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Spats' Loveblahblahblah Thread

Lake of Shadows

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If i start asking girls like my buddies have suggested there will be more rejection on the way. And then i will be probably more frustrated than i am now. And The pointers i have been given though a lot of the time were not realistic and those pointers put all of the responsibility for everything on me. The spotlight on me and not them.

So somehow you want us to put up flyers on telephone poles or get a P.S.A. on T.V. telling women to start taking up the slack in YOUR dating life?

Thats ridiculous. The responsibility is all your own. Its not the ladies' fault you won't approach them.

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You said obtuse, but then you put up a picture of an acute angle.

obtuse>90 deg>acute


Apologies on that one. What I get for being too tired.


Main Entry: ob·tuse

Pronunciation: \äb-ˈtüs, əb-, -ˈtyüs\

Function: adjective

Inflected Form(s): ob·tus·er; ob·tus·est

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin obtusus blunt, dull, from past participle of obtundere to beat against, blunt, from ob- against + tundere to beat — more at ob-, contusion

Date: 15th century

1 a: not pointed or acute : blunt b (1)of an angle : exceeding 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees (2): having an obtuse angle <an obtuse triangle> — see triangle illustration cof a leaf : rounded at the free end

2 a: lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility or intellect : insensitive, stupid b: difficult to comprehend : not clear or precise in thought or expression

synonyms see dull

— ob·tuse·ly adverb

— ob·tuse·ness noun

To me it means going in a direction that makes no sense. The angle bit came from wikipedia.

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I get sloppy and silly after one or two drinks. I have a low tolerance for it. I don't want to do anything embarrassing.

Another thing i wouldn't want to happen is to have a few drinks and then it starts clouding my judgement and i see a plain jane type girl and start thinking she is hot and then make i mistake i will regret. Some buddies of mine have done that. They have woken up with a girl that they thought was hot the night before only to discover that she wasn't the next morning.


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You think hotties use those? I have been told to be careful about those. Especially if they ask for money.

My best friend and my sister, both beautiful, intelligent and independent girls with lots of other desirable traits, have met good men on Match.com. The days of meeting in bars seems to be fading, the internet is much more popular today.

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I agree. I didnt mean to offend. I have buddies that have hooked up with girls that i thought were ugos. That happens. A couple of them married them. But that's just what i call girls that i don't find pretty or i consider plain or blah or whatever. That's just the best way i can think of to describe them. It's a easy way to describe them.

And that's the problem. It's a very insensitive way of describing them. Maybe it's easy for you, but it makes you look like a ruthless hypocrite.

If they are "Plain Janes", who are you then? "Dull John"?

I am not knocking them for approaching good looking men. Women care about looks just like guys do. I was just jealous because i was not getting that attention because i am not on the same level as those guys when it comes to looks.

Spats, that's exactly what I'm talking about. You're jealous and it makes you feel bad, yet you have no problem with calling girls who you don't like "ugly". You already have a thread dedicated you your own feelings, but you never seem to care about the feelings of others. Every girl you reject because she's a "Plain Jane" in your eyes feels exactly the same way as you do when you are rejected, yet it means absolutely nothing to you. Do you ever realize that?

It's best that you don't feel that way about yourself. That's just what i call girls that don't impress me physically. It's just a description. What's a better description. What do you call guys who you don't think are good lookinjg?


I call them...."men who I am not interested in".


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My best friend and my sister, both beautiful, intelligent and independent girls with lots of other desirable traits, have met good men on Match.com. The days of meeting in bars seems to be fading, the internet is much more popular today.

Sounds almost like a personal testimonial...

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Sounds almost like a personal testimonial...

I'm just trying to defend the statement Spats made about only "undesirable" girls being on dating sites. My sister and best friend are both "hot". They have both dated more than their share of men and somehow were compelled to use a dating service to find a "good" man, lol. I have never used one of those sites, my PC is too slow for that anyway!

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That dude was messed up then. if a girl i thought was hot came after me then i would go for it. I don't understand that guy. I don't think most guys would do that if they were in the same position with a girl they liked.

I don't know...I've been told that I can be quite intimidating. :D But I think the problem with this dude is that I damaged his ego, even though I didn't mean to.

