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Letter to Led Zeppelin

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This is a pitiful attempt at any kind of contact, but I didn't have an address.

Dear Members of Led Zeppelin,

It's been called melodramatic before to say that a great rock concert can change the world, but it's something I believe in. I think you should go on tour again, because concerts you performed thirty years ago are still changing the world and the aftershock is still reverberating a hundred times over in a whole new generation of people who appreciate your music and are lost amidst idols and musicians who are only looking to emulate that which you created. It needn't be "meaningless repetition," as you worried in a December 2007 review in response to questions of a future tour...I think some people just need the reassurance that amazing music can still make everything become clear.

It's very trite to write this thirty years past the revolution, but I'm a teenage girl from Washington, D.C and I just finished Pamela Des Barres' amazing memoir and saw Mr. Zimmerman live at the VirginFestival, and my life has been changed forever by both. I imagine you already know how much you affect people, but I am so far away from you and so young still but I care so much. Please come to the United States and rock our socks off one more time; I missed it before.

Love and a very profound respect,


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If anything, please do it for the younger fans that haven't had a chance to see a Led Zeppelin concert. Me and many people I know are deeply in love with the music of Led Zeppelin, and not having a chance to see them is very depressing. Please, for the fans. Because that's what matters.

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This is a pitiful attempt at any kind of contact, but I didn't have an address.

Dear Members of Led Zeppelin,

It's been called melodramatic before to say that a great rock concert can change the world, but it's something I believe in. I think you should go on tour again, because concerts you performed thirty years ago are still changing the world and the aftershock is still reverberating a hundred times over in a whole new generation of people who appreciate your music and are lost amidst idols and musicians who are only looking to emulate that which you created. It needn't be "meaningless repetition," as you worried in a December 2007 review in response to questions of a future tour...I think some people just need the reassurance that amazing music can still make everything become clear.

It's very trite to write this thirty years past the revolution, but I'm a teenage girl from Washington, D.C and I just finished Pamela Des Barres' amazing memoir and saw Mr. Zimmerman live at the VirginFestival, and my life has been changed forever by both. I imagine you already know how much you affect people, but I am so far away from you and so young still but I care so much. Please come to the United States and rock our socks off one more time; I missed it before.

Love and a very profound respect,


How's it going "foolintherain13?" I was deeply touched by your letter. You just gave me an idea. Fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics, why don't we all sign a petition and even get people throughout the Internet to sign it by typing their name on a list. We can start it right here if you want, what do all of you think? It may or may not do any good but what do we have to loose? If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to add them here. I'll start the letter like this as follows:

TO: Mr. Jason Bonham, Mr. John Baldwin (John Paul Jones), Mr. Jimmy Page and Mr. Robert Plant


FROM: All Members of The Led Zeppelin Official Forum

RE: Letter of Petition For Request Of Reconsideration For Reunion World Tour in 2009

Mr. Bonham, Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Page and Mr. Plant,

We, the members of the LED ZEPPELIN Official Forum and loyal fans of your band, are requesting that you deeply reconsider your decisions and tour the world over in 2009. LED ZEPPELIN's influence in the Rock World continues to live on unsurpassed, phenomenal and legendary and with that in mind, it is in the best interests for the band to tour the world as LED ZEPPELIN with the late great John Bonham's son Jason. We all truly believe with all of our hearts, that LED ZEPPELIN IS LED ZEPPELIN again with Jason and with Jason ONLY! The LED ZEPPELIN Official Forum hereby submits this petition with typed signatures in hopes that you will reconsider your decisions. If possible, please respond to this letter of petition, we are all looking forward to all of your responses. We would all like to thank you for your attention in this matter. Take care and ROCK ON!

