't thrilled about the idea of a groupie, and I was upset when my dad told me Zep was no longer a group.

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That's true. Most people don't end being what they dreamed of being when they were kids. Reality hits and you wind up settling (similar to who you end up with in relationships. You settle. You never meet your ideal girlfriend or boyfriend). I don't know many people that enjoy their jobs. It's sad. I wanted to be a hockey player or a movie star when i was a kid. Eventually i realized it was never gonna happen. It's one of the lousy parts of life.

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To the aspiring Egyptologists (because people always try to talk you out of the more interesting career paths): I took an Egyptology course in college, taught, of course, by an actual Egyptologist. So they exist! You can be one! And at least one of them is employed, too! :)

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