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I am not that dude and i don't have a disdain for women. You and i get along. And i get along with some other women here. If i had a disdain for women i would not get along with any.

I know. :P I just like to get a rise out of you. Because I just don't see why you make it so hard for yourself to get a girl. Judging by your profile pic on myspace, you were a cute little kid, I can't imagine that you grew up to be ugly or something. I'm guessing you could probably do just fine with the smallest amount of effort on your part. I would like to see you come on here and tell us all how you met a wonderful chick. :)

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So somehow you want us to put up flyers on telephone poles or get a P.S.A. on T.V. telling women to start taking up the slack in YOUR dating life?

Thats ridiculous. The responsibility is all your own. Its not the ladies' fault you won't approach them.

It is actually their fault because they don't make it clear if they are interested or not which leaves me in the dark. If they did make it clear there would be no risk or wanting to avoid being rejected.

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And that's the problem. It's a very insensitive way of describing them. Maybe it's easy for you, but it makes you look like a ruthless hypocrite.

If they are "Plain Janes", who are you then? "Dull John"?

Spats, that's exactly what I'm talking about. You're jealous and it makes you feel bad, yet you have no problem with calling girls who you don't like "ugly". You already have a thread dedicated you your own feelings, but you never seem to care about the feelings of others. Every girl you reject because she's a "Plain Jane" in your eyes feels exactly the same way as you do when you are rejected, yet it means absolutely nothing to you. Do you ever realize that?


I call them...."men who I am not interested in".


I guess it is insensitive. I can be insensitive. Probably because i am frustrated. When i am happy i don't think i am insensitive. But it's not as if i say that to their faces. They don't know that i think they are plain.

But why should it matter to me how the girl that i reject feels. She doesn't know why i am rejecting her. She just knows i am not interested. I don't tell them why i am not interested.

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It is actually their fault because they don't make it clear if they are interested or not which leaves me in the dark. If they did make it clear there would be no risk or wanting to avoid being rejected.

Spats, you have a fear of being rejected and I think that could be causing you a lot of issues. As I was reading the Readers Digest in the Dr.s office there was an article - Are you Normal or Not. The following question and answer were posted.

Change the she to he and her to him and I think it might make some sense...hope this helps, truly.

I haven't had a second date in three years. If a guy doesn't call me within 24 hours of the first date, I get enraged and never want to speak to him again. When he does call, the conversation inevitably goes poorly. My friends say I'm an impatient perfectionist, but I deserve perfection and it's worth waiting for, right?

Uh, no and no. None of us is perfect, so you'll be waiting forever. But that's probably your secret plan: You're afraid of intimacy because you don't think you're worth it, so you sabotage yourself by setting up a rigid rule that gives you an easy out. You don't want a second date. Why not? Yale psychology professor Marianne LaFrance, PhD, suspects "an enormous problem with self-esteem. You're worried you're in fact a bad person" and that if someone actually got close to you, he'd see that.

Of course, you're not really a bad person, says Joseph Himmelsbach, PhD, a professor of psychology at State University of New York Upstate Medical University. And there are lots of worthy men out there, too, he says, but, alas, no perfect ones. "So give the guys a break."

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It is actually their fault because they don't make it clear if they are interested or not which leaves me in the dark. If they did make it clear there would be no risk or wanting to avoid being rejected.

It's the game of life. Grow up and take a chance like everyone else. Rejection is the opposite of acceptance. Love, the opposite of hate. Winner, the opposite of loser. Hero, the opposite of coward. Are you getting this? Do you see where you are in the scheme of things? It's your fault if you choose to be inactive or to put yourself out there to be available.

The fruit of life is there for you to pick. If you hesitate, it spoils. Live in the moment.


Actually, I feel that it is a waste of time to reply to Spats, but I find so many flaws in his "logic" that I find myself replying to denounce his supposed "genius". He is definitely a spambot-like creature. No mystery there......AND...I've seen better!

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It is actually their fault because they don't make it clear if they are interested or not which leaves me in the dark. If they did make it clear there would be no risk or wanting to avoid being rejected.

You're right. You know what you should do? You should make some little signs or buttons that say "please hit on me Spats!" Then, hand them out where ever you go, and tell those damn girls that if they expect you to make a move, they should wear those-you're not a damn mind reader.

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