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TO: Mr. Jason Bonham, Mr. John Baldwin (John Paul Jones), Mr. Jimmy Page and Mr. Robert Plant


FROM: All Members of The Led Zeppelin Official Forum

RE: Letter of Petition For Request Of Reconsideration For Reunion World Tour in 2009

Mr. Bonham, Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Page and Mr. Plant,

We, the members of the LED ZEPPELIN Official Forum and loyal fans of your band, are requesting that you deeply reconsider your decisions and tour the world over in 2009. LED ZEPPELIN's influence in the Rock World continues to live on unsurpassed, phenomenal and legendary and with that in mind, it is in the best interests for the band to tour the world as LED ZEPPELIN with the late great John Bonham's son Jason. We all truly believe with all of our hearts, that LED ZEPPELIN IS LED ZEPPELIN again with Jason and with Jason ONLY! The LED ZEPPELIN Official Forum hereby submits this petition with typed signatures in hopes that you will reconsider your decisions. If possible, please respond to this letter of petition, we are all looking forward to all of your responses. We would all like to thank you for your attention in this matter. Take care and ROCK ON!

Dear Mr. Plant, Jones, and Page.

I happen to be in that ever-growing group that wishes for another Led Zeppelin tour (through ATL plz). I ask not as a member of the large group wanting a tour, but as a fan too young to have experienced Led Zeppelin with the great John Bonham, or otherwise. All I ask of you is to not block out the pleas on this here thread, and please listen to each well-written request and realize that is not the magazine interveiwers and media asking you, it is the fans that have been forever loyal, and ask for your loyalty in return.

Frankly, it wouldn't really be a "reunion" tour, because, despite me being only 16, I don't believe that Led Zeppelin ever left. You don't need to make a "comeback". Your music has always been there, and never left or faded, only growing in popularity. Your masterful albums are still bought everywhere, every day. Hopefully, all of you, including Jason, will continue making and selling music for quite some time. But do you want to be past the physical capabilities of touring only to look back and regret that you never made good on your loyal fans' last humble request? Do you want those regrets and sorrows? The truer of us fans understand the sacrifice it is for you to tour, but I ask that you not forget the sacrifice many of us made by becoming absorbed into the music of a band that stopped touring a good 11 years before I was even born? There is a small window for you to tour one more time, and that window will close faster than you may think. Please, for the fans. Old, young, man, woman, all of us. At least listen, and if you happen to see this forum post, a reply of any sort would be just as good as tour announcement.

-your true music lover - Alex "Noodle"

Edited by LedNoodle
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I would only send the letter to Robert. I don't think you have to convince the others.

And he would likely say he's on to other things. In fact he has, publicly. And he wasn't kidding. The other guys doing something? One could only hope, as I have no doubt anything any of them did would be a great effort. Remember Thunderthief?? Jonesy's on his game better than ever some would say!! Jason? Saw him with UFO, and then there was that appearance at the O2. Yeah, he's got it together! Jimmy? Well, haven't seen him since the Crowes. But a guy like him can't walk away entirely. Nah, the music is in his blood. Sooner or later the heart will pump it back our way. But he's ever the perfectionist. We'll just have to wait until he's ready.

*taps desk patiently*

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And he would likely say he's on to other things. In fact he has, publicly. And he wasn't kidding. The other guys doing something? One could only hope, as I have no doubt anything any of them did would be a great effort. Remember Thunderthief?? Jonesy's on his game better than ever some would say!! Jason? Saw him with UFO, and then there was that appearance at the O2. Yeah, he's got it together! Jimmy? Well, haven't seen him since the Crowes. But a guy like him can't walk away entirely. Nah, the music is in his blood. Sooner or later the heart will pump it back our way. But he's ever the perfectionist. We'll just have to wait until he's ready.

*taps desk patiently*

well put, Evster. Thunderthief was impressive. Imagine Page putting his stuff on some of those tracks. Jones can solo on the bass like no one's biznezz

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How about going with the reverse-psychology method? y'know, "Yeah, forget it Rob, you couldn't handle two hours of rock anyways you old geezer, etc..." Piss him off a little, make him want to SHOW us!! haha

I'm tending to agree with that. You can only plead so much, before total disappointment / frustration sets in. I tend to think that because Robert's been more successful in his solo career, he has no need to revisit Zeppelin. I doubt Jonesy or Jimmy would be doing it for any other reason than the love of the music and fans. Come on Robert. It would only be a year out of your life, that would stay with us for the rest of ours. No more pleading though. It would only fall on deaf ears.

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